
JAMES S. DRUMMCRIMINOLOGY CLASS .SLCCThis is a presentation, regarding a Criminal case study, within the Utah State Judicial System. This is an Active Criminal case involving the deliberate murder of a child due Child Abuse. I, will state my reasons, as to why the State of Utah, County of Davis, within the Legal jurisdiction of the 2nd District Court, should precede to Prosecution of the Defendants Nathanael Warren Sloop and the victim’s natural mother, Stephanie Christine Sloop. There are legal limitations that I, James S. Drumm must legally follow. To obtain any available Utah State, Davis County, 2nd District, Criminal Public Record for information. There are specific limitations, regulations written as safe guard Amendments. This is a High Profile, Criminal Case classified as an AGGRIVATED MURDER, HOMMICIDE, a 1st Degree Felony. This involves the unnatural death of a four year old child. The victim is a very young Child Abuse victim, Ethan Jonathan David Stacy(#1A).This Criminal case being on the current Active status in the prevents my communicating with any of the participants. To include legal appointed law offices representing the Law Enforcement, except general information. Defendants, the State appointed Judges, the Prosecution, any witnesses and any immediate relatives. If I were to attempt to do so, this is considered infringement of privacy and may be interpreted wrongly as witness tampering or tampering with undisclosed information not open to the public.This high profile Felony, Child Abuse is the second tier on the Wedding Cake Model.(#1B) .Requirements to how much information I am allowed access to, for the Public Records. The Freedom of Information Act,(#2a) written with in the United States Bill of Rights. I researched the details of the two similar Freedom of Information Act requirements and restrictions at the University of Utah Law Library , Research, Office of Information and Technology, Salt Lake City, Utah(#1) adapted to cover the civil rights of individual citizens in the state of Utah. Limits general public access, to private citizen’s court, records to only certain details.(#2b) If I were to illegally obtain information, this act is considered criminal act a crime I will not commit. Any information obtained illegally is legally a violation of this law. Only specific information not deemed scientific or legal information in any criminal or civil court preceding is allowable to research. (#2c)The two similar Freedom of Information Acts that I am required to follow procedures and anyone seeking information .Of the Public (interest concerning a current Active Criminal case or Civil Trial Case must follow procedures to seek information. A person seeking information under either Federal level Agencies or to anyone of the State of Utah, state government agencies must send a notarized letter to the department of research of the department you wish( information obtained, in preferred certified mail from the United States Postal Service.(#3)(FOIA)(5U.S.C.A-SECTION 552(b)if requesting on Federal level,2nd if addressing a Utah State issue,(State of Utah, Administrative Procedure regulation reference)(5Title,section552(#b)(#7)(B),PAGE 151-160,(Same volume,(#7)(B)through(#7)(E).(#3)UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION,AMENDMENT 6,Rights of the AccusedThe legal protection of the accused shall have the United States Constitutional Right to a speedy trial, and a public trial by impartial jury of the State and District wherein the crime shall have been committed. Which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be confronted with the witnesses against him, or her; to be under individual laws, the compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the Assistance of Council for his defense.(#4)The legal sequence and participants of this Criminal Trial are like a large jigsaw puzzle.To begin, Joe G.Stacy was married to Stephanie Christine Sloop,(maiden name not known before marriage before her marriage to either Joe G. Stacy, or to current husband Nathanael Warren Sloop. Time line commences now 1stApril, 28th 2010,(Wednesday )The Divorce papers were finalized ,in Florida. Here are the facts as Ethan Jonathan Davis Stacy life was being laid out in this sequence of events. (A).A Bright and adventuresome Ethan was living with his protector, natural birth father Joe G.Stacy in Richland Virginia.(B)The state of Florida was the resident state before the two separated.