
6334125-69532500Dear Yellow Team Parents and Students,As the team leader for the Yellow team, I am sending information so that you and your student may access continued learning while we are away from school.? Please look over the attached document closely, as it indicates where your student can locate instructions and materials for the courses listed.? Only the courses that are listed will be providing this additional instruction, as we are trying to focus on only the most essential learning at this time. Also, see subject specific messages at the conclusion of this letter. These messages will provide additional information about course work and lessons. ?Your child should be able to access this learning independently.? However, if you have questions along the way, you may certainly encourage your child to reach out to the teacher using the information provided. ??We recommend that students spend approximately 30 minutes/day per subject on school work.? Teachers will review work when we return to school, but work will not be graded. If students have completed all of the work available, we recommend that students read, practice instruments/music and exercise for 30 minutes daily.?Please feel free to reach out to me, your child's teacher, or Mr. Walker with questions.? If you have no way to access the information provided, please know that hard copies of the materials will be available at the Calkins Road Middle School main office on Tuesday, March 17th from 7 AM-3 PM. ?We will miss the kids greatly and look forward to seeing them back in the classroom!Sincerely,Melissa AlthouseNotes from the Yellow Team:Math 8 -? - Class website link.Check Mrs. Watters website daily for notes videos. Links will be provided so you can hear my lovely voice (haha) and take notes in your current packets.If possible, join the following class link for . I will assign quizzes and assignments to help you practice your skills. No grades will be counted toward your average from these assignments! These are a fun way to get some practice in until I see you all again ? - 1st Period - 4th Period - 6th PeriodEnjoy some fresh air, read a good book or two (or three!), spend quality time with your family, and don't hesitate to email me if you need anything.Algebra -? - Class website link.Check Mrs. Watters website daily for notes videos. Links will be provided so you can hear my lovely voice (haha) and take notes in your current packets. Quadratic Functions Packet III will be available outside my classroom on Tuesday, 3/17.If possible, join the following class link for . I will assign quizzes and assignments to help you practice your skills. No grades will be counted toward your average from these assignments! These are a fun way to get some practice in until I see you all again ? - - I will create assignments for you to try. These are not mandatory! If you would like extra practice, they will be available.Enjoy some fresh air, read a good book or two (or three!), spend quality time with your family, and don't hesitate to email me if you need anything.Science: Students access assignments, files and links?via Mrs. Carey’s website and homework calendar.Students and parents should use email for communication.Earth Science will be doing assignments online, like watching tutorials, Brainpop (Login: Calkins Middle Password: pms) & Castle Learning, but all should have textbooks, and especially Earth Science Review Books and an Earth Science Reference Table at home (this is in their binders anyway). If not, I will provide a link to it through NYS to print one at home, but it is a lot of pages.Mrs. Carey will record Castle Learning assignment results in Infinite Campus, but these grades will not count, as no grades will be taken at this times. Results will just be used to provide feedback.Physics - Bring textbooks home as a reference to units we already learned. There will be a review activity you will work on called "Sports Science". Students twill make a video, with a video presentation or/and a?Powerpoint over time incorporating already learned concepts.?Social Studies- First know that I am going to miss you all terribly! I’m providing my cell number for any student (or parent) who will need to contact me for any reason: (585)330-9916. I’m sure I will receive some funny, and definitely interesting, texts. For social studies, please check my webpage daily. We will be wrapping up WWII, before moving on to the Cold War. I’ll include some videos that will help you understand material. (You may even catch a glimpse of Dubbies and Hank, the five foot monkey!) If you don’t have your packet, please just locate the packet on the webpage and copy answers into a notebook or on looseleaf paper.Once we finish WWII, we will move on to the Cold War. (Spoiler alert: We win WWII! USA! USA!) The “main” packet you will use is the one that is labeled “Textbook Chapter Notes.” You should read the chapters and sections as directed, and complete the guided notes from the packet. There is another, fancier packet (like the kind you are used to) attached to the page labeled “Unit Packets”. I will also attach electronic copies to daily assignments. