Characteristics of Living Things


Lesson Notes

Characteristics of Living Things

By the end of this topic you should be able to:

identify the vital functions characteristic of all living things

recognize the cell as the basic unit of any living organism

comprehend the common features of all cells as well as the

basic differences between animal and plant cells

analyze the relation between the structure and function of

specialized cells

understand that cells, tissues, organs and systems represent

increasing degree of organization in living organisms

Form 3/SS+NS/ss/12-13

Characteristics of Living Things


Lesson Notes

The Seven Vital Functions

Living things include microbes, plants and animals.

They live on the land and in the lakes, rivers, and seas.

All very different but all are alive.

All can perform some common features

These are the Seven Vital Functions.

Only living things have all of these features

They are tests of being alive.

The Vital Functions are processes that all living organisms do.

They tell you whether something is alive or not.

Form 3/SS+NS/ss/12-13

Characteristics of Living Things


Lesson Notes


Living things move without outside help.

Non-living things move under external forces (e.g. machines, something falling).

Organisms like animals can

move their whole body

(E.g. walking, running, etc.)

Organisms like plants

can only move parts

of their body

(E.g. opening and closing

of flower petals)

Form 3/SS+NS/ss/12-13

Characteristics of Living Things


Lesson Notes

Can you match these types of movement to the pictures?


Chasing for food

Form 3/SS+NS/ss/12-13

Venus fly-trap

catching insects



Turning flower

towards sun

Characteristics of Living Things


Lesson Notes

Sensitivity (Irritability)

Living things respond to conditions around them.

Organisms can identify stimuli in their surroundings and respond to them.


Green plants growing

toward sunshine

Form 3/SS+NS/ss/12-13


Blinking when light shines

into their eyes


Jumping up when stepping

on a sharp pointed object

like a pin

Characteristics of Living Things


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