(C).The divorce was being adjudicated in Florida, where they had resided before, she, Stephanie C. Stacy,(Sloop, today she married Nathanael W. Sloop) moved west. Joe G.Stacy in a official court document, November 2009 stated his estranged wife was” unstable “he wrote to the court. “The mother has abandoned the child and I’m afraid the mother will come and take him and I’ll never see him again.”(#5)The Florida Divorce Judge, Maura T. Smith, for this divorce case of Joe G.Stacy and Stephanie C. Sloop(maiden name Croft)(#6) did not read the filing from Joe G. Stacy. Part of the Divorce Decree was Ethan was to live part of the year, sharing custody. During the school year he was to live with his father, and the summer with his mother. Little Ethan Stacy did not want to go to live with his mother, in Utah. He was placed on a plane, in late April, 2010. As the Divorce Decree was newly authorized notarized in effect. Ethan arrived in Utah with his mother Stephanie, not yet Stephanie C. Sloop. The residence was 1425 North, and 586 West, the Meadow Brook Apartment Complex, just north of Layton Hills Mall, in Layton Utah. The remaining details will be laid out in sequence from the Utah State, County of Davis, and Probable Cause Affidavits. The State of Utah, Davis County represented in 2nd District Criminal Court, by Utah State, Prosecutor Mr. Troy Rawlings Attorney At Law, has stated on information and belief that the defendant Nathanael Warren Sloop, either directly or as a party at County of Davis, Committed the crime of Criminal, Homicide, Aggravated Murder,(2627)76-5-202UCA,a first degree felony.(#7)Nathanael Warren Sloop did not do these horrible crimes a lone. The young child’s natural mother, Stephanie Christine Sloop participated in every event to torture, beat, burn, poison this child, ignoring the natural mothers instinct to protect the child, ignoring the need of the child for parenting love, and medical care. The Nathanael Warren Sloop, Criminal Murder, Aggravated Homicide trial may be the first Murder Homicide trial to have the resent Shelby’s law applied, to prosecute the two persons accused of the cause of child abuse that resulted in the death of Ethan.(#8)The law sponsored by Rep. Paul Ray of Clearfield (#9)and signed into Criminal law by Utah Governor. Jon Huntsman, Jr. in 2007.The wording was added the intentional murder of a child under the age of 14 to the list of offenses that can bring a death sentence. Shelby lived in Ray’s district. He wanted to make sure her death did not die in vain. In 2006,little Shelby Andrews (#9)was 10 years old, her own parents had her siblings bite and hit little Shelby .She was continually abused and tortured and abused by her father and stepmother. This is a similar case to Ethan Jonathon David Stacy. Both children were found murdered victims of horrible abuse, both forced to eat their own feces, and were continually beaten locked out of sight of everyone who could render assistance, for medical care.When Shelby Andrews was killed by her father, Ryan Andrews and the little girls stepmother Angela Andrews, could not be charged with the statues that are present today. The then criminal laws were not stated specifically to define, wording to allow seeking the Death penalty, as a result of Child Abuse. Under the laws in 2006, they could not file and prosecute, due wording limitations, in the law statue for Aggravated Murder Homicide charge. Was not present in the judicial law statues that exist as a new law, today entitled the Shelby’s law. The then County Attorney, Michael DiRea, He is now a 2nd District judge. Both these men agonized over Shelby’s case .Many hours of evidence were researched. At the time the Prosecution had to follow that the prosecution at that time could not prove due the wording beyond a reasonable doubt, Shelby’s parents killed her by defined capital murder.(#10).Today the Shelby law HB93, which had the support of the Statewide Association of the Prosecutors and the Utah Sentencing Commission. In detailed testimony before a House Committee in 2007, Paul Ray spoke of the urgency to amend wording to allow prosecution of child abusing parents that kill their children.