Biology 30

Biology 30

Unit 2




Chapters 14-15

General Outcomes:

1. Students will explain how survival of the human species is ensured through reproduction

2. Students will explain how human reproduction is regulated by chemical control systems

3. Students will explain how cell differentiation and development in the human organism are regulated by a combination of genetic, endocrine and environmental factors

Intro video

Section 14.1 – The Make and Female Reproductive systems

• Male gonads:

• Female gonads:

- Ovum Ova (plural)

• Fertilization:

• Zygote: A ____________ resulting form the union on a male and female sex cell.

The Male Reproductive System

1. Testes:

- Produce sperm cells in the ______________________________________________

- Produce testosterone in the _____________________________________________

2. Scrotum:

-A slightly lower body temperature is required for proper sperm production

3. Epididymis: An area for sperm _________________ and ___________. Sperm gain motility in this area.

4. Ductus Deferens: A tube that allows semen to pass from the epididymis to the urethra. (plural = ductus deferentia) Previously known as the ________________________________________

5. Ejaculatory Duct: __________________ connecting the ductus deferens to the penis

6. Seminal vesicle: Secretes a ___________________________________ which contains:

- fructose (nourishes sperm)

- hormones (________________________________ to assist sperm motility)

7. Prostate gland: Secretes a _________________________ fluid (sperm motility)

- Propels sperm outward using muscular contractions

8. Cowper’s gland: Adds _______________ to the urethra prior to ejaculation to assist sperm movement and protect them from the ________ in the urethra.

9. Urethra: A tube from ______ bladder, through the penis, to the body exterior

Seminal fluid and urine exit

10. Penis: A copulatory organ. Main function is to _________________ sperm from the male to the female reproductive tract. Normally it is flaccid.

Seminal Fluid

• Composed of fluids from the _______________________, the ____________________, and the ________________________ excluding ___________________

• Semen = ___________________________+ ________________________________

Sperm Delivery

• Erection: A vascular phenomenon. Erectile tissue in the penis is vascular. Sexual stimulation causes vasodilation and blood flow into spaces. The penis then becomes rigid and veins are compressed to stop blood outflow.

o An erection is controlled by a reflex arc involving the spinal cord

• Ejaculation

o Stimulation reaches a critical peak. Muscles of the genital ducts begin to spasm (orgasm). A latent period follows.

o 4 ml of semen (avg.) containing about 100 million sperm per ml of semen.

• The Sperm’s Journey Video Link (5 minutes)

The female reproductive system

• Ovaries: the primary reproductive organs

o At birth, they contain about 400,000 follicles, but these slowly degenerative as a female matures and only about _____________________ are present at puberty

o They produce _____________________ (eggs) in a process called _____________________.

o They also secrete the female hormones: _______________ and _______________________.

• Follicles: round structures within the ovaries that the _____________ or ovum develop in.

o They increase in size _______ mature in about ___________________ days during the follicular phase of the uterine cycle.

o They provide _________________________ for the developing egg.

o Maturation of the egg is controlled by _________ and ___ (feedback with pituitary gland).

o The developing follicle releases estrogens.

• Ovulation: The process whereby the developing follicle ______________ and the ovum or ova emerges.

• Corpus Luteum:

o Develops from the ruptured __________________.

o Releases the hormone __________________.

o If fertilization occurs, the corpus luteum will grow and continue to release __________________during pregnancy.

o If fertilization does NOT occur, the corpus luteum will mature at about 10 days after ovulation and then __________________.

• Fallopian tubes:

o Catch the __________________or ova.

o The site of __________________.

o Muscle contraction and cilia action move the ovum through the fallopian tube and toward the __________________.

• Uterus: (womb) a hollow muscular organ about shape of an inverted pear.

o Site of __________________of a fertilized egg

o __________________its inner lining (__________________) if egg is not fertilized in a process called menstruation.

• Endometrium: the __________________of the uterus

• Cervix: Narrow __________________to the uterus.

• Vagina: (birth canal) a muscular organ lined with glands that secrete __________________ (lubrication) and __________________ (kill bacteria).

• Vulva: the external __________________, consists of folds called labia.

• Clitoris: __________________tissue - part of sexual excitation during intercourse.

