Practical Ways to Avoid It

I must be very blunt here – for eternal lives depend on my truthfulness. But, I also can say that I speak “thus says Yahuweh!” I speak what is on His heart. You’ll never find direction for your life until you humbly align with what is on His heart, for HIS servants daily carry out His will in the earth. We can’t live to serve ourselves and think we are HIS servants. We only have one Master, who dictates our every step. And, like Elijah’s words on Mt. Carmel, we must make a firm choice now, or our negligence will do it for us.

What I say here is with His love. It is His love that warns His children of coming dangers and coming rewards and how to deal with both. I also give practical advice that will make life easier on the wise.

I speak mainly to Americans and those of western culture, for I am a watchman to the House of Israel in America primarily, but He has taken me all over the world to proclaim His Word to many nations. Tragically it is those in the western nations that are the most dulled into a stupor that they won’t take action, mostly because of love of security, attachment to possessions, convenience, comfort and ease, and their fear of losing these things--which is idolatry--so that most are unable to rationally take personal responsibility and make life-saving choices.

But, also, as an American who grew up in the late 1940s and 50s, I understand the horrendous mind programming that the American people have been subjected to since at least the 1940. However, the roots go as far back as the 1600s in Europe. The birth-death programmed is aimed at controlling the mind, emotions and will, so that people are corralled into a “world brain”--not able to make choices that would take them “up-stream”.

I have studied, taught, and written about, the intense Illuminati mind-programming the American citizens have been subjected to for years. [Refer to: “Mind Programming, Hidden Manipulation, and the World Brain” and “υiet Wars and Silent Weapons”, but also refer to articles like “HAARP”, and “Digital TV-Beware!”]

In my travels in many places of the world, I’ve learned that it is not just the Americans who have been targeted, though Americans have been the most mind-programmed of all. The mind programming also has targeted those in the UK, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan – the money countries. I also speak to mankind in general, for the incredible programming of the mind and emotions, and the breaking down of the physical body in varying ways, has been worldwide--designed to bring

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people into a “world brain”, so that mankind becomes a “collective body” easily controlled--their reasoning and will being controlled so that mankind is unable to think clearly for themselves but are told what to do, what to believe, how to think, and how to act—making zombies, robots, out of people.

There has been a purposed news blackout to the U.S. since at least the 1940s, and unless people do their own research--led by the Spirit of Yahuweh so that they don’t waste time or get sidetracked or told lies—few really know what is going on. Thus He has sent watchmen, but few have heeded the watchmen. I study the whole Word on a given subject FIRST – and learn from the Spirit of Yahuweh, Who is my teacher. THEN He brings the confirmation that I need. “Those that are led by the Spirit of Yahuweh-they are the sons of Elohim”. [Refer to: “Led”]

Those born of the Spirit and led by the Spirit and taught by the Spirit of Abba Yahuweh have a built-in lie-detector. But, those taught by man have shut off their lie detector, so that they only hear what they want to hear. (II Timothy 4:3-4: we are in “that time”)

Tragically, most people in western culture pride themselves on their great intellect. Religious people also pride themselves on their great spirituality, but both are as deceived as the Emperor in the famous story of The Emperor’s New Clothes – their pride has made them think they are clothed in finery, so they parade themselves in before mankind, but they are really naked. Before the mind-programmers, they are fools.

Messiah to the assembly at Laodicea--Revelation 3:14-19: “And to the assembly of Laodicea write…`I know your works, that you are neither cold or hot. I wish you were cold or hot. So, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I am going to vomit you out of My mouth. Because you say `I am rich…and need nothing at all’ and do not know that you are wretched, and pitiful and poor, and blind, and naked. I advise you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire so that you become rich, and white garments so that you become clothed, so that the shame of your nakedness might not be shown; and anoint your eyes with ointment so that you see. As many as I love, I

reprove and discipline. So be zealous and repent”.

Methodically, western culture and mind-programming has stripped His people of the true spiritual clothing that only Yahuweh can give. Just as following the advice of Lucifer in the Garden stripped Adam and Eve of their spiritual clothing so that they ran to clothe themselves with fig leaves, so it is with mankind as a whole – he seeks to cloth himself with fig leaves to hide his true self.

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Hebrews 4:13: “And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all are naked and laid bare before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account”.

“Buy” from Him wisdom, truth, understanding, faith, strength, purity, set-apartness, fear of Yahuweh, and blamelessness, for without Him your efforts bear no eternal fruit. “Without set-apartness, no one will see Elohim”. But, most of His people look and act and talk just like the world’s people. There is so little fear of Yahuweh in His people, that they twist His Word, adding to it, subtracting from it, making Him another “god” with a different personality, and still think of themselves as righteous.

We give our time to the employer who rewards us with a wage. It takes time to “buy” from Him what we need to survive through the days ahead, and to continue in eternal life. So, what is price for obtaining these requirements for entering eternal life? – Total faith in Him alone for salvation through the blood of the Lamb of Elohim and in His resurrection, and total obedience to Him daily.

John 3:36: “He who believes in the Son possess everlasting life, but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Elohim remains on him”. The words for “believe” and “obey” are two different Greek words. True Scriptural faith is taking action in obedience to what we believe!

In the movie Moses (the Bible Collection) Pharaoh says to Moses: “Your people are slaves – that’s all they know. Release them and they will want to return. They do not know how to live in freedom. You will have to look after them and care for them”. He was right, wasn’t he?

The American people have been told they are free. Yes, there are still some freedoms left in America for a short time longer. But, the freedoms are being slowly taken away, especially since 9/11/2001 in the name of “security”.

In the name of security we are being methodically stripped of our basic rights. Bills are being passed that are never told to us by the news media.

[Refer to: “The New Executive Order”, March 2012] However, it is impossible for the western Greco/Roman culture to give anyone true freedom! True freedom can only be found in laying down one’s life to follow and obey the Master – Yahushua, Messiah of Israel.

The mind programming begins at birth. TV is a major world uniting facility of Satan. They tell you through cartoons, advertising and subtle concepts portrayed in sit-coms and movies, what to buy, what to think, what is right, what is wrong, tolerance of evil, and subjection of the mind to the programming. The thing is, what they teach is opposite of Yahuweh’s nature, ways and thinking. You are told what houses, what cars, what credit cards,

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what clothes (fashions), what medicines, what toothpaste, and etcetera, are good for you. Instead of taking personal responsibility to check things out, most depend on human resources to tell them what is best. The whole culture is rooted in a debt mentality, so that going on vacation with your credit card is a good thing. It teaches no restraint, no discipline--just gratification of your flesh instantly.

Therefore, just like the slaves of Egypt, almost all Americans are slaves in mind, emotions, and will – slaves to the lusts of the body, and slaves to debt, and slaves to fear--programmed to think we are blessed, when all the time we have been programmed into fantasy – a world of illusions, where we are controlled, and we think we are free. Tragically, the spirit of Cinderella engulfs so many – causing a subliminal thinking that there really is a fairy godmother who will grant all their desires – who many call “God”.

I Corinthians 7:23: “You were bought with a price, do not become slaves of men”. Messiah bought you “with His precious blood”. Only slaves are bought. You were a slave of sin, of the desires of your flesh, and of Satan’s will. Once delivered from the kingdom of darkness by faith in Him, you were translated into the Kingdom of Light. “Walk as children of light”. Once delivered from Satan’s power, we must immediately submit to our new Master who gave His life to buy our freedom, so that you might share in His inheritance forever. He bought our freedom, but most have let the enemy program their mind away from Yahuweh’s freedom into slavery once again to the kingdom of darkness—the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

But, why remain a fool? Look around you. What has all your work bought you? Your position and popularity can go straight down in an instant. All of your possessions can all be destroyed easily in a storm, a fire, a tornado, or a hurricane, or be taken away at the whim of the government. Beautiful homes in the Third World built to last 1,000 years, out of stone, with deep foundations, cost about 1/4th of what the “upper middle class” homes in America cost – which have shallow foundations, and are built of materials that can be destroyed with kerosene and a few matches. Yet, people work their whole lives to pay for such expensive junk. Most buy things that appeal to the eyes -- which tantalize their desires -- and soon these things become idols, and they can’t let go of them. So, most become prisoners of their own self-centered world--slaves to the lusts of their mind and emotions--their will being taken from them, replaced by materialistic “toys”.

Of the freedom of a true disciple of Messiah, who has forsaken all of this futility for the privilege of serving the Master, being free to go wherever He wills. The blameless ones following the Lamb “wherever He goes” (Revelation 14:1-5) This is His Bridal remnant—set-apart to Him exclusively.

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What is true blessing? I am truly blessed beyond measure, because I took Him up on Luke 14:25-33 – and became a disciple (a taught one). He has put me through many tests and trials, and I have failed over and over. But, His mercy has sustained me!

Because the Master knows I will obey Him, He has asked me to do things way beyond my abilities – and I have done them. I have lived most of my life under the American “poverty-level”, though I have not suffered. I’ve worked secular jobs and made money to survive. Physically I am healthy, but not strong in my bones. My strength comes from Yahuweh alone. I am a “senior citizen”. I feel my age. (smile) From an early age, I lived with much pain because of too flexible vertebrae, joints and ligaments that make too many pinched nerves down my back, in my hips, in my knees. My knees and ankles turned out of place, beginning when I was 10. They still do, and now I have to walk very slow and be very careful. Traumas I experienced for many years caused severe migraine headaches, until Abba miraculously healed me of them. If it were not for His miraculous healings, I would not be walking at all. But, no, I do not complain about these things, for He has taken me into a life of so many miracles that I am amazed at His goodness. I only mention them to show others that if I can continue to serve Him and obey Him without excuses, in peace and joy, so can they. It is in pressing forward against obstacles that we come to really know Him.