(#11) This current criminal case is under legal judicial jurisdiction of the State of Utah, currently assigned Davis County, and Second District Criminal Court system. This is case that involves the death of an innocent young male child. The death of this child was caused by beating to Ethan Jonathon David Stacy by Nathanael W. Sloop. The defendant purposely with full intent repeatedly struck this child about his head, face, and torso. Child Abuse and Neglect, that resulted in the death of this beautiful child.The death of this innocent child was the result of violence is classified as a Murder Homicide, with clarification First class Felony. This violent action, with the intentional restraining the child ,over medicating and refusing to seek proper medical treatment for this child .I truly have upmost respect for the Utah State, Davis County Prosecutor MR. Troy Rawlings in presenting all the Evidence to prosecute the Defendants, in 2nd District Court, Farmington, Utah.I have full faith in the State of Utah in displaying the evidence will be able to show through requirements in the definition of committing MENS REA.(#13)The recovery of Little Ethan Jonathon David Stacy murdered ,abused body, displays the Corpus Delicti(#14).I do feel the state of Utah will be able to show that Nathanael W. Sloop and Stephanie C. Sloop purposely set out to cause physical ,emotional, and mental hardship upon Ethan. These acts of violence, beating, scalding restraining, over medicating,with Motrin, and Benadryl of Ethan. Contribute to the Actus Reus(#15) in purposely trying to deceive the Law Enforcement, with the desecration of trying to dispose of Ethan with disregard to have acted as a sane compassionate parent, will show Criminal liability,(#16) as all the acts were committed willfully of sane mind. I am a very dedicated parent and grandfather a firm believer of nonviolence. I am a dedicated advocate of the passive discipline of timeout teaching technique. I am sincerely dedicated to volunteer to search for any lost child. This lost child held a special significance, to similarity of my then youngest granddaughter, Kelsie. My young grandson Wyatt is currently the same age as Ethan Jonathan David Stacy at the time of his young death. I sincerely felt for this young family was victims of a horrible incident. Not even thinking the mother and stepfather who I do not know would have harmed this child. This is a high profile Felony Criminal law case today. The legal jurisdiction is as follows the evidence, material available to the Public to review. The following is available to the Public the Due Probable Cause Affidavit’s states that the State of Utah, County Of Davis ,Criminal Court Case number# 101700990-FS, OTN #3516447(#17) GRD- for Sloop, Nathanael Warren. Directly under his birth name is the number on the Probable Cause Affidavit. The following data has a clarificatiion-number2010-04441,-12/07/1978.I believe the date of 12/07/1978 (#18)to be Nathanael Warren Sloops birth date. The individual was arrested on May 11, 2010 at 1800 hours in Layton, Utah by the Layton Police Department. This concerns the arrest and detention, of Nathanael Warren Sloop.(#19)“This undersigned Affiant, a Peace Officer for the State of Utah, being duly sworn, deposes and states on information and belief that there is probable cause for the arrest and continued detention of the above named defendant, based on the following information which is personally known to the undersigned or is information obtained by the undersigned as a result of the investigation of the undersigned officer JBoderick, Layton, Utah, of the State Of Utah”.(#20)The natural mother, whom only just over one week before flew to Virginia. She was granted joint custody, visitation rights from a legal Divorce settlement. She was able to deceive the presiding Judge of this legal proceeding, in the state of Virginia, as to her mental, Emotional stability. Under a court order the She; Stephanie Christina Sloop deceived the Custody Trial Judge in Virginia. The natural father was required to relinquish full custody and had to allow their son to leave Virginia with his ex-wife. She was granted visitation and allowed to fly to Utah with her son to visit during the summer. Now I have established a series of events leading to the Child Abuse, that contributed directly to intentional Murder Homicide of little Ethan Stacie. The natural mother of Ethan Stacie is Stephanie Christine Sloop. Again to replicate the Probable Cause Affidavit on May, 11th 2010 at 1800 hours as stated on the Probable Cause Affidavit, State Of Utah, and County Of Davis. Concerning; the arrest, and detention of Stephanie Christina Sloop. “The undersigned affiant, a Peace Officer for the State of Utah ,being duly sworn, deposes and states on information and belief that there is probable cause for the arrest and continued detention of the above named ,defendant ,based on the following information which is personally investigation of the under signed officer .B .Plotnick, Layton Police Department, State Of Utah.