
Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Know: Understand: Do:

Root words, prefixes and suffixes (RLA.O.

3.1.07, RLA.PD.3.1)

Purpose of informational text

Characteristics of informational text

Types and purpose of

Text features: (RLA.O.


• Table of contents

• Glossary

• Headings

• Charts

• Graphs

• Diagrams

• Illustrations

Use and functions of dictionary (RLA.O.


RLA.O.3.1.03 - apply tiered levels of vocabulary in speaking and reading experiences. RLA.O.3.1.06 - use meaning clues to aid comprehension of content across the curriculum (e.g., pictures, picture captions, titles, headings, topic). RLA.O.3.1.02 - identify and understand appropriate reading vocabulary (e.g., synonyms, antonyms,

Learners can obtain and communicate knowledge through informational text.

Identify characteristics of a variety of types of text (reference, children newspapers, practical /functional texts) (RLA.O.3.1.05, RLA.O.3.1.12)

Identify and explain the purpose of text features (RLA.O.3.1.06)

Organize information to show an understanding of main ideas within a text through charting (RLA.O.3.1.14, RLA.O.3.1.06)

Read non-fiction materials on topical areas such as animals, science, history (RLA.O.3.1.14)

Infer what makes informational text similar and different from other types of non-fiction (ET-Inductive)

Use root words, prefixes and suffixes to decode and determine meaning of unfamiliar words (RLA.O.3.1.07, RLA.PD.3.1)

Use dictionary and glossary to determine meaning of unfamiliar words (RLA.O.3.1.02)

Identify a text's features and use them to make predictions and establish a purpose for reading (add to topic map) (RLA.O.3.1.06)

Write in informational forms (RLA.O.


• procedures

• notes/messages

• instructions

• graphs/tables

• experiments,

• rubrics

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Know: Understand: Do:

homonyms, multiple- meaning words). RLA.O.3.1.12 - recognize and explain the defining characteristics of genre in literary and texts:

• fairy tales

• folk tales

• myths

• poems

• fables

• fantasies

• biographies

• short stories

• chapter books

• historical fiction

• plays

• autobiographies

• magazines

• newspapers

• textbooks

• electronic databases

• reference materials

Write a persuasive paragraph that attempts to influence the reader (RLA.O.3.2.09)

Read informational text and organize information for writing a report (and preparing to take a test) (RLA.PD.3.3, RLA.O.3.3.02, RLA.O.3.3.03)

Use a prewriting plan to develop the main idea with supporting details that provide facts and opinions (RLA.O.


Determine the purpose for writing (to persuade) and the intended audience (RLA.O.3.2.09)

Plan, organize and give an oral presentation (RLA.O.3.3.01, RLA.PD.


Use appropriate voice eye, and body movements for the topic , audience and occasion (RLA.O.3.3.01, RLA.PD.


Evaluate the draft for point of view


Write an informational report that includes main ideas and relevant details with visual support

(poster, diagram, idea map) (RLA.O.

3.2.12, RLA.PD.3.2)

Identify different production elements used in media messages and use the elements in a multimedia production (RLA.PD.3.3, RLA.O.3.3.01, RLA.O.

3.3.02, RLA.O.3.3.03)

RLA.O.3.1.15 - increase the amount of independent reading to build background knowledge, expand vocabulary and comprehend literary

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Know: Understand: Do:

RLA.O.3.1.14 - use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of information resources to support literacy learning (e.g., written directions, captions, electronic resources, labels, informational text). RLA.O.3.2.04 - develop proper paragraph form in written composition:

• beginning, middle, end

• main ideas with relevant details

• sentence variety such as declarative, interrogative and exclamatory and imperative

• descriptive and transitional words

• indentations

RLA.O.3.3.02 - distinguish different messages conveyed through visual media (e.g., photos, television, multimedia Internet). RLA.O.3.3.03 - create an age appropriate

media literacy product that reflects understanding of

and informational text.

RLA.O.3.1.06 - use meaning clues to aid comprehension of content across the curriculum (e.g., pictures, picture captions, titles, headings, topic). RLA.O.3.1.07 - read third grade instructional level texts and use self- correction strategies (e.g., decoding, searching for cues, rereading). RLA.O.3.1.02 - identify and understand appropriate reading vocabulary (e.g., synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, multiple-meaning words).

