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Dear Teachers,In this document you will find both an assessment and checklist for use at the beginning of 4th grade. This assessment contains the 3rd grade pivotal standards and fluency. These assessments grew out of Kate Abell’s work with the Math Collective – which is a group comprised of mostly teachers and Math Coaches – many of them local (and now including work with some teachers from this school!). The PS 321 Math Leaders met and reviewed these assessments this summer. Based on their input and feedback, we have been able to create our own Beginning of the Year (BoY) assessments for K-5. The hope is that these can be a useful tool for us in looking at our students’ work as we continue our focus on consistency, differentiation and supports for all students in Math this year.These assessments are meant to be a diagnostic of where students are, and give us ideas as to the work we can do in the year ahead. To help make them as effective as possible toward that end, we ask that you don’t teach content regarding specific questions ahead of time, and that you don’t give any hints. The assessments shouldn’t be timed, and shouldn’t take more than one period. You can fill in the checklist electronically, or use the attached hard copy if that is easier. I will be collecting checklists by grade to help us as we analyze trends. The electronic copy of the spreadsheet will be available to you as a Google Sheet in a shared “Beginning of the Year Assessment” folder for your grade via your account. Each teacher will have an electronic copy available labeled with their name and class number. When filling out the spreadsheet, most questions can be marked as Y (Yes), N (No) or P (Partial).MATH BoY ASSESSMENT TIMEFRAME—We ask that teachers please administer these during the week of 9/21. There will be additional time to score and fill in the electronic or hard copy checklist during PD time on Monday, 9/28. For teachers filling out hard copies of the checklist, please place a photocopy of your checklist in my mailbox after 9/28. I will be speaking with Alex Messer and he will be available to help you fill it out electronically if you would like to and need assistance.We will be looking through and discussing our results together during PD time on Monday, 10/5.Please Note:The Multiplication Quiz and Optional Multiplication Assessment are attached to this document. You should give the Multiplication Quiz as part of this Beginning of the Year Assessment. The page labeled “Optional Multiplication Assessment” is optional, however. You can administer the Optional Multiplication Assessment at the same time you administer the rest of the assessment if you choose. You can also use this as a tool over the course of the year at times that work best for you – such as when deciding on candidates for Multiplication Club.Standard3.NBT.2 Fluently + and – within 10003.OA.3/3.0A6 Solving x and ÷ Problem3.OA.7 Fluently x / ÷ within 1003.0A.8 Solve 2 step problem with 4 operations3.NBT.1- Round whole numbers to 10 and 1003.NF.3AEquivalent Fractions3.NF.2 Represent fractions on a number line3.NF.3DComparing Fractions3.MD.7 and 3.MD.8- Solving area and perimeterStudentQuestion/Activity1 and 23, 4Mult Quiz567, 891011** Multiplication Quiz and Optional Multiplication Assessment attached to this document. Optional Multiplication Assessment can be given with this beginning of year assessment if you choose, or used at other times.Optional Multiplication Assessment5 x 6 =4 x 7 =6 x 4 =4 x 3 =6 x 6 =4 x8 =1 x 12 =6 x 7 =7 x 9 =4 x 4 =2 x 9 =6 x 8 =8 x 8 =0 x 8 = 3 x 9 =5 x 8 =2 x 8 =3 x 7 =5 x 9 =7 x 10 =9 x 9 = 2 x 6 =5 x 3 =10 x 11 =3 x 6 =3 x 2 =7 x 8 =11 x 6 =Multiplication Quiz? x 6 = 12? x 5 = 206 x ? = 54? x 6 = 3028 ÷ 7 = 24 ÷ 4 =16 ÷ 4 =36 ÷ 6 =4 x ? = 3227 ÷ 9 =7 x 7 =2 x 5 =8 x 3 =6 x 7 =7 x 9 =4 x 3 =2 x 9 =6 x 8 =8 x 8 =0 x 8 =7 x 5 =2 x 7 =5 x 5 =1 x 12 =5 x 8 =2 x 8 =3 x 7 =5 x 9 =7 x 10 =9 x 9 =4 x 2 =4 x 9 =3 x 3 =8 x 9 =5 x 3 =10 x 11 =3 x 6 =3 x 2 =7 x 8 =11 x 6 = 3rd Grade End of Year Assessment / 4th Grade Beginning of Year Assessment1. Use any strategy to solve this problem. Show your work. 732 + 189=2. Use any strategy to solve this problem. Show your work.436 – 348=3. I have 8 boxes of paper with 7 packs of paper in each box. How many packs of paper do I have?Write an equation that represents this problem: ______________________________________________________________________________________________Solve the problem.4. We need 48 cans of juice for a party. There are 4 cans of juice in a pack. How many packs do we need?Write an equation that represents this problem: ______________________________________________________________________________________________Solve the problem.5. My sister and I had $8. We earned another $44 babysitting. We decided to share the money equally. How much money did we each get?Write an equation that represents this problem:______________________________________________________________________________________________Solve the problem.6. There are 489 liters of water in the aquarium. The zookeeper added 319 liters. About how many liters are in the aquarium?_____________________________ liters in the aquarium. Explain why your estimate is reasonable:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Joe says that 14 is the same as 28 . Rosa says that can’t be true because 8 is bigger than 4. Use the number line to show whether you agree with Joe or Rosa.2286001644650101Explain how you know Joe or Rosa is right: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________8. Write equivalent fractions. Explain why the fractions are equivalent using a diagram (number line or drawing). 12 = 23 = 14 =22860016700501019. Place these fractions on the number line below.24 31 11 522286001485900412304123 10. Compare these fractions using <, >, =. 26 36 48 46 58 38 34 14 11. My garden is a rectangle that is 9 feet long and 5 feet wide. Draw the garden and label the dimensions.a. What is the perimeter of the garden?b. What is the area of my garden? ................

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