
Team Name ______________________________ Captain #_____ Date ________________ Hour ________All Team Members_________________________________________________________________________Hours 1/2/4 Moon Phases(20 Point Formative Assessment)Unit Essential Question: How do things move in space?Focus Question: How do the positions of the sun, the earth, and the moon affect the phases of the moon?Hypothesis: If the moon is positioned __________________________________________, then we will see a _____________________moon, because the moon reflects the light of the Sun and orbits the Earth.Materials: -Sun Model -Moon Model -Earth ModelPart I: Investigate the Phenomenon: You will be assigned a phase of the moon. With your team and materials provided, you will attempt to model the moon phase assigned without any help.Model 1: Uninformed Attempt: Create a model from your own prior knowledge.A. Name of your moon phase:_______________________________________________________________B. Shade in the circle to model what you think your moon phase looks like:C. Illustrate and label your model (with sticks and balls and people if necessary):D. Explanation of your model: Why did you place the materials where you did?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Check-In_____________Part II: Research and Explain the Phenomenon: After attempting Part I, your team will use a book and/or the Internet to complete research about your moon phase by answering the questions below.A. Illustration of the position of the Sun, the moon, and the Earth in your assigned phase according to research: B. Explain why your moon phase looks that way: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________C. At what point in the lunar cycle does your moon phase appear?___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Check-In_____________Model 2: Informed Attempt: Create a model from your research.A. Name of your moon phase:_______________________________________________________________B. Shade in the circle to model what your moon phase actually looks like:C. Illustrate and label your model (with sticks and balls and people if necessary):D. Explanation of your model: Why did you place the materials where you did?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Check-In_____________E. Make any necessary changes to your moon phase model and be ready to present your model to the class. Was your first model accurate? Did you have any misconceptions about moon phases before attempting this activity?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Teacher Check-In_____________Part III: Presentation: Use the rubric below to rehearse a presentation. ObjectivePoints PossibleStudent ChecklistPoints EarnedThe team is able to explain their reasoning for the first model5The team is able to explain their reasoning for the second model5The team is able to answer questions about the lunar cycle in general5This lab sheet is completed in full5Points Earned: ________________ 20Teacher Check-In_____________Part IV: Analysis and Conclusions: Each group member will be responsible for obtaining the follow-up analysis and conclusion questions. You will answer these individually and submit for credit when complete.Teacher Check-In_____________Name___________________________________________ #_______ Date________________ Hour_______Hours 1/2/4 Moon Phases Analysis and Conclusion Questions(20 Point Formative Assessment)Part I Read Background Information: A moon is a celestial object that is a natural satellite to a planet. Many planets have multiple moons, each given a different name. Earth, however, only has one natural satellite that we call “the Moon”. You have probably noticed that our moon does not always appear to be the same shape. The moon phase we see on any given night depends on the positions of Earth, the sun, and the moon in space.The moon does not generate its own light. Instead, it receives light from the sun just like Earth. Just as half of Earth experiences day while the other half is dark. As the moon revolves counter-clockwise around Earth, we see various parts of the side of the moon that is facing the sun. This makes the moon appear to change shape in the sky. Waxing refers to a moon that is growing larger night after night. This occurs as the moon moves from the position of full to new moon. The moon is said to be waning when it appears to be getting smaller night after night. A waning moon is moving from the position of full to new moon. A new moon is when the sky is absent of an illuminated moon. It takes the moon 29.5 days to go through a complete lunar cycle.Part II Answer Comprehension Questions using complete sentence and a restate; “DOK” means depth of knowledge.1. Define moon (DOK 1):____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. The term _________________ refers to the moon's continuous orbit around the Earth. (DOK 2)_______3. Describe the appearance of a moon that is going through the waxing phase of the lunar cycle: (DOK 1)a. more light is visibleb. less light is visible_____4. How would the moon appear to change to an observer on Earth during the waning phase of the lunar cycle? (DOK 1)a. more light is visibleb. less light is visible5. Explain why the moon often appears to be illuminated in the night sky: (DOK 1)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________6. In which direction does the moon orbit Earth? (DOK 1)a. clockwiseb. counter-clockwise7. Explain why the moon appears to change shape: (DOK 3) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Explain how learning about the moon phases related to our essential question “How do things stay in space”. (DOK 4)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________9. Shade in the moon phases: (DOK 3) ................

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