He has also healed me of bitterness, anger, self-hatred, and depression, and deep soul-trauma, and set me free to be filled with His joy, peace, and love. The deep cavern of darkness that was dug in my life has become the deep cavern that holds His immense love that flows through me. He replaced all those negative things with His own nature. This is why I can be so dogmatic about relationship with Him. I have no pride in myself, only in Him.

My son has made a powerful statement. He says that our boldness to step out in faith to obey Him, comes only from our relationship with Him. The depth of the relationship is the depth to which He can pour in His power and authority and boldness to use us as His might warrior-servants in these last days. Yedidah is all about pleading with people to submit their lives to knowing the real Yahuweh and Yahushua of the Scriptures—to seek Him with all their heart, in His Word, so that they fear Him and love Him.

I have been in 36 countries, been on 46 different airlines on about 400-450 flights in the last 20 years, being with the people of various Third World nations most of the time – seeing and experiencing things that few see. I lived in Aqaba, Jordan for 8 years, Panama for nearly 2 years, in and out of Africa for 7 years, and on and on. He is now keeping me more “mobile”.

I’ve seen so many miracles, and experienced so many. By only following the direction of the Spirit of Yahuweh, I know His voice well. I know His nature, His ways and His thinking.

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I know Him, and He knows me.

We are such a close relationship that He speaks very much--giving me what is on His heart. He answers my questions. He is tender, gentle, and kind, but also severe – for He is a good Abba! He has tested and trained and disciplined me constantly, but then Hebrews 12 says that this is proof that we are one of His children! Most people fight his teaching, testing, disciplines, hardships to train us – even saying such things are “of the devil”. But, then, they do not know Him. Abba knows I will obey Him. But, I also fear Him. The greatest fear of my life is to be out of His perfect will, and not do what He has told me to do. People marvel at how much I write, but it is because He is always sharing with me. A woman in love is always talking about the one she loves. It is natural. Are you talking about Him all the time? There are secrets I cannot write about, but some I can share with a few. But, I have had experiences in His realm that are priceless.

So, when, in 1998, He asked me to give away all that I had to move to Aqaba, I had joy. It was no problem. I have no home of my own, very few possessions, no car, no lands, and little money. But, I am one of the happiest people I know. My friends and children will tell you.

But, I say sadly, that few hear Him – the reason being that they have heard Him, but do not want to do what He says, so they’ve turned Him “OFF”.

Religion tries to tell you about “God” – but in religion He remains an illusion, a concept, a philosophy, and theology, and sentimental attachment. No one with a religious belief system can know Him. No one dependent on man to teach them can know Him. No one can know Him outside of walking the hard road in suffering, taking up one’s execution stake to obey the Master over self-will. I give Him all the praise and honor and esteem. I can do nothing without Him. [Refer to: “Walking the Hard Road”] I fear making decisions without His input. But, so did Moses (Exodus 33).

If we do not live daily in His Presence, we will lose it. Many will hear at His judgment seat “depart from Me, I do not know you”. Tragedy is on the horizon for most so-called “believers”.

To know Him means “seeking Him with all our heart”. The mind-programming is designed to keep you so busy that you can’t hear Him, and

so know nothing of what is to come. You are not being told what is

happening in relation to end-time Scripture, and so your destruction will come without warning. His wrath will come upon most of His people “like a thief in the night”, because they have allowed their light to grow dim.

The American/western culture is a façade. It destroys hunger for truth. It

absorbs people into itself. People are more apathetic and lethargic now than ever before.

When I am in America, after about a month, I lose my sharpness – I lose my cutting edge.

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I become dulled, even confused. The discipline patterns that I have in Israel begin to fade. I begin to forget the lessons I’ve learned living years in the Middle East, which are vital to survival. I become entangled in my children’s and grandchildren’s problems, seeing the dangers before them, and I get mentally and emotionally locked away. Old trauma’s come back to haunt me. My mind begins to center on “feelings”. I find myself slowing succumbing to the spirits in the very air of America. The TV in the house does not help either – pouring out satanic mind-programming into the air through cartoons, advertisements, the news, game shows, and movies, as well as its hypnotic rays of the “sound of silence”. As soon as I clear U.S. airspace, I’m fine. I’m back to the real me, who is free.

The crushing of the anaconda/python spirit over America is taking the life out of its people. I thank those so much who pray for me, for without your prayers I would sink into oblivion and not continue with His assignments. This last time I was there nearly 3 months, and could not bring myself to get my ticket back to Israel, as if some unseen hand was blocking my mind. I had to force myself to get it – 2 weeks before my return. In doing so, I made mistakes, and almost cut out one of the assignments that Abba had told me to do.

It was by His mercy that I am able to do it, in another way. But, I fear Him more than ever – if I am negligent in doing His will, then He won’t be able to trust me anymore, and I will lose the relationship that I have built with Him. That terrifies me. Not much scares me, but that paralyzes me with terror.

This is why it is so hard for me to watch the American people, and those of the UK, and other western nations, too, being so lax with Him – as if He is no more than a subject to be studied, but not real. Most just “go with the flow” and are being absorbed into a huge melting pot-mind. This is how the world’s people submit so easily to obeying the Beast, the false prophet, and even worshipping the Beast. They just “go with the flow”, either out of “it’s the right thing to do”, or “everyone is doing it” or because it is convenient and doesn’t disrupt my chosen lifestyle, or out of fear of man. Only those who have radically set themselves apart unto Yahuweh will not take the “mark of the Beast” nor worship him, nor submit to His regime.

I encourage you to read, read, and re-read the sister books of Daniel and Revelation – for they are happening and they are now clear!

The people who came out of Egypt under Moses were so programmed into slavery, that at the Red Sea they panicked and told Moses: “Leave us alone and let us serve the Egyptians. It would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness”. Most people are so afraid of leaving their comforts and their possessions. They would rather be slaves in America than leave it, as He has commanded. Many are leaving, but returning because something scared them. It is a major tragedy.

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I only repeat what Abba says in His word. I am not telling anyone to stop working their job, get a divorce, or make some radical decision based on fear. But, some think that is what I am saying because I give His Word.

But, no, I would advise that if a person is weak in faith, they need to stay and prepare for a good death, so that they do not lose their eternal reward.

Moses spent 40 years serving adult whiny brats, mental and emotional 4-year olds, who refused to grow up. And Yahuweh had to destroy them in the wilderness. (I Corinthians 10:1-13; Psalm 105) Sha’ul tells us: “And all these things came upon them as examples, and they were written as a warning to us, on whom the ends of the ages have come”. He is calling us to maturity – to grow up – to trust Him with all our heart.

The procession of the twelve constellations (zodiac) around the earth takes nearly 26,000 years, which is divided into 5, 125 years each, called an “Age”. The whole is called “an Era”. There are signs in the heavens that signal the transition from one age to another, and of the end of an era. We are almost at the end of an age AND an era near the end of 2012 (Gregorian calendar), and the signs are in the heavens already. So when Sha’ul says “the ends of the ages”, he is talking about the end of an age and of an era. He is making a scientific statement as well as a spiritual one.

It is a warning to people today, who are as rebellious as they were under Moses. Note that they all died out except Joshua and Caleb (the remnant) and only the younger ones who did not come out of Egypt with their parents

were allowed into the “Promised Land”.

In their journey, they continually “vexed” (tormented) Abba’s Spirit by their unbelief. They doubted His ability to care for them, and so constantly were complaining and railing on Him. They had no faith. Without faith we cannot live in His sight. “Without faith it is impossible to please Him”. And so today, people do their religious outward duties, as they did in the wilderness, but their heart is on their feelings, their fleshly desires, what their mind reasons—“what’s in it for me”, and complaining about what they don’t have rather than praising Him for what they do have.

As Deuteronomy 8 tells us, He denied them food and water at times, to see if they had learned faith, but they didn’t – they whined like babies, complained, and got mad at “God” – at someone they did not know.

In all that time, they did not learn faith, even though they saw Elohim’s acts daily. It was only Moses, Joshua and Caleb, out of millions of people, that came to know Him. And so Yahuweh waited until they all died out, and then He took in their children. Most of His people now have to “die out” because they are obstacles to His plans.

His people never got Egypt out of them. Just like so many Americans who attempt to live overseas--most of them have not gotten Babylon out of

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them, so they remain whiny complaining immature brats, and cause problems for themselves and others. Spiritual pride is another illusion. It is amazing how many are so proud of their spirituality, and so self-righteous, yet they do not know the real Elohim of the Scriptures. They do not see themselves, because religious mind programming puts emphasis on being “super-spiritual”, which is as phony as a $3.00 bill. False, prideful, self-righteous false spirituality is the plague of the evangelical/charismatic church. It makes fools out of people, making them obnoxious overseas. Again, The Emperor’s New Clothes syndrome--they are “naked as a jaybird” and think they are so valuable to mankind. Tragedy!