• Urethra: opening to the urinary system – not a part of the female reproductive system

Using p. 485, complete the table below.

| |Sperm |Egg |

|Drawing | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Size | | |

| | | |

|Energy Reserves | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Mitochondria | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Number produced | | |

| | | |

| | | |

|Motility | | |

| | | |

|Outer Structure | | |

| | | |

Section 14.2 – The effect of Sexually Transmitted Infections on the Reproductive Systems

Complete the table below.

| |How can it be transmitted? |Viral or Bacterial? |Short term effects |Long term effects |Treatment |Statistics |

| | | | | | |AB or CA |

|HIV/AIDS | | | | | | |

|Hepatitis | | | | | | |

|Genital Herpes | | | | | | |

|HPV | | | | | | |

|Chlamydia | | | | | | |

|Gonorrhea | | | | | | |

|Syphilis | | | | | | |

Section 14.3 – Hormonal Regulation of the Reproductive System

o The chromosomal sex or genetic sex of an organism is determined at fertilization

o __________________= girl

o __________________ = boy

o However, the structures of the male and female reproductive system are determined by more than just genetics

o Up until about 7 week , make and female fetuses are identical, then the reproductive hormones start to be released causing the sex organs to develop and mature

o The Y chromosome has a gene called the testis-determining factor that causes the production of sex hormones

Hormonal Control in Males

• Gonadotropin releasing hormone (__________________) acts on the anterior pituitary causing the release of __________________and __________________

• FSH: (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Released from the anterior pituitary.

o Stimulates __________________

• LH: (Luteinizing Hormone) Released from the anterior pituitary.

o Stimulates __________________production by the __________________cells of the testes.

• Testosterone: Produced by the __________________cells of the testes.

o Stimulates __________________ (sperm production)

o Stimulates the __________________of male secondary sex characteristics.

o Maintains __________________drive

o Promotes __________________

o Pre-natal make __________________development

• Inhibin: acts on the anterior pituitary to inhibit the production of _________ as part of the negative feedback loop

• Hormonal Control in Females

1. Estrogen: Secreted by the __________________and __________________ __________________.

2. Progesterone: Secreted by the __________________ ____________.

The Ovarian (Menstrual) Cycle

• A regular periodic building and __________________of the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) in correlation with ovulation.

• Average cycle: __________________days

• Day 1 of the cycle is the first day of __________________flow.

4 Phases of the Cycle

1. __________________: (days 1-5)

o __________________.

2. __________________: (days 6-13)

o The follicle develops.

o The __________________thickens and develops.

3. __________________: (day 14)

o Oocyte (ovum) bursts from the __________________.

4. __________________: (days 15-28)

o Corpus luteum __________________.

o Endometrium __________________.

o If there is __________________fertilization, the corpus luteum will __________________and __________________levels will drop. This will cause the __________________of the endometrium (menstruation) and the cycle will repeat itself.

Hormonal Control of the cycle

• FSH:

o Stimulates __________________growth and development.

o Stimulates the follicles to release __________________.

• LH:

o Stimulates __________________growth and development.

o Triggers __________________.

o Maintains __________________luteum development.

o Stimulates __________________secretion.

• Estrogen:

o Secreted from the developing __________________.

o Stimulates endometrium __________________.

o Stimulates the development of __________________secondary sex characteristics.

o Stimulates the production of __________________.

o Inhibits the production of __________________.

• Progesterone: Secreted by the __________________luteum.

o Maintains __________________thickening.

o Stimulates the __________________of the __________________glands.

o Inhibits FSH __________________ (pituitary).

o Inhibits __________________contractions

Menstrual cycle Hormone simulation

What is menopause?

How can hormone replacement therapy be used?

Section 15.1 – Fertilization and Embryonic Developement

Fertilization, Pregnancy and Birth

1. Fertilization:

• The ovum remains fertile up to 15 hours after ovulation.

• Sperm cells can live up to _____ hours after ejaculation.

• This means that if fertilization is to occur, intercourse must take place no longer than 72 hours before or 15 hours after ovulation.

• The ovum is transported through the fallopian tubes toward the uterus.

• Fertilization must occur within the _______________ _________________ due to the short life span of the ovum.

• Sperm cells move from the vagina to the uterus due to contractions at orgasm. They use their __________________ to swim into the fallopian tubes.

• Many sperm cells are needed to ________________ the ovum membrane.

