2nd Grade Project Challenge Curriculum

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|4th Grade Project Challenge Curriculum |

|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

|November |Native | How did the first |American History |Students read many books from our |Presentation of research on Native |Various classroom books on Native Americans |

|December |Americans |Americans live? | |extensive classroom library before |American tribes | |

| | | |Multicultural Education|deciding upon the Native American tribe| |Videos |

| | |How do the tribes | |they want to study in depth. |Students create arrowheads on | |

| | |differ from one area of| | |simulated leather with a proverb |Websites for kids about Native Americans |

| | |the country to another?| |Students then become tribes in groups |meaningful to them | |

| | | | |of 3 or 4 per tribe. | | |

| | | | | |Students will write a “legend” to | |

| | |What were some of their| |Students select a leader and a scribe |accompany their Navajo sand paintings| |

| | |beliefs? | |and decide how to share the tasks they | | |

| | | | |must complete. |Class discussions | |

| | |How did they use | | | | |

| | |natural resources? | |Students do research on specific areas | | |

| | | | |related to their tribe. | | |

| | |What are some of the | | | | |

| | |problems they faced | |Field Trip – Lenape Living in the Pines| | |

| | |when the European | | | | |

| | |settlers arrived? | |Navajo Sand Paintings | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |What are some of the | | | | |

| | |issues they face today?| | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |What are proverbs and | | | | |

| | |what do they mean? | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

|January |Mock Trial and |Does court procedure achieve |Social Studies |Students will learn about | |Various classroom books on law, courts, and the |

|February |the Legal System |just and fair results? | |the Constitution, the |Students will perform a mock |Constitution |

| | | |Civics and |importance of the Bill of |trial to be shared with the 4th | |

| | |Why is due process a basic |Government |Rights, and their role in |grade classes |Videos |

| | |right? | |our legal system | | |

| | | | | |Class discussion |Websites for kids about law, courts, and the |

| | |How does the organization of | | | |Constitution |

| | |the Judicial Branch of | | |Students will write their own | |

| | |government work to maintain | |Humpty Dumpty trial |mock trial case as part of the |New Jersey State Bar Foundation “Legal Eagle” |

| | |the integrity of the | | |New Jersey State Bar Foundation |newspaper |

| | |Constitution? | |Visit from an attorney |Law Fair competition | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |How does the rule of law | |New Jersey State Bar | | |

| | |protect the rights of | |Foundation Law Fair | | |

| | |citizens in court? | |competition | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |How can I collaborate in the | | | | |

| | |team to develop a winning | | | | |

| | |argument? | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

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| | | | | | | |

|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

|March |Medieval Times and the|How did people in this time |World History |Construct a model of a castle| Written explanation of | Various classroom books on medieval times, |

|April |Middle Ages |period live? How is your life| | |coat-of-arms |castles, knights, and the Middle Ages |

| | |different from life in the |Social Studies |Students will learn about | | |

| | |Middle Ages? | |heraldry and create a |Students will set up their |Videos |

| | | | |coat-of-arms using colors, |displays as a “Medieval Fair”| |

| | |How was life different for | |patterns, and symbols to |and the other 4th grade |Websites for kids about medieval times, |

| | |nobles and peasants in the | |represent themselves |classes can come through and |castles, knights, and the Middle Ages |

| | |Middle Ages? | | |learn about the various | |

| | | | |Students will choose a topic |topics the students | |

| | |What were the important | |for independent research and |researched | |

| | |events and people of the | |create a written report and a| | |

| | |times? | |visual model or display based| | |

| | | | |on their research | | |

| | |What things were invented | | |Class discussion | |

| | |during the Middle Ages and | | | | |

| | |how were they used? | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |What resources were available| | | | |

| | |to a person living in | | | | |

| | |medieval society? | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | |What were the various parts | | | | |

| | |and functions of a castle in | | | | |

| | |medieval society? | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

|May |Countries Around | How are countries around the |World Cultures |“The Trading Game” – |Written report on country of |Various classroom books on the pioneers, westward |

| |the World |world alike and different? | |international trade and economy |choice including information on|expansion, and the California gold rush |

| | | |Social Studies | |certain topics (population, per| |

| | |How does geography and climate| |Students will select one country |capita, capital city, language,|Websites for kids about pioneers and westward |

| | |affect a country’s economy, | |for independent research and |cultural customs, etc. |expansion |

| | |trade, and culture? | |report | | |

| | | | | |Travel brochure, flag, and |Videos on westward movement – Discovery Kids |

| | |What are the key | |Students will create a travel |written explanation of flag | |

| | |characteristics of | |brochure and a new flag to | | |

| | |international trade? | |represent their country of choice| | |

| | | | | |“United Nations” roundtable | |

| | |How does international trade | | |activity – students share | |

| | |affect a country’s economy? | |Students will read a folktale, |information about their country| |

| | | | |fable, or story from their chosen|and listen and ask questions to| |

| | |How do people from differing | |country and compare/contrast to |other students about their | |

| | |cultural groups and ways of | |our own stories here in the U.S. |countries | |

| | |life work together to solve | | | | |

| | |problems? | |Students will learn about the |Class discussions | |

| | | | |history and purpose of the United| | |

| | | | |Nations | | |

| | | | | | | |

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|Timeline |Topic |Essential Questions |Content/ |Activities |Assessment |Resources |

| | | |Focus | | | |

| |Evaluation of the PC |What has been the value of| |Students will evaluate |Assessment of the year is |Questionnaire |

|June |experience this year |the PC experience for each| |their experience in Project|completed by each student. | |

| | |student? | |Challenge this year by | | |

| | | | |completing a questionnaire |Class discussion | |

| | |What has worked well? | | | | |

| | | | |Students will reflect on | | |

| | |What could be changed or | |the year in PC and share | | |

| | |improved? | |their favorite projects, | | |

| | | | |trips, activities, etc. | | |

| |The following activities will be done throughout the year in our Project Challenge sessions and are ongoing parts of the program: |

|Ongoing Throughout the Year | |

| | |

| |Contests |

| |Poetry |

| |Games |

| |Discussion |

| |Tangrams |

| |Attributes |

| |Logic |

| |Inventing |

| |Art interpretation |

| |Puzzles |

| |Vocabulary development |

| |Creative writing |

| |Critical thinking |

| |Presentations |

| |Plays |

| |Current Events |

| |Problem Solving |

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