
Online Interactive Tutorials_HT208d_0Tue, 10/20 9:29PM ? 1:34:55SUMMARY KEYWORDSmoney, hypnotherapy, people, income stream, create, manifesting, concept, point, principles, business, life, nice, multiple income streams, savings, income, prosperity, programming, buy, started, number00:00All right,00:00let's go into our creating a manifesting formula. I know the beginning of excuse me, in the beginning of recordings take just a moment sometimes to get started. So let me give you just a minute to settle in. Think about what will you be putting in to the screening and manifesting session, very clear clarity of intent. And this is going to focus on the financial abundance that goes along with whatever you're plugging into the formula. All right, so let's start that. And I will see you afterwards to talk about specific suggestions for prosperity that lead their principles and ideas to implement about increasing one's wealth, or at least doing it for your clients. But hopefully, you do for you too. All right, here we go.01:04Let's begin now a creating and manifesting process for your prosperity and abundance. The first step is simply for you to settle in, begin to get comfortable. Find a position where your body can remain relaxed. The next 15 or so minutes, is you're getting comfortable. You want review step one, clarity of intent. You need to know what you're manifesting here. Be clear on what true prosperity and abundance is for you. Be aware of how you want to use your mind01:45to manifest that which you want to manifest.01:49Clear on your dream, your vision, that what you're plugging into the funnel.01:55Take a moment as I'm silent to affirm in your01:58mind that which you want to see in your life through the use of this creating and manifesting session.02:20Assuming that you have02:23continued to relax02:25even more,02:26eyes closed and just taking a deep breath02:30on your exhalation, sticking in02:34and really start02:36to let everything else.02:39Take another easy breath in fully and completely on the exhalation thing.02:47And relax.02:51Third, Big breath in filling your lungs.02:55out, think calm and relax. And then breathe.03:01And being aware of universal law03:06is the opening to the concept that the universe03:11allows you to manifest anything. Because all thought externalizes itself inevitably03:20aware of03:20the law, you're potentially03:24that the underlying essence of all that is the field of potential. And when you align yourself with this, it's very simple and easy to manifest what you want. Be aware of the law of intention and desire. If you have an intention, if you want to manifest something, the universe03:46has a way for that to manifest for you.03:50Be aware of the law of least effort. manifestation is meant to happen easily. harmoniously,03:58joyfully and effortlessly.04:01Be aware of the love giving and receiving as you can. So dear, I see. So remember to give away what you want.04:11Remember, the law04:13of karma or purpose in life to allow what you're manifesting here. be in harmony with who you are, and what you're really meant to do. And that's there.04:25And you can be aware of the law of04:28cause and effect04:30to only send out positive energy for yourself and others. For all this comes back to you.04:38And remember the law of detachment, not to be04:41attached to the outcome here.04:44But just to do this process, and then to let it out.04:49Moving into step three now04:52of creating and manifesting04:55deep meditation you can begin by bringing your05:00Pinch to the blue black05:02space in your forehead, there is a space above, in between your two physical.05:11Very gently roll your eyes,05:13gaze into that05:19become aware of the I Am Presence,05:24the consciousness05:26the silent05:29the use of your own being the place of your potential reality. Take your time and move in and in05:47the beginning about letting you down05:55just be here now05:57in that space06:01in the silence06:05and keeping your attention there more and06:10remembering who you truly are,06:14your essence06:16your source06:18taking your time bringing your attention there again and again.06:32And I'll count06:34from seven to one with each06:37descending number find yourself going deeper into that space with your conscious be06:45number seven, Cody06:53never more06:57numbers06:59coming into the moment, more07:02and in07:09and deeper on number five,07:14more relaxed,07:17more centered07:19and more.07:22Canetti on number three.07:40Andy07:53and,07:59and really08:04center.08:06And08:08right here now.08:15Now at this point, you move08:16into Step Four of creating and manifesting08:20visualization. Begin to hold in your mind the images of you in a state of prosperity, and abundance. seeing yourself successful in whatever you're manifesting now.08:39See yourself in any situation,08:43or with anything manifested in your life.08:47See it as if it's already so08:50you are visualizing this dream,08:53this vision manifests.08:57See yourself in the picture, and anyone else involved. And number five, as you're visualizing and emotionalizing feel how good this feels as if this is already so see it and feel it. See yourself smiling in the picture and anyone else involved.09:26You're happy and you're enjoying09:28this. See yourself attracting evermore success.09:32Keep dreaming bigger.09:35See yourself focus. Clear. manifesting your goal. And now number six suggestion. say this in your mind for what it is, is you're seeing is you're feeling it to clarity in your own09:59state in the Positive,10:02state it10:02is if it's ready. So10:06tell yourself what you want to bring into your life, see it, feel it, and think about it,10:13declare this, I'm silent for a long.10:26Now repeat in your mind, I totally believe this is possible. I totally believe this is possible. I totally believe this is possible.10:45And I want this10:49I want this,10:52I really do want10:56I am willing to accept this manifestation in my life and everything that goes with it. I am willing to accept this in my life, and all of the responsibility that goes with it. I am willing to accept this in my life, all of the responsibility that goes with it. I expect this to manifest I know it is happening. It is inevitable. I expect this to manifest. I know it is happening. It is inevitable. I expect this to manifest. I know it is happening. It is inevitable. And I am committed to this, I do what I need to do to make this my reality. I am committed to this, I do what I need to do to succeed. I am committed to this and I do what I need to do to succeed. Now that I see these images floating away and the loser bubble, let them float out into the universe. Remembering the universe takes care of that. All you have to do is repeat this process. Morning and evening. We're on a regular basis, putting mental energy into this vision. And then doing what you need to do to succeed. expecting that as you live your life. Much you're visualizing manifests. Remember, this process can only benefiting and improve your life in every way. And now if you're ready to come back to your full and regular waking consciousness to continue with your day, you can take the suggestions I'm about to give you. If you'd like to remain in this state and continue creating and manifesting you can do so if you're ready now count from one to five and to get to five, he'll be back. If you're wide, awake and refreshed, you feel perfect in every way. Number one, find yourself coming back more and more to your surroundings. To expecting that what you just manifested does now here in your life. 123 coming13:19back more and more feeling13:21rested and refreshed, taking your time and number four beginning to breathe and move in stretch when you're ready and number five. Now take a breath in letting your eyes open you back to full and regular waking consciousness. Trusting absolutely in the power of your creative mind to manifest what you just put into motion.13:48Alright, welcome back him. Okay, congratulations. It's already or so whatever you're putting into that formula. I recommend doing it over and over and taking basically lead a meditation yourself for clients, you want to be able to do it on your own. without even having to go through a whole formula. Just you take a few minutes, close your eyes, sit down open to the vision feel how good it feels. affirming your mind sent out those vibes throughout the day. The point is, it's getting you into a place of feeling II Yes, yes, I can do this. Yes, I know this is happening. Yep, I've got the strategy. I've got the formula. And I know I'm continually getting my mind in the right place that even if it's not there yet, it will be through the continual programming on that notion. Let's go to suggestions and affirmations and we're gonna read through each one. Some will be quick and easy. Some will be worth taking a little bit of time to talk about yet the lead into the different principles that will integrate, to truly help to go from moving along with where you Begin to start in the skyrocket. I'll show you some very clear analogies of how we're going to make that happen and see what I mean when we get there. Every day and every way I grow more and more successful just thinking in your mind as I'm reading them, even if I don't comment on any and some of them my creative thinking, and think about that my creative thinking I'm not just done I'm always coming up with new ideas and new projects. My wife knows that she's going away to Poland with our daughter pretty soon and and I saw you in Michigan, she's sick, it doesn't matter you always going to start another project anyway. And she she's right. And they're gone. I didn't realize that was like 10 weeks, you really take