
Types of knowledge and knowledge questions.Decoding Theory of KnowledgeWhat do we know and how do we know it?The picture above is Neil Armstrong on the moon (or is it?!)Did you know who the first man on the moon was?How did you know?Do you care? What do you think influences your opinion?Does every culture have the same knowledge on this subject? Why / Why not?Is this knowledge? Do you think everyone accepts it as knowledge?What do you need as proof that Armstrong walked on the moon?What is the difference between the following?‘I know Paris is the capital city of France’.‘I believe Paris is the capital city of France.`Know—factBelieve—feelingEvidence—knowledge needs evidence. Reason. To ‘know means’…….Evidence? proof? Certain? Sure? Fill in the table below. Write knowledge claims from the DP subjects you study.Subject I study.Knowledge claims.Can the examples above help you identify more precisely what we mean by ‘knowledge’?Is there a link between the certainty of the knowledge claim and the area of knowledge it comes from?As there are people who say they don’t believe the moon landings and none of us in class were there, does knowledge come down to ‘whom do we trust?Plato ‘Justified true belief’.Read page 2. How can we ‘know’ it is our dog barking?Can we ever ‘know’ future events such as ‘The 2020 Olympics will be in Japan’?Can we ‘know’ if a prediction is almost certain, such as ‘If we sent this rocket of paper to the sun it’d burn’?Can we ‘know’ we will die one day?Types of knowledge.We can split knowledge up into Practical Knowledge, Knowledge by Acquaintance and Factual Knowledge.Your task is to read pages 4 and 5. You will be given one type of knowledge and must explain what it is and choose a knowledge question to discuss with the class. Makes notes in the tables below.Practical Knowledge.Knowledge by Acquaintance.Factual Knowledge. ................

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