Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 1ClassworkWhat is the number represented_______ by the tally marks?Write the number in tally marks. 41_______ 12_______ 10_______ 4_______ 5_______ 8_______ 13_______ 18_______ 20_______ 22_______Fill in the missing information in the tables.Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 1HomeworkWhat is the number represented by the tally marks?Write the number in tally marks. 36_______ 22_______ 11_______ 3_______ 2_______ 1_______ 6_______ 8_______ 7_______ 29_______Fill in the missing information in the tables.Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 2ClassworkAnswer the questions using the table.Milk Order for Miss Smith’s 3rd Grade ClassHow many chocolate and strawberry milk cartons were ordered? _________________How many more cartons of chocolate milk than regular milk were ordered? _________________If every student in the class ordered a carton of milk, how many students are in Miss Smith’s class? _____________How many cartons of regular and skim milk were ordered? _________________Did the same number of students order skim and strawberry milk as chocolate? _________________John has 1 cat, 2 dogs, and 3 hamsters. Sarah has 3 cats. Melissa has 2 cats and 2 dogs. Bill has 4 hamsters and 1 dog. Jesse has 1 cat, 1 dog, and 1 hamster. Organize the data into a table.PetsAnimalTallyFrequencyCatDogHamsterWhich pet is the greatest in number? ____________Which pet is the least in number? ____________How many more hamsters are there than cats? ____________Are there more dogs or more cats? __________ How many more? ___________Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 2HomeworkAnswer the questions using the table.Milk Order for Mr. Kelly’s 4th Grade ClassHow many chocolate and strawberry milk cartons were ordered? _________________Did the students order an equal number of strawberry and chocolate milk cartons as regular milk cartons? _________________Which number is greater? Non-flavored milk, or flavored milk? _________________Is the number of skim and strawberry milk cartons greater than the number chocolate milk cartons? _________________How many students are in the class if each person ordered one carton? _________________Michelle has 4 pencils, 5 pens, and 3 erasers. Michael has 5 pencils, and 2 pens, and 3 erasers. Claude has 3 pencils, 3 pens, and 1 eraser. Julie has 1 pencil, 4 pens, and 1 eraser. Organize the data into a table.What’s in Your Pencil Case?ItemTallyFrequencyPencilPenEraserHow many pencils are there among the students? ________Are there more pencils or pens? _________ How many more? __________Are there an equal number of erasers as pencils? _____________How many more pens are there than erasers? _____________Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 3ClassworkClass 3L had a bake sale on Friday. They sold 14 cupcakes, 12 muffins, 12 donuts, and 11 anize this information into a tally table.3L’s Bake SaleBaked ItemTallyClass 3K also had a bake sale. They sold 19 cupcakes, 10 muffins, 13 donuts, and 17 brownies. Organize this information into a frequency table.3K’s Bake SaleBaked ItemFrequencyCombine the items sold from Class 3L and 3K into a tally and frequency table. Answer the questions that follow.3L and 3K’s Bake SaleBaked ItemTallyFrequencyHow many total cupcakes were sold? __________________How many more brownies than muffins were sold? __________________Which item was the most popular? __________________If both classes expect to sell double the amount of cupcakes next week, how many cupcakes will they sell? __________________Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 3HomeworkJohn’s Pizza sold many pizza pies in one hour. They sold 12 pepperoni pies, 13 plain pies, 16 mushroom pies, and 14 combo pies. Organize this information into a tally table.Pizzas Sold in One Hour at John’s PizzaPizzaTallyThe next hour, they sold even more pizzas. John’s Pizza sold 14 pepperoni pies, 15 plain pies, 20 mushroom pies, and 16 combo pies. Organize this information into a frequency table.Pizza Sold in One Hour at John’s PizzaPizzaFrequencyCombine the pizzas sold from the two hours above into a tally and frequency table. Answer the questions that follow.Pizza Sold in Two Hours at John’s PizzaPizzaTallyFrequencyHow many combo pizzas did they sell in total? ______________________Did they sell more pepperoni pies than plain pies? ____________________How many pizzas were sold altogether? ___________________________If a pizza pie costs $10 a pie, how much did John’s Pizza make in those two hours? _________________Reading Information in Pictographs1603195172720ClassworkWhat is the most popular flavor in Ms. Smith’s Class? ____________________Which flavor is the least popular in Ms. Smith’s Class? ____________________How many people like strawberry and vanilla ice cream? ____________________How many more people like chocolate than vanilla ice cream? ____________________If one ice cream