your 10 weeks you take my baby for 10 weeks and you can take my 18 month old daughter for 10 weeks but anyway she is and you know, I'm nice so we can afford that you can do that yet. What am I gonna do with my time I'm gonna create more prosperous multiple income streams. They're already like right there. And they're going to be nurtured but I want to show you is a way to think in that way.16:12Where it's not stressful, where it's fun and where things happen on their own. So my creative thinking opens the door is now allowing me to manifest prosperity in all aspects of my life. So remember all aspects. Here's a good one hi make money I make a large amounts of money. I create exceptional success. I am a Money Magnet. And now do what I need to do to become ever more successful. I now do what I need to do to succeed. II want to motivate yourself to take action. abundance is my natural state of being. And I find it fun, easy and enjoyable to achieve excellence in all areas of my life. Again, though, feel like this is repetitive or boring a Firmin in your mind right now. I find it fun and easy and enjoyable. Why should this be a struggle? Why can't this be really exciting? The sheep I'm working with now in business where it's like, it's like, I can't wait to just go and drop that person again, can't wait to see what the next thing unfolds. My God, how cool that project is going to be. You know, and honestly, I've been doing the hypnotherapy thing for quite a while now. So you know, seeing the schools unfold and creating teams and all that and seeing new people come on board. And that's all really exciting. And it continues to blossom. And I want you to kind of consider that tree is getting solid roots and solid trunk, but then it branches. And it's shade for a lot of others, right? It can keep growing. And there's no reason why that is meant to be fun, easy and enjoyable. Nothing you're not working hard. Sometimes like exercise, you gotta stress that muscle, no pain, no gain in some way. There's truth to that. So life is gonna challenge you, I encourage you to challenge you. Challenge yourself before life challenges you and create these deep revenue streams, meaning deep that therefore on whether you're working them or not, so that you really are truly financially secure. So we can offer one model here won't be the only model yet is you're getting a sense of it, I hope you find it. Very, very valuable. I now attract positive and supportive people who helped me to achieve my goals. That's a huge one. You never know who you're gonna pull into your life who will become a client who will you'll meet at a networking meeting. Yet the entrepreneurial spirit is always about how can we team up and how can we create something bigger? When if we do it together, and be careful of partnerships, yet, teaming up can be very powerful. But yes, careful as far as you know you go into business with but the general concept is that you do want to send out the energy. I am pulling people into my life that helped me to reach my goals, but big vision glow goals. core mission statement goals right transforming the world type of goals are motivated and determined to manifest my dreams against a motivation and determined we can't be waiting for a boss to give us a raise. Right we are actively co creating our financial freedom our financial future. I'm energetic, powerful, enthusiastic and determined to succeed. Passionate excited about true financial success truly financially successful. Just get in that concept do mind programming and what would true financial freedom be? I remain focused and clear on manifesting my goals. Every day in every way I feel more prosperous and abundant. You want to feel it before you actually experience it. So you don't have to already have the money or have The new car or have the multiple income streams, it started feel it internally, you will start to attract what you need to let that occur. Every morning I wake up, and I'm flooded with feelings of motivation, enthusiasm, like it wouldn't be nice to wake up and be excited to continue with your projects. Rather than go this job again. I practice seeing hearing and feeling my perfect prosperity, visual auditory, kinesthetic, my perfect prosperity. With confidence and high self esteem, I now boldly claim my riches, right, they're out there, the money's out there. And you're like, I imagine the image of a well, money is pouring out of it, you're just skimming off the top, and it just keeps coming in or money tree, where money does grow on trees, where you pull off $1, and five more dollar leaves fill that space, and you pluck the five and 25 mark them is literally what we're going to look into in just a moment when we actually look at a commodity chart. And you're going to get the concept of when things are growing. What do you do? Do you let it just keep going a straight trunk? Or do you branch out into the branches create branches? And do they eventually just go on? They're on? Okay, so there's really solid principles we're about to look into how you apply them is up to you. Like I said, you can apply them in just pure savings, you can apply them in commodity trading or in real estate or in stock trading. Yet I am encouraging apply them in business in businesses, businesses that are of service to others that create careers that create jobs that improve the quality of life for others. Not if it's only the principles work in commodity trading in stock trading, how it works in real estate, some realtors can definitely say, I helped a person to find their home, then people start investing in real estate. But why are you what what's really motivating it? The principles here is true service to humanity based on a dharmic vision, yet with the principles that create prosperity, people know these principles, and they apply them to things like I'll show you in a commodity chart, yet, it's only for the money. And then you miss the points. I believe he missed the point, some people become very wealthy that way. And I'm not saying that people who followed what I'm going to say have also had their shares of the stock chart going down. Yeah, you're gonna see there's a more solid base and what we're talking about with the multiple income stream model. So a well diversified investment portfolio doesn't necessarily mean that you've got certain amount in stock certain amount of bonds, certain amount in gold, it can, but you're completely dependent. It's all about money. And it's all about the market. You guys probably got into this training because you care about being of service to others. But if you're hearing this talk, you're you know, you're still invested in this talk, you are invest in your own financial freedom, I'm encouraging you to do it in from a different perspective than we're usually taught. I easily release the old unwanted to make way for the new. There we go based on what I'm saying, Let go of old models and old belief systems and open to something very new and exciting. My bills are paid on time and with love and gratitude. When you pay a bill, remember the phone company, the electric company, they offered you a valuable service, you should be grateful to write that check or now just go online and click Send or whatever, or, you know, really nice thing is get most of your stuff automated, right? So really, there's like a stage with the current systems. For instance, our business is structured in QuickBooks. And my bookkeeper comes in and does my QuickBooks for years, I've had my accountant with their bookkeeper, and now we just have a direct bookkeeper doing our QuickBooks for us and the accountant takes care of the rest. I don't have to do it. And it's the same thing with paying your bills, you're off my Verizon Wireless bill, every month is just paid just comes out of the account every month, my daughter's savings just happens every month, our personal savings just happens. It's all automated now. And I'd encourage you to if you're not there, to get to that point, where you know, you have enough money in the bank and enough money coming in that pretty much you know, it's like some things that aren't up to technology or that I like to have a little bit more handle on myself. But when it gets automated, it's really nice feeling this really good system. in place, including, you know, most likely your bank, you can set up an automatic transfer. So what we're going to talk about is the importance of savings yet doing it with a specific mindset every month, automatically, and you have to be at a certain cushion, right? So you have to get to that minimum amount in the bank so that you can say, Yep, no 10% of my money is going into another account. But why is it going into that account, just to gain point 01 percent interest, or even five or 6% interest, I'm not that impressed. Honestly, you want five or 6% over time is okay. But it's not the same as building a business. But the principles apply. Okay, so we'll get into that stuff. My bills are paid on time with loving gratitude. And so when you write that check, don't feel like on a one off to pay my rent this month, the person if you're renting a home, the person your landlord is giving you a home, you should be grateful to give somebody money for giving you a home grateful to pay the electric company for providing the electricity, I mean, like electricity, you think about it's pretty powerful. Not literally with figuratively, it's really amazing that you have a light bulb in your house, if you have a computer in your house, you should be grateful to pay them 100 $200 a month, whatever, to provide that kind of service. It's gratitude, not electric bill against a totally wrong way of thinking that most people tend to