
Lidar Using Feature Data Object in the Task PaneDownload LIDAR data from the USGS Earth Explorer website.Choose you area of interest from the tab and by click on coordinates on the map to outline the search area. This example is from St. Louis, MO. Use the results tab to view the results, Use the footprint button to see where the data is located. Then click the download button to get the data.Open the LAS file in Autodesk ReCAPOnce done processing, save the file in the RCP format (Reality Capture Project).Using AutoCAD Civil / MapStart a new AutoCAD drawing using the CLEAN.dwt drawing template from drive T:.For the St. Louis MO LAS file downloaded from the USGS, set the coordinate system to UTM83–15 (the file is in Meters).Make sure the Task Pane is on (MAPWSPACE -> On). Activate the Display Manager tab. In the Insert menu of the Civil 3D workspace, use Point Cloud - > Attach (POINTCLOUDATTACH).OpenOKIn the Display Manager, right click the DATA button to use Add Point Cloud Data => From drawing object….OKRight click the Point Cloud in the Task Pane and choose Filter Point Cloud.Select the Filter by Classification option and choose the 2nd class, Ground.Apply Filter.Select the point cloud. The context sensitive menu for the point cloud will appear.Change the Visualization to Classification. The ground should appear brown which is Autocad’s default color for the ground class.The cloud appears white. Type in the LIST command and select the cloud <hit Enter>.Not all points are displayed to allow for processing.To adjust this value, go to the Insert ribbon and then the Point Cloud item in the Planning and Analysis workspace.Click the down arrow next to AutoCAD Point Cloud.Use a density of about 50 .Select the point cloud layer in the Display Manager of the Task Pane.Click on the Point Cloud ribbon button. Choose Create Surface from Point Cloud.Set up the following three windows:NextSelect a sub-area of the point cloud (to keep the processing to a minimum).NextCreate Surface. Wait. (a small portion of ~ 10% of the point cloud file took about three hours to process).When done, open the Toolspace (TOOLSPACE command) to get access to the surface.Right click the Surface to get to the Export to DEM.. optionUse the GeoTIFF format. Save.OK Wait.When done, add the file as a raster data source in the Map Task Pane.The area covered turns out to be larger than the selected area of the point cloud.Turn off the point cloud. Turn off the surface border and contours by editing the surface style.OKSwitch to the 2D mode in the Map status bar (if not shown, use the MAPSTATUSBAR command set to Show. If still not seen, use the STATUSBAR command set to 1). ................

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