RLA.O.3.1.05 - read familiar stories, poems and passages with fluency:

• appropriate rate

• accuracy

• prosody

RLA.O.3.1.14 - use reading skills and strategies to understand a variety of information resources to support literacy learning (e.g., written directions, captions, electronic resources, labels, informational text). RLA.O.3.2.09 - compose in a variety of forms and genres for different audiences (e.g., diaries, journals, letters, reports, stories).

RLA.O.3.2.04 - develop proper paragraph form in written composition:

• beginning, middle, end

• main ideas with relevant details

• sentence variety such as declarative, interrogative and exclamatory and imperative

• descriptive and transitional words

• indentations

RLA.O.3.2.12 - use a variety of strategies to plan simple research (e.g., identify possible topic by

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Know: Understand: Do:

format and characteristics.

brainstorming, list questions, use graphic organizers, organize prior knowledge about a topic, develop a course of action for writing, determine how to locate necessary information). RLA.O.3.3.01 - listen and respond to familiar stories and poems (e.g., summarize and paraphrase to confirm comprehension, recount personal experiences, imagine beyond the literary form).

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Common Assessments on what students should know and do in this unit:

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Key Learning: Learners can obtain and communicate knowledge through informational text.

Unit Essential Question(s):

How do learners effectively read, write, and share knowledge through informational text?


Concept: Concept: Concept:

Characteristics of

Informational Text

Strategies to Use Before We

Read Informational Text

Strategies to use while reading informational text

RLA.O.3.1.05 , RLA.O.3.1.12

RLA.O.3.1.06 , RLA.PD.3.1

RLA.O.3.1.06 , RLA.O.3.1.07 , RLA.PD.3.1, RLA.O.



Lesson Essential Question(s): Lesson Essential Question(s): Lesson Essential Question(s):

What are the characteristics of different types of information in an expository text? (A)

How is informational text similar and different from other types of nonfiction text? (Inductive Reasoning) (ET)

How do readers use and identify text features to predict and set a purpose for reading? (headings, table of contents, and etc.). (A)

How can readers use graphics or a graphic organizer to organize questions, locate information and summarize answers? (A)

How do readers use dictionaries and glossaries to determine unknown words and the meaning of unfamiliar words? (A)


Vocabulary: Vocabulary: Vocabulary:

Information, Non-Fiction, Text Features, expository text, characteristics

Graphics, Predictions, Headings, Purpose for Reading, Table of Contents, titles, sub-titles

Charts, Graphs, Headings, Diagrams, Illustrations, Glossary, Root Word, Prefix, Suffix, guide words

Additional Information:

Align with Power Writing

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Vocab Report for Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd


Characteristics of Informational Text

Information - Non-Fiction - Text Features - expository text - characteristics -


Strategies to Use Before We Read Informational Text

Graphics - Predictions - Headings -

Purpose for Reading - Table of Contents - titles -

sub-titles -


Strategies to use while reading informational text

Charts - Graphs - Headings - Diagrams - Illustrations - Glossary - Root Word - Prefix -

Suffix -

guide words -

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Characteristics of Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

Lesson Essential Question:

What are the characteristics of different types of information in an expository text?

What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Assessment Prompt 1: A.P. 1. Why do we use nonfiction text?

Assessment Prompt 2: A.P. 2. How is nonfiction text different from fiction writings?

Activating Strategy:

A.P. 1. Why do we use non fiction text?

Teacher introduces to students a graphic organizer "Alpha Box".

Alpha box

Create a grid of 24 equal size boxes either for individual use on computer or on

chart paper for group. Each square will represent one letter of alphabet with last square being X,Y,Z. Prior to beginning reading on new topic, insert words that reflect prior knowledge of topic. For example prior to reading a book on spiders - in the "E" box, a child might write "eight legs", or in the "W" box a child might write a fact about webs. Words/phrases can be added to the boxes as child reads text. Additional points of importance, inferences or conclusions can be added after the reading. Model with a chart version first demonstrating the possibilities for filling in the grid.

Key vocabulary to preview:

information, non-fiction, text features, expository, characteristics

Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer:

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Characteristics of Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Teacher and Students continue with Alpha Box through out the lesson listing the characteristics of the different types of informations found in expository text.