have. I'm a revenue generating machine. You get into that mindset. I had a colleague recently say that actually was a graduate. So that to me, I'm a revenue generating machine, and he's cranking out serious money right now. And that programming was insolent was fueling that, for sure. I love what I do. And I do it as a labor of love. So you know, that theme now, with fun and laughter I easily and effortlessly handle my finances right? So again, can you just sit back and be we'll talk about this a little bit more when we get into the tips for moving ahead well is to be Don't be afraid of money. Don't be afraid of looking at your bank account, I literally look@ or a log on to my bank and look at the online cash manager my bank calls it and I can see every single account and it just takes a second to look. And it's kind of a nice feeling to know, okay, like we're good. It's a reminder, it's a putting the attention on the abundance on on what's there. And don't do it with fear. Do it with the feeling of gratitude and prosperity no matter what amount it is be grateful for it. The gratitude keeps the abundance coming.27:45Every day, I am learning that there's more than enough to share, spare, spend and save. So, share, spare spend and save. Remember the four major things if you haven't written those down all your needs are provided for. So this we're going to talk about first, you got to get that base savings or you're in desperation mode. The IDs are provided for and all your wants are provided for so that when you do want to go buy the new purse or whatever, you can just go out and do it. And there's not any stress over it. Now you're not just buying haphazardly. But you deserve those little rewards. Every time we renew the license for the school. I usually I'll go to one of the commission meetings and they're long and boring. Anybody deserve something nice just for that. Nice little treat that I don't go extravagant. But it's another year of success another year of being Florida's only state licensed school, at least, you know, up to this point, every time I'm there. I'm the only hypnotherapy school at this meeting with big colleges and universities and post secondary vocational Institute's and I'm the only hypnotherapy school there and usually I just go by myself and you know, represent the school answer any questions that need answering. And when this big commission meeting is over, and you know there's multi million million dollar schools, bringing in huge lawyer firms they have a lot to protect in the state of Florida commission for independent Education Committee closed down a school if for at least put you on probation, but eventually they can close you down if you're if they're meeting the rule. So people like literally bring high high end attorneys to these meetings. So it's pretty big deal. A lot of people again, they'll realize that about what it means to be part of a state licensed school. Especially you know, at the level of what a hypnotherapy school functions as. So anyway, at the end of all of these I go and I buy nice new tie. I get some, this is a Tom Ford, this is a $200 tie. It's it's not a huge, it's not a crazy amount of money. It's just because somebody wears the Tom for $200 tie. It doesn't mean much anything. It's 200 bucks, but for me, it's a nice little way after that. Meeting to say, Yeah, I deserve that I want that I deserve that. I'm not going out and having to do anything extravagant to sound literal word. So your wants are met. But really, like I've said before, I buy very little for myself, actually. But just as the little things, and I call them in the Life Mastery course, when we look at all the life categories, I call those things accoutrements. It's not invent the word, but it's the word I use for accoutrements, the nice little things that are really overpriced. I mean, I mean, this is very nice talk about the day, it's a good quality day. But you know, $200, for a tie, it's, you know, you can go to wall a wall, marshals who buy one for seven bucks. But there's a difference. And you know, people appreciate quality and do appreciate the difference. Definitely, the point is for you to allow yourself the little accoutrements that help you to feel that much more successful and prosperous. So all that I need all that I want, all of my savings are met. And that's a big part of what we'll talk about now. And then there's the extra to give for philanthropy for for tithing. And the we talked about time, your time, your talents, and your 10%, the 40s of tithing, your time, your talents, and your 10%. It's not that you have to wait until all these are met. But really, when we get to this, build your nest egg, build your foundation, get your solid amount of money in the bank, see all your saving, all your needs are met, we'll get into the principal, again, if pay yourself first. And so kind of ties into this statement here. With a positive and optimistic attitude, I graciously get back from what I receive. Again, giving is important yet at what point you can really feel, yes, I'm in a real true position to give, I would encourage you to start doing it right away to a small degree. It's just like, you'll feel there's a moment I don't know, if I told this story.32:09I decided it was time while I would say I'm creating another income stream with another team. And you'll did it for $700. So nothing huge yet, but I'm to grow from there. And when 700 came in, I said, you know, this was really completely extra money, totally other income stream, don't even need it. Thank God, it's working. I'm going to utilize the principles. I know, I need to tie if I want to give $70 I'm going to give 10% of that money. So I opened up universe creating manifesting, I said, wherever I can best give this money, please provide me an opportunity. I go to a friend's house study of things were hanging out and watch now. So I walk into our house and there's a homeless woman sitting in the living room. And I said to my friend, like our he was like, What's going on here? And she said, Well, you know, I, I met this woman, and she really needed help. And I brought her to my home, and I don't know what to do. And I said to the woman, well, is there anything that I can do to help and she said, I would give anything for a hotel room where I can be tonight and feel safe and have a phone and just you know, get myself together or something like that. And I said, Okay, you got it. So we hung out for a little while and you treated her as an equal. And then I said, Okay, let's go, we got into my car, and she gets into this very nice car, and we're driving, and I said you pick the hotel, you know, anywhere you want to go and I'll put you up for the night. And I think she picked a Best Western, she wasn't extravagant, but she wasn't talking, you know, horrible, cheap Montel either. And she wanted something kind of nice, decent. I walk in with her to pay the bill for the room. And we asked how much is the room and it was $70. It was just so harmonious and perfect. And it showed me that when another income stream on top of what I was already making brung me an extra money that I really didn't need. It was nice to be able to apply the 10% tithing concept. And so do it to some degree at any level, the giving and receiving law really does kick in and do it with the spirit of you don't need to tell anybody you did it. You don't need to, you know, I'm tithing giving money in all different ways all the time and not necessarily publicly announcing it. And really I was making it a point not to tell people about different money that I've given here and there. It's just a nice feeling to be able to know your use it utilizing this principle And purposely protecting your pride, you know, to not have to tell the whole world, Hey, I just gave $100 here. So just is, if you do it, you did it. And you surrender it trusting there is a universal law that there's giving and receiving there. With trust and faith I now or at least the old to make way for the new AI now follow in the footsteps of the most loving and philanthropic people find financial role models, if you don't have them ready, find financial role models. I was talking the other day to somebody who really did create a billion and enough I mentioned him $5 billion company has become a very good friend, actually, which is very nice. And I was like, you know, he's talking about his people that he interacts with. And I said, you were like, kind of hobnob with the big boys, huh? He said, Matthew, a mentor once said to me, ham and eggs tastes the same for anybody. And yeah, he made a really good point, which I already know. And you know, why a key and other people like him are in my life.36:03Well, human beings, so for you to start interacting with hanging out with people who are wealthier, hang out with people who are comfortable with finances, it's a really good idea. It's really healthy to say if you go back to that statement about attracting and attract positive, supportive people who helped me to achieve my goals, really consider attracting people who are financially free, financially abundant people who are in a space where they really have reached financial success, and start to let them teach you and be your mentor and learn from them. And I can tell you now, like this one gentleman that I mentioned, we were talking the other day on the phone about one of these new projects. And I was like, yeah, caddy here, I like the way you're talking the way you're thinking. There's always somebody who's going to be at a next level of the game. And you want to attract those people into your life. You know, eventually you'll be a role model for others. And then you'll find your next level of role model. I