Student Online InstructionsHealthy Dance Practices: PART 1Discussion Questions Activity Due Date:____________Step 1: Go to this link and watch the Healthy Dance Practices Video Clip 2: Read the background passage below No doubt dance is a wonderful form of exercise, but there are many other things that dancers need to do to be healthy. There used to be a belief that all dancers need to be extremely thin. Now dance instructors, especially those in the more progressive forms of dance, recommend keeping a healthy weight, neither overweight nor underweight. They recommend eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and paying attention to your body. They don’t want their dancers to “dance through” pain. Instead they tell dancers to stop dancing immediately if they experience pain or have an accident. And even though dance is great exercise, they encourage dancers to get other forms of exercise.There are three types of exercise: cardiovascular, strength training, and stretching. Cardiovascular exercise is exercise that increases your heart rate. Examples are walking, running, swimming, dancing, gardening, biking, etc. It is recommended that you get about 30 minutes of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise most days of the week. Strength training targets specific muscles and includes things like weight lifting and push-ups or working with flexible resistance bands. You should do strength training for each major muscle group 2-3 times a week, but do not work the same body part two days in a row. Stretching or flexibility training involves doing slow, sustained static stretches (10-30 seconds per stretch). Stretching should be done 3-7 days a week.Whatever form of exercise you are doing, be sure to warm up and cool down. Walking slowly followed by some light stretching is a good way to warm up and cool down. If you are not in the habit of exercising, start out slowly and gradually increase your workout time and intensity. The major mistake most people make when beginning an exercise program is beginning too aggressively. It is easy to overdo and become tired, sore, or even injured. Your goal is to develop healthy habits that you can continue over your lifetime.Step 3: Answer the following questions using a minimum of 3 sentences1. What are some steps that you take to keep your body healthy?2. What are some additional steps that you could take to make your body healthier or to maintain your health?3. What are some of the obstacles to healthy behaviors? What strategies could help you overcome these obstacles?4. Why is stretching important for dance? 5. What are the three types of exercise listed in the passage? Teacher must choose which format to use for the class discussion questions: -Completion of Google Form-Submission of Google Doc-Google Classroom Discussion Forums/Discussion Board Questions-Bulb Posts Student Online InstructionsHealthy Dance Practices PART 2Warmup Creation Activity Due Date:______________Step 1: Read the article: “The Dancer’s Ultimate Guide to Stretching” for tips on stretching. 2: View the following videos to inspire your warmup creation!Ideas for Cardio, Strengthening, Core Work: for Stretching: (Most Similar to what we do in class each day) 3: Pick a song for each of the following parts of your warmup (Must be appropriate for language, content, message, etc. Think PG) -Cardio -Standing Stretching-Sitting Stretching-Strengthening/Core Work (Abs)Step 4: Create the Cardio Segment of your warmup -Use the song that you chose for cardio -Minimum of 2 minutes long-Must include movements to increase heart rate (examples: running in place, grapevines, squat jumps, jumping jacks, chasse’s, plie’s)-Record yourself performing the cardio segmentStep 5: Create the Standing Stretches Segment of your warmup -Use the song that you chose for standing stretches-Minimum of 2 minutes long-Must include isolation/stretching movements that focus on the following body parts (arms, head, shoulders/back, obliques (sides of torso), hamstrings, quads, gastrocnemius (calves) -Record yourself performing the standing stretching segmentStep 6: Create the Sitting Stretches Segment of your warmup -Use the song that you chose for sitting stretches-Minimum of 2 minutes long-Must include isolation/stretching movements that focus on the following body parts (hamstrings, quads, gastrocnemius (calves), ankles, abductors/adductors (inner & outer thigh)-Record yourself performing the sitting stretching segmentStep 7: Create the Strengthening/Core Work Segment of your warmup -Use the song that you chose for strengthening/core work -Minimum of 2 minutes long-Must include 1 minute or more of ab work & 1 minute or more of a strengthening exercise (such as push-ups, tricep dips, leg extensions, etc) -Record yourself performing the strengthening/core work segmentThere will be an area for you to upload & post each segment of your warmup! ................

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