cone represented two votes, how many people like strawberry ice cream? ____________________Stickers Earned This Week = one stickerNameStickersSamMirandaChristopherLizKimWho earned the most stickers? ____________________How many stickers did Sam and Miranda earn together? ____________________Kim had two new stickers she put on the board. How many does she have now? ____________________Christopher traded in two stickers for a pencil. How many stickers does he have now? ____________________How many more stickers does Kim have than Miranda? ____________________Reading Information in PictographsHomework335487913335Cakes Sold at Palisades Bakery in One Week = 3 cakesDays of the WeekCakes SoldMonday1084580-317574866538104235450444559055Tuesday147637515875110934512700783590889042672015875762012700Wednesday2501265-63502176145-101601860550177801535430381011474456358007351778042354514605444510795Thursday78295533020374015400051143040640Friday353949076203172460381028054301079524314151079520332707620171767538101392555107951066800762073088538103740151079569857620Which day sold the least amount of cakes? ________________ How many cakes were sold on that day? ___________Which day sold the most amount of cakes? _________________ How many cakes were sold on that day? ____________How many more cakes do they need to sell on Tuesday to match what they sold on Wednesday? ___________________How many more cakes did they sell on Friday than on Monday? ________Which two days match the cake sales of Friday? ________________________289369548260Books Borrowed from the Local Library = 2 books Day of the WeekBooks BorrowedTuesday2080895-82551755140-120651415415228601072515330207054852222534861539370254033020Wednesday111760019685750570-4445383540158751651029845Thursday114173057785-43180679453238505143571755054610Friday2988310698526485853429023336254889519767554508515995655207012319005143583375555245435610546102667059055Which two days had the same amount of books borrowed? ________________________Does Wednesday and Thursday’s total equal the number of books borrowed on Friday? _________________How many books were borrowed on Tuesday and Thursday? ____________________If 30 books were borrowed on Saturday, how many book icons will there be in the row for Saturday? _____On Monday, only two books were borrowed. How many more books were borrowed on Wednesday? _____Making Pictographs – Part 1ClassworkUsing the information from the frequency table, make a pictograph.Profit Made at 3D’s Bake Sale $ = 5 dollars-264033045720DayProfit1st Friday2nd Friday3rd Friday4th FridayWhich Friday had the most sales? _________________Which Friday had the least sales? _________________What was the total profit from the four bake sales? _________________Class 3D decided to have an extra bake sale on Thursday. They made $65. How many $ signs would that be in the table? _________________How much more money did they make on the 2nd Friday than on the 3rd Friday? _________________564197561191-22860092075Dogs Groomed by the Pet Store Staff = 2 dogsStaffDogs GroomedMichelle MattShellyPhilHow many more dogs did Shelley groom than Phil? _________________How many dogs did Matt and Michelle groom? _________________Did Phil and Michelle together groom more dogs than Shelly? _________________Michelle groomed 4 more dogs. How many has she groomed in total? __________________How many more dogs did Matt and Shelly groom together than Phil? ________________Making Pictographs – Part 1HomeworkUsing the information from the frequency table, make a pictograph.551751515748009525Class Size in the Elementary School = 10 studentsClassClass SizeKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd GradeWhich is the largest class? _________________How many more students are in the kindergarten class than the 1st grade? _________________ 4752975258445The 2nd grade welcomes 10 more students into its class. How many are in the 2nd grade now? _________________If the 4th and 5th grades combined have 90 students, how many would be needed in the table? _________________How many students are in the 2nd and 3rd grades combined? _________________551699616510T-Shirts Sizes Ordered for School Spirit Day = 2 shirts-238760091440SizeNumber of T-ShirtsSmallMediumLargeHow many large t-shirts were ordered? _________________How many more medium shirts than small shirts were ordered? _________________How many medium and large shirts were ordered altogether? _________________Some X-Large sizes were needed. 