Agenda for Standards of Care - Gastrostomy on 27 March 2012

Appendix 9: Site or LHD/Network Information for Menu Development - Nutrition Care and Food Service Data ChecklistThis document has been developed to provide a foundation for the menu review process and to identify practical issues, gaps and other factors that the LHD/Network and/or facility need to consider. It is suggested that the Facility or LHD/ Network Nutrition Care Committee and/or selected members (e.g. Dietitian, Food Service Provider) complete the following questions in preparation for initial discussions about the menu review process. It could then be tabled at the Facility Nutrition Care Committee and LHD / Network Nutrition Care Committee. Questions /Information requiredReasons / PromptsYour Site InformationAreas for ImprovementGeneral1.Date Information might change over time2.Name of the facility (or facilities in LHD / Network)For your LHD/ network reference3.Name and role of the person compiling this informationFor your LHD/ network reference4.Name of the Facility Nutrition Care Committee Facility governance structure in place to implement the Nutrition Care POlicySite Information 5.Type of facility (or facilities)e.g. tertiary, district, community, MPS, residential aged care or otherThis can influence population diversity, # meals/day and practical implications of menu review due to kitchen size etc.6. Number of overnight beds at this facility (or facilities) This can impact population diversity, # meals/day and practical implications of menu review due to kitchen size etc.Population Information7.Describe the in-patient population at the site (e.g. acute, rehab, mental health, paediatric, maternity, adolescents, adult, older person, short-stay, long-stay)Influences which nutrition standards need to be implemented and common therapeutic diets required8.What is the average length of stay (ALOS) for each facility / unit? Helps determine the length of the menu cycle required e.g. 1 week menu cycle; 2-4 weeks etc.9.If multiple units, what is the average length of stay (ALOS) of each of the units?Helps determine the length of the menu cycle required e.g. 1 week menu cycle; 2-4 weeks etc.10.What is the gender ratio or are there any single gender units? Male and female nutrition requirements are different11. Are there any cultural needs that need to be considered? The menu needs to be culturally appropriate12.What are the most common therapeutic diets the site(s) requires? Need to be considered into menu design to ensure food /fluid items are available either on request or incorporated into the full menu13.Which Nutrition Standards will need to be implemented at the site(s) e.g. mental health, adult, paediatric or combination? May need to implement a combination of the standardsFood Service Information14.Who is the Food Service Provider (e.g. HealthShare NSW, Public Private Partnership or other)? Need to work together to change the menu and determine who is responsible for providing all menu review information e.g. menu outline, comparison to standards, cost change breakdowns etc.15.Who is the key contact for the Food Service Provider at the site?Who you need to talk to about food service issues16.Is this key Food Service Provider contact a member on the Nutrition Care Committee? It is highly recommendedNutrition and Dietetics Services17.Is there access to a Clinical Dietitian at the site(s)? Key to nutrition care and can help with menu assessment. If not available, should be discussed with LHD / Network Nutrition Care Committee 18.If a Clinical Dietitian is available, how many hours per week is the Dietitian funded? Consider how much time can be allocated to the menu review process19.If a Clinical Dietitian is available, are they a member of the Nutrition Care Committee(s)? It is highly recommended20.Does the LHD/Network/Facility have a Food Service Dietitian? If so, the Dietitian will need to be involved in menu reviewMenu Design 21. Do consumers currently complete a menu in advance? (this could be a paper menu, electronic etc.)Influences forecasting processes.May need to be revised if changes are made to menu and/or food service delivery model22.If a menu is completed, how many hours/days in advance?This has direct impact on food production/ordering. Changes may be required or recommended by the Food Service provider. 23.What is the current length of the menu cycle?Reference point24.Is the current length of the menu cycle appropriate for the site? Does it suit the ALOS? Do some units need different lengths? 25.How is food delivered to consumers (e.g. bulk and plated at point of service, plated in the kitchen and tray service, consumers make meals in assisted daily kitchen etc.)? Potential practical considerations may arise26.What is the type of foodservice at the facility?(e.g. cook-chill, cook-fresh, cook-freeze and/or combination)Direct impact of food production/ordering/product stock levels etc.27.Are there other potential foodservice related considerations for the site e.g. BBQ days, assisted daily living (ADL) kitchen, special events catering, cooking programs?These should be considered in the new menu outline Other Considerations 28. Is there < 12 hours between serving supper and breakfast?This is the recommended maximum timeframe and may impact food service / nursing staff29. Does the site have access to food for consumers after hours e.g. sandwiches, fruit, milk etc.? Consider consumers with admissions after hours or after a meal-service and long-acting carbohydrate hypoglycaemic management 30.Does the site provide access to additional foods for consumers who are hungry or require large serves? May be required for some groups and those needing antipsychotic medications31.Does the site have local information / guidelines that include the following:Systems for meal selection Length of menu cycle and number of choices to be provided Meal service times Service of meals to people who arrive out of meal times Provision of extra helpings Ways to support people on energy-restricted diets who are hungry Access to food in vending machines, and the types of food available in them Food provided at barbecues and activity of daily living kitchens Rehabilitation cooking programsDelivery of meals bought from external sources, e.g. local shops and restaurants Provision of food by relatives and friends. Local / facility information should be available for staff to access ................

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