
Name:Rilla Collins

Grade Level/Subject:3rd Grade Math

Topic: Graphing Activities Booklet

Objectives (P.A.S.S.): Standard 5: Data Analysis & Probability- The student will demonstrate an understanding of data collection, display and interpretation.

5:1 Data Analysis --

a. Students will pose questions, collect, record, & interpret data to help answer questions. b. Students will read graphs & charts; identify the main idea, draw conclusions, make predicitons based on the data.

c. Construct a bar graph or pictograph with labels and a title from a set of data.

Materials: Paper, printer, graphing activities (Graph Club 2.0), binder or notebooks to keep graphs organized, and lots of time.

Introduction: In third grade we have to be able to gather, record, make, and interpret graphs and charts. I have created a unit on graphing that begins at the beginning of third grade with a pre-test of reading charts and graphs and answering questions and ends at the end of the year with the same test to see what knowledge the students have gained. Through out the year, we continue to work on making graphs, charts, gathering data, asking questions about graphs, and gleaning all the knowledge we can from graph & charts. This is more than one or two lessons, it is an all year process.

Instructional process: To begin the year, we do graphs together with simple sets of numbers - I give them the numbers, and they create crude bar graphs at first. Bar graphs seem to be the easiest for 3rd graders to read and create. Then as the year progresses so do the graphs. We begin making pictographs, line graphs, circle graphs, and gathering our own data samples from other classes or our family and friends. All the children love to do this -- using the Graph Club 2.0 software makes creating graphs easy and very enjoyable. We don't only use the Graph Club 2.0 because we know that we won't always have the software to create these graphs so we make many of our graphs and add them to our graph booklet.

Closure: In closing, building a background knowledge of graphs, what they show, how to read them, how to create them, and how to ask questions that others can answer are key to this unit. As you go through the year, you will see your student's ability to draw and interpret graphs and charts grow. This activity gives the students something to keep throughout the year and to refer back to in the future. They can see their own growth in their skills and take pride in what they have learned.

Assessment: Assessment is continually on going. I watch the students as they make their graphs. I guide them in creating their graphs neatly so others can read them. I also assess the students understanding of graphs by asking them questions during the building process either orally or on paper that they have to give a written answer. Another assessment tool that I use is having the students create questions for other students to answer. They have to answer the questions themselves which assesses two students -- the one asking the question, and the one answering the question.

Modifications/Accommodations: The modifications I would do for a LD/MR student includes pairing them up with another non-disabled child. I also might have their graph already numbered and labeled for them because sometimes this is the most difficult process of creating graphs. The disabled child could still color the bar graph, draw the picture or lines for the pictograph or line graph. I would also do their questions orally because many disabled students have trouble putting their thoughts into written words. For a child that is deaf the assignment would be basically the same as for a non-disabled child except more of the assessment might be written instead of oral. Modifications for a blind child would be to team up or create a textured graphing board that they could feel where each of the blocks begin and end.

Reflection: This year's graphing activities have gone well. These activities vary with each class because many children struggle with reading and creating graphs. I look forward to adding to this project every year.


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