SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALFigure e-1 Flowchart of patients’ selection DMT = disease-modifying treatments.Figure e-2 Comparison of each DMT vs placeboForest plot for the comparison of each DMT vs placebo in our study and in the previous network meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials. DMF = dimethyl fumarate; DMT = disease-modifying treatment; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; RR = relapse ratio.18–20Figure e-3 Comparison of the effectiveness of cladribine vs other DMTsForest plot to compare the effectiveness of cladribine vs the other DMT in our study with those reported in a previous network meta-analysis. DMF = dimethyl fumarate; DMT = disease-modifying treatment; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; RR = relapse ratio.Figure e-4 Comparative effectiveness of cladribine vs other DMTs on time to disability progressionForest plot for HR of cladribine vs each other DMT on time to disability progression. DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HR = hazard ratio; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; TERI = teriflunomide.Figure e-5 EDSS progression-free survival over 2 years from treatment startDMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-1 Number of patients, unweighted baseline characteristics, and follow-up duration in each treatment group for all patients included in the analysisCLARITY (n=945)IFN (n=1168)STD DIFF vs CLARITYGA (n=402)STD DIFF vs CLARITYFTY (n=113)STD DIFF vs CLARITYNTZ (n=149)STD DIFF vs CLARITYDMF (n=295)STD DIFF vs CLARITYTERI (n=77)STD DIFF vs CLARITYAge, years, mean (SD)38.7 (10.3)35 (10)0.3739.9 (11.5)0.1135.3 (10.8)0.3332.2 (9.7)0.6436.3 (10.2)0.2346.3 (12)0.73Females, n (%)622 (65.8)762 (65.2)0.012293 (72.9)0.1564 (56.6)0.1982 (55)0.22181 (61.4)0.0939 (50.7)0.31EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.90 (1.28);3 (2–4)1.81 (1.00);1.5 (1–2.5)0.961.82 (1.07);1.5 (1–2)0.882.47 (1.15);2.5 (1.5–3)0.342.63 (1.14);2.5 (2–3.5)0.211.59 (1.02);1.5 (1–2)1.072.47 (1.26);2 (1.5–3.5)0.34Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.15 (5.42);2(0.56–5.86)2.33 (4.21);0.62 (0.2–2.3)0.383.07 (5.55);0.97 (0.3–3.1)0.203.27 (5.6);1.23 (0.21–3.96)0.161.83 (3.44);0.51 (0.15–2.1)0.452.27 (4.16);0.54 (0.2–2.1)0.375.93 (7.51);2.29 (0.5–9.8)0.32ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.34 (0.59)1.26 (0.49)0.151.25 (0.49)0.161.45 (0.70)0.181.55 (0.73)0.341.21 (0.46)0.231.09 (0.33)0.44Active lesions, n (%)292 (30.9)457/1023 (44.7)0.29174/376 (46.3)0.3251/90 (56.7)0.5495/128 (74.2)0.96153/276 (55.4)0.5131/72 (43.1)0.24Follow-up duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)1.74 (0.34); 1.83 (1.82–1.84)1.48 (0.64); 2?(0.93–2)-1.31 (0.68); 1.40 (0.67–2)-1.29 (0.71); 1.43 (0.67–2)-1.49 (0.65); 1.92 (1.03–2)-1 (0.63); 0.98 (0.45–1.51)-1.07 (0.66); 0.97 (0.47–1.75)-Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; IQR = interquartile range; NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d; TERI = teriflunomide.Table e-2 Baseline characteristics and the follow-up duration for all patients in the CLARITY study Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)Age, years, mean (SD)39 (10.1)38 (10.7)39.1 (10)Females, n (%)201 (65.9)210 (65.2)213 (67)EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.88 (1.30); 3?