• Only one sperm penetrates through the outer layer of the ovum.

o Acrosome reaction - When a sperm comes in contact with the coats surrounding the egg, the acrosome (an enzyme-filled vacuole at the tip of the sperm cell) bursts open and releases enzymes that digest the jelly-like coating of the egg.

o Penetration of egg membrane - When the sperm membrane comes in contact with the egg membrane, the two membranes fuse, and the sperm nucleus enters the cytoplasm of the egg.

o Cortical reaction - Once the membranes have fused, a chemical reaction occurs in the egg membrane, making it impossible for other sperm cells to enter the egg.

• Nuclei of the sperm and ovum unite to form a _____________________.

2. Cleavage and Implantation:

The zygote continues to grow and move down the fallopian tube and into the uterus.

• Within 30hrs of conception, the first cell division occurs creating 2 cells, which will divide again to make 4 cells, which will divide again…

• At 16 cells it is called a _________________ and is a sphere

• 3-5 days after fertilization, the morula reaches the ____________________ and begins to fill with uterine fluids

• It soon develops into a hollow fluid-filled ball of cells called a __________________________.

• The ______________________ (outerlayer) forms and will soon become the __________________ layer which will eventually become the ________________.

• The _____________ ______________ ____________ will develop into the embryo

• Between days 5-7, the embryo attaches to the thickened _________________ with the help of enzymes produced by the trophobalst

• Implantation is completed by the 10th to 14th day

• Around the time of implantation, the trophobalst produces the hormone ________ – human _________________ __________________.

• hCG ____________________ the corpus luteum like LH, past the time the corpus luteum would normally degenerate so, __________________ and _________________ continue to “__________________ pregnancy”.

• high hCG production for 2 months, then it drops off

3. Gastrulation:

• After implantation, the inner cell mass changes:

o A space forms between the trophoblast and inner cell mass creating the amniotic cavity which will soon fill with fluid (amniotic fluid in the amniotic sac)

o The inner cell mass flattens into the __________________ disk which is supported by a stalk connecting the blastocyst with the endometrium.

o This disk will form 3 layers (__________________, _____________, _______________). This is called _____________________ as the 3 layers are called the primary germ layers (embryo is now a gastrula)

o Differentiation of cells begins allowing certain cell to have certain functions

Using p. 513, list what each primary germ layer becomes:

Using your text, explain the process of neurulation presented in the image below.

Structures that Support the Embryo

Label the diagram below and describe what each part contributes.


Yolk Sac:



The placenta is a disk shaped organ within the uterus that is rich is blood vessels; it attaches the embryo or fetus to the uterine wall. List some of the many functions of the placenta:

* Fetal and maternal blood does not mix!

The umbilical cord connects the placenta to the fetus (at its belly button).

Section 15.2 – Fetal Development and Birth

Hormonal Changes

• The thickened ____________________ is maintained by the release of ____________________ from the corpus luteum. (1-2 months)

• The corpus luteum is maintained by a hormone released from the developing placenta called _____________: (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)

• After approximately 2 months, the placenta decreases HCG production and increases ________________________ and estrogen production.

• The placenta ___________ on the hormonal function _______________ the corpus luteum to maintain the pregnancy.

Pregnancy Stages

(3 month stages)

**See additional Fetal development PowerPoint****

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) - Video

• Physical defects: Lower birth weight, congenital heart defects, CNS abnormalities.

• Behavioural defects: Inattentive, hyperactive, lower IQ, depression, poor social skills.

• What amount of alcohol is suggested? NONE – while trying to get pregnant, pregnant and breast feeding

• Other __________________ include: some antibiotics, acne medications, anti-thyroid drugs, anti-cancer drugs, thalidomide, radiation, X-Rays, PCBS, mercury, etc.

Birth (parturition)

• Delivery: A pregnancy lasts approximately 40 weeks.

• Fetus shifts downward and is in ____________________ with the cervix.

• __________________ begins (uterine contractions)

• ____________________ dilates (10 cm is full dilation)

• __________________ membrane ruptures (water breaks)

• Cervical canal is forced open and the baby is delivered

• birth is normally __________________ first; feet-first (breached birth) can be problematic

• After delivery, a wave of contractions deliver the placenta (after birth)

• after delivery, the umbilical cord is cut and tied forming the navel

Hormonal Control

• __________________ levels drop before delivery.