love teaming up with these type of people and saying, what can we do together and you as a hypnotherapist? I can tell you from my experience, I have a very unique angle that most people in the world of finances don't have. You have mine You have maybe Well, for me a big asset has been spirituality. I bring spirituality to the companies, I bring ethics, I bring values, I bring creating and manifesting Life Mastery, manifesting prosperity, all these are things that people ask me to come on board with, in different ways to bring to their company, plus, of course, possible financial contributions, you know, to gain capital and our bring capital and to to get equity in certain companies, when you're able to have something to really give. people enjoyed that. And when you talk about how do we get to that place where you're able to go beyond just one income stream. Okay, so find these type of role models learn to hang out with these loving philanthropic people, trust me, they're out there, there's some very spiritually, one of my most influential role models, I won't mention his name.38:15Even close my throat as like,38:19those definitely, most of the time, I'm not mentioning names, of course, and this person I won't mention, yet by name, very, very, very spiritually aware, you know, a great spiritual teacher, really great spiritual teacher filled with love and joy and inspiration for others and giving, giving, giving, giving, giving nonstop, and created a multi multi million dollar business. And when I met this person, I was like, wow, like you did it. kept the things separate. There's like the spiritual community. And then there's the there's the business, my experience has been to integrate more. So one of the teachings is to find role models, and go beyond them intentionally go beyond your role models. And so you find them, you say, I'm going to achieve the level of success they did. And I'm going to go beyond them, you they should want you to I often give these type of type of talks and mentioned the concept that every generation needs to succeed more than the generation before it. The stock chart needs to keep going up. If every generation it's going down your your children are less successful than you. One of the biggest blocks by the way that people hold is they don't let themselves go beyond their parents. You have to be more successful than your parents. Now for some people, you know, if you're born into the Rockefellers, right, you may be a little bit more difficult to go beyond your predecessors. And you know, God bless If you're there, so are most the average person, you know, your parents did a certain level of income, and the subconscious feels guilty for going beyond them. The guilt is because maybe you were programmed that way. Yeah, you know, Dad was so insecure, they want you to be more successful. But really, the child has a need to stay connected to the parents and to feel that you're going to go be on them, can push them subconscious blocks, you want to look for that in your clients. You can do a stem sentence yet to see if it comes up generally, that you'll find through regression therapy, when you're talking to the inner child and looking at the dynamic of the parent is the child willing to go beyond the parent, it has to work that way. I absolutely want my daughter first of all to do whatever is right for yet if she chooses to be an entrepreneur, if it's dharmic, for her to learn to create prosperous multiple income streams that are own, I will insists she makes more money than me. I not, I want to feel superior and keep her under my wing all the time. I'll keep on to the wing until it's time for her to soar. And you know, truly let her thrive. And I'll find myself more worthy and deserving of wealth and success. That's a big childhood programming one worthy and deserving. Oh, no. My wealth allows me to enjoy the responsibilities of caring for myself, my family and anyone else I choose. It's a very nice feeling with it. I know I'm a provider for myself, my family, and staff, employees, co workers teams is that if you can feel that you're strong pillar of society that you've built up that you got the roots, the trunk is strong. And then the wealth is when it starts branching out.41:51I don't know if I mentioned very good business colleague of mine said that when he got to a point of truly surrendering and letting go and trusting his teams to just go to war for him, he said, that's when the million started, literally millions started rolling in. So there's certain point of feeling like, okay, I've created my own solidity. Now, I'm going to start branching out. And again, the branching out for me isn't more stocks, more bonds, more commodities, it's money for the sake of money in a lot of people have realized in the past 10 years, they've lost a lot of it, because we're gonna look at a stock chart in a moment, a commodity chart, and these go up and down on the model I'm proposing and believe is a lot more secure. I now allow myself to enjoy the wealth that I create. The nature of the universe is one that supplies wealth and abundance to all who are willing to receive, I know easily attract new opportunities that lead to ever greater success. That's a big one part of attracting the right people, opportunities that lead to ever greater success. You'll be amazed when you get that principle in place. What starts coming into your life, like, wow, I really like that person. that opportunity that easy. It's, it's nice, and it does require that you're out of your desperation mode that the roots are there, the trunk is there, branches are starting to expand. And then the birdies start flocking into land on the ranches. My outgoing and friendly nature helps people to respond positively to me. Okay, let's now look at a commodity chart. In case you don't know what a commodity is, commodities are basic essentials that people need. So even though technically, things like gold, and even the different financial in financial indicators are put into one43:56was that term.43:59There's different financial indexes that are traded on the commodity floor. These aren't actual commodities unless you consider money a commodity. But commodities are things like cotton, we need coffee, we need sugar we need these are actual commodities for you to go out and buy your own coffee plantation or whatever, even open your own coffee store. Like think of Starbucks that could have started as one and then that made money and they did too. And those made money and they did for and now you can basically walk two blocks and there's a Starbucks anywhere you go. That's an exponential growth. Now, I'm not talking necessarily. Well, when you talk about commodity trading, for instance, you're not actually owning the actual commodity and I won't get too into it, but the concept is, you you buy in and it's usually like $100 broker fee, and then you buy it sucks. Call a future to share. But you don't really own. Let's say we're talking coffee. You don't actually own the coffee, but you own a piece of the movement of the money. And what you're looking at here, is the value. Have the commodity at any given time, what is it trading for? And again, I won't go too complicated with you. And it's been quite a while honestly, since I've done this, but I decided, I learned my lesson not to do it for money, but utilize the principles that go with it. And to do it in real world human applications. Okay, so this is actually a cotton chart on cotton, which actually, I did quite well with one time. Okay, so the concept is, it's worth a certain amount. And it can go quite low, and it can go up, right, so we know it goes up and down. Ideally, you know, we like to think it's always going up. And this is a very good analogy to life, there's so many analogies in these concepts. You might have incredibly high highs, and then you go low again, but you're low, was never as low as your lows in the past, right, and then you go low, but it always goes back up again, the one thing you can see about charts is they're always doing that the concept is ideally, you're going up and down, up and down, even insurer is going up. So you're always going up is the concept of spirituality. Now, of course, the stock charts, you know, they're always going up and down. If there's certain things you can watch for, I like you to consider this kind of your life right here in the beginning. And it's not. So this is moving through time, these are actually days that you're moving through. And you know, you have your highs and and you kind of get into your lows, and it kind of starts moving up again, it goes down I but it never really took off. So you could be hovering in this range for years and years and years and years. Now, what do we do, and I'll type this out here in different ways. When it's time to start to grow? Well, there's actually something very interesting. And I think this chart, pretty much shows it in hit a bottom, inside here, like is broke as you can be and you know, this might be the most perfect talk for you. Because you might be there I guess broke as you can be right now. Now the only place to go is up, you're gonna find a way and it might be a little while notice you're gonna in the broke phase for a little while. And then it got really low at one point and you thought it was in but then a little hope comes about, and then it starts going back up again. And you're making some progress yet. The truth is, you probably broke out of a cycle. And now you're doing it in a new way. Yeah, it's gonna drop again. And depending on where you look at this, at what point what happens is it went down, and it went up again. Now if it doesn't go down as low this time, that means it's