Study Guidelines: Scientific Method

Study Guidelines: Cellular Respiration

Cellular (aerobic) Respiration

1. Define cellular respiration and state in what kind of organisms it takes place in. In what organelle doe it take place?

2. Explain why cellular respiration is also known as aerobic respiration.

3. Identify the two reactants needed for cellular respiration to occur and the three products that are made.

4. Write the equation for cellular respiration in both word form and chemical form.

5. Identify the three steps in cellular respiration and

a.) explain what happens during each step and

b.) where each step occurs

c.) how many molecules of ATP are made at each step (from one glucose molecule)

d.) Reactant(s) product(s) of EACH step

e.) The role of electrons/electron transport chain in CR

6. Identify the types of organisms cellular respiration takes place in.

7. Explain why an athlete would drink Gatorade instead of water.

8. Write the equation for cellular respiration and the equation for photosynthesis right underneath it. Look at the two equations and explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration are connected.

9. How does the connection between photosynthesis and cellular respiration demonstrate the law of conservation of matter? Use the movement of CARBON as an example in your explanation. Your DETAILED answer should be about 2 paragraphs long.

10. Explain the differences between aerobic respiration and fermentation(anaerobic respiration) including the different products and ATP generated.


Name: ____________

Period: ____


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