Year 2 Activities Week Beginning 25.5.20Literacy (please remember to use a ruler to rule lines for all writing activities and from now on ask your child to write the long date)Tigers & Monkeys – Listen carefully to online story ‘Ten Magic Butterflies – Read Aloud Picture Book – Brightly Story Time’. This concentrates on rhyming words. Can you find lots of rhyming pairs in this book? Write a list of the rhyming pairs in your Literacy book and number them eg: 1. friends and depend 2. sun and fun etcNB: You may find it easier to pause each page in order to find the rhyming pairs. How many pairs did you find? Choose any 4 of the rhyming words and write an interesting sentence for each one. During your work you may wish to have a movement break. Try this out and have fun exercising! View ‘Exercise, Rhyme, and Freeze Rhyming Words For Kids Exercise Song Jack Hartmann’. Bears – View 2/3 times ‘Exercise, Rhyme, and Freeze Rhyming Words For Kids Exercise Song Jack Hartmann’. Mum or Dad write these 3 letter words on post its or pieces of paper – can / dog / bat / hen [some appeared on the video] Ask your child to sound out these words and attempt to read them. Can your child think of 2 other words that rhyme with each of these words? Write a list of the rhyming words in your Literacy book and draw pictures. Choose one of the rhyming words and write an interesting sentence.Tigers & Monkeys– Word challenge - How many little words can you make out of the big word ‘caterpillar’? eg cat, it etc NB: You can only use these letters. Write ‘caterpillar’ in your Literacy book and make a list of all the words you can make. How many did you manage to make? Repeat with the word ‘butterfly’. Bears – Word Challenge – How many words can you make? Are you able to read them? Use one of the sheets ‘Building sight words’ found in your Literacy folder. If you don’t have bricks then build the words from magnetic letters. Write these words out in your Literacy books.Everyone - Dictation Sentences – see folder for these sentences. Call out each sentence 2/3 times and ask your child to write them out in their book. Encourage them to do their best. Please do not be tempted to help your child with spelling any of the words. Mark these sentences together with your child and praise them for his/her hard work.Everyone - Continue working on ‘My Rainbow Journal’ found in Literacy folder and complete the page entitled ‘Favourite’.Everyone - Spellings – learn spellings for week commencing 25.5.20. Why not make use of ‘Spelling Practice Sheets’ in folder [own choice] to write out your spelling words. Complete test at the back of your book. Note this will be the last week for spellings.Numeracy Tigers & Monkeys – Number names 0 to 10. Print off ‘Truffula Trees Numbers & Words’ and match the number to the words. View online song to help you with spelling the number names ‘Number Word Rock Kindergarten Sight Words’. Mum call out a number between 0 -10 and see if your child can write the number word out on a piece of paper or card without looking. Repeat with other numbers. Once you have all number words correctly written out count out 10 dolls or soft toys and match the number words to go alongside them. Now you could sing the song ‘There were 10 in the bed and the little one said’. Why not get Mum to hold up a random number word and see if you know what number it is. Complete Pgs 5 & 6 ‘I spy and count to 10’ from the Spring Maths Activity Bklet.Bears – Number names 0 to 10. Print off ‘Truffula Trees Numbers & Words’ and match the number to the words. View online song to help you with spelling the number names ‘Number Word Rock Kindergarten Sight Words’. Mum write out the number names on separate pieces of paper. Hold one of these up and see if you child can tell you the number. Ask your child to focus on the initial sound to give them a clue as to which number it could be. Repeat with other numbers. Write out in your book the number names 1-6.Tigers & Monkeys –Practice counting in 5s.View online song ‘The Counting by Fives Song / Counting Songs / Scratch Garden’. Now sort objects into fives and then practice counting them one group of five at a time. You could use marbles, plastic blocks or dried pasta. Count in 5s to 50 lots of times. Wave five fingers as you count along. How many star jumps can you do while Mum counts in 2s to 50? Swap over and see how many star jumps Mum can do while you count in 5s to 50. Next get your child to use the number cards to make the new number pattern – 5 10 15 20 etc to 50. Can they go up to 60, 70, 80, 90, 100? [Refer to the 100 square in your folder to help if needed] Complete ‘Counting in 5s Maze’ found on Page 12 of the Spring Maths Activity Booklet. Bears – Sing along 2/3 times to ‘Number song 1 to 20 for children- Counting numbers The Singing Walrus.’ Oral count to 19 on your own. Practise your rhythm counting forwards and backwards to 19. [clap, slap, click, click] Can you start at 10 and hop until you count to 19? Set out number cards 1-20 randomly on the table. Explore the number that comes after / before a given number. Can you find me the number that comes after 17? Can you find me the number that comes before 15? Repeat with different numbers. Using number cards put them in order from 1-20. Complete Number 19 worksheet. Tigers, Monkeys & Bears – Watch and join in with the song ‘The 7 days of the week song / 7 days of the week / Kids song by The learning Station’. Now try and recite the days of the week by yourself. Mum you say a random day of the week and see if your child can tell you which day comes next. Complete the cut and stick ‘Caterpillar days of the week’ activity sheet putting Sunday in circle number 1. Tigers Monkeys & Bears - Follow up to measuring work last week. Complete Page 11 in the Spring Maths Activity Booklet entitled ‘Measuring Length & Height’. Can you now find something that is taller / shorter than you? Other activitiesWAU View ‘The cautious caterpillar life cycle of a butterfly PowerPoint’ and talk about what you saw. Find this in folder labelled ‘Other’. Listen carefully to the song- Google ‘Science Song for Kids with Lyrics / Children’s Learning Song by The Learning Station’. Repeat a few times to help you with your follow up written work. Use one of the lifecycle of a butterfly sheets to sequence. Tigers & Monkeys – Complete the third sheet with the word bank which involves writing. Draw or cut out pictures to represent the different stages of the butterfly. Bears – Complete the second worksheet which involves cutting & sticking. Watch ‘Come Outside – Butterflies’ on You Tube or view this song ‘The Butterfly Song for Children Egg Caterpillar Chrysalis Patty Shukla’ and sing and dance along to it. Happy dancing!PE with Joe Wicks on You Tube. Remember he goes live at 9.00 am every morning for an energetic work out! Or choose ‘Core NI’ to do a family workout at 11am. Try a more gentle exercise online – ‘Cosmic Kids Yoga’ or to get the heart pumping have a go at Joe Wicks 8 minute workout No 2. Make use of the exercise cards to show you what exercises to complete.Junk Model Challenge - Gather your recyclables, tape, glue and any craft materials on hand and make a beautiful butterfly with your junk. Can you create a butterfly snack with your Mum or another family member? Use pretzel / bread sticks, raisins and easy peel oranges or anything else you may think of to make your butterfly creation on a plate. You could also make some for your family to eat as well. Why not send your Year 2 teacher a photo of your butterfly creation before you gobble it down. Enjoy!Another scavenger hunt for you to participate in. Complete the indoor scavenger hunt using sheet found in ‘Other’ folder. Don’t forget to tick off each item when you find it.Remember to read 15-20 mins and practice your keywords everyday if you can.Please keep sending photos of your best work [including outdoor and creative activities] to either lsimpson001@ [for Mrs. Hawkes’s class] or jadams250@ to let us see how you are all getting on. We just love receiving them! ................

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