
Biology, 4th EditionLesson Plan OverviewDay(s)TopicPagesSupport MaterialsBible Integration*Chapter 1: The Science of Life and the God of Life1–21.1 What Is Truth?2–8Relationship between God and scienceRedemption of the worldGod and CreationDeductive reasoning and worldviewsGod and syllogismsGod’s Word as Truth1.2 What Is Science?8–10Dominion through modeling31.3 Using the Scientific Method10–151.4 The Limits of Science15–1741.5 Science and the Christian17–20Christian philosophy of scienceDivinely ordained destruction in conquering the Promised LandProper view of worship1.6 The Attributes of Life20–235Lab 1a The Scientific Method61.7 The Study of Life23–30Physical and spiritual life78Lab 1b The Microscope9Chapter 1 Review10Chapter 1 TestChapter 2: The Chemistry of Life11–132.1 Matter31–362.2 Energy36–40Sustaining power of God in nature2.3 Solutions41–452.4 Organic Compounds45–47God’s role both in creating and sustaining life14Lab 2 Osmosis15–162.5 Carbohydrates and Lipids47–502.6 Proteins and Nucleic Acids50–54Chapter 2 Review17Chapter 2 TestChapter 3: Introduction to Cells Cytology Part I18–193.1 Cell Theory55–58God’s power revealed through His creation3.2 Levels of Cellular Organization59–603.3 Cellular Anatomy60–70Creation and the law of conservation203.4 Homeostasis70–73Evidence of design in creation3.5 Transportation Across the Membrane74–7621Lab 3a Basic CytologyLab 3b Cellular Organelles and Processes22Chapter 3 Review23Chapter 3 TestChapter 4: Cellular Processes Cytology Part II24–254.1 Energy Relationships77–80Evidence of God’s design at the molecular level4.2 Photosynthesis80–85Lab 4 PhotosynthesisCreation vs. evolution in studying photosynthesis264.3 Cellular Respiration85–91274.4 Protein Synthesis91–97Creator’s design of the “code of life”Evidence of design in mitochondrial DNA284.5 Metabolism and Homeostasis97–100Chapter 4 Review29Chapter 4 TestChapter 5: Genetics The Continuity of Life Part I30–315.1 The Mechanism of Heredity101–5Genetics and environment as excuses for sin by secularistsInfluence of man’s spiritual nature in his developmentJesus’s power to save from sin5.2 Cell Division105–85.3 Meiosis108–1232Lab 5a Mitosis and Meiosis335.4 Mendelian Genetics112–17Lab 5b, Genetics Parts I–II**345.5 Variations of Mendelian Genetics117–22Lab 5b, Genetics Parts III–V**355.6 Sex Determination and Sex-Linked Traits123–26Lab 5b, Genetics Part VI**36Chapter 5 Review37Chapter 5 TestChapter 6: Advanced Genetics The Continuity of Life Part II386.1 Changes Affecting the Numbers of Chromosomes128–33Lab 6 Genetic Research**Stewardship in agriculture6.2 Mutations133–37396.3 Gene Expression137–42God’s wisdom and power seen through the development of an embryoSuffering as evidence of man’s sin and God’s grace406.4 The Gene Pool142–46416.5 Eugenics146–51Importance of understanding biblical principles as they apply to scientific issuesInfluence of man’s spiritual nature on his behaviorChristians and surrogacyChristians’ use of genetic technologiesEthical and moral issues surrounding artificial reproductionThe Bible as the source of valuesMan’s suffering because of sinMan’s need of salvationSanctity of human lifeIf assigned, have students present Lab 6 research.42Chapter 6 TestChapter 7: Biotechnology437.1 Clones and Cloning152–56Sanctity of human lifeBiblical response to human cloning447.2 Genetic Engineering156–587.3 Stem Cell Technology158–61Evaluating stem cell research in light of the BibleUsing scientific discoveries to glorify God and help others457.4 Gene Therapy161–627.5 DNA Fingerprints163–657.6 Genetically Modified Plants165–67Stewardship of God-given resources46Lab 7a DNA ExtractionLab 7b DNA Analysis**47Chapter 7 TestChapter 8: The History of Life488.1 What Is a Worldview?168–70Importance of presuppositions to a worldview8.2 Which Worldview Should We Use?170–74Christian worldview vs. secular worldviewAuthority of ScriptureResults of believing evolutionary theoryStewardshipDeclaring God’s glorySpreading the gospelShowing love for othersNeed for faith in ChristCreationist presuppositions vs. evolutionist presuppositions498.3 The Beginnings of Evolutionary Theory174–76Lab 8 Creationism: My Beliefs and Their