Teacher uses preselected materials of the expository text to teach the characteristics found in them.

You could use either the Social Studies or Science text.

Assignment and/or Assessment:

Teacher ask students to partner and locate these characteristics: Text Feature Scavenger Hunt

1. Find and check out the index. How many pages does it have ? Locate a key topic that has several pages of information. Find a topic that has only a single page listed.

2. Look through the Table of Contents. Where did you find it ? How is the book divided up ? What chapters look interesting to you ?

3. Find the glossary. Where is it located ? What information is in the glossary ? Write down two words that are familiar and two that are unknown. Find those words in the chapters of the book. How can a glossary help you ?

4. List the information found on the first page of a chapter.

5. How does the text show that some words are important ? (ex:bold print) Find 3 words in a chapter that seem important. Write them down, find out what each means and write that meaning. What are the ways you can find out the meaning

of a word in this book ?

6. Find a photograph within the book. Note the page number. Study the photo and

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Characteristics of Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

read the caption. Write what you learned. How does this photo help you understand the information in the text ?

7. Find a graph, chart, diagram or map. Note the page number. Study this feature and write what you can learn from it.

8. Flip through a couple more chapters in the book. What other features do you find ? How do they help you understand the information in the chapter ?

9. Look at the last page of the chapter. What did you find ? How will it help you with learning what is in the chapter ? Would it be helpful to look at this page

before reading the chapter ?

10. Skim through a chapter. Is there anything that seems to confuse you ? How can being familiar with the way nonfiction text "works" help you in learning ?

A.P. 2. How is nonfiction text different from fiction writings?


Students answer the essential question by listing and explaining three or four of the characteristics they learned found in an expository text.

Summarizing Strategy:

With partners, students discuss and add new information to their alpha box.

Resources and Materials:

Materials for expository text and alpha box grid

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Characteristics of Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Time (in days):


Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to Use Before We Read Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

Lesson Essential Question:

How do readers use and identify text features to predict and set a purpose for reading? (headings, table of contents, and etc.).

What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Assessment Prompt 1: A.P. 1. What are text features? Assessment Prompt 2: A.P.2. Why are text features important?

Activating Strategy:

Teacher and students will participate in the following activity to help identify text feature.

* Text Support * 5-Finger Strategies * 1. Read the title. * Do I know anything about it? * 2.Read the subtitles. * What do I think the connection is between this and the title?* 3.Look at words that are bolded and italiciz*eWd.hat are the connections?

* 4.Take a picture walk through the text. * What connections can I make? * 5.Read the first and last paragraphs. * Does this help me with the big picture.

Key vocabulary to preview:

graphics, predictions, headings, purpose for reading, table of contents, titles and sub-titles

Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer:

Using a foldable describing each components of the SQ3R. (Survey, Question,Read, Retell and



Teacher will model each component of the SQ3R of the text features of the expository

A.P. 1. What are text features?

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to Use Before We Read Informational Text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

SQ3R .Survey *Look at titles, headings, visual aids, summaries . Question *Formulate questions based on preview.

Read *Use the questions as a guide while you read.

Retell *Retell the information either in partners, small groups or large groups.

Recite *Go over and answer the original questions

Assignment and/or Assessment:


A.P.2. Why are text features important?

Teacher will ask partners to complete a SQ3R using a lesson from either their Social Studies or

Science text.


After students complete assignment and discussed the summarizing strategies they can complete a

SQ3R by themselves to answer the essential question.

Summarizing Strategy:

Students will partner to do a look back for review of their answers.

Resources and Materials:

Foldable, expository text

Time (in days):


Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to use while reading informational text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

Lesson Essential Question:

How can readers use graphics or a graphic organizer to organize questions, locate information and summarize answers?

What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Assessment Prompt 1: A.P.1. How does knowing where to locate the information of a particular text information help us?

Assessment Prompt 2: A.P.2. How does using a graphic organizer help us better understand the given information?

Activating Strategy:

Play the game "Who Am I?" Using a premade set of flash cards for students, the teacher demonstrates the text features and their meanings written on the cards. Once students review the meanings and words they are ready for the game. One partner will ask the definition of Who am I? The other partner will give the word. For example: I give the meaning to a word, who am I ? The partner would answer: Glossary.

