Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Supplemental Data:MRI protocol:MRI, performed on a single 1.5 Tesla scanner, included sagittal high-resolution 3D-T1-weighted imaging (magnetization prepared rapid gradient echo sequence) covering the brain and upper part of the cervical cord (echo time: 3.93 ms, repetition time: 1900 ms, inversion time: 1100 ms, flip angle: 15°, number of excitations: 1, resolution: 1 mm x 1 mm x 1.5 mm, matrix: 256 x 256, 128 slices) for volumetry of the brain and the upper cervical cord. The standardized MRI protocol further included an axial T2-weighted FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion recovery) sequence (repetition time/echo time/inversion time: 9000 ms / 117 ms / 2500 ms, flip angle 160°, number of excitations:1, resolution 1 mm x 1 mm x 5 mm, gap 10%, matrix: 256 x 192, 128 slices) for assessment of the brain lesion load (BLL).-571523177500Figure e-1: Association between Chitinase 3-like-1 and Neurofilament light chain in CSFCSF concentrations of Chitinase 3-like-1 and Neurofilament light chain. The dotted line represents the linear regression when 5 outliers were excluded. R?: coefficient of determination.Figure e-2: Group comparison of MUCCA and BGM within MS subgroups and HC.MUCCA / mm2 was normalized to the C1-C3 vertebral length; BGM was corrected for physiological aging and normalized to intracranial cavity volume. The 2D–plots depict the distribution of the results; the boxes mark the median and interquartile ranges. *: P-value < 0.050, **: P-value < 0.001 in Mann-Whitney-U tests. Abbreviations: MUCCA mean upper cervical cord area, BGM brain grey matterFigure-e 3: CHI3L1 Expression in published MS scRNA-Seq datasets.a. Mean CHI3L1 expression across cell types in the J?kel et al. dataset with the cell types being arranged in a descending order based on the average CHI3L1 expression. b. Mean CHI3L1 expression in the different cell types in the J?kel et al. dataset in healthy controls, NAWM of patients and across different MS lesions. Color-coding is consistent with panel a. (Ctrl: Control, NAWM: Normal-appearing white matter, A: Active, CA: Chronically active, CI: Chronically inactive, RM: Remyelination). c. Mean cluster-wise CHI3L1 expression in the Masuda et al. dataset (Hu-C1 to Hu-C10: clusters with distinct transcriptional profiles, representing different cell types. ................

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