probably going to start going up. So you're watching, you're not buying in yet to this chart. You haven't bought any shares of cotton yet, yet. It went up and down, it should have gotten in there. But you don't you don't you let it drop and you're like, Okay, good, it's dropping. Now, it started going back up again. And you might say right, at that moment, I'm gonna buy in. with the understanding that there's a very good chance if you look at a chart, it's not going to go lower again, the only place to start to go is up. Now imagine you bought in and you have one share, let's say it's worth $100. Now as it starts growing, it starts to be worth more and more and more. Eventually, it'll grow to a certain point where now it's worth $200.48:59And then, of course, we can go up and go down, let's say went down, like download and so good. But now it starts going up, it starts going up, it starts going up, and now you're back to where you were before. Wow, this is I just spent 100 but now it's worth $1,000. Now what happens at this point, because you only spent 100. But now it's worth 1000 take the thousand and you're gonna buy more shares, you're gonna split it more shares. So now you're gonna have 10 shares of cotton. And as it keeps growing the 10 shares very risky. By the way, you can lose significant amounts of money because now you own 10 shares because if it does drop you owe, so people have gone bankrupt very quickly in this type of model. Yet it is it keeps growing the cons and again, I'm not encouraging commodity or day trading or stock trading in this way. But to use this as an analogy for life now that it got up to this point, and it's worth now Thousand instead of only 100, you take the thousand and you buy 10 more, but they all keep growing and they keep growing. And then you keep doing it at incremental levels. So now the 10, just, you just turn those into 100. And then you turn 100 into 1000 and 1000 10,000. Literally, if you were wise enough to buy in, he probably would have been around right at this point, you would have had a moment of feeling Wow, pretty good, pretty good forget, oh my god, okay, not doing so good when it goes down. But if you were able to stick it out, and it didn't go lower than it was, so you're okay, you probably would have stuck it out right there, then it took off like crazy. And you have the opportunity, each time that the 10, the the $200 becomes 1000, you buy 10 more, and then 10 more becomes 10. And this is just basically x the chance for exponential growth. So it's not just that the hundred dollars grew with you, it grows exponentially. At this point, if we calculated it, if you're doing what I was talking about, you literally, I mean, I know I took $100 on one of these rods with cotton and easily turned it into 3000. And chose to just get out, you know, I'm not like a multimillion dollar commodity trader. But that's how people literally make multi millions of dollars in this. Now imagine if you stuck you got here, then it's quite a significant amount of money. But then it can drop and you could literally lose, you would have lost if you did what I just said all of that, you know, it would have been back down to a pretty you'd have a lot of shares hadn't, but they'd be worth relatively little. And you stick it out it grows at what point do you get out?51:45To me, that's the only numbers and money. There's nothing I could get passionate about with this when I did it. But I'd like you to hold the concept when we think about growing income streams. So you know, you're at a kind of low place, we're gonna start to build you up, let's say with the hypnotherapy practice and create one income stream. And then how do we use the same principles of exponential growth to do it in, let's move this to the side for now, to do it in real businesses. For instance, if you thought about the franchise Starbucks model, you could certainly have one, it makes enough money you do too, you take the two, you do four, I took a course on classified advertising, ways to make money through classified ads. And I thought I would especially you get a product. And you place a classified ad in the back of any newspaper, whatever you can afford, you keep doing it until you find the classified ad that actually sells enough product to be profitable. So let's say you could do this, by the way, let's say you sell hypnotic programming recordings, put in the back of you want to be bold USA Today. In being around the whole world, USA Today 1995 powerful hypnotic stop programming session, now the ad might cost you quite a chunk of money, you need to get it. So the ad is making, you're selling more than the ad costs. Of course, now the same principle would apply, don't just take that extra money that came in and spend it now go take the same ad that work there and put it in the back of another similar paper. Now, that ad which is proven to work is going to bring in twice as much money, don't spend it yet take that extra money and put it into four more ads. And then eight more ads. And this is this exponential growth concept. It's not unknown. And the concept is even if you were just in one investment, it's called the principle of 72. How many years will it take before with the interest compounded interest before your money doubles. And if you get keep in one investments for a long enough period of time, your money will double. But then that money itself will double. And it will be exponential growth if you could stay in one good investment. One savings plan with compounded interest over 3040 years, you could retire comfortably. Yeah, so I hope that that makes sense if you just consider any branching out, but it's not one branch, like the one becomes two each to become four. I'm sure I can see a chart of this. And you would clearly see what I mean. But we're talking about branching out until this one actually now has 16 different things. So how does one hypnotherapy practice become 16 different income streams? I'm usually a fan of the number seven for income streams but we have to start with how do you get one? Okay, so let me55:02get you another notepad here.55:20Okay, so let's say, and try to keep it as simple as possible, you know, income stream number one. And this is your hypnotherapy practice. Remember, you might, in that, let's bring our chart over here for a moment and help you to visualize a little bit more what I'm saying in very, very practical terms with exact numbers, you've been hanging around here in school for a while, you may have even found at some point, then when it's time to start a new business, you get to a place where your cash flow is not quite what you'd like it to be. But eventually, you're going to figure out your thing, and it's going to take off and it's going to start to grow. Now, in this phase, while it's growing, and there's some extra money coming in, remember, the principal. during times of prosperity, I'm even gonna write down for you this was in the advertising and marketing strategy during times of prosperity.56:27Save during times of emergency. promotes. So it was a time of emergency down here you do everything you can to get the advertising going, and the client start coming in, the money starts coming in now you are higher than you have been in a very long time, maybe this was, you know, your savings based on what you did in your past profession, or whatever or what you were making in your current profession. Assuming his life does, you have your ups and downs, let's just say it happened to go down for a little while, but then you figured out how to make it tick off. And there's some extra money there. Right. So you get to the place based on a concept, let's say you're doing $50,000 per year. And you know, just even that is fine, you can do that with 10 clients a week. And so you're making, let's say $1,000 per week, the principle number one that we're going to talk about is pay your self first, this is 10% of your income needs to automatically go into another account, before you would ever consider anything else. And your whole structure of income versus expenses has to be based on this. So I make 1000 a week and $100 of that, meaning you're saving 400 a month is going in or more but you know, 10% minimum is going into another account. So the concept is you have bank account number one, and this just got $1,000 into thousand dollars into it. The moment that you're ready to implement this strategy. Now remember, you have to have a certain base. And so I don't want you to invest, do the strategy. While you're still growing, you need to get your base. So let's say your base is going to be even just really depends on where you're at in your life. For me when I was single $5,000 base was fine. I know I could survive for a couple months, if I needed to earn five grand. Now that's not the case. So $5,000 base, this means never let yourself go below this number, you need to pick what that number is. And really, it should be six months of savings. So ideally, at a certain point, this chart, you know, we could pick any point along the way, but it can kind of say we're starting from the beginning. When you get to around here, I'd like you to feel that you're financially stable again, and then means you could have a good six months of savings. So you've been let's say, whatever that's $10,000 that if you had to you could get by in 2000 a month. He can get by for five months. There's again in some more intuitive feeling, but I would encourage you to set this number. There's an absolute base. Once there's enough money in the bank and bank account number two is opened and you're putting the 10% so it's basically the hundred dollars in this case. It's 10 hundred dollars. It's 10% goes into