MitoCare Service Centers: (1) Confocal, Multiphoton and Super-resolution Imaging, (2) Electron Microscopy & Tomography, (3) Seahorse XF24

(1) Confocal, Multiphoton and Super-resolution Imaging

Director – Gyorgy Hajnoczky, M.D. Ph.D. & David Weaver

Contact –


To schedule this service: iLabs

|Mission, Goals, Capabilities |The confocal, multiphoton and super-resolution imaging facility will provide |

| |services particularly focused on high resolution fluorescence visualization. The |

| |available confocal/multiphoton system provides for a range of experiments from |

| |sub-cellular localization to mapping of large tissue sections. The |

| |super-resolution capability utilizes single molecule localization by stochastic |

| |imaging (StORM/PALM) to circumvent the diffraction limit of optical microscopy and|

| |provide resolution at < 50 nm. The facility will provide access to these |

| |instruments for researchers, training on their use and consultation on |

| |experimental design and analysis. |

|Major Equipment |Zeiss LSM780 NLO confocal/multiphoton microscope: 405, 457, 488, 514, 561, 594 and|

| |633 nm laser lines for single photon excitation. Chameleon Vision II system |

| |(Coherent) for MP illumination. The confocal scanner is coupled to a Zeiss |

| |inverted microscope (Axio Observer). Three internal detectors including Meta |

| |detector for spectral imaging. Two external, non-descanned detectors for |

| |multi-photon imaging. Transmitted light detector for DIC/phase contrast. 10x, 20x,|

| |25x, 40x, 63x and 100x objectives. Targeted illumination capability for |

| |photo-bleaching/activation; motorized focus for z-stacks; encoded, motorized |

| |stage; temperature and humidity controlled incubator with CO2 regulation. Zen |

| |acquisition and analysis software. |

| |Bruker Vutara 352 super-resolution microscope: StORM/PALM type super-resolution |

| |with 488, 561, 639 and 750nm lasers for excitation and 405nm for photoswitching. |

| |Detection via Quad-Field projection onto a sCMOS camera (Hamamatsu Orca-Flash4.0 |

| |V2) allows simultaneous imaging of two colors in two focal planes or up to four |

| |colors in a single-plane. Includes a motorized TIRF module and |

| |temperature-controlled incubation for live cell imaging. Includes software for |

| |analysis of single-molecule localization and quantitative analysis of |

| |super-resolution experiments and/or single particle tracking. |

|Services: |High resolution, 3D imaging of live and fixed specimens |

| |Tile-scan images for large areas |

| |Imaging in multi-well formats |

| |Photo-activation, bleaching or other optogenetic techniques |

| |Tissue imaging with multi-photon excitation |

| |Sub-diffraction-limit molecular localization microscopy. |

| |Training on microscope use and data analysis |

| |Consultation on experiment design. |

(2) Electron Microscopy & Tomography

Director: Gyorgy Csordas, MD. - 215-955-4556

Contact: TBN Tech

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|To schedule this service: iLabs |

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|Mission, Goals, Capabilities |The Research Electron Microscopy Laboratory in the Department of Pathology, |

| |Anatomy and Cell Biology aims to provide researchers with ultrastructure in |

| |specimen prepared from tissue, cellular or subcellular preparations. We are also |

| |open (on case by case base) to collaborative consultations to assist users in TEM|

| |related experimental design and analysis. Current capabilities allow 2D |

| |transmission electron microscopy. Tilt-angle tomography of ~150 nm thick sections|

| |of resin-embedded samples (or negative-stained particles) will be available* for |

| |limited collaborations. |

|Major Equipment |The core instrument is an FEI Tecnai 12 120 keV digital TEM, equipped with an AMT|

| |XR111 CCD camera and upgraded with a tomography package that uses the FEI Xplore|

| |3D Tomography software. Addition of a high field of view tomography holder and |

| |Xplore3D retrofit package allows acquisition of electron tomograms at high tilt |

| |angles. The sample preparation laboratory has two Leica UCT ultramicrotomes. |

|Services: |Services available include: |

| |I. (20% technician/operator effort, ~1 day scope time/week). Providing training |

| |and supervision for user to obtain images with the scope. Providing |

| |instructions/demo for routine and non-routine fixation and embedding. Compact |

| |scoping assignments. |

| |II. (40% technician/operator effort ~2 days scope time/week) in addition to I, |

| |extended limited scoping assignments, electron tomography (limited |

| |collaborations). Resin embedding. Ultramicrotomy and (post)staining of thin and |

| |thick sections. |

*: Tilt-angle tomography requires a currently missing part, the tomography sample holder, for which a capital budget request is submitted.

(3) Seahorse XF24

Erin Seifert, PhD

To schedule this service: iLabs

|Mission, Goals, Capabilities |The Seahorse XF24 instrument is a sensitive, high-throughput (24-well) |

| |easy-to-use technology to measure changes in O2 tension and proton concentration |

| |in the medium, as a function of time (~10 second resolution). The typical |

| |application is to interrogate mitochondrial bioenergetics in adherent |

| |preparations (intact or permeabilized adherent cells, or isolated mitochondria |

| |electrostatically adhered to plastic). The technology is endorsed by the |

| |mitochondrial biology community, and has been used in 100s of publications in |

| |multiple areas of biology). |

| |The service center will 1) provide access to the Seahorse XF24, 2) provide basic |

| |training, and 3) ensure the functionality of the XF24. |

| |The XF24 is located within the MitoCare Center, JAH 528, at the “Seifert lab” |

| |space. |

|Major Equipment |Seahorse XF24 Instrument; PC with acquisition software and Excel for initial |

| |analysis of data; 37ºC, ambient CO2 incubator. |

|Services |To provide access to the Seahorse instrument, as well as to provide 1) training |

| |for 1st time users in instrument use and navigating the data output file, and |

| |refresher training if needed for returning users, 2) basic information about cell|

| |seeding density, concentrations of uncoupler and substrate conditions, 3) access |

| |to an incubator for overnight hydration of the cartridge, 4) access to bench |

| |space for plate preparation, 5) access to Excel for initial data analysis, 6) |

| |oversight of instrument scheduling, 7) leadership to ensure the functionality of |

| |the instrument, by regular inspection of instrument function, by arranging the |

| |purchase of the service contract, scheduling annual on-sight preventative |

| |maintenance and any additional maintenance. |

| |Not provided: consumables (e.g. custom culture plates, cartridges, assay media, |

| |permeabilizing reagents, cartridge hydration solution), pipettors, assistance |

| |with experimental design and data interpretation, anything related to and |

| |including an actual seahorse. |


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