The sign of those truly born of the Spirit is that they live in the nature of Messiah. They are laying down their lives to obey Him, and set others free. They are self-less. They praise Him. Thanksgiving is their lifestyle – they talk to Abba day and night, and live in His Presence (Psalm 91:1). Many are sad because their children are unbelievers or do not guard Torah, yet the parent’s words have little impact on their children because they do not live any different than the world, except for the outward practice of their religion.

I tried to give advice to my children for years to straighten out their debauched lives. They were born again, but life in the depths of evil at times had harmed them a lot. When I began observing Torah, they backed up further, thinking I was trying to be a Jew. I told them I wasn’t – just following the Scriptures.

But, from that point He told me to say nothing to them, just live the life before them. He closed my mouth. But, they watched my radical lifestyle. They liked what they saw, and so today they are with me.

Spiritual pride, self-righteousness, will drive your children away, because they see the real you day after day. Repent! Live in repentance and the fear of Yahuweh! Open yourself up to His scrutiny. Pride is damnable, and spiritual pride is the worst. Let Him show you who and what you really are. Then let Him do the changes necessary to conform you to His image and likeness. I know that some of you are living the life before your children. I want to encourage you – He has His hand on them, and He will save them!

If you don’t get Babylon out of you before you leave it, you might as well stay, and enjoy your illusions until they are abruptly taken away from you! The main reason for getting out of end-time Babylon (America) is to spread the true Good News of salvation to the nations, and to take the Covenant Torah of Yahuweh to the House of Israel, scattered in AMONG the nations. The second reason is to save your life so that you might continue to be a productive servant to the Master, if you are following the Acts 1:8 pattern in serving Him. If you are not on the move forward, then you’re stagnating-- rotting right where you are.

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Those who do not take personal responsibility to prepare themselves and prepare others for what is coming soon, and for eternity, won’t get the “Philip” treatment. He only got special treatment because He was already out of Jerusalem (hometown), serving the Master. (Acts 8)

Without faith, at the first sight of Pharaoh, you’ll turn tail and run home – many have already. No one is going to hold your hand. [Refer to: “On Assignment”, “Forward March” and “Led”]

The mind programming of the western Greek-Roman culture Illuminati elite, working for Lucifer/Satan and his fallen ones, has programmed the people as to what they need and must have for happiness – the “good life”. They have programmed from birth to death to put the people into an emotional and fear-filled dependent 4-year old mental state, so that no matter how much intellectual knowledge they obtain, they are unable to function as mature, discipline, tested and trained adults. Their will flows with “the world brain”. Yet, they are programmed into pride that is outrageous, and trust of man that is damning. The Greco/Roman cultural religion has been infiltrated with this mind programming.

Just as Rome always used religion to unite their people, so the new Romans have used religion to bring false security and more pride. The Greco-Roman distortion of Scripture, from its inception, has weakened and distorted true faith, so that His people do not even know what true discipleship is, or what it means to be a servant. Most are blocked totally from knowing Him as He

is--knowing His nature, ways and thinking--for man is taught to run to man for his instruction and fill his head with knowledge, thus closing down the spirit-portal into the eternal realm, in which one truly born of the Spirit hears, is led, and is taught by Him. So, it was not hard for the pleasure-seeking “Word of Faith” movement to take over in the mainstream Charismatic movement. [Refer to: “The True New Birth”]

In II Timothy 3:1-7 Sha’ul says “they love pleasure more than Elohim”. The list in these verses is western lifestyle. Verse 1: “In the last days, raging insanity will come”.

Throughout the Word Yahuweh warns us of what is coming in these next few years, giving details and signs, and warnings. But, most of the world’s people, including His own, are playing on the train track, having put earplugs in their ears and patches over their eyes, and do not know that the train is coming until it is upon them, and they will die suddenly with no hope.

And so I write another pleading article.

The panic has begun! People are finally realizing the train is about to hit them, but tragically instead of doing something, they are like the preverbal deer in the headlights at night, or the armadillo who ends up squished on the road.

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I returned to Israel at the end of March (2012). Within two days, my mind cleared, I returned to a freedom that brings great peace in knowing Him.

I was able to let go of all the things that were trying to take over my mind while in America. All the oppression and control from the spirits over America disappeared. My energy level increased greatly also. There is a miraculous energy in Israel that is very noticeable.

Within two days, I had two dreams. Here is one of them – take note!

I saw many men in business suits, wearing ties, well dressed, with diamond rings on their fingers, nice haircuts--men mostly in their 40s-50s who were very professional-looking. They were each pushing someone in a wheelchair

out of a large building, down the streets in a city – thousands of people all going in the same direction in wheelchairs. The people in the wheelchairs had no luggage or any personal items that I could see. They all looked straight ahead as in a stupor, dazed, or dulled. I knew they were being wheeled to a great sacrifice to Lucifer.

In fact, this was representative of all of the world’s people – all were in wheelchairs pushed by agents of the world ruler – son of Lucifer. The people were silent. They had no reactions.

It was evident that their mind was not functioning. Their emotions were dead. Their self will was gone. Their humanity had been taken from them. They could not help themselves and no one was trying to help them.

I also saw those who looked on, as if in another dimension--they were the

set-apart Spirit-led ones, who were hidden by Him. They saw the wheelchairs and the people being taken away. They were not caught or affected, but on the run. They were clear-headed and controlled on by the Spirit of Yahuweh! These are those of Daniel 11:32 -- the “exploit people” remnant that will endure and overcome. [Refer to: “The Exploit People]

You have to be trained in walking the hard road. I do not have “air conditioning” in any country outside America. I don’t like it. I have fans – yeah, and space heaters! I’ve been in 30 degree-below-zero weather in Russia. I’ve been in 130 degree weather in Jordan. I know how to adapt and do well. I had no money for an air conditioner in Aqaba. Abba spoke to me: “It’s all right; I’ll take care of you”. It was all right. I never suffered from the heat or the cold. My electric bills stayed at about $5.00 US each month. I had a three-burner hot plate that used gas from a gas tank that cost about $2.00 every six months to refill. My water bill was about $1.00 a month, and my phone bill, because I used my computer, was a whopping $12.00 a month. My rent was, in my first apartment, $350.00 a month, and in my second one, $213.00 a month.

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I lived well. I lived happy, peaceful, content. I ate tuna and pasta meals for 6 years, and finally in the last two years, I was able to purchase a roasted chicken each week. I praised Him and praised Him.

He taught me, and I taught others in articles, and in counseling, beginning in 2001, 12-14 hours a day. I went on many trips from Jordan. It was my 8 years of wilderness experience. As the Song of Songs asks: “…who is this coming up out of the wilderness, leaning on her beloved”? I said, “it’s me”.

If you do not have your time of testing by trials, teaching, training, and discipline so that His nature takes over your fleshly nature, you won’t survive in the days to come – your mind will leave you, and you won’t be able to hear Him in your spirit because you’ve fooled around too long and He can’t talk to you.

I am a happy person, filled with joy and peace. But, when I am in America, I feel the crushing, the oppression, the spirits that are taking over the minds of the people. I feel that in the UK also when I am there. I’ve heard others say they feel it in Australia. It is spirits of Greece and Rome that are rising, to bring back Nimrod and their gods – the Nephillim.

As most of you know, beginning in 1992, I began going to the nations – to China, to Mongolia, to Russia, to the UK and to Europe, to Central and South America, and in and out of Africa for seven years, then in the Middle East. But before that I went many times into Mexico, and to the Navajo Indian Reservation in Arizona and New Mexico. I preached on the streets of Los Angeles in their “skid row” area, and continued on in all types of ministry – in rescue missions, in hospitals, nursing homes, jails, prisons, and other places on the street. In other countries I lived with the people because I wanted to know them.

In Israel I ride the buses. I rent an old apartment when I am in the north-- which I am extremely grateful for!!! I go to town and shop. I love being with the people that I minister to, and those I pray for. In the Middle East, you have to be quiet, discrete, and lean on Abba’s voice to tell you if you should minister to someone. But, in Africa, I could preach in open air meetings, and churches. You have to learn how to live in each place, for the nation’s people are different.

But, you see, the Acts 1:8 pattern is the only way to follow the Lamb. “You shall receive power after the Set-Apart Spirit has come upon you, and you shall…” You can’t have any power unless He fills you, anoints you, teaches you, leads you, and works through you. Without Him you can do nothing productive in the Kingdom! Again – power, boldness, authority - is only in proportion to your personal relationship level with Yahuweh!!!

Go to my website: and look at the collection “Mikvah of the Spirit” and start reading.

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If you have been on a tour of Israel, that’s great. You saw the “holy Land”, and a lot of Christian sites, maybe some Jewish sites, and Scriptural sites. You touched base. But, I’ve been in and out of Israel about 36 times, and I tell you that you have not experienced Israel – for Israel is the people of the Land. Ride buses! Shop with the people. Learn patience and endurance-- ride buses! Walk among the people. Go to the bakery on Friday morning – see the joy of shopping on Friday morning, hearing people say “Shabbat Shalom”.

Yes, the Jewish personality is non-western – they are blunt, but they are real, and I like them! There are no frills, no nice “plastic” fakery. How refreshing! Come and stay a while. The Jews know that those who really love them come and stay awhile, and get to know them. Serve in a soup kitchen. Work in a clothing distribution house. Do something to be with the people. Here, I am home!!!

