Shaping Up: Get off the white stuff – take the sugar challenge

June Thompson, Montreal Gazette, April 5, 2015

Canadian fitness guru Tosca Reno has a Strike Sugar challenge to help people get off of the white stuff.


According to Tosca Reno, the fitness industry calls the time between January and June “New Year, New You.”

That’s because gyms are at full capacity once the holidays are over but, come the end of March, usually have emptied out. Although, as the indefatigable fitness expert says: “We will see a bump up in the numbers once again around this time when people realize swimsuit season is in the not-too-distant future.”

And yet, Reno, the New York Times bestselling author of 15  books including the Eat Clean series, says the one thing people are doing that sabotages their efforts to get into better health is the consumption of something that is in almost everything: sugar.

“Sugar is not a food,” she said. “It’s an ingredient and it’s not only in the obvious things, like cookies and cakes, but in the not-so-obvious, as well.”

Reno would like to see sugar banned. She has a Strike Sugar challenge that she began last year; it is now an ongoing program offered on her website.

Well over 65,000 people have taken her challenge and she is thrilled with the feedback so far.

“People are astounded with the changes in their energy – their skin has cleared up, they just feel better. Sugar is the culprit, no doubt about it.”

When I wrote about her newest book last year, she said:

“People are walking around in a sugar-induced stupor, and it’s frightening. They are high on sugar in the way a drug addict is high on whatever their drug of choice is, the only difference is sugar is legal.”

And for many, they unwittingly start their day with sugar-laden breakfasts, the most important meal of the day.

“Oftentimes, people have a bowl of cereal — check out the sugar in most of them — with a glass of orange juice, which is the equivalent of three oranges but without the fibre, or yogurt with fruit at the bottom, or pancakes with maple syrup or muffins … well, you get the picture.”

It can be sobering to look at our sugar intake, she says, but it’s not all our fault. “We are seduced by engineered food, we are.”

Reno’s Strike Sugar 30 day challenge comes with an ebook, 30-day meal plan, grocery lists, recipes and access to an ongoing live forum.

“The official challenge is over, but it can be done anytime,” she explained. And it’s obviously not the natural sugars in fruits and vegetables that should concern us.

It’s the sugar added to food that gets us into trouble.

“The more you eat, the more you crave,” she added.

Cleansing sugar can cause “discomfort” at the beginning, but once you’ve done it for 30 days and cleansed your palate, she said, you should be able to taste the actual natural sweetness in foods.

“Give it time, your palate will tell you!”

According to the World Health Organization, 25 grams of sugar is the daily recommended intake. Reno said she is more “hard core” and aims for 5 grams. “It can be done.”

With so many people turned off by fats – even though the healthy ones should be a staple in our diets – many have increased their intake of low-fat foods. What they don’t realize is that to replace the fat in those low-fat foods, they have added sugar. “There are only three macronutrients we need in our diet: proteins, carbs and fat,” Reno said.

And of course, we need to exercise.  “You want to get your heart rate to 65 per cent capacity, or more, for 30 minutes, seven days a week, which is critical in keeping sugar and glucose levels in sync.”

But without biting off more than one can chew, we can begin healthy change just by lowering our sugar intake.

“It’s enough of a challenge to start with,” she said. And we can always just walk a little every day.

At the age of 55, there really is no stopping her — Reno has more energy than many women half her age.

She is in talks for a television show, a radio show and about to begin work on a new book.

In addition to that, she is thrilled to be a speaker on the online Evolution of Medicine Summit in September with the likes of Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Mark Hyman, D.David Katz and David Perlmutter. The event will cover everything from the evolution of consciousness to the gut-brain connection.

“And you will be able to download all that invaluable information from the comfort of your own home,” she said.

Reno truly is one of the leading Canadian health ambassadors.

“Eating clean and exercise really did change my life, and it’s my mission to help others change theirs.”

And without sugar!


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