this account for savings. What are you saving for, if you just put it into an IRA, or 401k, or even just some mutual funds that you could get out of it anytime I'm not looking in this case to make to get any interest on this money, I'm just looking to consistently save this money. And this is one strategy. By the way, let's say you're in your business, you're working now you're in school you're working now. So you're making money, start this now, create another bank account, and start putting $100 into that account. Now over a period of time, let's say it's six months of hypnotherapy training, and only $100. So over six months, we're talking, it's not a huge amount. So you know, hundred dollars might not be enough, in this case, however,1:01:03for1:01:06six, just to be sure. So you have saved 20 $400. Now, we're saying that's happened even during this time, when things were you know, coasting along, you're seeing clients, you're doing okay? You know, better times in your practice again, however long it takes, maybe it's even a year. So let's say in one year,1:01:30you'll have saved1:01:34only $5,000. Now, again, if you're looking to get interest on that money, you will have made $5, maybe $50, maybe $100, even if you did $500. So what, and then if you leave the money in there over X number of years at the compounded interest in 10 years, that might turn into $10,000. So what the principle here now is your next major step is invest the dollars 5000 in another income stream. So you're doing that now, possibly, if you're in a profession, and you're saving money in this way, by the time you get done with your training, let's say you have $5,000 invested in, in a bank account, it's liquid assets, the money is right there for you, and you planned on spending it. Now, if you do this, by the way, obviously not having to use credit cards to do this, but we'll talk about the plan to get out of debt. The major principle here is pay yourself first. And pay yourself first into a second bank account doesn't have to be a savings account. And also, by the way, do this auto automatic transfer. It's pretty easy. If you do online banking, just go in and create my like I have right now my account number one clearly has money going out into two different accounts. And a certain amount goes out every single month. And it's like I'm not allowed to touch it. I'm not allowed to change it, the money has to go into those accounts. It's not only happening from one account, there's like multiple accounts where this is set up for that, you know, and I don't know, like I might owe the money, just you know, but I know where it's going. And I know. Now remember delayed gratification. The subconscious wants instant gratification now. So what the subconscious would do is it would take this $5,000 and it would go on vacation. I think I told you in these lectures, I had a friend he had $20,000 saved and he said What should I do with it and I said create a income stream, you know, create a business. He didn't do that. I'm not sure where is that I know at the money. I did have a friend who had inherited from his father $150,000 actually started doing day trading was stocks based on these principles lost it all within a matter of months. If he prak practice what I was talking about because he does have a business a dharmic business to grow. He would be soaring up here. But he didn't know how to use the money properly. So one of the principles we'll put in here so moving along, develop develop Financial Intelligence. I recommend different books in the training manuals move along with this is one of the major principles. You need to study these concepts understand these concepts and based on hypnotherapy and the principles taught at the school here. You want to do it in ways that are aligned to you being of service Okay, so what we're doing now is, you know, an exercise in Financial Intelligence. Now, we have $5,000. What are we gonna do with it? Are we gonna go on vacation? Or are you gonna go buy the new? I was looking into briefcases last night online, my wife and I were looking at the current briefcases for men's or just men's fashion for briefcases these days are really pretty lame. So we kept going down the list, and we got to eventually, this product backpack that was $1,000. I'm like, Oh, my God, who needs $1,000 backpack. But you know, so you know, here's somebody sitting on $5,000, and you can go buy a product pack. But you just actually, it is totally blew the money because the product backpack will not make you money, you need to take this $5,000 and invest it in another income stream. Okay, so it takes some discipline. Now, you already have your base of 10,000, you already have your current income coming in at 1000 per week, right? Because remember, we're in hypnotherapy business, we've been saving for a while. Now, this may take two levels of savings, let's take a moment and talk about debt management. The first principle is pay yourself first, the second principle.1:06:28And then of saving Second, if it's in bold, it's a principle. But um, principle one, as far as paying yourself is pay yourself first. The second level of paying second paying is to pay off your significant debts. I mean, if you have a mortgage, okay, but if you really have any significant level, and you know what that means for you have credit card debt, or student loan debt, you know, some student loans, the interest rate is so low and the monthly payments are so low, like you don't even have to think about it. Yet, you might say, You paid off. The point is another 20%. Literally 20% goes to paying off your debts as quickly as possible 20% goes to paying off debt. It's crucial, because a lot of the credit card right now your credit card, you're paying 18 19% interest, you can't do that and continue to grow your wealth. So during this timeframe, and you know, there's only way of thinking I can't tell you the exact dates and exact numbers, but I hope you get the point you are paying off the debt. Now there should be a point where 30% ideally, of your income is going into savings to create multiple income streams. Yeah, you know, at what point do you do that. So again, one of our major principles is you're getting a sense of multiple income streams. Not necessarily multiple investments unless those investments have a high return on the investment with minimal risk and obviously minimal work. Because you don't want to have these other income streams, you don't have to work a crazy amount either to make them happen. So let's say you took your $5,000 that you saved while you were in hypnotherapy school. And you know, things are maybe going down a little bit if you left your job, but you had the extra savings and you know, maybe need more money to feel more comfortable. Now, you're going to invest in your hypnotherapy business. And you can take the 5000 to create that business, which is going to start your path moving upwards. So let's say you did that five grand got your business started moving along for a while. Again, this is not your business. It's just a chart, but you're moving along. Money's pretty good, but the money is about what you were doing before and your old business here. How do we get this to start going higher. The same principle applies ideally during this timeframe. you've eliminated debt, and you're able to start investing much more into your second bank account. This this bank account number two is always there for savings for creating more income streams. So it'll be up to you what income streams you decide to work with. Before you can go as a therapist when you're ready. So your first savings would get your business started. Your second savings is going to create another business. Let's say in this case, we'll use examples of holistic health centers. You have enough money now to rent out a space and I can control the loan details. But let's say you can find a space your office was $400. But now for this time your lease is up, you get into a $2,000 rent, you rent out five rooms, at $500 each, something like that. So you're already making a profit $500. And ideally, there's a large room for classes, and workshops. And you're able to start promoting classes and workshops with other teachers, by the way, one of the rooms out of this place can be your office. So you still have your hypnotherapy practice bringing you in 50,000 per year,1:10:44you have your rental income.1:10:47It's making, what 500 a month.1:10:53It's not huge, but you're getting extra six pounds a year. But now you've realized you're no longer having to pay rent. This is covering the your overhead for your rent. Now, there's classes that are occurring, if you had 10 classes a week1:11:1110 classes1:11:13and adds, let's say you have yoga going on there, I can easily charge for yoga, you know, people definitely pay and $10 a class and 10 people per class. So you're gonna have an extra $10 per person times $10 a class $100 that occurs per class, you have to pay, the teachers are not going to go into every little detail here. But if each class is making $100 and 10 of those are occurring per week, there's an extra thousand per week, you're talking extra 4000 per month.1:11:55And if you,1:11:58let's just figure that real quick for you, you would take 30% usually as the owner gives 70% to the person. So that's times 12, it's 4800 times point three, you just made an extra $14,400 per this per year. So let's look up on a monthly basis for you. 4000 times point three, it's 1200. dollars. You just increased your income by another 1200 dollars per month. But now what extra work? Are you doing? Nothing, actually. So you're still doing your 50,000 for Hypnotherapy. Again, your monthly extra money for that