
Borrower Information

Full Name: _______________________________________ Social Security Number: ________-________-________

Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Marital Status: ___Single ___Married ___Divorced ___Widowed ___Legally Separated

Current Street Address: ______________________________________________________ Unit #:_______________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long at this address? _____________

Do you _____own or _____rent? If you currently rent, what is your monthly payment? __________________________

Home Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: _________________________ Ext. _________

Cell Phone: _______________________________ Email: ___________________________________________

Employment Information

Current Employer: ___________________________________________ Are you self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long with this employer? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________________ How long in this line of work? __________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Please list previous and/or secondary employment covering the most recent 2-year period.

Employer: _______________________________ ___Previous ___Secondary Self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long in this line of work? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________ Start Date: _________ End Date: _________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Employer: _______________________________ ___Previous ___Secondary Self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long in this line of work? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________ Start Date: _________ End Date: _________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Borrower Initials: ______ Co-Borrower Initials: ______

Co-Borrower Information (If applicable)

Full Name: _______________________________________ Social Security Number: ________-________-________

Date of Birth: ____/____/____ Marital Status: ___Single ___Married ___Divorced ___Widowed ___Legally Separated

Current Street Address: ______________________________________________________ Unit #:_______________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long at this address? _____________

Do you _____own or _____rent? If you currently rent, what is your monthly payment? __________________________

Home Phone: ______________________________ Work Phone: _________________________ Ext. _________

Cell Phone: _______________________________ Email: ___________________________________________

Co-Borrower Employment Information

Current Employer: ___________________________________________ Are you self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long with this employer? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________________ How long in this line of work? __________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Please list previous and/or secondary employment covering the most recent 2-year period.

Employer: _______________________________ ___Previous ___Secondary Self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long in this line of work? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________ Start Date: _________ End Date: _________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Employer: _______________________________ ___Previous ___Secondary Self-employed? _____Yes _____No

Employer Address: ______________________________________________________________________________

City: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________ How long in this line of work? __________

Title/Position: ________________________________________ Start Date: _________ End Date: _________

Please describe your compensation (hourly, salary, bonuses, commission, etc.)

Hourly: $_____________/hour How many hours per week? _______________

Salary: $_____________/year Commission: $_____________________ Terms: _____________________________

Bonuses: $ _______________________________ Terms: _______________________________________________

Borrower Initials: ______ Co-Borrower Initials: ______

Liquid Assets

Checking Acct. Approx. Balance $_______________ Bank____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Savings Acct. Approx. Balance $_______________ Bank____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Retirement Acct (401k, etc.) $_______________ Bank ____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Other: ___________________ $_______________ Bank ____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Other: ___________________ $_______________ Bank ____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Other: ___________________ $_______________ Bank ____________________________ ____Borr ____Co-Borr

Real Estate Owned

If you own your home, what is the approximate current value? $___________________________________________

What year did you purchase the home? ___________ What was the purchase price? $_________________________

Are the insurance and property taxes impounded/escrowed as part of your monthly payment? ____ Yes ____ No

If you own a vacation or second home, what is the approximate value? $____________________________________

What year did you purchase the home? ___________ What was the purchase price? $_________________________

Are the insurance and property taxes impounded/escrowed as part of your monthly payment? ____ Yes ____ No

What is the address? _____________________________________________________________________________

If you own an investment property, what is the approximate value? $________________________________________

What year did you purchase the home? ___________ What was the purchase price? $_________________________

Are the insurance and property taxes impounded/escrowed as part of your monthly payment? ____ Yes ____ No

What is the address? _____________________________________________________________________________

**If you own additional properties, please provide a detailed schedule of real estate owned with this application.**

Other Important Information

Please list the year, make and model of any auto(s) owned/leased _______Year __________Make __________Model

_______Year __________Make __________Model _______Year __________Make __________Model

How is your credit history? ___Excellent ___Good ___Average ___Challenged ___I have no credit history

Do any of these apply to you? ___Bankruptcy ___Judgment(s) ___Tax Lien(s) ___Divorce ___Spousal/Child Support

I hereby authorize XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to verify my past and present employment earnings records, bank accounts, stock holdings, and any other asset balances that are needed to process my mortgage loan application. I further authorize XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX to order a consumer credit report and verify other credit information, including past and present mortgage and landlord references. It is understood that a copy of this form will also serve as authorization. The information XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX obtains is only used in the processing of my application for a mortgage loan.

Borrower Name________________________________ Co-Borrower Name _________________________________

Borrower Signature _____________________________ Co-Borrower Signature ______________________________

Date ____________________ Date ____________________

Mortgage Planning Questionnaire

We have developed unique systems to evaluate your mortgage needs and assist you in determining the best mortgage for these needs based on qualifications, how long you expect to have the loan, initial expense, cash flow, taxes and overall total cost of the mortgage.

We are dedicated to providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision. This advisory service is much more than a competitive rate and points quote. Selecting the wrong mortgage program can cost you thousands of dollars and no single loan program is appropriate for every person.

Financing and acquiring real estate should be thought of as an integral part of your overall personal financial plan. To assist us in selecting the most appropriate and cost effective mortgage for your individual needs, please complete the questions below.