(#21) This was inflicted purposely by the hands and actions of the stepfather, whom was the boyfriend of the natural mother. She had full knowledge as having been present and possibly participated in the physical and mental abuse of the child. Refusing to seek medical help repeatedly abused this innocent child. The two of them locked the child in a bedroom, to suffer intentionally from the injuries.Reasonable display of appearance before Utah State, Davis County 2nd District Criminal Court Appointed Judges. Current Judge, Glen R. Dawson,(#22) will preside over the Preliminary Criminal Court Trial. The date for this Current Criminal Trial is July, 30th 2012.The chronological display of prior Criminal Court Judges that both Nathan W. Sloop and Stephanie C. Sloop have appeared before. The first Judge, David Connors (#22) was on 05/14/2010.This appearance was for legal Custody Status Appointment of Council.The next Judge for the State of Utah ,Judge R.Morris(#22),this court was held for Initial Appearance .The date for this appearance was noted in court record asbeing,05/28/2010.At this appearance the Defendant wave reading of information, was properly advised of Charges and Penalties. The next Judge was the Rotation Judge. The date of o5/28/010, Initial Appearance, is scheduled on May 28th 2010 at 01:30P.M on calendar with Judge Thomas L Kay, as the assigned Judge. On 05/28/2010 Judge Glen R. Dawson (#22) was assigned. The legal defined different participating representatives of this Utah State, Judicial procedure in the State of Utah, County of Davis, 2nd District Court are, the State of Utah, County of Davis, 2nd District Criminal Court, Residing Criminal Court Judges in order as when Nathanael Sloop and Stephanie C. Sloop appeared before them, in chronological timeline.(16,482,pages of documents,412 discs of interviews pertaining to evidence.)(#23) The Judges that these Defendants have appeared before are, current Criminal Court 2nd District Court judges are, Judge David Connors (#22), May 28th 2010. .May 5th 2010, Nathanael W. Sloop took little Ethan into the bedroom of their residence severely beating him about the head and torso. Severely damaging little Ethan’s face, jaws. Ethan developed severe life threatening torso, face, injuries due the beatings ,burnings ,forced to take large amounts of liquid and medication . The child did not deserve to beaten. The Sloops ignored Ethan’s injuries and was locked in a bedroom, while they went to Farmington to the Court House to get married, May 6th 2010.The next Judge that Stephanie, and Nathanael Sloops both appeared before Friday, hours after being charged with Aggravated Murder Homicide, May 29th 2010.Both appeared before Judge John Morris.(#22 ) Both appeared Judge Thomas L. Kay(#19) to ask their individual rights to a Criminal Trial to ask for attorneys capable of handling seriousness of the Felony charges .Today they will have Preliminary Court IN Davis County, 2nd District Criminal Court, of Judge Glen R. Dawson (#22) in, Farmington, Utah, on July 30th 2012,10:A.M. I am a concerned citizen of the State of Utah. I am in full confidence of the Criminal court system. When this child had been reported missing I and my daughter, with my dog Dutch volunteered to walk the neighborhoods in a very expanded wide grid pattern .I personally, with my dog, set out determined never to give in to exhaustion. I pray each night that the legal process will follow the required definition of the laws, regulated statures governing Child Abuse that resulted in intentional murder of this child. I ask God to help seek justice for this child. To legally obtain legal prosecution, under Utah State Criminal Statutes, those responsible for the death, of this innocent child. I am a dedicated Father and Grandfather, I cherish every moment with my daughter and grandchildren. To deceive the public to obtain help looking for their child. To purposely misrepresent, themselves as innocent parents, grieving the loss of this innocent child. The State of Utah, County of Davis, through the judicial system, Second District Court should precede with the sound persecution. To allow the legal appointed Utah State Prosecutor, Mr. Troy Rawlings,(#23) through Davis County, 2nd District Criminal Court, during the assigned Preliminary Court presentation of all documents not made open to the public, regarding Legal Evidence.The legal counsel for the Defense the Defendants are the following allowed