It takes radical choices and radical set-apartness to break loose from the mind-programming. It takes choosing the hard road! Choose before your will is totally taken away. He is constantly testing, so that we will know what is really in us. [For more practical lessons, refer to: “Walk The Hard Road”]

In “Quiet Wars and Silent Weapons” I quote from the Illuminati handbook itself. It says that they must keep the American people so BUSY that they can’t think for themselves. They can’t stop to relax; they stay stressed out.

Is that you? That is most Americans. It is purposed to keep you from knowing real peace. You must sit with the Master, in praise, in the Word, and talk to Him. Talk to Him as you would talk to a friend. Don’t tell Him your problems, or complain, or tell him who hurt you. That’s not needed. He knows that anyway. Tell Him how much you love Him. Ask Him questions about His Word. Ask Him what is on His heart! Ask Him how He feels about this or that. Stop and relax. For many either Shabbat or Sunday religious meetings are nothing more than hassles – fixing the pot-luck lunch, or attending social meetings, hearing a few Scriptures, and then going home tired. That’s not real life. That’s man! That’s bondage! Get before Him and then later fellowship with others around what He has told you!!!

But, all your running around – it is slavery. It is someone pulling your strings, and you are the helpless puppet. Many wear themselves out in the ministry – thinking they are serving “God”, when they are only serving man and their own prideful self.

I was an ordained minister and had my own non-profit corporation for years. I taught “pastor’s conferences” and “leadership conferences” in Africa. I taught them what a true minister was. Like all humans, they love titles so that others would look up to them. But, I burst their bubble.

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told them that the word “ministry” is from “deaconos” (Greek) – from where we get the word “Deacon”. It means “a menial servant – one who scrubs floors”. It does not mean an exalted spiritual giant, whom everyone awes and hears.

A true servant, minister of Yahuweh, is one like Auntie Alice, who was arrested in China for witnessing, and put in prison. Her job was to scrub the latrines – holes in the floor, the poop on the floor. She did it with joy – all the time witnessing to the goodness of the Savior. Many were born again. The guards were frustrated. They moved her to another prison and she did the same, even though they tortured her, she would not stop scrubbing the floors and witnessing. THAT IS A MINISTER!!!

If you have been a born-again one [Refer to: “The True New Birth”] for more than a year, you should have read the entire Word, and be sharing your testimony of salvation with others. If a baby who is 1 year old won’t eat, is sickly, won’t walk, won’t talk, and won’t learn, they are a dying child. Yet, most go to their religious meetings and “eat” only enough Word for a few hours, go home and do not study the Word with the Teacher, but starve themselves into a dying state. This is why His people are so sickly, weak, and pathetic. They chitchat like the world’s people. I DO NOT CHITCHAT.

If I cannot honor my Master in my conversation, I shut up.

In fact, the world’s people are much more clear-headed and many are doing something early enough to get off the train tracks before the train hits. My job is simply to repeat what Abba Yahuweh has shown me of the present dangers and the dangers ahead. My job is to sound the “watchman’s cry” in the Name of Yahuweh, and blow the verbal shofar.

Joel 2:1: “Blow the shofar in Zion and sound an alarm in My set-apart mountain. Let all the inhabitants of earth tremble, for the day of Yahuweh is coming, for it is near”. His wrath is near, and Ezekiel tells us that if His people won’t get out of the path of His wrath, the righteous will die with the wicked! True, born again ones are not “appointed to wrath”. That was written to the obedient. If you are a lazy disobedient one, not a servant, not a disciple, just a “believer” (what a joke that word has become), then you make your own appointment with wrath – He won’t stop you.

I love this song! From words that begin Paul Wilbur’s song “Watchman”: “From behind the veil of what is seen by natural eye a great event is being prepared. A war and a wedding feast will have their place in time. `Soon and not yet’ is the word the watchman gives as he strains his eyes into the darkness of the night. He can sense that just beyond the horizon a great light is preparing to break forth. `Arise you sleepers’ …”

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Keep your spirit and your mind focused on the “great light” that is beyond the horizon … so that you can stay in “perfect peace” (Isaiah 26:3-4)

No matter what happens, stay in praise! Abba is in control IF you have allowed Him to take control. He won’t cross your will. He won’t do to you as the Luciferic mind-programmers are doing to you. He respects your will!

The “soul” (mind, emotions, will, reasoning, feelings, “flesh”, “carnal nature”, sin-prone nature) can only relate to this natural world through the five senses. It is earth-bound. Yet the whole culture is aimed at what appeases the soul. The soul is our life-force. The soul operates through the brain. Unless it is disciplined by the Word, it is weak to stand against the controlling words of men, of demons, and of their own negative thoughts and feelings. The demonic world under Lucifer can deceive and manipulate the soul easily by appealing to the flesh. Thus it was easy to deceive Eve and Adam.

Yahuweh’s Spirit, and Yahushua, WILL NOT speak to the soul. They only speak to through the portal of the truly re-born spirit that is in the loins area of us – through the portal opened by faith to Their world.

Be sure you are truly born again. The new birth from above is by the Spirit, in which He does forty things to transform us into a new creation. It has nothing to do with a belief-system, outward practice of religion, baptism, or church membership.

His speaking into earthly portals that are open to His entrance is very Scriptural—portals on earth, and the portal of our eternal spirit. The soul and the spirit together make up “the spirit man” that lives inside of us. At death, when the “spirit man” leaves the body, the body’s weight actually goes down and can be measured. This has been proven by Nordic science.

We are truly powerful in His might when the soul is so disciplined in the

Word that it submits to the instruction of Yahuweh, which He gives to our spirit – thus the soul and mind become united through obedience to the Word, and we become a powerful servant, a powerful warrior, in His Kingdom.

In the excellent DVDs, “The New Atlantis” and “Riddles in Stone” they interviewed a 33rd degree Mason who had spent 33 years of his life studying the words, ways, and thinking, of Sir Francis Bacon – the instigator behind “secret societies” that has produced more evil overall worldwide than men like Hitler and Stalin, yet under a mask of deceit. This man, an expert on Bacon, knew all about Bacon, but he never met Sir Francis Bacon--for Bacon lived in the 1600s. So many wasted years, learning about him but never knowing him personally--only studying his writings and what others said about him. Most believers fall into this tragic pit.

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They have a lot of knowledge, and most are puffed up with pride and self-righteousness because of it, but they do not know Yahuweh or Yahushua. His brokenhearted plea is: “My people do not know Me”.

Jeremiah 2:8, 5:31: “The priests did not say:`Where is Yahuweh?’ And those who handle the Torah did not know me, and the shepherds transgressed against Me…The prophets have prophesied falsely, and the priests rule by their own hand, and My people have loved it so.”

Sounds like right now!

The mind can be taken over. The eternal spirit that is open to Yahuweh’s realm cannot be taken over. But, it can be handed over by those whose minds are manipulated and controlled.

Here is the clear distinction between the world’s people and those who know their Elohim who will do exploits (Daniel 11:32): 1) They know their Elohim 2) they are strong 3) they act (do exploits/things not attempted before)

“Do not be led astray: Elohim is not mocked. For whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap. Because he who sows to his own flesh shall reap corruption from the flesh, but he who sows to the spirit, shall reap everlasting life from the Spirit.” (Galatians 6:7-8) “They that are led by the Spirit of Elohim – they are the sons of Elohim” (Romans 8:14)

He speaks to His people in 40 different ways with precedent in the Word. [Refer to: “Forty Ways Yahuweh Speaks to His People]

I grieve for those who have heard the watchman’s cry for years and done nothing to prepare themselves for what is beginning to come upon us now.

In their apathy and dullness to reality, they have continued on in their illusions and stupor and done nothing to prepare themselves. Now the panic is beginning. But, most “believers” are still asleep. Amazing how the secular world is seeing “the handwriting on the wall” and are not asleep.

Many of His people are making up fantasies to shut out reality and by-pass personal responsibility.

Some are looking for Moses to save them and part the Atlantic ocean for them. Some think Messiah is returning to Utah, since Utah sounds like Judah. Some put off His return because they don’t want Him messing up their lives, so they adjust their theology to an easy belief system. Millions are looking for a pre-seven-year tribulation rapture that is not even alluded to in the Scriptures, but appeals to the fantasy-laden mind – who still believes in a fairy godmother. That Luciferic doctrine comes via the Jesuit Catholics, and the manipulation of a young girl’s vision in 1830, and is designed for Lucifer’s end-time plans. It is also a billion-dollar a year industry. Now this doctrine is so powerful that people are writing more books, making DVDs, teaching it, preaching it, and using it to scare people into receiving “Jesus”. It is a damnable thing. For the plans of Lucifer for it are horrible. I feel so sorry for those who live in that illusion.

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But, people who are too lazy to study the WHOLE WORD with THE SPIRIT TO TEACH THEM, are fools, and so will get what they deserve.

Yahuweh is practical. He has always taken His people THROUGH the wilderness, THROUGH the fiery furnace, THROUGH the lion’s den, and THROUGH great tribulation, to victory.