Defense**Creation with apparent ageGod’s Word vs. man’s wisdom8.4 Darwin’s Theory of Evolution176–80Biblical response to environmental determinismSpecial creation of manGod’s glory in creation508.5 Later Developments in Evolutionary Theory180–88Role of the Flood in fossil formationGod’s design and efficiency in creation518.6 Interpretation of Genesis189–93Inerrancy of ScriptureResponse to nonliteral interpretations of CreationGenesis account of CreationImportance of and support for a literal interpretation of ScriptureAuthority of ScriptureRelevance of the literal Creation account to the Christian faithIntelligent design and biblical CreationismScripture as the ultimate, unchanging standard528.7 Noah’s Flood and Fossilization193–99Genesis account of the FloodNoah’s arkScripture passages comparing the antediluvian and postdiluvian earthSupport for a universal FloodGod’s covenant with NoahNoah’s Flood as an explanation for fossilization53Chapter 8 Review54Chapter 8 TestChapter 9: The Classification of Organisms559.1 The Classification Hierarchy202–9God’s design in creation9.2 Scientific Names209–12569.3 The Species212–16God’s design in creationCreationist view of speciation9.4 The Biblical Kind217–20Noah’s Flood and the biblical kindGod’s design in creationImportance of evaluating things based on Scripture57Lab 9 The Use of Biological Keys58Chapter 9 Review59Chapter 9 TestChapter 10: Bacteria and Viruses60–6110.1 Bacterial Classification and Morphology221–26Evidence of detail in God’s creation10.2 Bacterial Reproduction and Growth226–32Creationism and accelerated mutation ratesGod’s design in creation10.3 Virology232–3562Lab 10a Bacterial BasicsLab 10b Bacteria and Antibiotics or Lab 10c Epidemic Alert6310.3 Virology (cont’d)235–38Evolutionary bias in the search for the “first living thing”10.4 Viral Diseases238–4064–6510.5 Infectious Disease240–45Disease as a result of the Fall and CurseDisease as a means of graceChrist’s miracles of healingHelping those who suffer from diseaseLeprosy in Bible timesDisease and God’s providence10.6 Defense Against Infectious Disease245–50The body’s defenses against disease as evidence of God’s loving care for His creation and as evidence against evolution10.7 Disorders250–54Biblical perspective on aging and deathFuture glorified body and eternal life for believersGod’s power over life and deathChrist’s victory over physical and spiritual death66Chapter 10 Review67Chapter 10 TestChapter 11: The Kingdom Protista68–6911.1 General Characteristics (of Protozoans)255–56Creation of protozoans11.2 Protozoan Classification257–6311.3 General Characteristics (of Algae)263–667011.4 Algal Classification266–72The first plague of Egypt and a biblical response to a modernist interpretation of Scripture11.5 The Water Molds272–7311.6 The Slime Molds273–7471–73Lab 11 Protista74Chapter 11 Review75Chapter 11 TestChapter 12: The Kingdom Fungi7612.A Fungi and Man275–79Leavening in the Bible12.B Characteristics of Fungi279–817712.C Classification of Fungi281–8678Lab 12 Fungi and Lichens79Chapter 12 TestChapter 13: The Plant Kingdom Botany Part I8013.1 Nonvascular Plants287–91God’s care of His creation8113.2 Vascular Plants Without Seeds291–9313.3 Vascular Plants with Seeds294–98The cedar of Lebanon and Solomon’s templeBiblical response to the evolutionary interpretation of the age of trees82Lab 13a Plant Identification8313.4 Plant Tissues298–30013.5 The Leaf300–3048413.6 The Root304–713.7 The Stem307–1385Lab 13b Plant Organs86Chapter 13 TestChapter 14: The Life Processes of Plants Botany Part II8714.1 Plants and Water314–19God’s design of plantsA plant’s needing water for physical growth as an analogy for a Christian’s needing God’s Word for spiritual growth14.2 Plants and Minerals319–228814.3 Plant Hormones322–2614.4 Plants and Light326–288914.5 Vegetative Reproduction328–31Grafting in the Bible14.6 Sexual Reproduction332–3990Lab 14 Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds91Chapter 14 Review92Chapter 14 TestChapter 15: The Invertebrates Zoology Part I9315.1 Characteristics of the Kingdom Animalia340–42Adam’s naming of the animalsMan’s dominion over animalsThe Fall’s effect on animals15.2 