|Reader’s Workshop Launch |

|4th Grade |

|Desired Results for the Unit |

|GOALS (What are our relevant goals for this unit?) |

|-Students will learn the expectations of the reading workshop including routines and roles of individuals and teachers |

|-Students will know themselves as readers (selecting appropriate books, strategies and managing talk) |

|OUTCOMES OF UNDERSTANDING (To achieve our goals, what understandings will be needed?) |ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: (What essential questions will focus our goals, stimulate conversation, and guide |

|Students will… |our actions?) |

|-Self select appropriate books | |

|-Build stamina and volume in reading (reading logs) |What do you know about yourself as a reader? |

|-Practice reading strategies (summarization, prediction, |What do good readers do? |

|questioning, visualizing, inferring, synthesizing) |How do the expectations of reader’s workshop help me become a better reader? |

|-Be writing about reading in their readers notebooks | |

|-Be able to thoughtfully talk about books and reflect | |

|about their reading | |

|Assessment Evidence |

|CULMINATING PROJECTS AND PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF LEARNING: |INFORMAL ASSESSMENTS: (What are the key observable indicators of short and long term progress? What data |

| |should be collected?) |

|-Co-created charts: Just right books, parts of a workshop, growing | |

|conversations |Running records |

|-Book recommendation |Conferences |

|Resources |

|UNIT RESOURCES: (What materials and resources are needed to support this unit?) |STUDENT RESOURCES: |

|TC Lessons Lanching the Readers Workshop |Readers Notebook, Reading logs, post-its, realistic fictions books, |

|Suggested read alouds: | |

| |


|WEEK 1: |Good readers have strategies for |Good readers reread to recall where |Good readers reread to regain focus and|Good readers benefit from getting to |Good readers try to increase our |

| |choosing books such as looking over |they left off when they last read a |to get the meaning of what they are |know themselves as readers. |stamina by pushing themselves to read|

| |the cover and reading a page to see |book. |reading. |What kind of books do I like? |more. |

| |if they can read it smoothly. | | |How much do I usually read during | |

| | | | |school reading time? | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | |(Introduce Post-Its) | |

|WEEK 2: | Good readers have people who know |Good readers make recommendations to |Good readers keep track of their |Good readers remember what they have |Mini-lesson designed to lift the |

| |them as readers and take |other readers by comparing the book |reading in reading logs. |read. They stop periodically as they |level of your students retelling. |

| |recommendations from them of books to|to other books and by telling a bit | |read to ask “Whose in this book?” and| |

| |read. |about the character. | |“What is happening?” |Listen to those retelling to figure |

| | | | | |out what the most important tips are |

| | | | | |that you can give them. |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|WEEK 3: |Mini-lesson designed to lift the |Mini-lesson designed to lift the |Mini-lesson designed to lift the level |Good readers summarize a book by |Good readers think about the |

| |level of your students retelling. |level of your students retelling. |of your students retelling. |retelling the story across their |characters in a story and notice what|

| | | | |fingers. |the characters want. |

| |Listen to those retelling to figure |Listen to those retelling to figure |Listen to those retelling to figure out| | |

| |out what the most important tips are |out what the most important tips are |what the most important tips are that | | |

| |that you can give them. |that you can give them. |you can give them. | | |

|Week 4: |Good readers reread when they feel as|Good readers hold on to the story |Good readers build a world of the story|Good readers build a world of the |Good readers have ideas about the |

| |if they are “losing” the story. |from chapter to chapter by asking “Is|as they read by thinking about |story as they read by thinking about |books that they read. |

| | |the scene continuing? Are the |characters and what might happen. |characters and what might happen. | |

| | |characters in the same place? Are | | |- Add a column to the reading log. |

| | |they doing the same thing?” | | | |


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