In the U.S. and in other western nations, most people constantly need something to entertain their minds. The whole culture from morning till night stimulates the mind and emotions. So without stimulation, the mind and emotions grow desperate. This is also part of the programming. There can be no true peace. People are constantly seeking something to shut down the mind – many turn to drugs (legal or illegal) alcohol, pornography, T.V., movies, science fiction, video games, now the new Nintendo Wii -- anything to stop the pressures of the mind.

It is the mind that has to be entertained. The spirit is constantly at rest-- happy and content. In Israel, my big entertainment is to go to town on the bus and get groceries, or to take a walk, or do intercession by the Sea of Galilee, or in the north. I enjoyed Jerusalem greatly. I love to sit in the City of David by the palace area, and just enjoy the peace. I love to be out in the open air … camping is a good way to rest the mind.

Please understand: The Greco-Roman culture is the spiritual culture of anti-messiah! It is the culture of Lucifer himself. You have been methodically programmed to receive the anti-messiah, along with all the world’s people. Now, do you still think Yahuweh is unreasonable for pleading with you to flee out of it?

His Word has always been to those who have held His people in captivity: “let My people go”. But, if His people are so in love with their mental, emotional and physical slavery that they will not go, and will not trust Him to take care of them, then they deserve to stay in their shackles and suffer the consequences.

From Luke 14:25-33: “Whoever does not bear his execution stake and come after Me is unable to be My taught one (disciple). For who of you wishing to build a tower does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it? Otherwise, when he has laid the foundation and is unable to finish it, all who see it begin to mock him, saying `This man began to build and was unable to finish’. Or what king going to fight against another king does not sit down first and take counsel whether he is able with

ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand?

…So then, everyone of you who does not give up all that he has, is unable to be my taught one”. Preparation will save you defeat!

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No training, no testing, no discipline, no daily obedience, no trustworthiness, no relationship with the Master, no growing up, no maturity, no taking personal responsibility = no reward in the Kingdom. Without allowing Him to discipline, test, train, and teach, His people have become desperately weak! Unless we give out what He has taught us, we lose it. That is why I write so much. He speaks so much to me. I can’t just put it in a journal and not share it! Share your testimony of your new birth--write about it. Share your experience with Torah – write about it. Don’t go on with satiating your life, and leave the dying world out.

Faith is an action word – what we say we believe, we’d better walk out or it is “dead” – a fake, phony, hypocritical. All the shallow niceness of western culture masks reality.

In 1986, there was a strong call throughout the US from His watchmen to get out of debt, but most people closed their ears and went into deeper debt. Now, we face recent renewed laws on the books in America where everything we have can be taken from us legally by the government – “if they need it”, and martial law can go into effect without warning.

It was the same at the time of the Babylonian captivity, and the same at the time of the Holocaust. Few heeded warnings, and so there was much death and destruction. But, as the Word says over and over, throughout, there will be very few people left alive on planet earth when Messiah comes. [Refer to the Scriptures in: “The Soon Coming Nuclear War”]

There has been a decisive blackout of the news media in America since the 1940s at least. Truth is not given…unless mixed with propaganda, deceit, lies, and illusion. While Americans got 1 year of the O.J. Simpson trial, millions of our brothers and sisters in Africa and Indonesia were slaughtered by Muslims. It never appeared on the news. I heard the announcement of the one world government being established on CNN and BBC Europe, from an apartment in Aqaba, Jordan. This was never shown on U.S. news.

I found out that the space shuttle over Texas that exploded was shot down, by watching CNN news from Jordan. I found out America’s participation in the horrible “Gaza pullout” (2005) while in Aqaba. I learned about the slaughter of the civilians in Iraq by U.S. troops, and the U.N. body count, from Jordan. You are being kept ignorant, and shown only what “they” want you to see. The local news is filled with shocking murders, rapes, house fires, and other cruelties – to desensitize you. Once desensitized to reality, you can laugh along with the audience at America’s Home Videos while people and animals are obviously being hurt. You can watch women in skimpy clothes and you are desensitized, so you go and wear skimpy tight-fitting clothes and show your cleavage front and back. It is called “fashion”. It is called “modern living” – but Yahuweh calls it sin!

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Churches flow with the world and desensitize you to sin, to the powers of darkness, to reality in general, and giving you a gospel of “enjoy yourself”.

The gospel of tolerance is disguised as “love”. So that you learn to condone what is sending people into hell. How can you watch a TV program that shows sin, and call it entertainment? -- Because you are programmed. But, Yahuweh says that if you watch sin and violence willingly that you have no part in His Kingdom. If you condone sin on TV or in others, you become a participant. You become part of it. So, who will you believe?

Practical advice: Do your own logistical research to find out truth, but first in the Word—the whole Word! Use a concordance to find every Scripture on a subject, and ask the Spirit to put the puzzle together for you so that you see clearly. Don’t uselessly waste your time on the computer, let Him guide you. Sell all you have, given all away that is not necessary and prepare to obey the Master. The minds of the American people have been so dulled that their very ability to take personal responsibility and action to go forward is almost totally gone. Get real! There is no safety and security anywhere on earth anymore – nowhere! You’d better find it in Yahuweh alone! You’d better anchor your soul (mind/emotions) by aligning it to the mind of the spirit! Then you’ll have one peaceful “spirit man”. Just find out where He wants you. Find out what is on His heart. Then you will be as secure as possible. Your flesh is not as important as your eternal life!

The programming has left the American people at a 3-4 year old emotional level--even the PhDs. But, mankind as a whole is becoming more and more like this. A 4-year old takes no personal responsibility for their actions – they blame others for their problems. They whine, complain, cry, and get upset because they don’t get what they want. They have to hold onto mommy or daddy’s hand, for they are too immature trust in Yahuweh and Yahushua for themselves. They want to be coddled. Their world revolves around them. And they are fearful to go out from the protective care of their normal surroundings. They fight in a sand box over a toy truck, throw sand, and then run to the teacher to tell her that Bobby took their truck, so punish Bobby. Take away what they hold onto for security and they fall apart emotionally. Emotional babies will not survive in the days to come. I’ve never heard so much whining out of adult 4-year olds as I am hearing now. Either that, or the talk is so shallow and cheap (chitchat) that their minds are almost gone. People are seeing things that are coming down fast that are terrifying. I write constantly AGAINST FEAR … but people read reality in my articles and are panicking. It is so tragic! And I have never heard so many excuses.

Jeremiah 18:1-6: We must submit to the potter. A person must be broken,

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crushed, “bruised in spirit”, in order to be re-made by the Potter into a vessel of honor. A person must be moldable. But, if the clay keeps fighting against the breaking and remaking, then the Potter must discard the clay and get a willing lump. Stop fighting His trying to help you. Submit to the Master!

The culture is a façade of niceness – a mask of respectability. “How are you?” – “I’m fine”. Smiles and lies … but to say you’re not fine – well, that puts you in the untouchable category. No one wants to hear your problems. Ever see the movie “The Stepford Wives”? That’s what the culture has made of most of its people. They go through the motions of niceness, but their spirit is dead.

Walt Disney, a practicing Wicca witch, transformed the minds of more people than anyone else with his fantasy world. Most people are still waiting for the glass slipper. But, it is not the nature of Yahuweh. The three Hebrew youths were thrown in the fiery furnace. Daniel was in the lion’s den. It is Yahuweh’s nature to take us through trials and bring us out unscathed, if we trust Him. It is His esteem, honor, and magnificence to see through tribulation into His Kingdom.

The tribulation is His love for us. Unless we pass under the “tribulum” (a Latin word for a farm instrument that separates the chaff from the wheat so that the wheat is free), we burn with the wicked forever. We must submit to His tribulum, in our daily lives. Then we will be prepared for the coming great tribulum. All these rapture fanatics are rejecting His love, for they have the wrong “God”--their god is Greek, and his “love” is gooey, mushy, and all about feelings (flesh/soul). The western church has made Him into a fantasy character – someone who is outside reality. Our forefathers walked 40 years THROUGH the wilderness. The word is “THROUGH” not “out of”. Yes, there will be the resurrection of the justified, but that is when Messiah comes with the wrath of the Father (Revelation 11:15-18; Isaiah 63:1-6; Zechariah 12:1-12; Revelation 19).

I take great hope in the fact that there are some mature, stable, grounded, responsible adults in the western world who are actually following the Master and are on the move to do His will! Oh what great fellowship I have with them--either by e-mail or in person.

We can actually fellowship around what He has shown us. Their passion is to lead others to the salvation of Yahushua, to teach the Torah of Yahuweh and to “make disciples”. Oh how blessed these people are, for Abba will raise their authority level as they obey Him, and will trust them, and will lead them on to victory. HalleluYah!

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Then there are those with real obstacles--problems that they are waiting for Him to remove so that they can be released. They have done everything they know to prepare but need help. I have utmost compassion for those with aged parents they are responsibly caring for, or who have severe physical infirmities. If you are in a financial bind, most of it is your doing you know – but sell all you can, and give away the rest. You do not want to be like the “rich young ruler” of Luke 18:18-30!

Matthew 10:34-39: “Do not think am come to bring peace to the earth. I id not come to bring peace, but a sword. I have come to bring division…He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me, and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And He who does not take up his stake and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life shall lose it, and he that has lost his life for My sake shall find it”.