8 people ordered this size. How many t-shirts would you draw in the table? _________________ How many more medium and large shirts were ordered than small shirts? _________________Making Pictographs – Part 2ClassworkMake a pictograph using the information in the table, and answer the following questions.Favorite Hobbies of Class 3P= one studentHobbyStudents-2437130-41275ReadingSportsMusicArtWhat is the most popular hobby in Class 3P? _____________________How many more students like reading than sports? _____________________What hobby has an equal amount of votes as music? _____________________If every student voted once, how many students are in Class 3P? _____________________How many students voted reading and music as their favorite hobbies? _____________________Weather for the Month of January One picture = 1 day-2433320147955WeatherNumber of DaysSunny CloudyRainySnowHow many days was it cloudy in January? _____________________How many snowy days did January have? _____________________How many more sunny days than cloudy or rainy days? _____________________How many cloudy and rainy days did January have? _____________________If the rest of the days were partly cloudy in January, how many days were partly cloudy? (You have to know how many total days there are in January.)_____________________Making Pictographs – Part 2HomeworkMake a pictograph using the information in the table, and answer the following questions.3810170815Movie Attendance = 100 peopleDayNumber of PeopleFridaySaturdaySundayWhat was the busiest day for the movie theater? _____________________How many more people came out on Saturday than Sunday? _____________________How many people came out on Friday and Saturday? _____________________How many more people came out on Friday and Saturday combined than Sunday? _______________How many people came out on Sunday and Friday? _____________________5132070152400Apples Picked on Saturday = 3 apples-23393402540EmployeeNumber of Apples PickedFredKarenWillShawnaHow many more apples did Will pick than Fred? _____________________How many apples did Fred and Karen pick together? _____________________Shawna picked 30 apples. Show this information in the pictograph. _____________________How many more apples did Shawna pick than Fred? _____________________Did Karen and Will pick more apples than Shawna and Fred? _____________________Reading Bar GraphsClassworkStudy the bar graphs. Answer the questions that follow.11525257620What is the title of this graph? _____________________What is the most popular juice? _____________________How many students like this juice? _____________________What is the least popular juice? _____________________How many students like orange and purple juices? _____________________13404270What is the title of this graph? _____________________Which sports are listed? __________________________________________Which is the most popular sport? _____________________How many more people like basketball than softball? _____________________How many people don’t have soccer, softball, or basketball as their favorite sport? _____________________Reading Bar GraphsHomework433260586360Study the bar graphs. Answer the questions that follow.What types of music is listed in the bar graph to the right?___________________________________Which is the most popular type of music? ___________________________________7 students have what type of music as their favorite?___________________________________How many more students have hip hop than classical music as their favorite type?___________________________________Do the same number of students have hip hop and classical as theirfavorite as rock and jazz music? ______________405529236415 people have what kind of dog? ______________How many people have retrievers than spaniels? ______________There are 5 more Dalmatian owners than what breed? ______________How many people have retrievers and setters? ______________How many dog owners were surveyed in total? ______________Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 1ClassworkFill in the bar graphs. Answer the questions.251396513271517589550800How many students have orange juice as their favorite? __________________How many students like cranberry and apple juice as their favorite? __________________How many more students like apple and orange juice than cranberry juice? __________________2420620140335160020121285How many more stickers did Liz earn than Miranda? __________________Who had two more stickers than Miranda? __________________Liz had how many more stickers than Sam? __________________Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 1HomeworkFill in the bar graphs. Answer the questions.303403076200173How many students like reading, sports, and music? __________________Five students like writing. Show that in the bar graph. __________________How many more like art and music than sports and reading? __________________2503805144780259715116205How many yellow t-shirts were worn? __________________How many red and blue t-shirts were worn? __________________How many more green and yellow t-shirts were worn than blue and red t-shirts? __________________How many students participated in wearing a colored t-shirt on Friday? __________________Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 2Classwork2408555142240Use the frequency table to fill in the bar graph.9715578740The number of books borrowed on Wednesday and Monday equal the number of books borrowed on which day? __________________How many more books were borrowed on Thursday than Tuesday? __________________How many books were borrowed altogether from Monday through Thursday? __________________51816074295348742084455How much warmer was Saturday than Friday?