(2–4)2.88 (1.20); 2.5?(2–3.5)2.95 (1.36); 3?(2–4)Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.26 (5.61); 2?(0.6–5.8)4.05 (5.57); 1.8 (0.6–5.6)4.16 (5.06); 2.3 (0.5–6.4)ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.35 (0.56)1.35 (0.61)1.33 (0.61)Active lesions, n (%)91 (29.8)102 (31.7)99 (31.1)Follow-up duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)1.72 (0.37); 1.83 (1.82–1.84)1.78 (0.27); 1.83 (1.82–1.84)1.74 (0.34); 1.83 (1.82–1.84)Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IQR = interquartile range.Table e-3 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of IFN with placebo and cladribineIFN vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF IFN vs placeboSTD DIFF IFN vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF IFN vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)IFN (n=1168)Age, years, mean (SD)37.6 (9.5)36.9 (10.7)37.5 (10)36.6 (10.7)0.0960.0280.085Females, n (%)202 (66.2)203 (63.2)222 (69.8)768 (65.7)0.010.0570.087EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.46 (1.26); 2 (1.5–3)2.50 (1.14); 2 (1.5–3.5)2.42 (1.35); 2 (1.5–3.5)2.11 (1.17); 2 (1–3)0.290.340.25Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.56 (4.62); 0.6 (0.2–2.6)2.51 (4.6); 0.63 (0.22–2.45)2.34 (4.15); 0.39 (0.18–2.70)2.75 (4.68); 0.7 (0.2–2.9) in previous year, mean (SD)1.32 (0.56)1.35 (0.58)1.30 (0.56)1.33 (0.58)0.0170.0340.052Active lesions, n (%)96 (31.5)101 (31.5)109 (34.3)435/1023 (42.5) analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesions.Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IFN = interferon β; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d. Table e-4 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of GA with placebo and cladribineGA vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF GA vs placeboSTD DIFF GA vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF GA vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)GA (n=402)Age, years, mean (SD)38.9 (9.8)38.3 (10.7)39 (10)39.5 (11.8)0.0540.110.045Females, n (%)204 (66.9)209 (64.9)215 (67.6)269 (66.9)0.00060.0420.015EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.69 (1.30); 2.5 (1.5–3.5)2.71 (1.17); 2.5 (2–3.5)2.74 (1.36); 2.5 (1.5–3.5)2.28 (1.32); 2 (1–3)0.310.340.34Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)3.46 (5.22); 1.18 (0.36–4.44)3.36 (5.20); 1.08 (0.33–4.39)3.32 (4.74); 1.19 (0.26–4.84)3.10 (5.57); 1.00 (0.17–3)0.0660.0480.042ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.34 (0.56)1.35 (0.60)1.32 (0.58)1.32 (0.56)0.0360.0520.000Active lesions, n (%)92 (30.1)99 (30.7)101 (31.8)146/376 (38.7) analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesions Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; GA = glatiramer acetate; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d. Table e-5 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of FTY with placebo and cladribineFTY vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF FTY vs placeboSTD DIFF FTY vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF FTY vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)FTY (n=113)Age, years, mean (SD)38.7 (10.1)37.7 (10.8)38.8 (10)38.1 (11.6)0.0560.0390.063Females, n (%)198 (64.9)207 (64.3)209 (65.7)69 (61.1)0.0790.0670.097EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.84 (1.30); 2.5(2–4)2.83 (1.18); 2.5(2–3.5)2.90 (1.37); 3?