under law these Attorneys are hereby named, for the Accused Nathanael Warren Sloop. His legal counsel, Attorney –At-LAW, Mr. Scott C. Williams,(#24),and The Cooperative council Lead ,Attorney, for Defendant, Attorney At Law, Mr. Richard P. Mauro (#24).Representing Stephanie Christina Sloop, Attorney At-Law, Lead Attorney, Mary C. Corporon(#25) ,the Second Council, Attorney, At, Law, Mark Florez (#25),36th State Street, suite 1900,South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah.The2nd District Criminal Court, Room #7, is located in the Davis County Justice Center, Farmington, Utah, To proceed to the full requirements of each stature of Legalities for each Criminal Offense of the legal arrest of Nathanael Warren Sloop at 1935hours and following directly the arrest of Stephanie Christine Sloop, at2206 hours, both on 11,May, 2010,at their residence in Layton, Utah. The resident address was 586 North 1425 West, Apartment #T, in Meadow Brook Estates, Layton, Utah. Stephanie Christina Stacy (Croft)(#26), prior to marrying Nathanael Warren Sloop whom lived together as a couple. They were married 6th May, 2010, in Davis County, Circuit Court House by the Justice of the Peace, Farmington, Utah. The date of the arrest occurred on 11th May 2010, for both Nathanael Warren Sloop, and Stephanie Christina Sloop. Legal Criminal Charges against Nathanael W. Sloop are:Utah State, County of Davis,2nd District Criminal Court, Farmington Utah Committed these crimes, Count 1(#26)1#CRIMINAL HOMICIDE, AGGRAVATED MURDER,1st Degree Felony, (2627)76-5-202 UCA (#27)Date 29th April 2010 and May8th 2010 at residence prior mentioned committed by defendant intentionally ,or knowingly caused the death of another, Ethan Jonathon David Stacy, a child age 4 years of age.The Homicide was committed as a incident, to act scheme, cover up of conduct or criminal episode during which Nathanael W.SLOOP purposely committed aggravated sexual abuse of a child. Defined in Subsection 76-5Charge#2. 76-5-109(2)(A)-INFLICT SERIOUS PHYSICA;LC INJURY ON ACHILD INTENTIONALLY 2nd Degree Felony,(#28) Offense Date April 29th, 2010. 05/05/2010, Nate (Nathanael Warren Sloop) became angry with Ethan and took him into the bedroom, and beat him about the head area, and that Little Ethan’s face was beginning to swell. The Probable Cause Affidavit(#29, 1.Between April 29th 2010 and May 8th 2010 in Davis County, the defendant as a party abuse of Ethan Jonathon David Stacy, resulting in beating, scalding, restraining, ignoring his safety, over medicated the child, forcing fluids into the child, locking the injured child in a bedroom. With the door handle taken off, went with child’s mother to get married, in Farmington, Utah. The criminal acts of willingly including beating, burning, drugging, isolating, malnourishing, leaving the injured beaten semi-comatose child alone injured, and suffering purposely refusing seeks medical attention.(A)Charge#3. 76-8306(1)-OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE 2nd Degree Felony (#29)OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE (1202)76-8-306(1)UCA A Second Degree Felony, as stated as follows ,That between May 6th,2010 at the residence so stated place of residence being,586 North,1425 West ,Apartment #Meadow Brook Estates, Layton, Utah. “The Defendant willinglybetweenMay6th,2010 and May 11th,2010,with intent to hinder, delay ,or prevent the investigation, to prevent the arrest ,apprehension, prosecution, conviction and or punishment of any persons contributed to alter ,destroy ,conceal or remove any items or anything; and or(C) provide false leads ,false information regarding a suspect, a witness, the conduct constituting an 1th offense, or any other materials as a suspect of this investigation.”Charge 4. Count 4 ,Defined as Abuse of or Desecration of a Human Body(#30) ,(603)76-9-704UCA,Thishold the clarification of Third Degree Felony, as follows ,The Dates between May 6th 2010 and May,11th 2010the events being in Davis County and continuing into Weber County ,the Defendant, Nathanael Warren Sloop, and Stephanie Christina Sloop willingly purposely disturb, remove, hide, conceal or destroy a dead body(Ethan Jonathon David Stacy)or part of the body, or willing damage any part or portion of a dead human body.Charge 5-Count-5 Damaging A Jail (418) 76-418 UCA (#31)This is a Third Degree Felony, as follows, the Defendant, Nathanael Warren Sloop on or about May 11th 2010 at the place of the Layton Police Department, damage a holding cell door, willingly willfully and intentionally