


Lesson Plan Template for VU PSTS at PCSSC – LESSON 3 OF SEQUENCE

|Subject _Business Management_ |Year Group 11 |Day & Date: Thursday 6th August |Time: 11:10-12:00 |

|Topic/ Focus Area |Essential Questions |AusVels |

| |What are the 4P’s |Strand. Domain. Dimension / Level |

|Marketing Process |What messages can PRODUCT tell us – How | |

|Stage 3 – The Marketing Mix |Why is PRODUCT such a powerful P |Unit 2: AOS 2: Managing the Marketing Function |

| | |key elements of a marketing plan: |

| | |The marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) and related strategies; 

|Location / Setting |Organisation / Student Groups |Special Considerations |

| | | |

|Classroom |Teams – Product Millionaire Game |First of the 4 P’s. Final 3 P’s to be covered in next lesson |

|Key Vocabulary |Focus Questions |References / Sources / Materials / Resources and Equipment |

| | | |

|Marketing Mix | |Quick Write from Last Lesson |

|The 4 P’s | |PowerPoint Slides |

|Product | |Millionaire Product Game Slides |

|The Product Concept | |Whiteboard Markers |

|Tangible / Intangible benefits | |Yellow sticky notes |

|Product Positioning | |Internet access - YouTube |

| | | |

| | | |

Time: 2 Min

Prior Knowledge –

In our last lesson we spent some time looking at Marketing Strategy/Plan.

Just as little reminder we are going to an activity

Activity – Quick Write Revisited – Formative Assessment – 5 min


In front of you is the work you started yesterday, what you knew about Marketing Strategy/ Plans.

I’d like you to take 3 minutes now and in a DIFFERENT COLOR pen/pencil, complete your picture of what you now know about Marketing Strategy/Plans.

Collect up – Fully review after class but on quick review discuss the following

I can see quite a few of you have The key questions of Where are we now, What do we want to achieve, How do we get from here to there, and Have we achieved what we set out to do. & we looked at strategies within each of those questions and areas.

I can see quite a number of mentions of SWOT. Who can tell me what it stands for?

What are the External / Internal elements

What is a business trying to achieve? Objectives


Fantastic – now for Today’s class we are going to continue working around the marketing process with STEP 3 – THE MARKETING MIX and the first element PRODUCT

Essential Question(s): These to be written on the board prior to lesson

What are the 4P’s

What messages can PRODUCT tell us – How

Why is PRODUCT such a powerful P?

Area: The Marketing Mix – THE 4 P’s

Slide – The 4 P’s

The Marketing Mix is made up of 4 elements

• Product – what is being sold

• Price – for how much

• Place – where will the consumer get it

• Promotion – how will potential customers know about the product

We are going to look at each of these elements, but you can see by virtue of the circle the important thing is ALL ELEMENTS need to be used.

Slide – The 4 P’s Circle

I’m going to keep coming back to this slide.


Slide – Product

So lets start with the 1st P, possibly the most known = PRODUCT

We probably all think we know what a product is, yes? But in Marketing terms is quite wide.

Tech Definition:

Types of Products – See here we include Tangible (things we can hold & touch & feel) and Intangibles (idea’s, information even services)

Can anyone give me some examples of Intangibles?? Prompt – Insurance (yes get a piece of paper/policy to confirm but its an intangible) What about if you are out at concert/gig. – Music is an intangible.

Slide – The Product Concept

Tangibles / Intangible benefits

• Calvin Klien Jeans – Tangible of jeans, intangible of brand name, reputation of quality, image

• Restaurant – Tangible of good food, intangible of atmosphere, music, service of staff.

Slide – Product Branding

Distinguish between Brand Name – Spoken Element of a brand & Brand Symbol – Graphic representation that identifies product

Mini Activity – 7 minutes – What does a brand tell you.

Slide – Display the BMW BRAND on the Screen.



On your table you will see I’ve handed out some yellow sticky notes.

I’d like you to think about the BRAND BMW you see on the screen.

Write down all the things you think about or you know about the “PRODUCT” BMW

Use as many sticky notes as you would like

Come up and put the sticky notes onto the whiteboard around the BRAND.

