

Office of State Procurement

Solicitation Amendment

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |One |

|Date issued: |December 8, 2011 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To provide revised Price Sheets for Category Two, Ink and Toner |

| |Amendment must be submitted with response. All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |One (revised Price Sheets) |

|Previously scheduled opening date and time | |New opening date and time |

|January 4, 2012 – 2:00 pm | |(unchanged) |

| | | |

| Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | | signed 12/08/11 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

|Bidder to complete the following: |

|Company: | |

|Authorized Representative: | |

|Signature | |Date |

Please download the following revised Category Two, Ink and Toner Price Sheet. Cells in the original were inadvertently locked. This Price Sheet replaces the original.



Office of State Procurement

Solicitation Amendment #2

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |Two |

|Date issued: |December 22, 2011 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To extend opening date from: January 4 to January 18, 2012 |

| |To provide clarifications/changes/additional information to RFP document, resulting from the prebid conference or |

| |other information |

| |To provide (a) attendee roster; and (b) list of questions and responses from December 19th prebid conference |

| |To provide revised MANDATORY Price Sheets for all three Categories (unlocked protected cells, delete items, adjust |

| |quantities, etc) |

| |( Amendment must be SIGNED and SUBMITTED with response to be deemed responsive. Bids without signed Amendment Two |

| |and the completed revised price sheets will be disqualified. |

| | |

| |All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |Questions/Responses/Clarifications; Prebid Attendee Roster; Revised Price Sheets |

|1. Previously scheduled opening date and time: | |New opening date and time: |

|January 4, 2012 – 2:00 pm | |January 18, 2012 – 2:00 pm |

| | | |

| Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | | signed 12/22/11 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

Bidder Information:

Company Name:

Authorized Representative:




|Reference |Page # | |

|Section One, Clause 1.2 |3 |Add “A voluntary numerical goal of 5% minority and 5% woman business participation has been established for |

| | |this solicitation” |

| | |A “comprehensive Small Business/MWBE outreach plan” is defined as |

| | |“providing a list of existing vendors with name, address and certification designation, if any; demonstrated |

| | |willingness to encourage proposer’s existing vendors/suppliers to seek certification with OMWBE, willingness |

| | |to engage in targeted outreach to Washington State’s mwbe businesses as supplier and vendor within their |

| | |supply chain. Commitment to report spend with certified mwbe businesses on a quarterly basis” |

| | |Add “Only those firms certified by OMWBE can be counted toward a state of Washington’s agency mwbe business |

| | |goals” |

|Section One, Clause 2.4 |4 & 5 |Correct “initial three year term” to read “initial two year term” |

| | |Correct “Delivery Locations” to read “approx 6500 are physical ship to locations with approx 8882 active ship |

| | |to addresses.” Add “Total Number of Accounts: 693” |

| | |Add “Demographic spend is approx 54% in the Olympia/Thurston County area, approx 25% in the Seattle/north |

| | |area, with the remaining spend on the eastern side of the state” |

|Section One, Part Two |10 |Delete the requirement for “descriptive literature” since it was emphasized that you must offer a true |

| | |equivalent in bidding other than the standard of quality provided (house brands cannot be offered in this |

| | |column, see below) |

|Section One, Part Two, | |For all Categories, correct/clarify that “house brands” cannot be offered as an equivalent to the standard of |

|#5 “Submission of Response”| |quality oem provided in Column C (unless a house brand has already been specified). “House brands” are only |

| | |allowed in the column(s) specifically designated in each Price Sheet (column designated “compatibles” in |

| | |Category Two, Ink and Toner) |

|Appendix D |10 |Download the following revised Price Sheets which supersede the prior forms Protected cells have been |

| | |unlocked, sku’s have been provided for Category One, some items have been deleted from Category Two and annual|

| | |usage quantities adjusted. THESE REVISED FORMS MUST BE USED AND SUBMITTED. |

