
Research Project: The Editorial You will be crafting a compelling, well-researched editorial on a topic of your choosing for submission to a local newspaper. This piece will be no more than 500 words and will employ embedded & analyzed evidence from at least 3 sources (one being from The New York Times & the others from valid sources your select). REQUIREMENTS—Your piece should be cleanly organized, deftly argued, and highly engaging. Your editorial requires the following:A. an interesting and creative titleB. a strong lead (that follows one of the forms we’ve discussed)C. a recognizable & defensible claim that establishes your point D. at least 3 pieces of properly embedded, cited, & analyzed evidence from three different sources E. effective use of 3 or more rhetorical devices (such as pathos, logos, ethos, exemplum, rhetorical question, anecdote, metaphor/simile, & allusion) F. a closing call to action AND/OR an innovative, non-repetitive conclusionG. a properly formatted Works Cited pageFollow the conventions of standard written English and MLA formatting. Remember to proofread your work. Upload your piece to Turnitin; I will not accept hardcopies. Due Date: ____________________________ at midnight on PROJECT RESOURCES —Here are valuable resources you can peruse as you craft your editorial:Links:The NYTimes list of 2018 Editorial Contest winners, runners-up, and honorable mentions. A list of 401 potential prompts for argumentative writing.Want to see a real editorial in action? Head to the The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, or USA Today’s editorial pages. Other Materials (find these in the “Editorial Project” tab on my website)A blank template for taking notes on sources (called “Source Cover Sheet”)PowerPoint that contains definitions and examples of our rhetorical devices (called “Rhetorical Devices Definitions”)Three samples of student-written editorials that we looked at in class (called “Student Editorial Samples”) ................

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