(Tool for student engagement. Can visually see each student getting up and putting something on the whiteboard to contribute to the discussion)

Teacher to arrange the sticky notes into categories and discuss each of the following points with the student examples and others.

• Attributes – expensive, well built?

• Benefits – social status, long lasting, admiration?

• Values – High performance, safety?

• Culture – German culture of organisation, efficiency, quality

• Personality – High status

• Type of user – Who would we expect to see behind wheel of BMW

So as you have seen BRAND tells us a great deal about the product.

But in this we have also looked at PACKAGING!

Slide 48 – Packaging

What packaging can convey, purpose, image, market, convenience

Slide 49 – Product Positioning

Example A2 milk – Positioned as Premium milk containing A2 only protein (gentler on stomaches). Now other milks forced to follow due to their success

Activity 2 – Product Brand (Name / Logo), Packaging, Positioning, placement – 20 minutes –

VARK Methodology utilised for game – Visual through images, Auditory in discussion amongst teams, Read/write with use of whiteboard and drawing, Kinaesthetic by getting students up to display their answers.

Millionaire Game


Going to organise you into – 4 Teams – Number students off 1 to 4 across room (getting students to mix amongst class and move to get ready for game)

TEAM 1 – Front Left of Room

TEAM 2 – Front Right of Room

TEAM 3 – Back Left of Room

TEAM 4 – Back Right of Room.

20 Seconds to move to your team Position:

We are going to play a Millionaire Style GAME on the Whiteboard

1. Teams can take 2 minutes to select a team name, spokesperson – (Democratic principles employed for team to elect roles. Use of own team name for engagement in activity)

2. There will be 4 rounds all looking at elements of PRODUCT we have discussed

3. Each round is worth 10 points.

4. You will have a set time to discuss each question and then your spokesperson may answer

5. Teams can elect to pass to another team if you do not know the answer (Further aspect of collaboration for class activity and adds to degree of competition)


(There are 4 questions for each round. Progress first 2 rounds by going team 1 through 4. For Round 3 ask in Reverse order 4 – 1. For Round 4 ask based on point score to build suspense to a winner. Correct answer given after each question awarded as part of Formative Assessment feedback.)

Round 1 –For each of the following can you tell me:

1. What is the Brand is (Images)

Round 2 – I am going to put up some words. Each team should send up a scribe to draw….

2. What Brand (Logo) belongs with these words– 1 minute to discuss and draw logo on the board.

Round 3

3. Name 3 things this brand tells you and what they are (Attributes, benefits, values, culture, personality, type of user)

Round 4

4. 2 Messages the packaging conveys?

Round 5 – Product Placement – all in (IF TIME PERMITS) OR BONUS Tie Breaker Round

5. How many product’s can you identify from this clip

IMPORTANT: Progress the game and award points. Keep suspense in the last round up to the tie breaker. If teams get “some” of the question right, ask the class “HOW MANY POINTS SHOULD WE AWARD – HALF POINTS??? KEEP IN MIND YOU MAY BE IN THE SAME POSITION



What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

In today’s lesson we have looked at the first of the P’s - Product

We have examined the importance of Brand – What a Brand can tell us

To conclude the week TOMORROW we are going to look at the last of the 3 P’s – PRICE PLACE and PROMOTION

Preservice Teacher Reflection

• Did students achieve the Learning Intentions?

• Success Criteria

• What were the successful strategies?

• How did you the teacher get them to the end result?

• Where to from here? What’s next?

Review final Quick Write activity to evaluate whether learning intentions for Marketing Strategy achieved.

Mentor Teacher Feedback

• Strengths / Areas for Improvement

• How will we work to improve them?

Preservice Teacher Name _________________________________ Mentor Teacher Name___________________________________________

Signature________________________________ Date __________ Signature________________________________ Date __________________



Establishing prior knowledge. Tuning in activity. Focus questioning

What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

Assessment criteria: Assessment FOR learning


Guiding Inquiry and Practise

What will I do? (T) What will students do? (SS)

Assessment Criteria: Assessment AS Learning


Sharing, Explaining and Reviewing Inquiry

[pic][?]$,AXYZclvxîáѼ§’}k}VF6&FhPU¾ht>*CJOJShare time. Student reflection. What do they now know?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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