Animal Anatomy and Classification342–449415.3 Phylum Porifera: The Sponges345–4715.4 Phylum Cnidaria347–51Stewardship95Lab 15a PoriferaLab 15b Cnidaria9615.5 Phylum Platyhelminthes: The Flatworms351–57Jewish dietary laws and trichinosis15.6 Phylum Nematoda: The Roundworms357–59Worms in the Bible9715.7 Phylum Annelida: The Segmented Worms359–629815.8 Phylum Mollusca362–66Lab 15c Worms I: Platyhelminthes and NematodaLab 15d Worms II: Annelida15.9 Phylum Echinodermata366–68Unique design in echinoderms as evidence for creation99Chapter 15 Review100Chapter 15 TestChapter 16: The Arthropods Zoology Part II10116.1 Characteristics of Arthropods369–7116.2 Subphylum Crustacea371–73102Lab 16a Crustaceans10316.3 Subphylum Chelicerata374–7616.4 Characteristics of Insects377–83God’s design and care of His creation10416.5 Major Orders of Insects384–90Insects as a plague recorded in ExodusStewardship105Lab 16b The GrasshopperLab 16c Insect Orders106Chapter 16 Review107Chapter 16 TestChapter 17: The Ectothermic Vertebrates Zoology Part III10817.1 The Chordates391–9310917.2 Vertebrate Form and Function394–96Carnivores a result of the FallGod’s glory and design seen in creation17.3 Vertebrate Behavior396–98Animal intelligence and God’s designHumans created in the image of God11017.4 Class Osteichthyes398–405The fish as a symbol of ChristianityFish in the Bible11117.5 Classes Agnatha and Chondrichthyes406–817.6 Introduction to Amphibians409–13Frogs as a plague recorded in Exodus11217.7 Structure and Function in the Frog413–17113Lab 17a Live Bony FishLab 17b Dissection of a Bony Fish11417.8 Characteristics of Reptiles417–20God’s design and use of reptilesReptiles as a symbol of God’s power and redemptionAmniotic egg as evidence of designDinosaurs in the Bible11517.9 Classification of Living Reptiles420–26Satan’s (the serpent’s) temptation of EveThe Fall, the resulting Curse, and the promise of a RedeemerTwo groups of people—the people of God and the enemies of GodChrist’s certain victory over Satan116Chapter 17 Review117Chapter 17 TestChapter 18: The Endothermic Vertebrates Zoology Part IV11818.1 Bird Characteristics427–31The bird’s body as evidence of God’s designArchaeopteryx as an example of creation and not evolutionThe ostrich in the Bible11918.2 Bird Systems431–34Bird bills as evidence of God’s designRole of birds in the Battle of Armageddon12018.3 Bird Family Life434–38Lab 18a BirdsBirds in the BibleChrist’s comparison of a hen’s care for her brood to His care for the Israelites12118.4 Characteristics of Mammals439–45122–12318.5 Classification of Placental Mammals445–52Lab 18b MammalsRodents in the BibleBiblical references to lionsMan a special creation of GodMammals and Jewish dietary laws in the BibleMan’s dominion over animalsGod’s preservation of His creationNoah’s faith in and gratitude toward God124Chapter 18 TestChapter 19: Ecology125–12619.1 The Nature of Ecology453–55Lab 19 Succession and Pollution (will continue for several weeks)Stewardship19.2 The Ecosystem Defined455–66Reference to the water cycle in the Bible127–12819.3 Interactions in the Biosphere466–71The Bible and extraterrestrial life19.4 Changes in the Biosphere471–7412919.5 Man’s Ecological Niche474–80Biblical response to deep ecologyNeed for balance in man’s stewardship of the earthGod’s care and provision for His creationThe Bible and animal rightsBiblical response to the New Age movement and pantheismThe Bible and vegetarianism13019.6 Pollution480–85A biblical look at global warmingGod’s future destruction of the earthGod’s judgments described in RevelationMan’s responsibility to be good stewards of God’s creation131Chapter 19 TestChapter 20: Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology13220.1 In the Image of God488–91Lab 20a Readings on the Human Body Systems (will continue throughout Chapters 20–25)*Human intelligence: evidence against the evolutionary idea that man is merely a highly intelligent animalBiblical perspective on animals and spiritsThe meaning of man’s being created in God’s imageThe image of God in man marred by the FallSanctification of believersGod as the source of all truth and moral authorityMan as a spiritual beingMan’s