Many seculars and military people in America are leaving the U.S. for places in Central or South America, or an island somewhere – anywhere outside the US. Luke 16:8: “…for the children of this world are, in their generation, wiser than the children of light”.

Our reason for leaving must be, first to obey the Master, and second, to be in a position for Him to use us as servants. It is in obedience that we grow up. I have known children as young as four-six, especially in Third World nations, who are more mature than most American adults. They are actually doing evangelism and preaching the Word.

I knew a little boy in Kenya of six named Moses. He lived in a mud hut with his family. His nature was more like that of Messiah than any adult I have ever known. Moses would often scare me when I would look into his eyes—for I saw the Master. His whole life was given to sharing the Good News, and to bless others, even though he was crippled from birth. Compare him to an American child of that age--programmed by cartoons, toys, and materialism. Moses would dance with all his might in worship of our Savior, fall down sometimes, and get up and dance again.

Why are children in the Third World, many in countries under heavy persecution, like China, and North Korea, North Vietnam, and Indonesia, willing to risk their lives for the Master? The difference is how they are taught. Are you teaching your children the Word, or letting the TV and public school system, and the church, teach them? [Refer to: “Gentle Sacrifice”, and “Cartoons”]

In the Muslim world, in the U.N.-funded jihad camps for children, children as young as five are passionate to blow themselves up for the cause of Allah to kill Jews. Train your children in the Word, and teach them BY EXAMPLE, HOW TO OBEY THE MASTER!

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Colossians 1:12-14, speaking of Messiah: “…who has delivered us from the power of darkness and translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son, in whom we have redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins…”

Do you know what it is like to see someone totally demon possessed, come under the power of the Spirit, and receive Messiah, and their eyes change, their faces become light, they begin to praise Him and rejoice for they have been set free? TO WORK WITH THE SPIRIT TO SET PEOPLE FREE FROM THE POWER OF THE DEVIL IS THE MOST GLORIOUS PRIVILEGE HE HAS GIVEN TO US.

The life of a disciple (taught one) is not about us! It’s about changing other’s lives for eternity. Our Master died to save His people and restore them to His Father’s Covenant. It takes death to self in other to bring true life, even as with a seed in the ground. Is that what your life revolves around? If not, what’s wrong with you? Where do you want to spend eternity? This is no game … What will you say to the Master when you stand before Him? What excuse will you give for bringing in no “sheaves”, no fruit of your labors in His vineyard? “They that go forth weeping, bearing precious seed (the Word) shall doubtless return rejoicing, bringing their sheaves with them”. (Psalm 126:6) If He has to, He will raise up an army of children and empower them!

It is because most do not go forth weeping. They are too filled with self-love. They do not care for anyone else but themselves and their family. Where is your passion? Is it to satiate your desires? If so, re-think your salvation. There are nearly 7 billion people out there and most do not know the true salvation, or His Word. What are you doing to reach them? Those that remain self-centered will die alone.

Jeremiah 17:5-9: “For thus says Yahuweh, `Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart turns away from Yahuweh. For he shall be like a shrub in the desert and not see when good comes, and shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness, a salt land that is not inhabited. Blessed is the man who trusts in Yahuweh…he shall be like a tree planted by the waters, which spreads out its roots by the river, and does not see when heat comes. And his leaf shall be green, and in the year of drought he is not anxious, nor does he cease from yielding fruit’ ”.

The division between the blessed and the cursed is being more and more


BEWARE WARRIORS! Set boundaries. It is good to help others, but if they attempt to gain advantage and drag you down, don’t let them.

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Those who love to talk about their problems, who wallow in self-pity, often find a listening ear and talk and talk. When they leave, the one listening often feels extremely tried and depressed. Negative, fearful people, bring demonic spirits into your house, into your life, and will continue to suck the life out of you if you let them. Be very careful! Do not take on false mercy, or false responsibility. Only be led by the Spirit in whom you help. For the days of deception are here, and people don’t care who they hurt, as long as they can get what they want. There is almost no conviction of sin in anyone anymore – people have a Harry Potter mentality, an “I am god” mentality. IF they can use you by pretending to be a “believer”, talking all the right talk, then they’ll do it. BEWARE!!!

It is the time of panic that we are entering, and like crazed people, many will do anything to take from those who have prepared. There will be much theft, deceit, murder, even cannibalism--people doing insane things to get what they want. Their belief-systems will go out of their head and since they have nothing in their spirit, they will be left to the insanity of a twisted mind.

This is another reason why our loving Father has told us to get out of the path of His wrath, and flee out of America. Even in Israel, He tells His people to flee out of Jerusalem when they see signs of the world ruler coming to power. The Orthodox know where to go. Orthodox rabbis are pleading with American Jews to get their suitcase by the door, because the fleeing is soon. It is not Yedidah who is creating this scenario – Yahuweh has spoken. He has raised up many to warn His people. Even the Saudi Arabian news in 2003, warned the Jews about America turning on them. Now we know about the martial law, the concentration camps, the crashing economy. Even Bernake is sounding the alarm.

Families will be torn apart, houses ravaged, children killed or separated from their parents. Believers in China experience these things all the time, even years in prison, yet they are strong and powerful of spirit, and use their tragedies, not to cry and whine, but to win “souls” to salvation. They lay down their lives to tell the Good News to others, so that they might be

saved, even those who torture them in prison. I have written much on the

assemblies in China, because I was with them many times – under very dangerous situations. Wherever salvation costs one everything, you find His warriors.

All the while the exploit people were preparing, being tested, disciplined, taught, getting to know Abba intimately in fellowship, learning obedience and humility, and how to live by faith, the “foolish virgins” have dedicated

their lives to making money, buying material goods, obtaining security in insurance and retirement funds, enjoying pleasures, and not even thinking

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that their neighbor next door might be on his way to hell.

This is the basic concept of Socialism--take from those who have paid the price for what they have, and give it to the lazy bums who don’t deserve anything.

In the name of the environment and global warming, (another hoax), the rich nations, using citizen tax-payer money will be required to help support the poor nations, while the rich over the rich nations get all the gold, diamonds, jewels, plutonium, and other goodies, out of the poor nations. Get the game? This is the basic goal of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

This is why the Jews are hated. They are a successful people, and others are jealous or scared of their abilities, so they kill them. All the while, those who are supposed to live in the power of Yahuweh’s Spirit, are slaves to the very society that wants to kill them. The Illuminati – Luciferic world elite have

I get e-mails from panicky people, asking where they should go. Often when I give sound advice it is rejected. I suggested northern Panama to one man, and he wrote me back that it was out of the question because that area had a volcano in it. I know! I lived there a year and a half in view of the volcano. He also told me that he had come to the conclusion that he should hate “Paul”. Oh my … He never met Sha’ul.

Tell me! Where is safe? Heaven is safe. The Kingdom under Messiah will be safe! Don’t quote me Psalm 91 unless you understand the condition in verse 1 – I know very, very few who understand the condition. The only safety is in knowing Yahuweh and Yahushua and being about Their business!

Never ever, ever, ever make a decision based on fear or being safe!

In Matthew 25:1-12, when the foolish virgins tried to ask for extra oil because they’d been too lazy to keep their lamps burning, the wise had to tell them (verses 8-9): “No indeed, there would not be enough for us and you. Instead you go to those who sell, and buy for yourselves”.

Because they waited too long to take positive action, in verse 12, Messiah says to them in regards to their entering the wedding feast: “Truly I say to you, `I do not know you’ ”.

In Hebrew Matthew 25:1, it reads: “There were ten virgins, five were wise and five were lazy fools, who went out to meet a Bridegroom and a Bride”. They were guests. Messiah had returned from His nuptials and His 7-days in the chupa with His Bride, and they were coming to the wedding feast. The lazy fools did not even make it into the wedding feast as guests.

The warning in I Corinthians 10:11-12 rings true: “…so he who thinks he stands, let him take heed lest he fall”.

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Do your homework! Use “google”! Prepare your logistics as Luke 14:25-33 says – Yahuweh is practical, calmly and peacefully practical! Don’t go jumping off a cliff in your panic – PREPARE!

We are in the time of preparation for the “day of Yahuweh”. If you think it is going to be fun, read Zephaniah 1, and all the other Scriptures in the article “The Soon Coming Nuclear War” – almost no flesh will be saved alive, and most of those who think they are righteous will hear Him say, “depart from Me; I do not know you”. This is a time of total seriousness!

Romans 8:5-8, 13-15: “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on things of the flesh, and those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit, for the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace. The mind of the flesh is at enmity with Elohim, for it does not subject itself to the Torah of Elohim, neither indeed is able, and those who are in the flesh are unable to please Elohim…For if you live according to the flesh, you are going to die. But, if by the Spirit, you put to death the deeds of the body, you shall live. For as many as are led by the Spirit--they are the sons of Elohim. For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out `Abba Father’ ”.

You have a mind that uses the brain to work through. And if you are truly born of the Spirit and are a transformed “new” creation with Messiah’s nature, then you have a mind of the spirit – in which He came come and teach, talk, lead, and dwell.

This is why the world’s people so easily worship the anti-messiah/the Beast/the lawless one: because their will has been taken from them. It has been taken from them because day by day they gave up their rights to their own will, for promises of peace and security and safety!!!