A.P.1. How does knowing where to locate the information of a particular text information help us?

Key vocabulary to preview:

Charts, Graphs, Headings, Purpose, for Reading, Table of Contents, Titles, Sub-titles

Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer:

Using a T Chart students write the features of the text on one side and the definition of the

features across from the matching word. Explain to students this will make an easy guide once they try to locate information and summarize answers.


Giving students the text they will be using, the teacher gives students the preselected questions they want answered using the information in that text. Discuss how charts and graphs are sometimes used in the text information to help us better understand what the author is trying to get across to us. Graphics and charts may also be looked at as a graphic organizer.

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to use while reading informational text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

A.P.2. How does using a graphic organizer help us better understand the given information?

Assignment and/or Assessment:

Students can use their graphic organizer to help locate the information the teacher has ask them to find.


Teacher gives students an expository text to locate the information they want answered. Students use their T Chart to locate and write information wanted.

Summarizing Strategy:

Partners take turns playing the game "Who Am I? with each other to better remember where to find the information needed in the text.

Resources and Materials:

Premade flash cards using text features words and definitions, T Charts, preselected text

Time (in days):


Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to use while reading informational text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Plan for the Concept, Topic, or Skill -- Not for the Day

Lesson Essential Question:

How do readers use dictionaries and glossaries to determine unknown words and the meaning of unfamiliar words?

What do students need to learn to be able to answer the Essential Question?

Assessment Prompt 1: A.P. 1. Compare and contrast a dictionary and a glossary. Assessment Prompt 2:

Activating Strategy:

Teacher plays "Dictionary race" with students to help familiarize the parts of a dictionary with

them. Teacher uses a word that all students would know. Example: essay. They try to see who can locate the word first. Once everyone has found the word the teacher can then expain the different components that the dictionary has relating to the word .

Key vocabulary to preview:

charts, graphs, headings, diagrams, illustrations, glossary, root word, prefix, suffix, guide words.

Teaching Strategies:

Graphic Organizer:

Students will make and complete a Frayer graphic organizer to demonstrate what a glossary is and how it is used.

A.P. 1. Compare and contrast a dictionary and a glossary.


As teacher introduces the new vocabulary for a lesson, students will make a prediction for the new word. They can then check their predictions by looking the word up in a glossary. As students read they select three unfamiliar words to them. Then, students can look up the unfamiliar words in the glossary. They can share at least one of their unfamiliar words with the class.

Assignment and/or Assessment:

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Strategies to use while reading informational text

5. Acquisition Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

As students read the preselected material or story they select three unfamiliar words to them. Then, students can look up the unfamiliar words in the glossary. They can share at least one of their unfamiliar words with the class.


Students answer the essential question by demonstrating the meaning of a given word as they complete a frayer organzer.

Summarizing Strategy:

Partners can practice this skill by giving each other clues on how to locate words and their meanings in a glossary.

Resources and Materials:

dictionaries, preselected words and readings, frayer graphic organizers

Time (in days):


Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Concept: Characteristics of Informational Text

6. Extending Thinking Lesson

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Lesson Essential Question:

How is informational text similar and different from other types of nonfiction text? (Inductive


Time (in days):


Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

Topic: Informational Text

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Days: 20

Grade(s): 3rd

What resources and materials do you need for this unit, the lessons, and the activities?

Resources Associated with the Unit:

Resources Associated with Lessons and Activities:

Resources and Materials from ACQ Lesson 1:

Materials for expository text and alpha box grid

Resources and Materials from ACQ Lesson 2:

Foldable, expository text

Resources and Materials from ACQ Lesson 3:

Premade flash cards using text features words and definitions, T Charts, preselected text

Resources and Materials from ACQ Lesson 4:

dictionaries, preselected words and readings, frayer graphic organizers










Curriculum: Tola Hutchison

Course: ELA 03

Learning-Focused Toolbox

Date: October 20, 2011 ET

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Date: October 20, 2011 ET

Course: ELA 03

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Curriculum: Tola Hutchison

Course: ELA 03

Learning-Focused Toolbox

Date: October 20, 2011 ET


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