| | |[pic][pic][pic] |



|1 |Michael Scanes |Printer Ink Source |

|2 |Cindy Henderson |Office Depot |

|3 |Kaylea Kuhlman |Department of Corrections |

|4 |Ken Cohrs |Department of Transportation |

|5 |Carla Nustrom |Department of Social & Health Services |

|6 |Greg Russell |Staples |

|7 |Kyle Diamond |Staples |

|8 |Nick Braden |Magnum Print Solutions |

|9 |Al Lynden |Chuckal’s Office Products |

|10 |Steven Sterne |Keeney’s |

|11 |Lisa Kenney |Keeney’s |

|12 |Mark Blake |Keeney’s |

|13 |Shannon Moore |Keeney’s |

|14 |Steve Duhamel |Keeney’s |

|15 |Spencer Priett |The Creative Office |

|16 |Lowell Gorden |The Creative Office |

|17 |Dan Marcus |Complete Office |

|18 |Kyle Nark |Complete Office |

|19 |David Patterson |Complete Office |

|20 |Tracy Savage |Pacific NW Business Products |

|21 |Kelly Cudworth |Pacific NW Business Products |

|22 |Jim Chatfield |Office Max |

|23 |Jad Hamdan |Office Max |

|24 |Gerald Ballard |OMWBE |

|25 |Larry Golden |Office Depot |

|26 |Francine Smith |Office Depot |

|27 |Lance Yount |Labor & Industries |

|28 |Shannon Kingsley |Department of Licensing |

|29 |Tim Shay |Department of Enterprise Services |

|30 |Jennifer Burbage |Department of Enterprise Services |

|31 |Melanie Williams |Department of Enterprise Services |


| |Question |Response |

|1. |Will the state consider multiple awards within the three Categories? |No, the RFP was structured to consider a single award for each of |

| | |three categories. |

|2. |Would you consider combining Category One and Category Three for a single|No, although the scoring of the RFP’s may result in award to fewer |

| |award? |than three contractors. You may also choose to bid on an “all or |

| | |none” basis for these two categories. |

|3. |What level is the pcard used for payment purposes? |Although substantial due to rebates and decreased administrative |

| | |costs, we are unable to provide specific usage. Customers can |

| | |choose to pay via pcard at time of order placement, or choose to be|

| | |billed monthly – and then pay via pcard (or electronic funds |

| | |transfer). |

|4. |Can we offer a discount for payment via pcard? |Yes, see Appendix D, although due to the above, it cannot be a |

| | |factor during evaluation |

|5. |By awarding three separate categories, will that foster small business |We believe so, primarily for Category Two, Ink & Toner. |

| |participation? | |

|6. |Is it your intent to award to a single vendor? |See response to item 2 |

|7. |Will you consider pre-bates? |No, instead we expect you to pass along any cost initiatives in |

| | |your bid pricing |

|8. |Is there a mechanism to steer agencies from purchasing off contract? |No, although we do our best to steer purchases to the contract. Off|

| | |contract spend is typically determined by the individual agency. |

|9. |Going forward, would you consider a different method of evaluation and |No, the current process identified was given thoughtful |

| |award? |consideration |

|10. |Are we looking at a potential of 9000 items plus with the possible |Highly doubtful although we do want as many of those types of items|

| |addition of house brands, recycled, reman and compatibles? |made available as possible for cost saving and green initiatives. |

|11. |Who can block items from potential product lists? |The customers |

|12. |Would you consider bidder changes to the Terms and Conditions? |Taking exception to the Standard Terms and Conditions will result |

| | |in your bid being considered nonresponsive. You may propose changes|

| | |to the Special Terms and Conditions however they must not |

| | |materially affect your bid response or your bid will be considered |

| | |nonresponsive. |

|13. |If we can offer an equivalent, can we bid it? |Yes |

|14. |Can Office Depot provide the sku’s? |Yes, they’ve been incorporated into the revised price sheets |

|15. |Can Office Depot provide breakdown of desk top versus loading dock |Yes, they’ve indicated that approx. 6500 ship to locations |

| |deliveries? |represent desktop delivery with 8882 locations overall |

|16. |For Category One, Office Supplies, it appears that the total column for |That was done intentionally since pricing is not a consideration in|

| |the “green” items is missing |award |

|17. |Is the state looking for bids on the same quantity by line item? |Note that “multipliers” have been built in by line the event you |