____________________If Monday’s temperature is 15 degrees warmer than Friday’s, what will the temperature be? ________________(Also show on the bar graph.)Write in a label for Tuesday. Tuesday’s temperature will be 5 degrees cooler than Saturday. Show this on the bar graph.Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 2Homework262890074295Use the pictograph to fill in the bar graph.-107950142875How many dogs were groomed on Monday? __________________How many more dogs were groomed on Tuesday than Wednesday?On Wednesday, they had 3 walk-ins (no appointment) in addition to their scheduled appointments. How many dogs did they groom altogether on Wednesday? __________________On Thursday, there were five appointments. Show that on the graph.For the bar graph on the right, use the information from the table below. 339471064135635064770Make sure to include:TitleCorrectly label the daysFill in the barsLine Plots – Part 1Classwork291465152400What is the title of this line plot? ________________What are the favorite foods? ________________Which food is the most popular? ________________How many more votes does it have than the least favorite? ________________How many students voted in total? ________________59182011430Which is the least favorite sport? ________________How many people like hiking and camping? ________________How many more people like hiking than tennis? ________________Do the same number of people like hiking as running? ________________How many people took this survey? ________________Line Plots – Part 1Homework44640506350Use the line plot on the right to answer the following questions.How many people have 1 pet? ________________How many people have 3 or more pets? ________________How many people took part in this survey? ________________How many people have 2 pets? ________________How many people have 4 pets? ________________836295109220Pairs of ShoesHow many people wear 3 different pairs of shoes during the week? ________________How many people wear 1 pair of shoes during the week? ________________How many more people wear 9 different pairs of shoes than 5 pairs of shoes? ________________How many people wear 7 different pairs of shoes during the week? ________________How many people took part in this survey? ________________Line Plots – Part 2ClassworkUsing the frequency and tally tables below, make line plots of the data.203884915240015214153477How many books did Simi and Christie read? ________________How many books were read altogether in the group? ________________How many more books did Simi read than Raj? ________________206692583820508022860How many students are in Class 3P? ________________How many more people like art than sports? ________________How many people like sports and music? ________________Line Plots – Part 2HomeworkUsing the pictograph, make a line plot of the data.238823559690508060325How many appointments did AstroPets have on Tuesday? ________________Thursday had four more appointments than Monday. Show that on the line plot. ________________How many more appointments did AstroPets have on Thursday than Wednesday? ________________2008505177800What is the most popular way of getting to school? ________________How many students took part in this survey? ________________How many more students take the bus than ride in a car? ________________Problem Solving Using GraphsClasswork309689536195Answer the following questions using the graphs.How many 3rd graders play soccer?________________How many more 3rd graders play football than hockey? ________________How many 3rd graders play baseball and basketball? ________________Baseball is equally played as football and which other sport? ________________How many play soccer and football? ________________270637048895What information is given from the bar graph on the right? ________________How many people voted for corn flakes and cheerios? ________________What is the most popular cereal according to this bar graph? ________________Which is the least popular?________________How many people were polled in total if everyone voted once? ________________Problem Solving Using GraphsHomework3076575264795Answer the following questions using the graphs.How many students voted dog as their favorite pet? ________________How many students voted for fish and frog as their favorite pets? ________________How many more students voted for cats than frogs? ________________How many students are in 3M? ________________Vote for your favorite pet. If it’s already listed in the graph, shade in one vote. If your favorite pet is not listed, write a label at the end and fill in a vote.50804445Which topping is the most popular? ________________How many more people like cheese than mushroom? ________________How many people like cheese and sausage? ________________10 more people voted for mushrooms. Show that on the pictograph. ________________Using the information from question 9, how many more people like mushroom than sausage now? ________________Unit Review – Graphs Favorite Drinks of Mr. Smith’s ClassMultiple Choice4052570170815Use the tally table on the right to answer 1 – 4.How many people voted Coke as their favorite drink?20191814How many people voted milk as their favorite drink?12151719Which drink had the least amount of votes?Apple JuicePepsiCokeMilkHow many more people like Apple Juice than Pepsi?23451 book = 1 book soldUse the pictograph on the right to answer 5 – 7. 