Sell it to me

Which characteristics do you think describe each group?

|Less experienced, but not necessarily least confident drivers | |35-50 year old single woman |

|Will value reliability in the car and will not want to change the car too| | |

|frequently | | |

|Likely to have a large disposable income | | |

|Unlikely to be driving fast or long distances | |17-21 year old male |

|Likes ‘flashy’ cars | | |

|Statistically the safest drivers | | |

|Likely to consider comfort and safety as much as performance | |70 year old retired male |

|Might spend proportionally more of their earnings on a car then the other| | |

|two groups | | |

|May have been driving for up to/over 20 years | | |

Discuss your choices with a partner. Where did you agree and where did your opinions differ?

With a partner, discuss what type of car you would expect to appeal to each of these groups. What is it about these cars that would be appealing? Be prepared to feed back your decisions to the rest of the class.

You should now work on creating a radio advert selling a car to one of the following groups:

|retired men |women aged 18-30 |celebrities |

|men aged 35-50 |parents of young children |long distance commuters |

Before you begin working on your ad use the headings below to help you plan your work.

• Features of this group

• Interests

• Likely problems with advertising to this group

• Features of successful adverts currently aimed at this group

• What you should include in your advert

• Images, music and settings that will appeal to this group

• The key message you want to leave them with

Use this information to guide you in deciding what type of car would be appropriate for this group. You can invent your own car or advertise one that is already available.

Your advert should be around 30 seconds in length and should be created to appeal directly to your target audience.

Be prepared to show your advert to the rest of the class. They will try to identify your target audience and will measure the success of your advert.


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