Math: Unit 6

|UNIT TITLE: Understand Division |Grade: 3 |

|Domain: |Suggested Pacing |

|Operations and Algebraic Thinking (CC.3.OA) | |

| | 11 days |

| |12/22/14 – 01/16/14 |

|Stage 1 – Desired Result |

|Established Goals/Unit Outcome |

|Highest Level of Understanding: |

|Relate multiplication and division as inverse operations and write related multiplication and division facts. |

|Divide using the rules for 1 and 0. |

|Average Level of Understanding: |

|Model division using equal groups and bar models. |

|Use repeated subtraction and a number line to relate subtraction to division. |

|Most Essential Level of Understanding: |

|Solve division strategies using the strategy “Act it Out.” |

|Use models to explore the meaning of partitive (sharing) and quotative (measurement) division. |

|Common Core Learning Standards: |

|CC.3.OA.3: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. |

|Use multiplication and division within 100 to solve word problems in situations involving equal groups, arrays, and measurement quantities, e.g., by using drawings and equations with a symbol for the unknown number to|

|represent the problem. |

|CC.3.OA.2: Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division. |

|Interpret whole-number quotients of whole numbers, e.g., interpret 56 / 8 as the number of objects in each share when 56 objects are partitioned equally into 8 shares, or as a number of shares when 56 objects are |

|partitioned into equal shares of 8 objects each. |

|CC.3.OA.6: Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. |

|Understand division as an unknown-factor problem. |

|CC.3.OA.7: Multiply and Divide within 100. |

|Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 X 5 = 40, one knows 40 / 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of |

|Grade 3, know from memory all products of two one-digit numbers. |

|CC.3.OA.5: Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division. |

|Apply properties of operations as strategies to multiply and divide. |

| |

|Mathematical Practices: |

|CC.K-12.MP.2: Reason abstractly and quantitatively. |

|CC.K-12.MP.7: Look for and make use of structure. |

|Essential Questions: |

|How can you use division to find how many in each group or how many equal groups? (OVERALL) |

|How can you use the strategy “Act it Out” to solve problems with equal groups? (Lesson 6.1; CC.3.OA.3) |

|How can you model a division problem to find how many in each group? (Lesson 6.2; CC.3.OA.2) |

|How can you model a division problem to find how many equal groups? (Lesson 6.3; CC.3.OA.2) |

|How can you use bar models to solve division problems? (Lesson 6.4; CC.3.OA.2) |

|How is division related to subtraction? (Lesson 6.5; CC.3.OA.3) |

|How can you use arrays to solve division problems? (Lesson 6.6; CC.3.OA.3) |

|How can you use multiplication to divide? (Lesson 6.7; CC.3.OA.6) |

|How can you write a set of related multiplication and division facts? (Lesson 6.8; CC.3.OA.7) |

|What are the rules for dividing with 1 and 0? (Lesson 6.9; CC.3.OA.5) |

|Content: |Skills: |

|Solve division problems |Use the “Act it Out” strategy to solve division problems. |

|Explore the meaning of partitive (sharing) division. |Use models to explore partitive (sharing) division. |

|Explore the meaning of quotative (measurement) division. |Use models to explore quotative (measurement) division. |

|Model division. |Use bar models to solve division problems. |

|Explore the relationship between division and subtraction. |Use repeated subtraction and a number line to relate subtraction to division. |

|Use multiplication to divide. |Use arrays to solve division problems. |

|Rules for division. |Use bar models and arrays to relate multiplication and division as inverse operations. |

| |Write a set of related multiplication and division facts. |

| |Divide using the rules for 1 and 0. |

|Terms/ Vocabulary: |

|Divide |

|Equal Groups |

|Dividend |

|Divisor |

|Quotient |

|Array (Lesson 6.6) |

|Inverse Operations (Lesson 6.7) |

|Related Facts |

|Factor |

|Product |

|Identity Property of Multiplication (Lesson 6.9) |

| Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence |

|Performance Task: |Other Evidence: |

| |Diagnostic: |

| |Show What You Know Pg. 207 |

| |Formative: |

| |Lesson Quick Check |

| |Mid-Chapter Checkpoint – Pg. 229-230 |

| |Summative: |

| |Chapter Review Test – Pg. 247-250 |

| |Chapter Test – Pg. 107-112 (A.G.) |

| Stage 3 – Learning Plan |

|Standard |

|Grab-and-Go Differentiated Center Kits |

|Literacy Connections: Readers |Games: |

|Corey’s Cookie Caper |All in the Family |

|The Garden Fence | |

|The Homework Table |Activities: |

|Sports Camp |Card #9 |

| |Comparing 2 and 5 |

| |Dividing Nickels |

| |Division MathO! |

| | |

| |Card #19 |

| |Missing Sides |

| |Division Dilemmas |

| | |

|Go Math Intervention Activities (ELLs, RTI, and SWDs): |

|ELLs |RTI |

|Strategy: |Lesson 6.1: |

|Rephrase (Lesson 6.1: pg. 209B; Lesson 6.9: pg. 243B) |Tier 1: Visual/Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

|Strategy: |Page 209B |

|Identify Relationships (Lesson 6.2: pg. 213B; Lesson 6.6: pg. 231B) |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) |

|Strategy: |Page 209B |

|Creative Grouping (Lesson 6.3: pg. 217B) |Lesson 6.2: |

|Strategy: |Tier 1: Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

|Define (Lesson 6.4: pg. 221B) |Page 213B |

|Strategy: |Tier 2: Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

|Draw (Lesson 6.5: pg. 225B) |Page 213B |

|Strategy: |Lesson 6.3: |

|Describe (Lesson 6.7: pg. 235B) |Tier 1: Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

|Strategy: |Page 217B |

|Model Concepts (Lesson 6.8: pg. 239B) |Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) |

| |Lesson 6.4: |

| |Tier 1: Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 221B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Page 221B |

| |Lesson 6.5: |

| |Tier 1: Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 225B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Page 225B |

| |Lesson 6.6: |

| |Tier 1: Visual/Spatial (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 231B |

| |Tier 2: Visual/Spatial (Small Group) |

| |Page 231B |

| |Lesson 6.7: |

| |Tier 1: Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 235B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic (Small Group) |

| |Page 235B |

| |Lesson 6.8: |

| |Tier 1: Kinesthetic (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 239B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual |

| |Page 239B |

| |Lesson 6.9: |

| |Tier 1: Kinesthetic/Visual (Whole Class/Small Group) |

| |Page 243B |

| |Tier 2: Kinesthetic/Visual (Small Group) |

| |Page 243B |

|SWDs | |

|Additional Support Strategies: | |

| | |

|Division: | |

|Choose a peer to model how to solve division problems for the student. | |

|Develop a math facts reference sheet for division for student to use at his/her desk. | |

|Provide manipulatives to divide into groups. | |

|Provide flashcards to practice the division tables. | |

|Use of calculator for drill of basic division facts. | |

|Practice division facts on a computer software program. | |

| | |

|Problem-Solving: | |

|Provide short and concise one-step word problems. | |

|Students simulate situations that relate to word problems. | |

|Students create word problems for number sentences. | |


Lesson 6.2


• MathBoard

• Counting Tape

• Counters

• Square Tiles

Lesson 6.4

Lesson 6.8

Games/Activities Key:

Computation and Mental Math

Geometry and Measurement



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