is 500. But then you start you know, I did this so you start creatively thinking, How else can I use this large room and I start getting into product sales.1:12:55I created my own networking group.1:12:59You know, and how and I basically started getting, you know, really, so again, I don't go into exact numbers per se. But I definitely took my 50 to 100,000 a year income of hypnotherapy. You know, it's definitely in the hundred thousand times for sure, because of the amount of money I was charging the number of clients are seeing, but I was able to start to have them money, that type of money coming in is more of a residual income stream, whether I was working or not right, I would go I would see my clients for the day, I might make 200 195 a session five a day and make like $1,000 a day just in clients. And then I would leave and I know when I came back in, I would have rent checks that would be there, I would have checks from all the students that have paid for classes. And of course, I was getting a lot of money on all these people were becoming my clients. Now just consider in the model of exponential growth, do the same thing. You're gonna at this point start taking like 30% of this income,1:14:05have the extra income.1:14:08So you can raise your standard of living to a degree, but not significantly. And let's talk about that for a moment. It's worthy of another note pod.1:14:26So you want to1:14:31continually practice to increase assets and income we'll keep it simple. Anyone to limit liabilities, meaning your expenses, the money that goes out of your pocket, your expenses, and you can break it down in different ways assets or income but I want you to consider assets are things that put money in your pocket. So your rent checks, put money in your pocket, your classes. that are running without you having to do a thing. Maybe you know, some advertising, but these people are responsible to get their own students when it comes down to it. Your product sales, this is all putting money in your pocket, your networking group and other things. But at this time, at this time, when I'm thinking of this one thing I was doing, and there were like seven different income streams, there are workshops that I was able to lead using this one larger room. The point is, I did increase my living expenses, however you want the E basically going to keep the income much higher than the expenses, they shouldn't be equal, I don't have a way to draw that here. So just let's say we'll use numbers. Let's say you're now making you were making 50,000 per year. That's your income. You don't want your expenses to be 50,000 per year. Because then if you have the same mindset, now you're making 100,000 per year, say, ah, go ahead, I can go finally get the house in the car they want. Well, now, you are. So again, what we're looking at here, okay, stop, I'm saying clear, this is your income, and champion equalist for the dash, your expenses, income expenses, what you want to do when you end up having 100,000 a year income, just as an example, you would increase your expenses to 60,000. This is how you start making money. If you don't understand this, you will never accumulate wealth, you'll always make more money, but you'll always stay at the same level. So what I've always done is I have a business budget. And I have a living like a personal budget, and you give yourself a salary. And you want to consider that okay, well, the business is making 100,000, I'm not going to give myself a raise of 50,000. Here, I'm gonna give myself a raise of 10,000 here. So you might consider like a one fifth ratio, if you want to find like a formula for that. But the concept is don't increase your liabilities, just because your income has increased. Once you get this formula going, this is where you can start branching out exponentially, instead of doing it with stocks, because stocks work this way. But the thing is, as you can see in the chart, they go up and down as this is going up, you don't just own one share, especially with commodities because this, you now have $1,000 worth, where when you started, you only had $100 worth, you can now actually split that and get 10 shares each worth 100. But now, it keeps going up and now the 10 shares become again, that's I hope you get what I mean see exponential growth. What if you just do the same thing with businesses with income streams that you control because you don't control this chart, you can only do your best to predict this chart, you know, this is going to eventually go down. And you know, this will eventually have to turn back up. But God forbid it kept going down past there. Especially, you know, commodity trading and you didn't get out of the market quick enough. So with business, yes, the income streams can dry out. But the concept is to have multiple income streams and that there are things that you can control. Now one of the other major components of investing is that you develop a well diversified1:18:55the bottom of notes 50 for a well diversified investment portfolio. And so usually you're taught that you're going to put money into stocks and money into bonds money into mutual funds and the mutual funds are diversified themselves. They each have their own different kind of stocks and bonds and you're paying your stage of life and so the money is spread out. The truth is though, unless you have enough money, you can't really diversify anyway, I would encourage you not necessarily to have a diversified investment portfolio, consider a diversified income stream port folio. So your hypnotherapy practice. So this is really just meaning multiple solid income streams that you've created. I encourage you to let them be dharmic I don't get into something that's not so great. So let's say you got to hypnotherapy practice. Let's say you opened now you're up to five Holistic Health centers because you duplicated your original model, you rented out rooms to someone in some other local city, you got the classes going there. And in Quebec alone, you Hypnotherapy, you know, take a day or two week to work on nurturing those income streams. You have products that are happening through their holistic health products,1:20:20spa type materials or1:20:24what we're doing, we had an herbal person selling stuff out of the house getting a percentage of her income for, you know, a percentage of the product sales, but you can make your own hypnotherapy products, of course, CDs and whatnot, you have your classes that are making you money, you have your workshops that are making you money. And that's five, we'll leave it up to you to consider what are other ones. Now these might not be directly related to your private practice or your holistic health centers. Because obviously, if these centers dry it out, the nice thing about hypnotherapy is you always have hypnotherapy to fall back upon, you know, but what else can you do? So you create a website, then sells something, you and maybe at that point, you're doing that with someone else to go into some other type of business and never my experience has been over the years that you start creating teams,1:21:22or even1:21:24completely different corporations, or LLCs or 501 c three years, nonprofits that start creating other income streams, the concept is you have to put the money aside to do this. And it works the same as a stock chart, right that even though the money your income may be going up significantly, you see an opportunity, I say, Wow, if I can invest in that, let's say there's like another, another business opportunity here, you've been, let's say you're much higher in house, you're up here, you're doing pretty well, you just made some serious money, you say, you know, I think I'm willing to take some of the 30% that's been coming in. And this a lot of money. Now, at this point, you know, when where this high, and I'm going to reinvest just the way this could go. And so you go, the money goes down for a while, the reason why wealthy commodity traders can ride out these big dips, is because they have significant assets. So you say I you know, I got really good solid income at this point, I'm way higher functioning than I was before. There's multiple income streams, let me take a risk with this other income stream. For a while you might be spending some money, the money is going down, but all the other income is still feeding you. You know, hopefully it doesn't do that. But eventually, like is gaining momentum and then it's going to soar someday. And then same thing will keep happening. So again, this is only one chart, the model is it is always going up even as it's going down. And I believe what I'm talking about here. And again, it doesn't have to be hypnotherapy practice, it can be applied to any business structure gives you the power to create something that isn't going to easily die. I wear a stock chart can easily fall, these businesses are much more solid and because they're dharmic, meaning you're passionate about them, you love them. They're aligned with the universe, you're attracting the right people, it makes a significant difference. All right. Give me just one quick sec here. Okay, so this is kind of an overview. We talked about developing Financial Intelligence, we're going to go to that concept in just a sec here. Recommended readings, then I'll go to this in just a moment.1:24:00Developing Financial Intelligence, multiple prosperous income streams, creating assets and limiting liabilities, balanced bank statements, I would really highly recommend that you start looking into if you're not doing it already. Accounting type software, Quicken. Quicken, personal, there's a home in business. So you get Quicken that monitors your business and your personal