(2–4)2.81 (1.23); 2.5?(2–3.5)0.0250.0220.072Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.18 (5.55); 1.9 (0.6–5.8)3.97 (5.50); 1.76 (0.5–5.5)4.09 (5.03); 2.31 (0.5–6.3)3.90 (6.11); 1.79 (0.3–5.6)0.0470.0100.034ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.36 (0.57)1.36 (0.62)1.34 (0.61)1.36 (0.57)0.0060.0050.029Active lesions, n (%)92 (30.2)102 (31.8)100 (31.5)48/90 (53.3)0.480.450.45Sensitivity analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesions. Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse-rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting. Table e-6 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of NTZ with placebo and cladribineNTZ vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF NTZ vs placeboSTD DIFF NTZ vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF NTZ vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)NTZ (n=149)Age, years, mean (SD)38.2 (10.2)37.1 (10.8)38.4 (10.1)36.6 (10.9)0.150.0390.16Females, n (%)195 (63.9)204 (63.3)209 (65.7)84 (56.4), mean (SD); median (IQR)2.85 (1.29); 3?(2–4)2.84 (1.18); 2.5 (2–3.5)2.91 (1.37); 3?(2–4)2.74 (1.10); 2.5?(2–3.5)0.0930.0870.14Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)3.96 (5.37); 1.82 (0.55–5.21)3.74 (5.31); 1.62 (0.51–4.85)3.90 (4.88); 1.98 (0.46–6.06)3.28 (5.10); 0.95 (0.17–4.58)0.130.0890.12ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.37 (0.58)1.38 (0.63)1.36 (0.63)1.42 (0.66)0.0880.0760.094Active lesions, n (%)94 (30.8)104 (32.3)102 (32)89/128 (69.5)0.490.470.47Sensitivity analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesions. Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d. Table e-7 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of DMF with placebo and cladribineDMF vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF DMF vs placeboSTD DIFF DMF vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF DMF vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)DMF (n=295)Age, years, mean (SD)38.6 (10)37.7 (10.7)38.5 (10)38.1 (10.2)0.0500.0380.039Females, n (%)199 (65.3)209 (64.9)210 (66)197 (66.8)0.0320.040.016EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.65 (1.31); 2.5?(1.5–3.5)2.68 (1.19);2.5 (2–3.5)2.69 (1.39); 2.5 (1.5–3.5)2.38 (1.23); 2.5 (1.5–3) duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)3.90 (5.27); 1.8 (0.5–5.2)3.73 (5.26); 1.62 (0.51–4.85)3.89 (4.85); 1.98 (0.44–6.07)3.59 (5.61); 0.76 (0.3–4.4)0.0570.0250.056ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.33 (0.55)1.34 (0.59)1.31 (0.58)1.29 (0.53)0.0740.0890.036Active lesions, n (%)92 (30.2)102 (31.7)100 (31.5)134/276 (48.6)0.380.350.35Sensitivity analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesionsAbbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse-rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d. Table e-8 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of TERI with placebo and cladribineTERI vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF TERI vs placeboSTD DIFF TERI vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF TERI vs cladribine 5.25Placebo (n=305)Cladribine 3.5 (n=322)Cladribine 5.25 (n=318)TERI (n=77)Age, years, mean (SD)39.4 (10.2)38.4 (10.2)39.4 (10)39.3 (11.8)0.0090.0860.01Females, n (%)200 (65.6)207 (64.3)208 (65.4)45 (58.4), mean (SD); median (IQR)2.85 (1.30); 3 (2–4)2.85 (1.19); 2.5 (2–3.5)2.91 (1.36); 3 (2–4)2.56 (1.34); 2 (1.5–3.5) duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.31 (5.64); 2.08 (0.63–5.90)4.16 (5.71); 1.81 (0.57–5.63)4.21 (5.15); 2.32 (0.51–6.38)3.76 (5.88); 1.05 (0.54–3.98)0.0970.070.085ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.33 (0.55)1.34 (0.60)1.32 (0.59)1.32 (0.57)0.0180.0340.000Active lesions, n (%)92 (30.2)100 (31.1)97 (30.5)19/72 (26.4)0.0840.100.09Sensitivity analysis including in the calculation of IPTW also MRI lesionsAbbreviations: ARR: annualized relapse-rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d; TERI = teriflunomide.Table e-9 Summary of the results of the treatment effects vs placebo in pivotal clinical trials18–20All patients IFN-1a (44)IFN-1b (250)IFN-1a (30)GA (20)GA (40)FTYNTZDMF (240)ARR ratio (95% CI)0.69 (0.60–0.79)0.70 (0.61–0.82)0.84 (0.77–0.93)0.69 (0.62–0.76)0.66 (0.55–0.78)0.47 (0.41–0.53)0.31 (0.27–0.36)0.48 (0.42–0.55)Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab. Table e-10 ARR ratio of the two doses of cladribine vs other drugsIPTW clinical variablesIPTW clinical + MRI variablesARR ratio (95% CI)ARR ratio (95% CI)IFN vs placebo0.764 (0.644–0.907); p=0.0020.792 (0.662–0.947); p=0.011Cladribine 3.5 mg vs IFN0.489 (0.392–0.609); p<0.0010.474 (0.376–0.597); p<0.001Cladribine 5.25 mg vs IFN0.470 (0.378–0.584); p<0.0010.443 (0.352–0.557); p<0.001GA vs placebo0.783 (0.568–1.077); p=0.130.786 (0.569–1.085); p=0.14Cladribine 3.5 mg vs GA0.489 (0.337–0.71); p<0.0010.488 (0.335–0.712); p<0.001Cladribine 5.25 mg vs GA0.498 (0.343–0.722); p<0.0010.491 (0.336–0.716); p<0.001FTY vs placebo0.54 (0.32–0.89); p=0.0160.47 (0.28–0.79); p=0.005Cladribine 3.5 mg vs FTY0.73 (0.43–1.25); p=0.250.83 (0.48–1.45); p=0.52Cladribine 5.25 mg vs FTY0.75 (0.44–1.28); p=0.290.85 (0.49–1.47); p=0.56NTZ vs placebo0.17 (0.09–0.31); p<0.0010.15 (0.08–0.29); p<0.001Cladribine 3.5 mg vs NTZ2.28 (1.22–4.27); p=0.0092.55 (1.34–4.86); p=0.004Cladribine 5.25 mg vs NTZ2.32 (1.24–4.35); p=0.0092.49 (1.30–4.76); p=0.006DMF vs placebo0.65 (0.44–0.97); p=0.0360.64 (0.43–0.94); p=0.024Cladribine 3.5 mg vs DMF0.6 (0.39–0.94); p=0.0240.64 (0.42–0.99); p=0.043Cladribine 5.25 mg vs DMF0.6 (0.39–0.93); p=0.0230.62 (0.40–0.96); p=0.031Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-11 Risk of 24-week disability progression of cladribine 3.5 mg and cladribine 5.25?mg vs other drugsIPW clinical variablesIPW clinical + MRI variablesHR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)IFN (n=1128) vs placebo0.72 (0.55–0.94); p=0.0170.75 (0.57–0.99); p=0.046Cladribine 3.5 mg vs IFN0.77 (0.56–1.06); p=0.110.72 (0.51–1.01); p=0.055Cladribine 5.25 mg vs IFN0.95 (0.71–1.27); p=0.710.90 (0.66–1.22); p=0.48GA (n=379) vs placebo0.93 (0.58–1.47); p=0.741.00 (0.63–1.59); p=0.99Cladribine 3.5 mg vs GA0.59 (0.35–0.99); p=0.0450.53 (0.31–0.90); p=0.018Cladribine 5.25 mg vs GA0.69 (0.42–1.14); p=0.150.63 (0.38–1.04); p=0.073FTY (n=108) vs placebo0.61 (0.30–1.27); p=0.190.65 (0.32–1.30); p=0.23Cladribine 3.5 mg vs FTY0.80 (0.37–1.73); p=0.570.76 (0.36–1.59); p=0.47Cladribine 5.25 mg vs FTY0.99 (0.47–2.11); p=0.990.92 (0.45–1.90); p=0.83NTZ (n=134) vs placebo0.45 (0.22–0.92); p=0.0280.35 (0.16–0.78); p=0.01Cladribine 3.5 mg vs NTZ1.09 (0.51–2.31); p=0.831.40 (0.61–3.22); p=0.43Cladribine 