break pull down, destroy flood or otherwise damage any public jailor other fixtures in the holding cell of confinementWhat I read either through the allowable duplicate Probable Cause Affidavits for both Nathanael Warren Sloop and Stephanie Christina ,Sloop these adults really hated her little son. Ethan Jonathon David Stacy, was continually abused daily. To such a horrible degree of inflicting, face and to include jaw, cheek swallowing, injuries and torso injuries.The State of Utah, Official Corners report will lay all the Official Forensics out in Scientific Forensic detail of the condition and injuries inflicted upon little Ethan Jonathon David Stacy. His little body endured many Physical, Mental, Emotional hours of injuries. Physically he was a whipping post for Nathanael W. Sloop to abuse and disfigure daily, deposing his very life. Nathanael with Stephanie C. Sloops knowledge allowed her son to be beaten, and tortured with Physical and Emotional Beating, Burning, Scalding ,Restraining him over Medicating to the point this was poisoning his immune system. With complications of the continual Burning, Beatings the forced brushing teeth, forcing to eat feces, is truly not parents, human beings that should have protected this child. He could not recover, and they did not want him to be seen out in public due the horrible beatings. The graphic detail of abuse Nathanael continued to inflict on little Ethan is emotionally upsetting to whomever is a parent, that loves their children. This was a small victim that could not fight back aggressively enough to stay alive. Two adults in that home were so disgusted with their actions they hid Ethan from the public’s eyes and slowly let him die from his injuries. The second Defendant, in the Aggravated Murder Homicide,of, Ethan Jonathon David Stacy, age 4 years old, in May of 2010 at time of his death. The second Defendant was this child’s natural birth mother, Stephanie Christina, Sloop (.#32) She does not deserve any leniency from the Criminal Court System. She showed not enough common sense to protect her son.To hate the actions of the relationship you had with your ex-husband so badly you convert to being a animal and let Both Nathanael and Stephanie are coconspirators in Ethan’s murder. She should have nurtured her son. In hating her ex-husband, she allowed her son to be punching bag for Nathanael’s willing aggression, beatings, slapping inflicting insurmountable human injuries upon a 4yearold whom could not fight back.The Probable Cause Affidavit of the State of Utah County of Davis County, concerning the arrest of Stephanie Christina Sloop (#33)is charging her with Child Abuse, Obstruction of Justice.(#34) Abuse or desecration of a human body.(#35) Instead of protecting this child she helps to inflict hours of physical and emotional, psychological. She is a contributor in her son’s death. She should of placed herself between the fist. She contributed to the injuries by not seeking to get her son to safety, not she, .did not love her child. With the statements given to the Layton Police Department Investigator, Crag Webb(#36) open my reasoning to first state that under the Shelby Law ,Stephanie C. Sloop should be charged with Aggravated Murder Homicide. She knowingly ignored the sound and physical results of the physical ,emotional ,psychological daily injuries of the continual beating, burnings ,scalding’s intentional physical damage that was daily upon Ethan by Nathanael W. Sloop.(#37)Her continual neglect, starving Ethan, not seeking direct intervention and isolating, ignoring her son, 4year old for the abuser to contribute to his death .Just as if she did the beating and Abusing of Ethan, this was a child that desperately was asking for love, and protection. Nathanael Warren Sloop did not, Abuse in a silent house. Ethan was crying every time, he was struck. Each blows to a damaged small body, the harder the blows the more physical and emotional damage was done, daily. The easier for Blood and body fluids to make a child have a loss of appetite, not want to eat if the body was repeatedly terrorized keeping him isolated. Purpose restricting him to random ,almost daily assaults by Nathanael Sloop.