| | |can offer specified alternatives (house brands, compatibles & |

| | |remans) |

|18. |Can Office Depot provide level of EFT and Pcard payments? |They are unable to do so at this point in time |

|19. |Can Office Depot provide the rate of customers returns? |Office Depot reports that the rate is approx. 1% |

|20. |Is Hewlett Packard extending their “Big Deal” to all bidders? |We do not presume to know what pricing manufacturers choose to |

| | |extend to specific distributors |

|21. |Can you provide the demographic spend? |Demographic spend is approx 54% in the Olympia/Thurston County |

| | |area, approx 25% in the Seattle/north area, with the remaining |

| | |spend on the eastern side of the state |

|22. |Why is Clause #27 “Billing Accuracy” highlighted in Appendix B? |It was intended as a reminder for OSP to double check the 99% |

| | |billing accuracy statement (which remains unchanged) |

|23. |Would the prompt payment discount be applied to pcard transactions? |If the bidder indicates it does |

[End of Questions]


Office of State Procurement

Solicitation Amendment #3

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |Three |

|Date issued: |December 23, 2011 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To provide revised MANDATORY Price Sheets for all three Categories (unlocked protected cells, delete items, adjust |

| |quantities, etc). The set provided with Amendment #2 were flawed. |

| |( Amendment must be SIGNED and SUBMITTED with response to be deemed responsive. Bids without signed Amendment Three |

| |and the completed revised price sheets will be disqualified. |

| | |

| |All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |Revised Price Sheets |

|1. Previously scheduled opening date and time: | |New opening date and time: |

|January 4, 2012 – 2:00 pm | |January 18, 2012 – 2:00 pm |

| | | |

| Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | | signed 12/22/11 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

RFP #04411

Amendment #3

Bidder Information:

Company Name:

Authorized Representative:



|Appendix D |10 |Download the following revised Price Sheets which supersede the prior forms Protected cells have been |

| | |unlocked, sku’s have been provided for all categories, some items have been deleted from Category Two and |

| | |annual usage quantities adjusted. THESE REVISED FORMS MUST BE USED AND SUBMITTED. |

| | | |

| | |[pic][pic][pic] |


Office of State Procurement

Solicitation Amendment #4

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |Four |

|Date issued: |January 5, 2012 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To re-emphasize the following in response to bidder request: |

| | |

| |For all categories, you must bid the “OEM” product specified (or an actual “OEM” equivalent). House brands or |

| |compatibles may only be offered in the columns specifically designated. If you have an equivalent house brand or |

| |compatible, you cannot offer it as an “OEM”. |

| | |

| |All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |None |

|1. Previously scheduled opening date and time: | |New opening date and time: |

|January 4, 2012 – 2:00 pm | |January 18, 2012 – 2:00 pm |

| | | |

| Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | | signed 01/05/12 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

Bidder Information:

Company Name:

Authorized Representative:




Office of State Procurement

Solicitation Amendment #5

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |Five |

|Date issued: |January 12, 2012 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To post updated Appendix B – Special Terms and Conditions with updated : |

| | |

| |[pic] |

| | |

| |All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |None |

|Previously revised bid due date and time remains unchanged: |

| |

|January 18, 2012 – 2:00 pm |

| | | |

|Heidi Bohl for Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | |signed 01/12/12 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

Bidder Information:

Company Name:

Authorized Representative:



Solicitation Amendment #6

|IFB/RFQ Reference #: |RFP #04411 |

|Title: |Office Supplies, Ink and Toner, and Paper (Desk Top Delivery) |

|Amendment number: |Six |

|Date issued: |January 17, 2012 |

The above referenced solicitation is amended as follows:

|Purpose: |To postpone bid due date until January 25, 2012 due to inclement weather. |

| |All other Terms, Conditions, and Specifications remain unchanged. |

|Attachments: |None |

|Previously scheduled opening date and time: | |New bid due date and time: |

|January 18, 2012 – 2:00 pm | |January 25, 2012 – 2:00 pm |

| | | |

|Heidi Bohl for Connie Stacy, Contracts Specialist | |signed 01/17/12 |

|Phone: (360) 407-9403 | | |

Bidder Information:

Company Name:

Authorized Representative:




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