35598103810How many books were sold on Monday?3456How many more books were sold on Wednesday than Friday?4567How many books were sold on Tuesday and Wednesday?111213143261360140970Use the pictograph on the right to answer 8 – 11. How many students like breakfast food as their favorite school lunch?810124How many students voted chicken nuggets as their favorite school lunch?781014How many more students voted for chicken nuggets than pizza?3567Which food has the same amount of votes as pizza?Chicken nuggetsBreakfast464756512065Use the bar graph on the right to answer 12 – 14. Students in Ms. Loren’s class counted M&M’s of each color that came in a bag and made a bar graph of the results.How many brown M&M’s were in the bag?3550155How many blue and red M&M’s were in the bag?40455055How many more green M&M’s were in the bag than orange M&M’s?5101520Short Constructed ResponseHow is 24 written in tally marks? ________________1019810302895How is 12 written in tally marks? ________________What is ? ________________10939275080What is ? ________________337439010160Use the line plot at the right to answer 19 – 21.How many classrooms have 30 students? ________________ How many more classrooms have 30 students than 31 students? ________________How many classrooms have 29 students? ________________Extended ResponseUse the line plot to fill in the bar graph.Which day was the busiest for the car dealership?How many more cars did the dealership sell on Saturday than Thursday?How many cars were sold in total?If 5 more cars were sold at the last minute on Sunday, how many were sold in total on Sunday?24003003810190597790Mrs. D.’s class recorded the temperature daily for one week. Here are the results: Monday: 65 degrees, Tuesday: 70 degrees, Wednesday: 60 degrees, Thursday: 75 degrees, and Friday: 70 degrees.What day was the highest temperature?Which day was the coolest in temperature?How many degrees warmer was the warmest day than the coolest day?1085850908685Sheila recorded the temperature on Saturday. It was ten degrees warmer than Monday’s. What was the temperature on Saturday? Answer KeyTally and Frequency Tables-Part 1Classwork416291321320819.. 13........ Pets of J.P Elementary School’s 3rd Grade ClassPetTallyFrequencyCatl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l39Dogl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l28Hamster/Rat/Mousel l l l l l l l l l l l15Birdl l l l l l l l 10Turtlel l l l l l l l l11Lizardl l l l l l7Lunch Order for Bill’s Office on TuesdayFoodTallyFrequencyPizzal l l l l l l l l l l13Saladl l l l l l l l l l12Burgerl l l l4Sandwichl l l l l l l l l l l l15Homework1011412831825139 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lPetTallyFrequencyCatl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l42Dogl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 25Hamster/Rat/Mousel l l l l l l l l l 12Birdl l l l l l l l 10Turtlel l l l l l l l 9Lizardl l l l l l l l l l 12Pets of J.P Elementary School’s 3rd Grade ClassLunch Order for Bill’s Office on Tuesday FoodTallyFrequencyPizzal l l l l l l l l l l l15Saladl l l l l l l l 10Burgerl l l l l l l l9Sandwichl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l21Tally and Frequency Tables – Part 2Classwork154227NoPetsAnimalTallyFrequencyCatl l l l l l7Dogl l l l l6Hamsterl l l l l l l8HamsterDogThere is one more hamster than cat.Cats. One more.Homework10YesNon-flavoredYes23What’s in Your Pencil Case?ItemTallyFrequencyPencill l l l l l l l l l l13Penl l l l l l l l l l l I14Eraserl l l l l l l813Pens. One more.No6Tally and Frequency Tables-Part 3ClassworkBaked ItemTallyCupcakesl l l l l l l l l l l lMuffinsl l l l l l l l l lDonutsl l l l l l l l l lBrowniesl l l l l l l l l Baked ItemTallyCupcakesl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l lMuffinsl l l l l l l l Donutsl l l l l l l l l l lBrowniesl l l l l l l l l l l l l l Baked ItemTallyFrequencyCupcakesl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l33Muffinsl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l22Donutsl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l25Browniesl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 28 336Cupcakes66HomeworkPizzaTallyPepperonil l l l l l l l l lPlainl l l l l l l l l l lMushrooml l l l l l l l l l l l lCombol l l l l l l l l l l lPizzas Sold in One Hour at John’s PizzaPizzaFrequencyPepperoni14Plain15Mushroom20Combo16Pizzas Sold in One Hour at John’s PizzaPizzaTallyFrequencyPepperonil l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l26Plainl l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l28Mushrooml l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l36Combol l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l3030No120$1,200Reading Information in PictographsClassworkChocolatePistachio and vanilla10312Liz11952HomeworkThursday. 