In America, after 9/11/2001, it became normal to give up rights to obtain peace and security. Laws were passed that were dangerous to American citizens, but most either did not know about them, or care, as long as they continued in their illusive fantasies of security. Right now, the two most dangerous nations to be in are Israel and America, for they are under immediate judgment. The rest of the world will get it soon, too. But, as long as the layer of cherry cake icing covers the truth, no one pays attention.

Every day you have choices. Your priorities are what you get done in the day. Your lifestyle reveals what is in your heart.

If He is not your priority, then prepare to die as best you can without His help. There reaches a point when He tells His prophets, “do not pray for them”. He has given them up to their own choices.

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When His wrath comes upon Israel and America, He will spare a remnant of Israel, but none in America (Ezekiel 38; Jeremiah 50:20; 50:25-26)

He will not stop His wrath for the righteous when the righteous have been warned to get out of the path of His wrath, in His destruction of the wicked. (Ezekiel 21:3-7) He isn’t going to stop His Son from pouring out His judgment to say to you, “I remember you – you fixed nice spaghetti meals for the Saturday Torah meeting”. He has told His people to get out of America, and, for the most part they won’t listen. When martial law is declared, they will panic out of their minds, but there will be no escape. It takes calm planning and preparation before hand to hear the Master and obey. Don’t act in fear – that is the stupidest thing anyone can do.

There is zero faith in fear. Faith operates in peace, fear operates in negative emotions. Faith attracts Yahuweh. Fear attracts the demonic world. [Refer to: “End Time Babylon”] Do you want to attract demons to destroy you?

If you’re waiting on your pastor or rabbi or congregational leaders to tell you what to do, most won’t. Most will not be around to help you. Most will be either as insanely panicky as you, or will be tucked away nicely in another country with your money.

“You cannot serve Elohim and money”. (Matthew 6:24) “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”. (Matthew 6:19, 21)

Messiah took the Torah out of the realm of legalistic performance, which it was never intended to be but man made it like that, and put it into the realm of daily life, from the heart with love, peace, joy and faith. To follow Messiah Yahushua is to follow the Living Torah into personal relationship with Yahuweh.

If one is born of the Spirit they have the nature of Messiah in their spirit, and one of the characteristics is “self-control”. Panic and fear belong to the damned – Revelation 21:8. [Refer to: “Linked Arm and Arm”]

Hebrews 11:6: “Without faith it is impossible to please Elohim”.

Faith is the exact opposite of fear.

II Timothy 1:7: “For Elohim has not given us the spirit of fear, but of love, and of power, and of a sound mind”.

My youngest daughter at age five, would stand in the living room of our house and proclaim boldly II Timothy 1:7, inserting our family name for “us”. If Elohim has not given us the spirit of fear – then who has? “Life and death are in the power of the tongue”. “Whatsoever a man thinks, so is he”.

First the thought, then the reasoning, then the emotions, then the act – this is the pattern.

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Thus He warns us: II Corinthians 10:3-6-bring every thought into captivity to Messiah.

Faith is quiet and deep and calm, and stays in peace. It is rooted in personal relationship with the Master. Again, boldness comes from our relationship with our Abba – for it is boldness under His control. We fear Him, in love.

If you know someone that you trust, then you are at peace, knowing they will do what they say they’ll do. True active faith declares: “I know Yahuweh and Yahushua! I do not need man to help me. If I need human help, I depend on Yahuweh to bless me through His helpers, but I do not seek them. Yahuweh is faithful to me!”

And He does bring help when we need it from helpful humans. I know that well by traveling on airlines and not being able to help myself well with my luggage, or with walking to my gate. I appreciate wheelchair assistance by kind helpers, and those kind ones who put my bags up in the overhead bins for me. But, when I am in the wheelchair, I do not act like a zombie (smile) – I talk to the one pushing me, and hold onto my belongings.

I appreciate the kindnesses of the airlines to give me good seats – and they have been kind.

He has called us to a life of praise, thanksgiving, rejoicing, love, peace, kindness, gentleness, faith, and self-control. He has called us to sit with Him spiritually in “heavenly places”. Few take that privilege to heart.

Last night as I began listening to beautiful worship music, I saw myself in a vision, walking towards the edge of a very high mountain top. I looked down and saw the world beneath me. It looked so far away. Abba spoke to my spirit and said: “You are here”. I then noticed a “man” in a white robe coming from my right, and sitting down on a stone near the edge. I turned to look at Him and recognized Him as the One I had seen face to face in Jerusalem in 2003. I smiled. He smiled back. Abba was saying that in worship I was high above the earth, in a place of peace and security, and Yahushua was there.

Colossians 3:4-7: “But Elohim, who is rich in compassion, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Messiah – by grace you are saved – and raised us up together and made us sit together in heavenly places in Messiah, in order to show in the coming ages the exceeding riches of His favor in kindness towards us in Messiah Yahushua”. Isn’t that beautiful!!!

Start today: Do all you can to sell all they have, give away the rest, get down to very little, pay off all bills, get out from most entanglements financially in all ways, and have their exit bag ready at the door, and their

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exit plan ready to go into effect, i.e. Exodus 12-14. Begin where you are to set yourself free, and Abba will help you. He will remove the obstacles. But, be always in praise and thanksgiving, for your life depends on His guidance.

After years of building that huge boat in a place where there was little water, amidst all the mocking, Noah finished the boat and

decorated its interior with lots of animals, food, water, and other necessities. The world’s people saw him. He warned them. They laughed. Then they banged on the ark door for him to let them in, as

they went down for the third time and drowned.

Where will you be when the “deep” breaks up? In the Ark, or panicking because you wouldn’t listen to those who warned you?

Get your life (your car) in gear and leave your driveway (of your security), and turn somewhere onto the road, and He will guide you to where He wants you. But, sit on your hind end and expect Him to do it all, you’ll be waiting until a nuke drops on your head.

Take the time in His Presence to hear where He wants to direct you. Then do your homework! Find out details of where He is leading you, about the ways of the people, about housing, about costs, about transportation, and what is expected of you to stay in the country’s good graces. You don’t come to Jordan, for example, and hand out Bibles unless you want to go to jail. He wants to get Babylon out of His people – so that they don’t cause trouble for themselves wherever they go.

Yes, like Tom Horn says, other countries do not want you – they want your money, same with Israel. But, in the days ahead they won’t care if you are there or not. If they like you, they’ll help you. Reach out to them in love, and they will come to trust you. I found this out staying in Aqaba, when all other foreigners left, during the start of Gulf War II (2003).

But, before you jump off a cliff into these countries, be sure to learn all you can. Be practical, use your mind for searching out the logistics of what HE HAS ALREDY LED YOU TO … If you feel led to go to Costa Rica, buy the Lonely Planet Travel Guide on Costa Rica. If He leads you to Aqaba, then get the Lonely Planet Travel Guide on Jordan. That series is the one I’ve used for nearly 30 years to learn about new countries He is leading me to.

Remember: You need about 1% of what you think you need. Get rid of sentimental attachments to material things. Get real! If possessions are your gods that keep you from serving the Master, you may well spend eternity with those others who love money and possessions more than Yahuweh. Remember the first commandment: “You shall have no other gods in My face”. Your idols are what you put your trust in – what you fear losing – these are your gods.

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He may let you get down to eating mud cakes, like they ate in Haiti after the hurricane, to test you--to see if you have backbone or if you are a jellyfish. I’ve lived well in mud huts. The people the African mud huts loved me and cared for me with the nature of Messiah! I’ve also stayed in fine houses with people who treated me rudely, with disrespect, and without love. Where are the real “saved” ones?

I can boldly say with the Apostle Sha’ul: “Not that I speak in regard to want: for I have learned in whatsoever condition I am therewith to be content. I know how to be abased and I know how to abound:

everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Messiah who strengthens me”. (Philippians 4:11-13) HALLELUYAH!

The Third World won’t pamper you! You will either have to grow up quick, or you should stay home. I am so sad that so many have gone to places like Aqaba, with their immature self-centered, gossipy, nasty natures, and continued in Babylonian lifestyle. He wants us to be pure and set-apart and walk in His nature BEFORE we leave America! The wilderness is a place of testing. Most died in the wilderness!

The one identifying sign of a true believer is Yahuweh’s brand of love. Those that love “self” usually could care less about anyone else. So, the true believers are those that lay down their lives for His people! (John 15:12-13) Real love is an act of the will, not a mushy feeling of the emotions.

He is scattering His people into the nations so that you might lead others to salvation through Messiah Yahushua, and teach the Torah, and help the widows, poor and orphans.

“Examine yourselves whether you be in faith: prove your own selves.” (II Corinthians 13:5) Faith must be proven in order to be really real.

Messiah has not returned. King Yahushua is not reigning over the earth. We are in the time of great apostasy. The damning heresies are terrible, denying the Deity of Messiah, stripping Him of His power to save, taking eternal life from those that had it. Only a remnant is walking the plumb line of Truth as taught by the Spirit, and living it. Only a remnant knows how to move in the power of the real Elohim of the Word. Are you teaching Truth to others?

Now let’s get down to where the rubber meets the road in natural personal things: If you are overweight, shame on you! Use your gift of “self-control”. Get out and walk, go to a gym, exercise, swim, and stop eating a death-diet. Statistically Americans are the sickest people on earth – no wonder – they work hard at it. How can you help anyone else if you’re a mess? Most American diseases are from psychological and emotional problems – inner

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problems that break down the body and leave it open for the diseases that are injected into it. But, many are overweight and sickly simply because of neglect of their bodies. If you don’t get serious now, it’s almost too late.

