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2sinxcosx trig identity

In this block we will use some formulas that are also found and used in block 7.2 and 7.3. Here we will solve problems to show that both sides of the equation are equal to each other. These formulas will help solve some trigger identities along the way. It is important to know the following trigonometry identities. Identities Based on DefinitionsCscx=1/SinxSecx=1/CosxCotx=1/TanxIdentities Derived from RelationshipsQuotient IdentitiesPythagorean IdentitiesDouble Angle FormulasAddition and Subtraction FormulasTanx=Sinx/CosxCotx=Cosx/Sinx Sin2x+Cos2x=11+tan2x=Sec2x1+cot2x=Csc2x Sin2x=2SinxCosxCos2x=cos2x-1 =2Cos2x-1 =1-2sin2x Tan 2x=2Tanx/1-Tan2xSin(x+y)=SinxCosy+CosxSinySin(x-y)=SinxCosy-CosxSinyCos(x+y)=CosxCosy-SinxSinyCos(x-y)=CosxCosy+SinxSinyTan(x+y)=Tanx+Tany/1-(Tanx)(Tany)Tan(x-y)=Tanx-Tany/1+(Tanx)(Tany) is the same thing as x, but x and y are two different values so don't let these three things confusedWhen proving term, CANNOT cross the equal signExample:1.PROVE that Tan= Sin/Cos Tan Sin/Cos L.S. R.S Tan =Sinx/Cosx Sinx/CosxL.S=R.S2. Sin2 Cos2/Cos TanCscSin2/Cos2/Cos TanCsc L.S. R.S. Sin2-Cos2/Cos No1/Cos Sin Cos Cos TanCsc (Sin/Cos)Csc Sin) Cos2x-1/Sin2x-CotxCos2x-1/Sin2x Cotx L.S. R.SCos2x-1/Sin2x (2cos2-1) 1/SinxCosx No2Cos2x/2SinxCosx (Cosx/Sinx Cotx) It is written as an equation that includes trigger ratios, and a set of solutions are all real numbers for which expressions on both sides of the equation are defined. As a result, the equation has an infinite number of solutions. , , Pythagorean IdentitiesDouble Tanx-Sinx/CosxCotx-Cosx/Sinx Sin2x-Cos2x cot2x-Csc2x Sin2x-2SinxCosxCos2x-cos2x-1 No2Cos2x-1 No1-2sin2x Tan 2x-2Tanx/1-Tan2xSin (x'y) y-CosxSinySin (x-y)-SinxCosy-CosxSinyCos (x'y)-CosxCosy-SinxSinyCos (x-y)-CosxCosy-SinxSinyTan (x'y)-Tanx-Tany/1-(Tanx)(Tanx)(Tanx) ) (x-y) ?Tanx-Tany/1? (Tanx)(Tany) Cscx-1/SinxSecx-1/CosxCotx-1/TanxYou , , . To prove that this equation is an identity, both sides of the equation must be shown as equivalent. This can be achieved through a variety of strategies, such as simplifying the more complex side until it is identical to the other side, or manipulating both parties to get the same expression Rewriting Syllabus, VIDEOSWORK-Textbook:pg.417 #5b, 6, 7, 9, 10 11a, 13aAlso . 411.When, A . X - opp / hyp a / c , csc X - hyp / opp - c / atan X - opp / adj a / b , cot X adj / opp b / acos X - adj / hyp b,sin X - b /r , csc X - r / btan X - b/a, cot X a / a / because X - a / r, sec X s r / aSpecial . 45 x 60. In any triangle we have:1 - The sine lawsin A / a = sin B / b = sin C / c2 - The cosine lawsa 2 = b 2 + c 2 - 2 b c cos Ab 2 = a 2 + c 2 - 2 a c cos Bc 2 = a 2 + b 2 - 2 a b cos C cscX = 1 / sinXsinX = 1 / cscXsecX = 1 / cosXcosX = 1 / secXtanX = 1 / cotXcotX = 1 / tanXtanX = sinX / cosXcotX = cosX / sinXsin 2X + cos 2X = 11 + tan 2X = sec 2X1 + cot 2X = csc 2Xsin(-X) = - sinX , odd functioncsc(-X) = - cscX , odd functioncos(-X) = cosX , even functionsec(-X) = secX , even functiontan(-X) = - tanX , odd functioncot(-X) = - cotX , odd functionsin(/2 X) = cosXcos(/2 - X) = sinXtan(/2 - X) = cotXcot(/2 - X) = tanXsec(/2 - X) = cscXcsc(/2 - X) = secXcos(X + Y) = cosX cosY - sinX sinYcos(X - Y) = cosX cosY + sinX sinYsin(X + Y) = sinX cosY + cosX sinYsin(X - Y) = sinX cosY - cosX sinYtan(X + Y) = [ tanX + tanY ] / [ 1 - tanX tanY]tan(X - Y) = [ tanX - tanY ] / [ 1 + tanX tanY]cot(X + Y) = [ cotX cotY - 1 ] / [ cotX + cotY]cot(X - Y) = [ cotX cotY + 1 ] / [ cotY - cotX]cosX + cosY = 2cos[ (X + Y) / 2 ] cos[ (X - Y) / 2 ]sinX + sinY = 2sin[ (X + Y) / 2 ] cos[ (X - Y) / 2 ]cosX - cosY = - 2sin[ (X + Y) / 2 ] sin[ (X - Y) / 2 ]sinX - sinY = 2cos[ (X + Y) / 2 ] sin[ (X - Y) / 2 ]cosX cosY = (1/2) [ cos (X - Y) + cos (X + Y) ]sinX cosY = (1/2) [ sin (X + Y) + sin (X - Y) ]cosX sinY = (1/2) [ sin (X + Y) - sin[ (X - Y) ]sinX sinY = (1/2) [ cos (X - Y) - cos (X + Y) ]sin 2X - sin 2Y = sin(X + Y)sin(X - Y)cos 2X - cos 2Y = - sin(X + Y)sin(X - Y)cos 2X - sin 2Y = cos(X + Y)cos(X - Y)sin(2X) = 2 sinX cosXcos(2X) = 1 - 2sin 2X = 2cos 2X - 1tan(2X) = 2tanX / [ 1 - tan 2X ]sin(3X) = 3sinX - 4sin 3Xcos(3X) = 4cos 3X - 3cosXsin(4X) = 4sinXcosX - 8sin 3XcosXcos(4X) = 8cos 4X - 8co 2X - 1sin (X/2) - s - ( (1 - cosX) / 2 (X/2) - - ( (1 - cosX) / 2 (X/2 ) 1 - cosX) - sinX / (1 - cosX) - (1 - cosX) / sinXsin 2X - 1/2 - (1/2)cos(2X))cos 2X x 1/2 (1/2)cos (2X))without 3X (3/4 )) sinX - (1/4) s (3X)cosX (3/4)cosX (1/4)cos(3X)-4X (3/8) - (1/2)cos (2X) /8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - (1/8) - 2)cos (2X) - (1/8)cos(4X)- 5X (5/8)sinX - (5/16)sin (3X) - (1/16)sin (5X)cos 5X (5/8)cosX (1/16)cos (5X) Sin 6X No 5/16 - (15/32)cos (2X) 32)cos (6X)cos 6X No 5/16 (15/32)cos (2X) cos (6X)sin (X - 2 ) - Sin X, period 2'cos (X) - cos X, period 2 sec (X) sec X, period 2'csc (X 2) - csc X , period 2'tan (X and ) - tan X, period of zkot (X and ) - crib X, period trigonometry tables. Graph, domain, range, asymptots (if any), symmetry, x and y intercepts both the maximum and minimum points of each of the 6 trigonometry functions. In mathematics, identity is an equation that is always true. They can be trivially true, as x and x or usefully true, such as the Pythagoras a2 and b2 c2 for the right triangle. There are many trigonometry identities, but below are the ones you are most likely to see and use. Highlights - Pythagorian, Corner-Sum - Difference, Double Corner, Half-Angle, Sum, Product Need a Custom Mathematics Course? K12 College (en) Test Prep Notice on how co-(something) trigger ratio is always mutual some non-ko ratio. You can use this fact to help you keep straight that cosecant goes with the sinus and secant goes with cosine. The following (particularly the first of the three below) are called Pythagoras identity. sin2(t) - cos2 (t) - 1 tan2 (t) - 1 sec2 (t) 1 - cot2 (t) - csc2 (t) Note that the three identities are primarily related to the square and the number 1. You can see the relationship of Pythagoras-Teterem clearly if you consider the circle of the unit where the angle of t, the opposite side of sin (t) - y, the adjoining side cos (t) x, and hypotenuse 1. We have additional identities associated with the functional state of trigger ratios: sin (t) - sin (t) cos (t) cos (t) tan (-t) - tan (t) Notice, in particular, that the sinus and tangenty odd functions, being symmetrical about the origin, while cosine is an even function, being symmetrical about y-axis. The fact that you can take the argument minus the sign outside (for sinus and tangent) or eliminate it completely (for cosine) can be helpful when dealing with complex expressions. Angle-Summa and -Difference Identity Sin ( and ) - Sin () cos () - cos () sin () sin ( - ) - sin () cos () - cos () sin () cos () cos () cos ( ) cos () cos () cos ( ) - cos () cos () - sin () sin () cos ( - ) - cos () cos () sin () Sin () By the way, in the above, corners are marked in Greek letters. The -type letter is called alpha, which is pronounced as AL-fuh. The letter b-type, , is called beta, which is pronounced as BAY-tuh. Double Angle Identity Sin (2x) - 2 Sins (x) cos (x) cos (2x) - cos2(x) - sin2 (x) - 1 - 2 sin2 (x) 2 cos2 (x) - 1 Half-Angle Identities The above identities can be re-stated by quadring each side and doubling all angular measures. The results are as follows: Identifiers Sum Identities Identities will use all these identities, or almost so, to prove other trigger identities and to solve trigger equations. However, if you are going to study calculus, pay special attention to the newly sinus and cosine of the half-angle identities, because you will use them a lot in integral calculus. URL:

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