• Receptor cells in the uterus stimulate the hypothalamus to release the hormone __________________ from the pituitary. Oxytocin stimulates the uterus to begin uterine __________________ (labour)

• drip: An IV of oxytocin to speed up labour.

• The hormone __________________ is released by the placenta prior to labour. It causes ligaments in the pelvis to loosen for easier delivery.

Trauma of Birth – this is why some women have water births, to lessen the impact of the environmental changes

• Baby moves from a world of darkness to light.

• World of constant temperature of 37o to room temperature of 20-22o.

• Aquatic world to dry air (terrestrial)

• World of food and oxygen supplied by the placenta to the need of a digestive and respiratory system

• World of waste removal by the placenta to the need of a digestive, urinary and respiratory system

Physical changes at birth

• 1. Lungs must __________________ of fluid and go from non functional to gas exchanging in under 5 min.

• 2. Prior to birth, the ductus arteriosus (a small shunt between the pulmonary artery and the aorta) and the foramen ovale (a hole in the septum between the right and left atria) allowed most of the blood to bypass the lungs. At birth these close ( failure causes the blue baby syndrome (may correct itself with time or it may need surgery).


• __________________ from the pituitary gland promotes milk production in the mammary glands.

• Prolactin production is inhibited during pregnancy due to the high levels of progesterone and estrogen secreted by the placenta.

• After delivery, the placenta is removed. This causes __________________ and __________________ levels to drop. __________________ is then produced and released from the pituitary. Milk production begins.

• __________________, causes receptors in the nipples to send reflex input to the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus then stimulates the posterior pituitary to release oxytocin. __________________ allows milk produced in the breast glands to be forced into ducts leading to the nipple.

• __________________ stimulates the mammary glands to manufacture milk.

• Oxytocin triggers the __________________ of milk into the ducts leading to the nipple.

Section 15.3 – Reproduction, Technology, and Society

You will be doing a group research project that will be explained in class. You will be responsible for all the information in this section, so on top of the class presentations, I would recommend you:

• read p.529-534

• do the Q questions (#33-36)

• do the Section 15.3 Review p.534



You will:

• Examine the principal features of the human reproductive system

• Identify the male and female reproductive structures and describe their functions

• Observe prepared slides or ovaries and testes, and distinguish gametes from their supporting structures

Do Investigation 14.A page 483

Microscope Investigation

Do Section 14.1 Review page 485 # 1-8


You will:

• identify the risks that sexually transmitted infections present to individuals and to human reproduction

• explain how sexually transmitted infections can interfere with the passage of eggs and sperm

• research the effects of STIs

Do Thought Lab 14.1 page 491 (In groups you will do Procedure with 1 class if research time, then you will each answer the Analysis #1-4)

Do Investigation 14.A p. 483

Do Section 14.2 Review p.491


You will:

• identify the main reproductive hormones and describe how they interact

• explain the role of sex hormones in the development and regulation of primary and secondary sex characteristics

• analyze blood hormone data associated with physiological events

Do Thought Lab 14.2 page 494

Do Thought Lab 14.3 page 497 (not extension)

Do Investigation 14.B page 500

So Section 14.3 Review p. 502

Do Chapter 14 Review p. 504-505


You will:

• trace the processes and key events that occur during embryonic development (1st 8 weeks of life)

• describe the significance of the primary germ layers and identify the tissues and organs that arise from them

• compare the embryonic changes and extra-embryonic structures in humans and other mammals

Do Launch Lab page 507

FYI – Embryonic development is during the first 8 weeks of development and Fetal development is from the start of the 9th week until birth.

Do Section 15.1 Review page 518


You will:

• trace the processes and key events that occur during fetal development (last 30 weeks of prenatal life)

• describe and investigate the effect of teratogens and other environmental factors on the development of prenatal body structures and systems

• Trace the processes of parturition and lactation and outline there control mechanisms

• 2nd Trimester:

• Activity begins (kicking)

• Hair develops

• Systems nearly completed

• Premature babies may survive if born after the 2nd trimester.

• 3rd Trimester:

• Final rapid growth

• Fat develops

• Eyelids open and ears become functional

• 1st Trimester:

• Placenta develops

• Major organ systems develop

• Bones and muscles develop

Do Thought Lab 15.1 page 524

Do Section 15.2 Review page 528


You will:

• describe different reproductive technologies

• evaluate various reproductive technologies on their effectiveness and safety


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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