Third Grade Book Reports

Third Grade Book Reports


Beginning this month, we will set up a schedule for book reports in third grade. Each month we will explore a book with a different author or genre; each child will be required to read two books per month.

We will try to assist your children in the selection of their books, but at times it might be necessary to visit your public library in order to find a book of their choice.

***January – Polar Books ***

Class Book – Mr. Popper’s Penguins by Richard and Florence Atwater

1. Accelerated Reader – any “green dot” book of any subject matter in the school or classroom library

2. Book Report – A children’s book about the Polar Regions (animals, explorers, etc.) – to be approved by the teacher. We will not accept any books about penguins since this is our

in class research topic for the month.

***February – Beverly Cleary Books***

Class Story- Ramona Forever by Beverly Cleary in our Literacy Place Readers

1. Accelerated Reader choices – Ellen Tebits, Henry Huggins, Henry and the Paper Route, Socks, The Mouse and the Motorcycle, Ralph S. Mouse, and Runaway Ralph.

***March – Biography***

Class Story – Thomas Edison in our Literacy Place Reader

1. Accelerated Reader – any green dot biography

2. Book Report – any biography approved by the teacher

***April – Roald Dahl Books***

Class Book – James and the Giant Peach

1. Accelerated Reader – Fantastic Mr. Fox

2. Book Report – a book by Roald Dahl – to be approved by the teacher

***May – Books by E.B. White***

Class Book – Charlotte’s Web

1. Accelerated Reader – Any green dot book of your choice. (However, we are going to be doing our class book reports on Charlotte’s Web, which is an Accelerated Reader book, so students have the option of using Charlotte’s Web for their Accelerated Reader book and for their book report.)

2. Book Report – Charlotte’s Web

The accelerated reader test can be taken anytime during the month. Just as a reminder, all book reports will be done in school. Thank you for posting this schedule somewhere important in your home and for encouraging your child’s love of reading.

**This schedule is subject to change depending on school calendar and activities.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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