(#37,A,b)(CINDERELLA EFFECT) She does not deserve any legal mercy for assisting in not being able to remove and protect her son from physical harm. She contributed to his death by not getting medical and Police involved before her son died of his injuries. To leave her son locked in a room with life threatening injuries, inflicted by the same abuser you are about to marry. Within one day while your son is very ill from his injuries, lethargic, cannot eat, he has intestinal damage and skull damage done by Nathanael so instead of calling the Police.She was the mother, the guardian, to help protect Ethan. She instead allowed continual Abuse, beating Ethan Emotionally by not intervening to protect him. Furthering his injuries, by ignoring the abuse. When he passed away she lied to the Police saying he ran away. If he had skull fractures or intestinal ,torso injuries contributed to the beatings and the scalding’s from hot water, that all help lower his immune system even more leading to shock then death. Any loving mother would of removed her son, to the Davis Hospital, all she had to do was call 911.She ignored his injuries and locked him away out of sight. After being notified of Ethan not being able to maintain liquids she should of realized he was in very poor health her motherly instincts are non-existent. They both contrived to deceive the natural father, Joe G. Stacy in Virginia. They created a story to the legal investigators of Layton Police Department that Ethan ran way. They snuck him out of the Apartment, once he had passed from his injuries from Nathanael W. Sloop’s continual abuse and beatings.Nathanael W. Sloop beat Ethan severely on May 5th 2010, her only son. While all three sided in an apartment. At 586 North1425 West apartment, #T, Meadow Brook, Estates, Layton Utah.(#38) Stephanie according to the Probable Cause Affidavit.(#38) She walked into the bedroom that Ethan was in to physically see the damage Nathanael did to her son. She saw the damages to little Ethan and found him badly beaten and should of taken him out of the home to safety. She refused to seek medical help totally ignoring his injuries.The next event is even more shocking here a 4yearold is severely injured so instead of taking him to Davis Hospital a few miles away. She and Nathanael Sloop decide to take the door knob off the door .If Ethan could get up he could not get out of the bedroom These two beat her son almost to death, then set out to get married in Farmington, Utah, knowing little Ethan was locked in a bedroom, with life threatening injuries, ignoring his safety, waiting for him to die.The child was not recovering from the severity of the beatings. She states in the Probable Cause Affidavit that Ethan was extremely ill on05/06/2010 and instead of taking him to the Hospital. They go get married, in Farmington. Ethan is becoming lethargic very fast due the continued beatings. For three days after she and Nathanael were married, Ethan desperately needed a Hospital. She states he was sleepy, vomiting and would not eat or drink. They forced liquid down his throat .They forced Benadryl down his throat. He seriously needed medical help.(#38)On 05/07/2010, Nathanael called Stephanie to say Ethan had burned himself in the bath tub, she came home from shopping at Wall Mart in Layton, came home. She did not believe Ethan would turn up the hot water to scald his own buttocks, legs, both feet and back of his legs severely. She ignored the injuries again. He was continuing to vomit in the bed he was using.The next event, Stephanie on 05/08/2010, Little Ethan smeared his feces on the bathroom wall and on Nathanael. She found Ethan had feces shoved in his mouth; she scrubbed his gums until they bleed profusely. She noticed Ethan’s gums were bleeding before she started to clean his mouth. Again this could have saved Ethan’s life she refused to take him to medical treatment at the Hospital. She feared Nathanael even though several days before she married him.(#38) She realized the results of the injuries and willingly did nothing to stop the continual injuries. Nathanael new how hard, he was hitting that child. He realized it was abuse. She and Nathanael continued to lie about allergies Ethan supposedly had to the Police. Ethan’s birth father told that he did not have allergies. She helps sneak, conceal the body of Ethan, help wrap the body, and help carry it in Nathanael Sloops Jeep to dispose of the human child’s corpse, up in a deeply over wooded area up near Powder Mountain.