Ph - University of South Florida

Master’s One-on-One Instruction (S-U Only):Semester FORMDROPDOWN 20 FORMDROPDOWN ENG 6916 – DIRECTED RESEARCH (Literature or Rhet/Comp Portfolio Option) - or -ENG 6971 – THESIS: MASTER’S (Creative Writing or Rhet/Comp Thesis Option)(assigned upon completion) FORMDROPDOWN FORMDROPDOWN FORMDROPDOWN Course Ref. #Course ## of CreditsThe following section must be completed before the study can be approved:Instructor and Student Agreement for Directed Study ProjectTitle of Project: FORMTEXT ?????It is understood that the student undertaking the above project will be responsible for the following work in order to fulfill the requirement of the course:Term paper:yes FORMCHECKBOX :no FORMCHECKBOX :If yes, approximate length: FORMTEXT ?????wordsShort paper:yes FORMCHECKBOX : no FORMCHECKBOX :If yes, number of papers: FORMTEXT ?????Approximate length each: FORMTEXT ?????Written exam:yes FORMCHECKBOX no FORMCHECKBOX Oral exam:yes FORMCHECKBOX no FORMCHECKBOX If none of the above is indicated, then the work product will consist of a report by the student of at least 300 words which is signed by the professor. It is further understood that duplicate copies of all written work (or the report if no other written work is indicated) will be submitted to the Graduate Director for inclusion in the student’s file. FORMTEXT ?????U FORMTEXT ?????(Print student’s name clearly)(Student ID #)(Student signature)(Date) FORMTEXT ?????(Print instructor’s name clearly)(Instructor’s signature) (Date)Approved:(Director of Graduate Studies)Director’s Copy Student’s CopyDepartment Copy ................

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