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Last Updated: May 2019

Property of Docutech, LLC Version 2019.05

Page 1


(Package Type)

Initial Disclosure

Proper Name of Disclosure

FHA Amendatory Clause/Real Estate


Generic Cx Number


Initial Disclosure

Informed Consumer Choice Disclosure Notice


Initial Disclosure

Notice to Homeowner ? Assumption of FHA Insured Mortgages


Initial Disclosure

Verification of VA Benefits


Initial Disclosure

Request for Certificate of Veteran Status


Loan Program Type


Legal Reference

Specific Language Required

Purchase transaction

All loans Assumptions

All loans

All loans involving a veteran

Before closing

No later than 3 business days after the mortgagee receives the

loan application Before settlement

Not specified, but practically at or before

the underwriting process

Not specified, but practically at the time

of determining eligibility

24 C.F.R. ? 203.15 (West 2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, ch. A.1.a.i.(E)(1)(a) & A.7.d.ii.(C)

24 C.F.R. ? 203.10 (West 2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, ch. A.1.a.ii.(A).(1) 24 C.F.R. ? 203.258 (West 2015); FHA Single Family

Handbook 4000.1 Pt. III, A.3.a.vi & A.3.b.ii

24 C.F.R. ? 203.33 (West 2015);

FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,

A.4.c.xii.(A).(2).(b) & A.5.b.xii.(A).(2).(b) 24 C.F.R. ? 203.18(b)(3) (West 2015); FHA ML


Partial Handbook

Informed Consumer Choice

Notice to Homeowner: Release of Personal Liability for Assumptions VA Form 26-8937

VA Form 26-8261a

Property of Docutech, LLC Version 2019.05

Page 2


(Package Type)

Initial Disclosure

Proper Name of Disclosure

Generic Cx Number

New Construction Subterranean Termite Soil Treatment Record ? HUD-NPMA-99-B


Loan Program Type New Construction

Initial Disclosure

Subterranean Termite Soil Treatment

Builder's Guarantee ? HUD-NPMA-99A


New Construction

Initial Disclosure

Builders Certification ? HUD-92541


New Construction

Initial Disclosure Initial Disclosure

Borrower Notification

Social Security Number Verification

Cx 9348 (upon request)

Cx5579 (upon request)

New Construction All loans

Property of Docutech, LLC Version 2019.05


Legal Reference

Specific Language Required

Not specified

Not specified

Not specified, but practically when the

case binder is submitted for endorsement

With the Builders Certification

Not specified, but practically before


24 C.F.R. ? 200.926d(b)(3) (West

2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.7.d.ii.(C) and A.8.i.iii &

iv 24 C.F.R. ? 200.926d(b)(3) (West

2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.7.d.ii.(C) and A.8.i.iii &

iv 24 C.F.R. ? 203.12(b)(2)

(West 2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.5.d.ix.(A).(2).(b), A.7.d.ii.(C), A.8.i.iii ? v,

B.1.b, & B.3.c.v HUD 4145.1 ch. 6-

3(C)(1) & (2) 24 C.F.R. ? 203.35 (West

2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,



HUD-92541 No

Form SSA-89 Page 3


(Package Type) Initial Disclosure Initial Disclosure Initial Disclosure

Initial Disclosure

Initial Disclosure Initial Disclosure Initial Disclosure

Proper Name of Disclosure

Generic Cx Number

Loan Program Type


Legal Reference

Specific Language Required

Mortgagor's Certificate

Cx6592 (upon request)

FHA Identity of

Cx14285 (upon

Interest Certification


Request for Acceptance of Changes in Approved Drawings and Specifications Consultant's Identity-

of-Interest Certification

Cx14872 (upon request)

Cx15426 (upon request)

FHA Lock-in Agreement


FHA Non-Purchasing Spouse (NPE) Authorization Hold-Harmless Agreement

Cx19872 Upon Request

Section 234(d) loans (condominiums) Purchase loans

Section 203(k) loans

At closing

Not specified

When changes to the construction work order

are proposed

FHA Single Family Handbook 4580.1 CHG-

4:5-3 FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,

A.2.b.ii FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.8.a.xviii.(B).(2), A.9.j, &


Section 203(k) loans

All loans All loans All purchase loans involving HUD-owned property

After preparing/reviewing the Work Write-Up and

Cost Estimate

Before charging lock-in and rate lock fees

Not specified, but practically before the processing of the loan

Not specified

FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,

A.7.d.ii.(C), A.8.a.xiv.(A).(1).(a), &

A.9.k.i FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,

A.6.a.x.(B).(3) FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1, Pt. II,

A.1.a.i.(C).(1).(a) 24 C.F.R. ? 203.673(c)

(West 2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4310.5 REV2, ch. 2, Sec. VIII:2-30

FHA-3212-A No



No No HUD-9538

Property of Docutech, LLC Version 2019.05

Page 4


(Package Type) Initial Disclosure

Allow Any

Proper Name of Disclosure

Generic Cx Number

HUD Employee/Relative

Home Purchase Certification HUD-

50001 FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary

Upon Request Cx13513

Initial Disclosure and Closing

Certification and Authorization


Initial Disclosure and Closing

Important Notice to Homebuyers


Property of Docutech, LLC Version 2019.05

Loan Program Type All purchase loans All loans

All loans All loans


Legal Reference

Prior to bidding on a HUD-owned single

family home

FHA Single Family Notices H 2011-19

Specific Language Required


During the underwriting process

Not specified, but practically before the processing of the loan

At application

FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.1.b.ii.(B), A.4.a.iv.(B),

A.4.d.iii.(G).(3), A.4.e.i.(A),

A.5.c.iii.(G).(3), A.5.d.x.(B).(1), A.7.b.ii,

A.7.b.iii, A.7.b.xi, A.7.d.ii.(C),

A.8.a.xv.(A).(2), A.8.a.xvi, A.8.c.iv.(D), A.8.c.vii, &

A.1.n.ii 12 U.S.C.A. ? 2609(b) (West 2015); FHA Single

Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II,

A.1.a.i.(C).(1) & (D) and A.7.d.ii.(C)

24 C.F.R. ? 203.9 (West 2015); FHA Single Family Handbook 4000.1 Pt. II, A.1.a.ii.(A).(2)


No HUD-92900-B

Page 5


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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