(#38)She contributed to allowing Nathanael to continue to beat, burn, malnourish, drug, repeated abuse with beating, and forcing feces into the child’s mouth. Not lifting her motherly love to protect, her son.She and Nathanael Sloop conspired to cause injuries to Ethan, she by allowing the child abuse, by witnessing if not participating in assaulting. Repeatedly saw, witnessed the immediate trauma to her young son. Then repeatedly first hand examination right after each assault of all the injuries. The continual degeneration of her little son, to recover depended upon her.She should of acted intelligently seeking to compassionately, take him to the proper medical treatment for his injuries. The inhuman actions of this woman, is so cold and disgusting. To help Nathanael disfigure, her own son’s body upon his death. This is sound reason for the Criminal charges to carry the maximum penalty. To blatantly not see the harm being inflicted, will upset every parent and if a jury trial these facts have to be open for examination, as evidence. She did not care to seek medical treatment for Ethan, knowing that would have saved his life. She repeatedly allowed beatings, burnings, and feces to be forced into Ethan’s mouth. Ignoring that Ethan had injuries that became life threatening due all the abuse Nathanael was inflicting. She purchased the charcoal lighter fluid; two cans some where they purchased dog food to sprinkle on his shallow grave, after Nathanael use a hammer to disfigure his shattered body with a hammer. This is available as Public record, if you dig deep enough, a. whole can of fishing worms will open up The psychological damaged baggage these defendants will have a heavy price to pay upon their own, souls. I truly hope that they continue to think about little Ethan everyday.These individuals Medical treatment is afforded to them, where as they both denied treatment for the injuries they willful inflicted. They both are allowed Medical treatment and both have been given the opportunity both voluntary Psychological counseling, daily and weekly for deep personal issues. I The State of Utah,Davis County, the State Prosecutor,Mr.Troy Rawlings is staying within legal law to petition for the counseling sessions of Medical confidentiality between patient and Psyhcologist,at Davis Behavioral Mental Health. To legally obtain motive, and reason for these crimes against Ethan Stacy. I am a devoted father, surviving widower since my daughter was 4 years old. The same age that little Ethan Stacy was upon his murder. I have just researched article that relates to the Psychological back ground of these Defendants.This term is the CINDERELLA EFFECT(# In conclusion I feel and trust the State of Utah will display all of the facts to the Aggravated Murder Homicide, through all the evidence. That Troy Rawlings is an excellent Prosecutor, with many cases on his desk to handle .The Defendants in my eyes and soul should both be tried under the newly written Shelby Andrews Law. I feel once the Preliminary Evidence is opened up to be presented to Utah State ,County of Davis, Judge Glen R. Dawson will preside fairly with Ethan’s MURDER HOMICIDE according to legal law, will be justly followed correctly precisely by Utah State Prosecutor, Troy RawlingsEach day of continual Child Abuse, the beating, the slapping was doing physical damage to little Ethan .The forcing to ingest liquid when he really needed to be seen by Medical personnel at Davis Hospital, for his injuries. Ethan was a victim of both the willfully physical assaults done by Nathanael Sloop and the total psychological, physical neglect by his mother and Nathanael W. Sloop.These persons contributed to all willfully inflicted injuries to Ethan. Showing no motherly instincts to take Ethan in for medical treatment, allowing Nathanael to willfully use little Ethan as a punching bag. A total disregard for the immediate safety of this defenseless child .Where was this woman’s natural instincts to protect her little son. Under the intrpretation of the Criminal laws both these people need prosecution, for Aggravated Murder Homicide, within the Criminal codes defining this act of criminal intent purposely carried out to end a young life. The State of Utah, Davis County, the State Prosecutor Troy Rawlings I believe will press for the Prosecution under the new, Shelby Andrews law to seek the maximum of the Death Penalty for both Defendants. REFERENCES FOLLOWSREFERENCE ,DATA;US,J.QUINNEY,COLLEGE OF LAW.LOCATED AT;UNIVERSITY OF UTAH,332,South1400East,Room 101,Salt Lake City,Utah,84112-rmation,Reference Help Desk 801-581-8383B.Reference Material ,FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT,C.FEDERAL,LEVEL FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACTD.STATE LEVEL.UTAH STATE,FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT ................

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