Microsoft Word - USQ Generic Lesson Planning Template.doc

Generic Lesson Planning TemplateYear Level/s: 2/3 Date: 4/06/2013 KLA/s: HandwritingDuration: 40 minutes.Syllabus Outcomes/Essential Learnings or Skills (What is the broad educational goal in terms of the syllabus or curriculum?)Write legibly and with growing fluency using unjoined upper case and lower case letters (ACELY 1673).Lesson Objective: What specific part of this broad goal does this lesson aim to develop? A good objective must indicate “Given what, Do what, How well?”* writing letters O, Q, R, S legibly using unjoined script and consistent in size (Victorian Modern Cursive script)*writing letters correctly and neatly. Know and Do: By the end of the lesson what knowledge (content and understandings) and skills (processes) do students need to develop?Students need to know/...Letters are written in particular waysStudents need to be able to ...Use correct pencil grip and proper posture in writing unjoined print (capital letter R and small letter r) which are consistent in size.Emphasis on slope sizes and starting point.Evaluation/ Monitoring and Assessment:Prior Knowledge: (How will I find out what the students know and/or remember?Understanding of proper nouns and usage of commas and full stop in writing.Producing writing with the intent of conveying a messageFormative Assessment: (How will I monitor student understanding along the way?)Students active participation in the writing activity.Student being able to produce a neat written output.Summative Assessment: (How will I provide concrete evidence of student learning?)Students ability to follow Victorian Modern CursiveResourcesneeded:Teaching Strategies and Learning StepsWhat to sayOrganisation/ResourcesIndividualising learningIntroduction ‐ key learnings and how they will be achieved (Consider strategies, relevance, individual/group work, clarify student understandings of task, student voice, student choice etc.)Time Allocation: 3 minutes*Set house rules used by mentor teacher eg. Sit erect. Pencil down. Arms folded. Listening.*Speak to them about the award they can get after the end of the class- the “Handwiting Neatness Award”.*Finger Rhyme “Where is Tall Man?”What key messages will I convey?Proper posture enhances good writing skills.How will I organise learningactivities and utilise resources? ......Begin with setting up the physical environment eg. ample student’s desk space between each other in the classroom. How can I make adjustments tomeet individual student needs? ......Provide support if required and withdraw support slowly to encourage student’s writing skills to develop by himself.Lesson Body ‐ step by step outline of learning experience sequence (Consider HOTS tasks, monitoring understandings, provision and use of resources, general student responsibilities etc.)Time Allocation: 20 minutes*Write a pattern on the whiteboard. *Ask the children what the pattern is. Wait for response.*Using Victorian modern cursive script, write capital letter i.e. “S” on the whiteboard. Instruct the students on how and which direction to start. Let them practice their capital letter S on their handwriting notebook. Students watching attentively.*Demonstrate writing small letter “s.” Ask the students to write their neatest small letter s.* Ask examples of words that start with capital letter “S” and small letter “s”. Wait for response.*Ask the children to make a complete sentence using the words beginning with capital “S”and small letter “s”. What questions will I ask? .....* What letter does this pattern make?”How will I handle the transitionsbetween activities?Using calm and firm instruction.How will I know if students areachieving the learning objective/s?The students active participation during the class lecture.The students doing their best to write the neatest capital letter R and small letter r as well as words that complete a sentence.Conclusion ‐ reviewing learning/ Summarising/Articulating where to next (Strategies to capture learning that occurred and move thinking forward.)Time Allocation: 2 minutesAsk: “What have we learned today?” Wait for response.Reveal who are the recipients of the “Handwriting Neatness Award”.How will I help students tosynthesise learnings?Marking of writing together with the individual student.What plans are in place for thosewho finish early?Early finishers should help other students.Tidying up their desk ready for the next activity (lunch).What about those who need moretime?Early finishers helping out those students who need more time.Pre-service teacher supporting the student finishing the task on time.Reflection and AdjustmentsPrac Course:Prac site:Week:Lesson No:Unit/ Topic Area:Did students learn what they were supposed to?How could this lesson be improved for next time?(Self‐evaluation of learning experience outcomes)(If I was to teach this lesson again what would I change and why?)What’s next?How were authoritative pedagogies supported?(Points to inform subsequent lesson)(e.g. Productive Pedagogies, Bloom’s Taxonomies, Habits of Mind)References to remember:Suggestions/Comments from others: ................

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