
Bachelor of Arts Degree in English Language and Literature Department of English, Languages, & Cultures, College of Liberal Arts and Social ScienceUpdated June 2016 (for students starting Fall 2016 or later)Name: Date of Entrance:Advisor:SemGradeHrsArea A Essential Skills – 9 Hrs.Engl 1101-Eng Comp 13*Engl 1102-Eng Comp 23*Math 1001, 1101, or 11113*Area B Institutional Options – 5 Hrs.Afrs 1501-Survey of African Amer Exp2Humn 1201-Critical Thinking & Comm3Area C Humanities/Fine Arts – 6 Hrs.Choose one: PHIL 2010, PHIL 2030, ENGL 2111, or ENGL 21123Choose one: Arts 1101; Engl 2521; Humn 2011; Musc 1101; Thea 21013Area D Science, Mathematics and Technology – 10 Hrs.Choose two courses from the following: Astr 1010, Biol 1103, Biol 1104, Cism/Csci 1130, Csci 1301, Envs 1140, Fsci 1101, or Isci 110133Choose one Laboratory Science: Biol 1103 w/ lab, Biol 1104 w/ lab, Chem 1101K, Isci 1111K, Msci 1501K, Phsc 1011K, or Phys 1111K4Area E Social Sciences – 12 Hrs.Hist 2111-United States History orHist 2112-United States History3Pols 1101-American Government3Pols 2401-Global Issues3Choose one additional social science: Afrs 2000; Anth 1101; ECON 2105; Geog 1101; Hist 1111, Hist 1112; Psyc 1101, Psyc 2103; Soci 1101 Soci 1160Additional Social Science3ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS – 5 Hrs.Choose one: BUSA 1103; CLAS 1103; COMM 1103; COST 1103Freshman Year Experience2Choose one: Hedu 1101, 1111, 1201 or 1211HEDU 2Choose one: Hedu 1140 1150, 1301, 1311, 1401, 1501, 1511, 1521, 1601, 1611 or 1621HEDU 1Note: This grid includes revisions effective for students entering the English program fall 2016 or later. If a student is not prepared to begin a language at the intermediate level, then elementary-level courses may be used as the open elective and/or additional coursework.Student ID Catalog Date:GraduationSemGradeHrs.Area F Courses to Appropriate to Major – 18 Hrs.ENGL 2104 – Advanced Composition3*ENGL 2105 – Intro to Literary Criticism3*ENGL 2222 – Intro to African Am Lit3*ENGL 2111 or 2112 – World Lit I or II3*Foreign language sequence:Foreign language 20013*Foreign language 20023*Major Required Courses – 42 Hrs.ENGL 2121 – British Literature I3*ENGL 2122 – British Literature II3*ENGL 2131 – American Literature I3*ENGL 2132 – American Literature II3*ENGL 3321 – Intro to Lang Study3*Choose One Writing Course:ENGL 3416 – Creative Non-FictionENGL 3417 – PoetryENGL 3418 – FictionENGL 3419 – Technical Writing3*ENGL 4011 - Shakespeare3*A 3000/4000 Level course in African American Literature:3*ENGL 4700 – Senior Seminar3*English Lang. & Lit Major Electives Any five 3000/4000 level ENGL courses not required elsewhere3*3*3*3*3*Minor or additional coursework – 15 Hrs.(at least 9hrs at or above 3000-level)3*3*3*3*3*Open Electives – 3 Hrs.3*Courses in areas A and F and other courses required for the major require a grade of C or better.All Students who have successfully completed 91 hours must complete the application for Graduation. ................

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