Chinle Unified School District

Lesson OverviewTitleThe Egg TowerGrade Levels3rd GradeSubject AreaScienceEngineering MathSummary & RationalThe fields of construction and engineering are multi-faceted. Students will be given an engaging and challenging assignment to test their minds and exercise their interpersonal skills. Challenging assignments can be made easier through team work, self-reflection and motivating others. ReferenceLesson Retrieved From: Tasks/PlanningActivity DescriptionUsing only the supplies provided, students will work in teams to design, construct, and build the tallest possible tower that will hold an egg for at least 15 secondsMaterials/Resources NeededResources Engineer: Architect: cameras Yardsticks. Each Group: 30 strawsroll of masking tapeeggplate for the base of tower (allows you to move it after the project is done) Plastic bag to put all their supplies in. Post challenge rules for everyone to see. You can create these rules to personalize to your student group. Prep Time30 minutes: create baggies for each group/review the online resourcesAcademic StandardsEngineering (Next Generation Science Standard) Design, evaluate and refine a solution to a complex real world problem based on scientific knowledge (3-5 ETS) Mathematics (Common Core State Standard) 3.MD.B.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch.Student Friendly ObjectiveI will be able to:Develop a functional design, according to the constraints. Construct, test, and refine the models.Correctly measure and record the number of seconds (up to 15) and the height of the model. Explain process, decisions, and outcomes.Understand that: Structure and function impact design. Different variables will impact the size and structure of the design. Do: Develop a design according to the constraints Build, test and refine models Explain process, decisions, and outcomes.Navajo Culture ConnectionEvaluation/Assessment(Describe the task, the criteria/rubric, and goal for mastery)Criteria: Sketch and develop designs of their towerBasic: Only one sketch was made. Approaching: Two sketches were made Meeting: Three sketches were made. Surpassing: More than three sketches were made.Criteria: Build, test, and refine tower.Basic: A model was constructed and there was no evidence of testing and redesign. Approaching: A model was constructed and tested. No evidence of the redesign based on testing. Meeting: A model was constructed and tested. The model was redesigned as a result of the tests. Surpassing: More than one model was constructed and tested. The model was redesigned and as a result of the tests.Criteria: Correctly measure height of the model and seconds (up to 15) that the egg was suspended.Basic: Measurements were attempted with significant assistance. Approaching: Measurements required some assistance. Meeting: Measurements are accurate and appropriate units are included. Surpassing: Measurements are accurate and appropriate units are included. Measurements were compared to explain how the model was improved.Criteria: Explain the process, decisions, and outcome of their decisions.Basic: No explanations were given or the explanations were not logical or complete.Approaching: Explanations given only in some parts of the process or explanations lacked complete details.Meeting: Detailed and accurate explanations were made in all three areas. Surpassing: Detailed and accurate explanations were made in all three areas. Students made suggestions for change and explained how the outcome would change.VocabularyModelProportion DesignTest MeasureTeaching ProceduresSTEM Career Connection (Anticipatory set-emphasize how you will make this career a relevant possibility for students. How will this lesson inspire them through this part of the lesson?)EngineeringConstructionArchitecture I DO (Introduction to New Material-Task Analysis)Teacher will facilitate a discussion about towers. What they are? Where we may have seen them? When did they start building bridges and why? (this is prior knowledge)Teacher to facilitate discussion on: What are some basic factors that an engineer must consider when constructing a tower? What are some factors that you will have to consider to build you tower out of these straws? How will it hold the egg for at least 15 seconds? Measure 15 seconds of time for them.Teacher will introduce the challenge to the students. “Can you build a tower, using only the materials in this plastic bag, that will hold an egg (in bag) for at least 15 seconds?” “Is it the tallest possible bridge?”Teacher will distribute the Challenge Rules to each student. (Teacher to create the challenge rules to personalize the experience.)WE DO (Guided Practice/Small Group Lesson Activities)PartnersModel on the board a basic design with student input. Think Aloud as you go through this guided practice with the students. YOU DO(Independent Practice)PartnersHave each student sketch three designs independently.After all students have made their sketches, they are to walk around the room and ask questions and discuss the designs of their peers.Students are given 2 minutes to form engineering teams of no more than 3 students. (quickly arrange desks in pods of 3 for team work)Give each engineering team a plastic bag that contains 30 straws, egg, roll of masking tape, and a square foam dinner plate. The yard sticks and digital cameras are on the chalk rail when students are ready to record, test and measure.Students have one hour to build, test, redesign, and rebuild and test.Display the students final towers around the room and collect unused materials.Distribute copies of the groups pictures and follow up lab sheets for teams to complete.Have each group present their different designs and give explanations for the choices that they made. After all groups present, have groups share what they would do differently if the opportunity to redesign and rebuild.Lesson ClosureQuestions for closure: Where you successful? What was the most difficult part of the challenge? What did you learn about construction and engineering during the challenge?Depending on time: Either each student gets to answer or one per group. If teacher wants to incorporate writing then the responses can be written. Filed Trip OpportunityTimeframe120 Minutes Total20 minutes (introduce, sketch, partner) 60 minutes (build, test, rebuild) 40 minutes (clean up, complete lab sheet, share design, reflect and share things they would do differently next time.PartnershipsContractors that are working for the school can be asked to come in and present to the class. ................

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