1. How would you like us to stay in contact with you? (Check all that apply)

____ Email ____ Phone ____ Fax ____ Mail ____ Cell Phone

2. Is this financing request for your ____ primary residence ____ second/vacation home ____ investment property?

3. How soon are you thinking of ____ buying or ____ refinancing?

____ Immediately ____ 2-6 months ____6+ months

4. If financing is for your primary residence, what is the best estimate for how long you might live in this home?

____ 1-3 years ____ 3-5 years ____ 5-7 years ____ 7-10 years ____ 10+ years

5. How many years do you think you will have this loan?

____ 6-12 months ____1-3 years ____ 3-5 years ____ 5-7 years ____ 7-10 years ____ 10+ years

6. Do you currently have any plans for major expenses in the next 12 months?

$__________ New car $__________ Home improvements

$__________ College $__________ Rental properties

$__________ Health $__________ Other: _____________________________________________

7. Please check the following if they are priorities as it relates to your mortgage financing.

_____ Determine maximum purchase price and/or loan I can qualify for.

_____ Determine purchase price and loan amount appropriate for my income and lifestyle.

_____ Obtain a targeted monthly mortgage payment amount of $_____________.

_____ Purchase a home within a specific budget, down payment and closing costs.

_____ Have ability to sell, pay down, pay off, or refinance home without penalty.

_____ Maximize tax benefits.

_____ Avoid mortgage insurance.

_____ Qualify for new home prior to, or without sale of existing home.

_____ Other _____________________________________________________________________________

8. Please check the following goals if they are a priority for you currently.

_____ Improve monthly cash flow _____ Create a Comprehensive Financial Plan

_____ Maximize education savings _____ Create a 6-12 month cash reserve account

_____ Maximize retirement savings _____ Maximize investment contributions

_____ Live comfortably on one income _____ Maximize asset portfolio performance

_____ Live comfortably on a fixed income _____ Real estate investment strategies

_____ Tax reduction strategies _____ Asset protection strategies

_____ Other _____________________________________________________________________________

9. If you currently rent, please provide us the name of your landlord and their contact information.

Name __________________________________ Phone __________________________________

10. Would you like to establish an escrow/impound account for property taxes and/or homeowners insurance as part of your new loan?

____ Yes ____ No (unless required)

11. If applicable, would you like information about repairing your credit? ____ Yes ____ No

12. Have you spoken with any other lenders? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, which loan program do you like best so far? _______________________________________________

13. Do you have life insurance? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, how much coverage? $_________________________________ ____ Term ____Whole

14. Please rate your current level of satisfaction in the following areas on a scale of 1 to 10 (10 being best).

____ Attorney – legal advice

____ Estate plan – Asset protection

____ Insurance – Life / Auto / Home

____ Financial advisor – Investment strategy

____ Income tax preparation and reduction strategies

15. If we can show you ways so building wealth faster or becoming debt free more quickly, would you be interested?\ ____ Yes ____ No

16. Are you interested in buying real estate for investment purposes? ____ Yes ____ No

17. Have you attended any of our seminars listed on our website? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, what did you like most about your experience?


18. What is the maximum total monthly housing payment you would be comfortable with? $______________________

19. The illustration below shows the trade-off between fixed and adjustable interest rates. Please indicate the best match based on your preference between a fixed and adjustable interest rate by placing an “X” in the appropriate box.

|A |B |C |

Increasing Risk / Lower Interest Rates

|Conservative |Moderate – Predictable |Aggressive |

|30 or 15 year fixed rate |3 to 10 year ARM |1 month to 1 year ARM |

|Long-term / no volatility |Intermediate fixed |Lowest market rate |

20. Do you have children? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, how many? _______________ Age(s) ___________________________

21. What are your biggest challenges right now with respect to money?

____ Need to save more ____ Too much spending

____ Need to make more money ____ Too much credit card debt

____ I pay too much tax ____ Other ______________________________________________

22. What is your current strategy for:

a) College funding for your child(ren)? ____ 529 plan Other _____________________________________

b) Having enough money to retire? ____ 401K ____ IRA ____ Pension Other ________________________

c) Having the money necessary to get through a financial setback? ____ Savings Other_________________

23. Please let us know who to thank for referring you to us? ______________________________________________

24. What did you like most or least about the last loan officer you worked with?


25. What else would you like to know about me/my company before you would consider allowing us to serve you?


26. If you and I were to meet after closing your loan with XXXXXXXXXXX, what has to have happened for you to feel you have saved time and money, gained greater peace of mind, and achieved your overall objectives?


27. Who else do you know that is thinking of buying or refinancing real estate?

Someone who wants/needs to refinance?

Someone who wants to buy investment properties?

Who do you know who is paying more than $XXXXX per month in rent?

Please provide their name and phone number if you would like us to contact them:

Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________

Name: __________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________

The following questions apply only if this transaction is a refinance.

28. If property taxes are due, do you want to incorporate them into the loan amount or would you prefer to pay them out-of-pocket? ____ Add to the loan amount ____ I/We will pay them out-of-pocket

29. If there are closing costs, would you like to incorporate them into the loan amount or would you prefer to pay them out-of-pocket? ____ Add to the loan amount ____ I/We will pay them out-of-pocket

30. Do you want to receive any cash out as a result of this transaction (paying off credit cards, home improvements, investments, assisting a family member, etc.)? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, how much? $_______________

31. Would you like to set up a home equity line of credit as a part of this transaction? ____ Yes ____ No

32. Do you currently have a 2nd and/or 3rd mortgage or a home equity line of credit secured by your home?

____ Yes ____ No

33. Is there a certain time of day that is better for you to close? ____ Yes ____ No

If yes, when? _______________

New Home Profile

We have created this profile to help you find just the right home for your needs. With this vital information your Realtor will use their resources to narrow your search, provide a list of homes for sale that match your profile and help you find your perfect home.

Preferred Location (County)


__ XXXXXXXX __ XXXXXXXX __ XXXXXXXX __ Other ____________________________

Price Range From $_______________ to $_______________

Age Preference __ New Construction __ ................

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