sinful nature and need of salvationGod’s provision of salvation through Jesus Christ20.2 Human Tissues, Organs, and Systems492–9513320.3 The Skin496–9820.4 Hair and Nails49820.5 Skin Glands498–500The Bible and human races13420.6 Bone Anatomy and Physiology500–50420.7 Joints505–7135Lab 20b The Human Body and the Skeletal System13620.8 Muscle Anatomy507–920.9 Muscle Physiology510–11Importance of caring for the body to enable better service for the Lord20.10 Muscles and Body Movements511–15137Lab 20c The Human Muscular and Integumentary SystemsChapter 20 Review138Chapter 20 TestChapter 21: Incoming Substances139–14021.1 Anatomy of the Respiratory System516–1921.2 Respiration519–2221.3 Control of Breathing522–25Scriptural objections to smoking141Lab 21a The Human Respiratory System14221.4 Organs of the Digestive System525–31Teleology—all that God creates has a purpose21.5 Foods and Digestion531–38Scriptural warning against gluttony143Lab 21b The Human Digestive System*Chapter 21 Review144Chapter 21 TestChapter 22: Internal Transport14522.1 The Blood539–45Evidence of God’s design in blood clotting146Lab 22a Human Blood14722.2 The Heart545–47148Lab 22b Human Blood Circulation149547–5022.3 Blood Vessels and Circulations550–54150–15122.4 The Lymphatic System555–57The ability of the body to resist disease as evidence of God’s design22.5 Immunity557–63God’s providence in diseaseA Christian response to those suffering from HIV/AIDSChallenge to share the gospel15222.6 The Kidneys564–6522.7 Accessory Excretory Organs56522.8 Urine565–66153Chapter 22 Review154Chapter 22 TestChapter 23: The Nervous System Control Part I15523.1 Neurons567–71God’s design of the nervous system15623.2 Divisions of the Nervous System571–76Job as an example of God’s sovereignty in difficultiesChrist as the source of the believer’s strengthBiblical response to stress (1 Peter 5:7)157Lab 23a Human Reflexes15823.3 Minor Senses577–7923.4 The Ear: Hearing and Balance579–82159Lab 23b Minor Senses in Humans23.5 The Eye and Sight582–85Structure of the eye as evidence of intelligent designThe healing of the blind man in Mark 8160Lab 23c The Human Eye and EarChapter 23 Review161Chapter 23 TestChapter 24: Hormones and the Human Mind Control Part II162–16324.1 Hormones586–89Lab 24 Drugs in Our Culture**24.2 The Endocrine Glands589–96Principles of spiritual maturityBiblical principles regarding peer pressureUnbiblical use of feelings or circumstances as an excuse for sinImportance of witnessingLaying up treasures in heavenImportance of spending time in God’s Word164–16524.3 Drugs and Addiction596–604Submission to the Lord’s willGod’s provision of ways of escape from temptationChristians’ responsibility to care for their bodiesMiraculous healings in the BibleBiblical principles regarding alcohol24.4 Addiction605–7Biblical principles regarding Christians’ use of psychoactive drugsDepending on strength from God to resist temptation166If assigned, have students present Lab 24 research.Chapter 24 Review167Chapter 24 TestChapter 25: Human Reproduction16825.1 Male Reproductive System608–11Biblical principles of marriageRelationship between man and wife as example of relationship between Christ and the churchStewardship of the bodyCircumcision in the Old and New Testaments25.2 Female Reproductive System611–1416925.3 Human Embryology and Birth614–19Parents’ responsibility to raise children to love and fear God170–17125.4 Fallen Human Sexuality619–23Biblical view of sexual relationshipsScripture passages regarding adulteryThe Bible’s challenge to have a pure thought lifeAvoiding situations that can lead to temptationGrace to escape from temptationWalking in the SpiritScripture passages regarding homosexualityPrinciples for dealing with sexual temptationBiblical principles of disease25.5 Sanctity of Human Life623–26The value of human lifeScripture passages regarding capital punishmentChrist’s provision of RedemptionYielding to ChristThe Bible and abortion172Lab 25 Chicken EmbryologyChapter 25 Review173Chapter 25 TestFinal Material174–176Laboratory Final Examination: The Rat177Final Review178Final Exam ................

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