is great. And you can work with this system very well with it. Eventually, the business grows. And it's usually better even though I don't personally like it. So I've always paid someone to do it. To use QuickBooks, but then still, to be able to clearly look at these numbers. We talked about debt elimination. So let's look and then we talked somewhat about business relationships at some point. You're not just create saving your five holistic health centers. Each of these might have a manager so now you're working with the five managers. You're not having to work with every employee in the place you wouldn't want. You want to leverage your time better. way. Again, this is an enormous lecture just hopefully a major way of thinking you can run with debt elimination. So let's look at some of these concepts. Generally, the book here the law of success using the power of spirit to create health, prosperity and happiness by apartment, Hans Yogananda. Very simple, nothing. You know, very, very short little book, I can't say tremendously influential, but it allows for this very high spiritual side of thing to come in. Rich Dad, Poor Dad, if you're not familiar with the works of Robert Kiyosaki, it's really crucial. subtitle, what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not, is why those who are wealthy keep getting more and more wealthy, it's based on these type of principles, increase assets, and income and limit liabilities and expenses. And do it in a measurable way is a very interesting game, you can play to learn these principles, highly recommended thinking Grow Rich, and one of the concepts there, and there's many, but one of the you can pull is the mastermind concept, that once you get to a point, you know, let's say you've done your private hypnotherapy practice, and you get your five holistic health centers, the managers, let's say you run one, and there's four others, you want to work with those four other managers. And you are actually the odd number groups are usually a good idea. They're really groups of three is you're creating teams are really nice. If you're going to create a team to work on something with you, three, you have three people and you, it's usually not good to have more than that it gets very complicated. Thinking Grow Rich talks about the mastermind concept where you can actually have one person if it's your significant other, that's great. If it's a business partner that really is working out with you, that's great. I'd be very cautious about the partner model honestly. Most people will tell you that. But creating corporations, businesses with other people can have incredible potential you bring together resources, so one and one don't become one becomes 11. It's really significantly bigger. So I would definitely continue Bowen hills work. We've talked about the seven spiritual laws of success by Deepak Chopra. This is a wonderful book, The Richest Man in Babylon by George claisen. This is the concept of a man who is a slave who eventually became a totally free and financially free man. And one of the principles that he learned. Aside from I believe compounded interest was the concept of pay yourself first, the biggest thing I pulled from Richest Man in Babylon 10% of your income goes to you. And 20% of your income goes to your debtors, you're taking 30% of the income is aside from going to taxes and your expenses. 30% is being leveraged towards creating wealth. But primarily the teaching is the 10% it goes to you first. This book Zen and the Art of making a living a practical guide to creative career design1:28:14is similar to the Life Mastery course it's very thick, very in depth I've pulled from parts of it I personally haven't gone through the whole thing even in the introduction, it says you don't have to do the entire book. It's up to you maybe you'll find it in a bookstore and consider they've been through we have a copy here the school, the 1 million, the one minute millionaire, the enlightened way to wealth by Mark Victor Hansen. I'm more familiar with Mark Victor Hansen, is one of the authors here. The concept I would recommend is just to look into the work of Mark Victor Hansen. He's very spiritually minded and also very successful and you know, functioning at the level we're talking about multiple successful businesses not just teaching you how to invest in stocks, and teaching you to do it from a spiritually aware point of view. And for what it's worth, I think it's been helpful for a lot of people the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Steven Colby, if anything aside from the habits, what I pulled from that was the character ethic versus the personality ethic to really invest in and we can do a great with hypnotherapy programming in the character ethics of life principles, the core values, it's been an incredible investment for me to say I'm going to invest in my integrity, more than my persuasion skills. I want people to trust me beyond my ability to make them Trust me, I want it to come from inside. Okay, so I can go on and on. But now it's your job to continue on your own. With this as deep as you want to go like anything in the school, it could always go deeper. I just hope that you'll consider The major teaching is income streams that are dharmic that are based on helping people, rather than just what they taught you growing up, work for someone else, make them rich, and put this extra savings, then we go back to camera here. The old model was you work for someone else, you're gonna make them money, you're hoping to get your 50,000 a year and a pension or 401k. And ideally, when you retire, you'll be able to live at the standard of living you were living before there's people don't get wealthy that way at all. And usually, the only thing you get is when you ask for a raise, you hope your boss will give you an extra 200 a week or you know, if you're lucky. This model is extremely entrepreneurial, extremely empowering, highly dharmic, based on principles of leveraging and exponential growth, the way that wealth accumulates, yet it's done in ways and more and more people are tapping into is not you know, not to be your own boss, but learn to create teams and companies and corporations and grow exponentially. And to keep your standard of living relatively low. As the income grows, don't make the mistake of high income and high expenses. Keep the even if you do is the stock chart is moving. If you say I'm gonna take my the money that's here, and then it takes somewhat of a risk. And I'm going to increase my expenses. But those expenses should be possible assets, meaning you've hired more employees, or you've put out more money in advertising, or you've hired a marketing company. If you're going to take the extra money coming in, despite your new car. You're no more wealthy than you were 20 minutes ago. Even though your car looks nice, and you look like you have money, you're no more wealthy. In fact, you're probably worse off. If you're gonna take money that you have extra, you save that 30% to your money. Now you're sitting on an extra 20 grand, what do you do with it? invested in business that helps others. Okay, so you got all this hypnotic programming. Let's do a very quick review.1:32:18As we wrap it up, number one designer hypnotic programming session using principles of prosperous living. Okay, so in general, you've heard those, the best thing I can say for the time we're going to use here is that you will do column a column B stem sentence completion, write out all your positive keywords, write out suggestions, and go to the recording of the third lecture of the series of this course. And you hear an actual client session of exactly how I did it. Mostly, you can go back to these suggestions, and choose not all of them, but choose a chunk of them. Put a person in hypnosis program and then the more you do this, the better you get at it. Explain the subconscious minds ability to limit our success in life due to childhood programming, pretty well covered, basically just weren't trained in all of this and the programming can be very negative. So we do those positive reframes. And we offer new teachings and we put a lot of attention on them, you know, read the books, meditate on it, three design a creating a manifesting session, using the techniques of this course. So we pretty much have gone through that, again, I'll take some time for you to really study it. And number four, demonstrate the use of STEM sentence completion. So we went through that. All right, I'm gonna give you a pass code for this section. And I'm going to wish you all the best and your prosperous journey into ever increasing abundance and success and to utilize these teachings pass code or utilize the programming least pass could be 5577 passcode be for ht 20885577 passcode b 5577. All right, I'm just gonna talk a little longer. So passcode zonecheck cut off and definitely encourage you remember on the website, you can go back to the student resource section and listen to these audios. Repeat this stuff again, do the creating manifesting the programming, listen to the the different audios even the subliminals can be helpful. And I would encourage you to be very proactive with it part of my goal. Remember my personal mission if you went through the Life Mastery course, health, wealth and enlightenment for myself and my fellow man, so it's one of my personal missions, not just to create health and wealth, but also to help enlighten people to who they truly are to encourage you to really increase in all of these areas. Alright, so I wish you the best in it and we will see you in future videos and courses. ................

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