9 cakes.Friday. 33 cakes.9 more21 moreWednesday and ThursdayWednesday and ThursdayNo 22156Making Pictographs-Part 1ClassworkProfit Made at 3D’s Bake Sale ??$ = 5 dollars-264033045720DayProfit1st Friday$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $2nd Friday$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $3rd Friday$ $ $ $ $ $ $4th Friday$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4th Friday3rd Friday$18513$15297180052705Dogs Groomed by the Pet Store Staff = 2 dogsStaffDogs GroomedMichelle663575107950320675107950-22225107950 Matt1349375508001006475508006635755080032067550800-2222550800Shelly1692275508001349375508001006475508006635755080032067550800-2222550800Phil1006475508006635755080032067550800-2222550800416Yes10142628900157480HomeworkClass Size in the Elementary School = 10 studentsClassClass SizeKindergarten1st Grade2nd Grade3rd Grade2857500151765262890015176524003001517652171700151765194310015176526289002057402400300205740217170020574019431002057403086100584202857500584202628900584202400300584202171700584201943100584203314700112395308610011239528575001123952628900112395240030011239521717001123951943100112395-17678401953260-14249401953260-21107401953260-24536401953260-27965401953260-31394401953260-34823401953260-17678401381760-21107401381760-24536401381760-27965401381760-31394401381760-34823401381760-2453640810260-2796540810260-3139440810260-3482340810260-2110740238760-2453640238760-2796540238760-3139440238760-34823402387603rd Grade107091303314700100330T-Shirts Sizes Ordered for School Spirit Day = 2 shirts-238760091440SizeNumber of T-ShirtsSmall1823720723901366520723909093207239045212072390-508072390Medium18237205638801366520563880909320563880452120563880-508056388018237201066801366520106680909320106680452120106680-5080106680Large3195320495302738120392430273812049530228092039243022809204953018237203924301366520392430909320392430452120392430-50803924301823720495301366520495309093204953045212049530-5080495303010504 40Making Pictographs-Part 2Classwork Favorite Hobbies of Class 3P = 1 studentHobbyStudents-2437130-41275ReadingSportsMusicArtArt1Sports199Weather for the Month of January ???One picture = 1 day-2433320147955WeatherNumber of DaysSunny CloudyRainySnow523810HomeworkMovie Attendance ? = 100 peopleDayNumber of PeopleFridaySaturdaySundaySaturday300160010001300 Apples Picked on Saturday = 3 apples-23393402540EmployeeNumber of Apples PickedFred210312081280164592081280118872081280617220812804572081280Karen27889204699023317204699018745204699014173204699096012046990502920469904572046990Will3131820469902674620469902217420469901760220469901303020469908458204699038862046990-6858046990Shawna2103120389890153162038989010744203898906172203898901600203898901760220469901303020469908458204699038862046990-6858046990936Refer to pictograph15NoReading Bar GraphsClassworkStudents’ Favorite JuicesYellow10Red14 Our Favorite SportsSoccer, Softball, Basketball, OtherSoccer23HomeworkHip Hop, Classical, Rock, JazzJazzRock4NoSetter5Setter4590Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 1Classwork80010014224011430001181103923Chris and Kim2331470013335Homework13Shown on graph1114859057418Making Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 2274320090805ClassworkTuesday 4. 10°F15 5. 80°F60 6. 70°F114300-2540TuesdayMaking Bar Graphs Using Data from Tables and Pictographs – Part 2278130024765Homework647Shown on graph228600374015 ThursdayTuesdayWednesday Temperature from Tuesday-ThursdayLine Plots – Part 1ClassworkFavorite Food of Class 3TPizza, Hamburger, Chicken Fingers, Spaghetti, Mac ‘N’ CheeseSpaghetti219Tennis94Yes18Homework872053211018Line Plots – Part 2Classwork2514600104775xxxx1. 13xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2. 223. 22743200133354. 19xxx5. 2xxxxxxxxxxx6. 8xxxxx251460048260Homeworkxxxx1. 8xxxxx2. 10 (Shown on graph)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx3. 6x2514600129540xx4. Busxxxx5. 26xx6. 8xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxProblem Solving Using GraphsClasswork601090Hockey90Which cereals are people’s favorites6LifeCheerios15Homework88321Shading will varyPepperoni5502 more pizzas will be added5Unit Reviewbcbcdacadcbabc l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l913262890094615214Cars Sold…Friday32882971800157480 TemperaturesThursdayWednesday15 degrees75°Saturday ................

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