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PRINT OUT THE PACKETS! Just get a notebook and answer the questions in the notebook. The Cold War is my favorite unit to teach, I hope you enjoy I as much as I do.For English class, your goal should be to engage in reading and/or writing for 30 minutes each day (or more J).? Reading:? Choose any book of your choice.? If you are looking for ideas on what to read, check my webpage.? You will find a link to the American Library Association website; they have a list of recommended books for young adults.? You do not have to choose a book off of this list; it’s just to provide suggestions if you are looking for one.Writing:? Keep a journal.? Your journal can be on paper or kept electronically.? If you are keeping an electronic journal, you do not need to print it out.? On my webpage, you will find a series of writing prompts.? Some of these are reader response, and your answers would relate to the book you are reading.? Others are creative writing prompts.? Choose from either list.? The goal is to engage in some form of writing each day.A message from the Yellow team Learning Specialist, Dottie Augustine:Hello families!I wanted to reach out to you during this time of uncertainty to let you know how much I appreciate and respect you and your families.? I will do my very best to be there for all of the kids during this time academically and emotionally. I wanted to give you my cell number in order to ensure I can do my job well.? Parents and students are welcome to reach out to me. (585)752-6999. Please share this with your kids if you are comfortable.? Students/parents can also reach out to my email about any questions, and I will try my best to support during this time.? I am working on setting up a "team" on Office 365 to help support all of you! ?In the meantime, take care of yourselves.? I will miss seeing your faces each day, but will hopefully be able to answer questions on Office 365, through e-mail and texts! Mental health team information:During this time, counselors are still available to answer any questions or concerns.? Your student’s well-being is our number one priority.? Please don’t hesitate to contact us about your child.-Amy DanielsAmy_daniels@pittsford.monroe.edu267-3944Counselor for orange, red, yellow teamsCalkins Road Middle School Yellow TeamContinued Learning PlanPlease use the below information to find communication and resources to continue learning while at home. We recommend that students spend approximately 30 minutes/day per subject. Teachers will review work when we return to school. If you have completed all of the work available to you, we recommend that students read/exercise/practice instruments for 30 minutes daily.CourseTeacherWhere to access learning…MathMrs. WattersMrs. Watters’ Pittsford Webpage . CareyMrs. Carey’s Pittsford Webpage. EckertMr. Eckert’s Pittsford Webpage StudiesMrs. AlthouseMrs. Althouse’s Pittsford Webpage. SmithMrs. Smith’s Pittsford Webpage 8Senora Anderson, Senora Ferguson & Senora O’ConnorSenora Anderson’s Webpage Ferguson’s Webpage O’Connor’s Webpage 8Mme MarafiotiMme Marafioti’s Webpage World of Language Assignments See Below:Latin 8 – Mrs. Smith*Practice about 15 minutes each day on or make flashcards for terms. If you haven’t joined my Latin 8 class on quizlet yet, use the link: for practice:7-A, B, & C Vocab: Exam Vocab: Exam Latin Phrases: Exam Culture: *Translate “Camilla” on pages 102-109 (four passages total)A PDF of the Latin workbook can be found on Mrs. Smith’s webpage.Spanish 8 – Se?ora Anderson, Se?ora Ferguson and Se?ora O’ConnorPracticing quizlet is a great idea at any time. Below is a calendar of activities that students can work on out of their packets. The week of March 16 – March 20th is work from our current packet (8-2A Travel). The week of March 23rd – March 27th is work from our next unit – Sports 6-1. We have copied our 6-1 Sports unit and the 6-2 Health unit since the Sports unit is relatively quick. All of these copies and the vocabulary sheets that go with them are on a table outside the main office. PDFs of the packets can be found on your teacher’s webpage. Please see your teacher’s webpage for additional materials like links to quizlet and answer keys to check your work. Please email your teacher with any questions. If you are confused or stuck on something, we’d love to help you out. We are here to help you!Grace_Ferguson@Pittsford.Monroe.edu Jaclyn_Anderson@Pittsford.Monroe.eduMichelle_O’Connor@Pittsford.Monroe.edu(Continued)FRENCH 8 – Madame MarafiotiFRENCH 8: MME MARAFIOTITry to visit 2-3 times a week (or more )Focus on MARAFIOTI L25 A, L25B, L25C in that orderPlease pick up French 8 packet at school Tuesday Check Madame Marafioti’s WEBSITE HOME PAGE for weekly packet tips/instructions! reviewing Pink Packet Questions through lesson 26! Ask and answer with a friend on FT! ................

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