What impressed me to write this article, even though I am seeing these things in all too many people, was receiving e-mails from someone who read one of my warning articles, and reacted immaturely. She wrote my friend at the blog site who posts articles and updates for me. He sent me her e-mails. She is on my e-mail list, but she wrote him, even though

I’ve said over and over not to bother him if you’re on my list. Anyway, she made a list for him of all the things she wanted him to do for her so that she could live comfortably in Israel. I could not believe what she was saying. It upset me for days. But, she is typical of many, and more to come. She made a fool out of herself. My friend, who has been so gracious in posting my articles for about 4 years, has a family, a job, and a life of his own. He is a kind pastor-type person. But, he can’t drop everything to placate scared people who have not taken personal responsibility to prepare for themselves! I cannot either, and will not be drained of the strength only He gives me. Like the wise virgins who needed their extra oil, I need to guard my strength and what goes into my soul and spirit. I have done my part in warning. I also stand in prayer with those who are asking serious questions, and need encouragement.

Scripture teaches that it is “every man for himself” when it comes to our personal salvation, and always has been. We stand alone before the judgment seat of Messiah to give an account of ourselves!!!

What is happening is that the ability to calmly reason with wisdom is being taken away from the American people! Their will is being taken away! The evil ones want control of your mind and your emotions and your will so that you act to your destruction!

Stress and anxiety can only happen if you are unprepared! If you are in anxiety, it shows that you are in control. If you are at peace, it shows that Yahuweh is in control because you trust Him.

Why do you think that parents will turn in their children to their death and children turn in their parents, in the days ahead? It happened in China, in Russia, and in Nazi Germany with the youth. Youth are being targeted to be trained to turn on the American people. Foreign troops are on American soil, Black Water mercenaries, drug-crazed gangs, and DNA mutates. It is because by many means, the minds of the people are being taken away, except for a tiny, tiny remnant. To keep peace, remember: Praise is the confession of faith! Be in thanksgiving with your mind and mouth all the time. Learn to have a praise-mouth!

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You can’t live in Israel!

Not unless you have papers proving your Jewishness, and then you can apply for aliyah. You can get a three-month visa at the border--then you have to get out for a while before returning. If they catch you coming in too much, they have the right to refuse your entrance. Crossing borders is an art – believe me! Just answer their questions as briefly as possible. Do not add information! And their technology can pick up nervousness – so stay calm! Abba is sending a remnant of Ephraim home, but these ones will be an asset to Israel. Religious, scared, dependent people are a liability to any nations, as well as to themselves.

You can get a year’s residency in Aqaba, Jordan – on the Red Sea – because it is a UN, US, EU Special Economic Zone… You can settle into a Third World nation in Central and South America reasonably, but still they have immigration laws. And most visas are for only three months at a time.

Then there are the drawbacks to living among locals whose culture is radically different, and whose thinking is radically different than westerners. There is also a lot of rain in some places. Do your logistical homework! Don’t panic like Chicken Little and think the sky’s falling when it is only an acorn. You’re panic will incite others and cause chaos and confusion. The Devil will sit back and laugh his head off at you.

Believe me, the people of the Third World can spot an American easily, and like to have fun ripping them off financially. American’s strut – they wear jeans and t-shirts, they talk loud, they are boisterous, they flaunt, they are arrogant. It is amazing how they stick out. Learn to be quiet, dress modestly, and have the nature of Elohim. He will give you favor.

Please, do not make up fairy tales out of your super spiritual head. If He has not trained you, tested you, disciplined you, and speaks to you daily, He is not going to send you on a mission to save other’s lives. You are too weak to save your own, let alone anyone else’s. If you have not done your logistics on what He has said to do, don’t go anywhere. You’ll make a mess of things, and maybe endanger other’s lives!

Most Third World locals are as sly as snakes. I was having lunch with a friend in Aqaba. He told me about a European woman whom he met. He said she was distraught. He asked her what she had seen in Aqaba, and she said “nothing”. She told him that the taxis were too high – even to the beach (within walking distance) – that the taxi drivers wanted 10 JD (about $14.00) each way. He told her the taxis in town were only ½ JD (62 cents). You see my point.

Get to know the obstacles in Third World nations. They all think “white skin means money”, and they’re almost all rip-off artists. They put on their “nice” act, and westerners fall for it.

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However, some of the worst taxi rip-off artists I found were in Greece (smile). Make sure you get the price before entering the cab. If you say “meter” – they will use the meter, but drive you all over the city and run it up. So, make sure you get the price first.

I went to get a cart for my luggage at the airport, and the man said “3 JD” (Jordanian Dinar). I said in an accent “NOOOO Tourista”. I gave him the ½ JD for the cart and his face went sad. (smile) I had no fear living in a Muslim/Palestinian country. But, I had to learn what to do and not to do.

Women hear me: Do you realize the awful reputation American women have worldwide? Most in Muslim Middle East countries think that all American women are whores – that all Christian women are whores. Well, they dress like whores for the most part--it’s called “fashion”. And Americans strut. They wear tight-fitting clothes. American women wear “jeans” and “shorts” and tops that show cleavage, and jeans that show cleavage, and the Arab men think they are whores.

The Arab expression is: “I can sit down and eat and talk with a Jew, but I can take a Christian to bed”. It is because they think that all Americans and Europeans are Christians, and the promiscuity of western women has led them to believe that Christian women will give their bodies easily. Most think “Christian” means Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox. But, in the Hamite world, homosexuality is also a norm. (Refer to what Ham did to Noah)

The usual friendly American attitude lends to this belief also – they think American women are flirting. I am so ashamed of most of the Christians who

march down the streets in Jerusalem at Sukkot, because so many of the American women, sorry but Texans especially, march in their cute little Dallas Cowboy cheerleader-type outfits, blowing shofars, and waving banners of love to Israel, strutting as they go. The Orthodox Jews are angry. The Arabs and seculars are drooling and thinking sex. Yet these little Christian sweethearts go home and think they’ve done something for “God”.

Learn how to dress in another nation. Learn cultural habits, and ways, so that you don’t make a fool out of yourself, get ripped off by charlatans – taxi drivers, shop owners, beggars, etc.

Women, learn practical things like how to tie a head scarf. The Jewish women tie them one way, the Muslim women another way, the Catholic women another way, the “trying to look religious” women another way. Don’t tie your headscarf like a Jew in a Muslim country! Don’t go to the women’s section of the Wall in Jerusalem with your scarf tied like a Muslim.

I had to laugh coming back on the bus from Jerusalem a few days ago. It was Ishtar (Easter) Sunday, and Passover week too, and the Old City was so packed with people it was awful. I had to walk below the Jaffa Gate to get a bus to the Central Bus Station.

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I got on bus 1. It was packed with Orthodox men. I almost fell on two of them because the bus was moving before I got a seat. The two men got up and let me have their seat. The reason two got up is because Orthodox men do not want to touch a woman, unless she is their wife, daughter, sister or mother. So, it gets very confusing on airplanes when they have to keep changing seats to keep from sitting by a woman.

LEARN! Then I had to experience the body-to-body jam at the bus station to get on the bus to the north. It is like nothing you’ve ever seen in America! It is a shove that is so packed to get on the bus that you either fight to push forward or you don’t get on the bus. You have to learn when to be assertive--like when people push over you in bank lines, in store lines, and at immigration. But, at the bus, you have to be aggressive at times, while still maintaining your joy, peace, and love. The real you comes out in the Middle East! People who are masked in America and seem so spiritual and nice--well, their masks just fall off. He can only work with one who has NO HIDDEN AGENDAS AND NO SECRET AMBITIONS AND NO MASKS!

In Third World nations, including Israel, the streets are broken a lot of the time, and it’s up hill, up hill, up hill, and then down. Build up your muscles! Flabby people will have it rough. Famine is coming. Learn to eat little!

PLEASE: DO NOT talk loud. Don’t look people in the eye as you walk either. Keep your head slightly lowered. Don’t expect great service at restaurants. They take their time. Be private! Don’t be openly associating with those whom the people are not happy with.

Learn how much things cost, beforehand. Ask questions, lots of questions. I find most Americans overseas are either wimpy, or embarrassed, and won’t ask questions – and so they end up in a mess.

Be realistic: Yahuweh is extremely practical, and expects His children to also be practical. Some say they want to help people get out of America, so they’re staying to help. I know some who are really planning to help, and doing so with intelligence. But, most do not help anyone now, so when people come who are animalistic, violent, thieving, murders, rapists, and terrified zombies mixed in with the good guys, what will they do?

Well that’s it. I will have no one’s blood on my hands when the smoke clears – and neither will other faithful watchmen of the Ezekiel 3 and 33 type.

Get with it. Do what you can, pray always, praise always. Exercise! Learn all you can about a Third World nation He has placed in your heart. Start preparing by doing practical things to get Babylon out of you. Practice “walking the hard road” where you are. Put your TV on Craig’s list. Get out the Word and let Him teach you. PREPARE! PREPARE! Prepare!!!

In His love, with much caring and compassion,


April 15, 2012

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