3-D Cell Model

Due Date: ___________________ NAME: ________________________________

3-D Cell Model

You will create a 3-D model of a plant or animal cell (your choice) using common materials. You will label the structures on the model with numbers, providing a typewritten key to identify the labels. Also on the key, you will identify the location of the structure in relation to other structures on your particular cell, as well as the function of each structure. Below are details about how to do the project, examples of past cells, and pictures of plant and animal cells to use as models.

Requirements and Limits:

• The cell can be no smaller than 4" x 6”.

• The cell must be 3-D. Therefore, it can not be a poster or only puffy paint.

• The model must be delivered in a box (e.g. shoe box, shirt box, etc.).

• Use clear drying glue. Avoid tape, pins and staples. Ideas for materials include: yarn, beads, toothpicks, pipe cleaners, string, straws, Styrofoam, Plexiglas, food, play-doh... Use many types and your imagination, but be sure it will stay together!

• You must identify all the organelles listed below for whichever cell you choose.

• The type of cell, your name and block must be identified somehow on the model and the key.

• DO NOT label the organelles on the model, use ID numbers. The key will identify which organelle is represented by each ID number.

|Organelles to be Included in Both Cells: |Organelles to be Included in Plant Cells ONLY: |Organelles to be Included in Animal Cells ONLY: |

|cell membrane |cell wall |lysosome |

|nucleus |chloroplast |centrioles |


|vacuole/vesicle | | |

|smooth endoplasmic reticulum | | |

|rough endoplasmic reticulum | | |

|ribosomes | | |

|golgi apparatus | | |

|mitochondrion | | |

|nucleolus | | |

• You must turn in the scoring sheet, your key and your model together in the box.  

*** REMEMBER: Plant and Animal Cells have different shapes, and this should be shown in your model. ***

3-D Cell Model Rubric

|Level 1 |Level 2 |Level 3 |Level 4 |

|Items used do not represent cell | |Items used to represent cell organelles |Items used to represent cell organelles |

|organelles and don't accurately match |Items used to represent cell organelles |are creative and accurately match |are creative and accurately match |

|structure and function of most |accurately match structure and function |structure and function of most |structure and function of all |

|organelles. |of some organelles. |organelles. |organelles. |

|The display is not organized and/or |The cell is 3-D, and somewhat |The cell is 3-D, attractive, and well |The cell is 3-D, attractive, and well |

|items are not securely attached. |organized.  Items are securely attached |organized.  All items are neatly |organized.  All items are neatly |

|Some organelles are not represented and |to the model. |attached and secure. |attached and secure. |

|labels are either missing or incorrect. |Most organelles are represented and |Every structure is  numbered and |Every structure is  numbered and  |

|  |numbered to correspond to a legend/key |corresponds to a legend/key with the |corresponds to a legend/key with the |

| |with most organelles correctly named. |correct organelle name. |correct organelle name. |

|5      6 |6      7 |7      8 |8      9     10 |

FINAL SCORE: _______/100

Animal Cell  

This model was made using a sponge as the cytoplasm of the cell. Other materials used include: puffy paint, ribbon, a ping pong ball, buttons, and a plastic cup. The organelles were labeled by attaching numbers to each part, so that the key could be easily used to identify the names and functions.

This is an example of a key in which the student labeled the model with numbers, and then described the structure represented by those numbers in the key.

 Plant Cell from Styrofoam

This cell is made using Styrofoam, construction paper, and fuzzy balls. Since the objects were so hard to label with numbers, the key was made very differently. Notice that it was acceptable to use a circular piece, as long as the cell wall (green construction paper) made the cell resemble a square shape necessary for plants.


This key is different because instead of using numbers or descriptions, the student attached an example of each object. This is also a useful technique if you are using food as a primary material to make your cell.





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