5.25 mg vs NTZ1.32 (0.63–2.78); p=0.461.63 (0.71–3.73); p=0.25DMF (n=262) vs placebo0.54 (0.29–1.00); p=0.0510.68 (0.38–1.19); p=0.18Cladribine 3.5 mg vs DMF0.95 (0.49–1.84); p=0.870.75 (0.41–1.39); p=0.36Cladribine 5.25 mg vs DMF1.19 (0.63–2.26); p=0.600.86 (0.47–1.56); p=0.61Abbreviations: DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HR = hazard ratio; IFN = interferon β; IPW = inverse probability weighting; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-12 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of IFN, GA, and FTY vs CLARITY study in low and highly active groupsCLARITY (n=945)IFN (n=1168)STD DIFF IFN vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=945)GA (n=402)STD DIFF GA vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=945)FTY (n=113)STD DIFF FTY vs CLARITYHDA N(n=670)HDA Y(n=275)HDA N(n=896)HDA Y(n=272)HDA NHDA YHDA N(n=670)HDA Y(n=275)HDA N(n=312)HDA Y(n=90)HDA NHDA YHDA N(n=670)HDA Y(n=275)HDA N(n=72)HDA Y(n=41)HDA NHDA YAge38 (10)35.7 (10.1)36.3 (10.5)37.4 (11.3)0.170.1639.5 (10.1)37 (10.1)40 (12.6)38.2 (9.5)0.0470.1239.2 (10.3)36.5 (10.2)38.8 (12)36.6 (10)0.0380.006Females, n (%)443 (66.1)186 (67.7)581 (64.8)187 (68.8)0.0270.024447 (66.7)182 (66.3)199 (63.8)70 (77.8)0.070.23438 (65.3)176 (64.1)42 (58)27 (66.5)0.0890.013EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.47 (1.21)2.43 (1.37)2.03 (1.11)2.32 (1.29)0.380.082.71 (1.25)2.72 (1.36)2.21 (1.24)2.45 (1.52)0.400.192.84 (1.26)2.88 (1.35)2.85 (1.23)2.69 (1.10)0.0070.16Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.67 (4.67)1.93 (3.78)2.77 (4.60)2.69 (4.88)0.0220.173.71 (5.29)2.55 (4.30)3.46 (6.07)2.14 (3.81)0.0430.104.54 (5.60)2.98 (4.56)4.43 (6.93)2.64 (3.49)0.0180.08ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0.04)2.16 (0.42)1 (0)2.19 (0.46)0.0580.071 (0.05)2.17 (0.44)1 (0)2.18 (0.39)0.0690.0281 (0.06)2.18 (0.47)1 (0)2.22 (0.65)0.0790.069Active lesions, n (%)208 (31.1)99 (36)338/795 (42.6)96/228 (42.1)0.240.13196 (29.2)95 (34.5)114/298 (38.1)32/78 (40.5)0.190.12197 (29.4)97 (35.2)32/63 (50.8)19/32 (59)0.450.49Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = yes); IFN = interferon β; STD DIFF = standardized difference.Table e-13 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of NTZ, DMF vs CLARITY study in low and highly active groupsCLARITY (n=945)NTZSTD DIFF NTZ vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=945)DMF STD DIFF DMF vs CLARITYHDA N (n=670)HDA Y (n=275)HDA N (n=86)HDA Y (n=63)HDA NHDA YHDA N (n=670)HDA Y (n=275)HDA N (n=238)HDA Y (n=57)HDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)38.8 (10.4)35.9 (10.2)37.7 (11.7)34.5 (9.1)0.090.1439 (10.2)36.4 (10.1)38.4 (10.5)37.4 (9.2)0.060.10Females, n (%)433 (64.7)176 (63.9)49 (57)35 (55.6)0.140.15441 (65.9)175 (63.8)154 (64.7)43 (75.3)0.0380.25EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.86 (1.25)2.89 (1.35)2.67 (1.08)2.86 (1.12)0.160.0232.66 (1.26)2.73 (1.38)2.40 (1.29)2.32 (1.01)0.200.34Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.34 (5.45)2.80 (4.35)3.35 (5.20)3.15 (4.94)0.190.0754.23 (5.33)2.80 (4.38)4.23 (6.11)1.69 (3.04)0.0010.30ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0.06)2.19 (0.48)1 (0)2.25 (0.50) (0.05)2.17 (0.44)1 (0)2.15 (0.36)0.0780.042Active lesions, n (%)200 (29.8)99 (35.8)51/75 (68.5)39/53 (72.7)0.830.79197 (29.5)96 (35.1)110/222 (49.5)25/54 (45.9)0.420.22Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; HDA = high disease activity (N = No; Y = Yes); NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized difference.Table e-14 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of IFN with placebo and cladribine according to HDA subgroups IFN vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF IFN vs placeboSTD DIFF IFN vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF IFN vs cladribine 5.25Placebo Cladribine 3.5Cladribine 5.25IFN HDA N (n=212)HDA Y (n=93)HDA N (n=228)HDA Y (n=94)HDA N (n=230)HDA Y (n=88)HDA N (n=896)HDA Y (n=272)HDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)38.2 (9.3)36.3 (10)37.6 (10.9)35.2 (10.3)38.1 (9.9)35.7 (10)36.3 (10.5)37.4 (11.3), n (%)145 (68.4)57 (61)136 (59.6)67 (71.3)161 (70)61 (69.3)581 (64.8)187 (68.8)0.0750.160.110.0550.110.012EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.46 (1.19)2.45 (1.43)2.55 (1.13)2.37 (1.15)2.41 (1.28)2.47 (1.54)2.03 (1.11)2.32 (1.29)0.380.0980.470.0400.330.11Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.72 (4.72)2.14 (4.34)2.81 (4.94)1.79 (3.63)2.50 (4.38)1.88 (3.37)2.77 (4.60)2.69 (4.88) in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0)2.16 (0.37)1.0 (0.05)2.16 (0.44)1 (0.05)2.16 (0.45)1 (0)2.19 (0.46)-0.068-0.066-0.066Active lesions, n (%)69 (32.5)37 (40)77 (33.8)33 (35.3)80 (34.8)38 (43)338/795 (42.6)96/228 (42.1) ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = yes); IFN = interferon β; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-15 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of GA with placebo and cladribine according to HDA subgroupsGA vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF GA vs placeboSTD DIFF GA vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF GA vs cladribine 5.25Placebo Cladribine 3.5Cladribine 5.25GAHDA N (n=212)HDA Y (n=93)HDA N (n=228)HDA Y (n=94)HDA N (n=230)HDA Y (n=88)HDA N (n=312)HDA Y (n=90)HDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)39.7 (9.5)37.1 (10.4)39 (10.9)36.4 (10.1)39.7 (9.9)37.4 (10)40 (12.6)38.2 (9.5)0.0260.110.0820.180.0310.08Females, n (%)148 (69.8)56 (60)141 (61.8)68 (72.6)157 (68.3)58 (65.9)199 (63.8)70 (77.8)0.140.360.0330.0910.100.24EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.68 (1.24)2.73 (1.43)2.75 (1.15)2.60 (1.22)2.70 (1.34)2.85 (1.45)2.2 (1.24)2.45 (1.52)0.370.190.450.110.380.27Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)3.77 (5.34)2.71 (4.87)3.75 (5.53)2.41 (4.19)3.60 (5.01)2.54 (3.82)3.46 (6.07)2.14 (3.81)0.0540.130.0490.0670.0260.10ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0)2.15 (0.36)1.0 (0.06)2.19 (0.48)1 (0.06)2.17 (0.49)1 (0)2.18 (0.39)-0.080.0850.010.0820.023Active lesions, n (%)63 (30)33 (35.4)71 (31)33 (35)70 (30.4)34 (38.1)114/298 (38.1)32/78 (40.5) ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; GA = glatiramer acetate; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = yes); STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-16 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of FTY with placebo and cladribine according to HDA subgroupsFTY vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF FTY vs placeboSTD DIFF FTY vs cladribine 3.5Std difference FTY vs cladribine 5.25Placebo Cladribine 3.5Cladribine 5.25FTYHDA N (n=212)HDA Y (n=93)HDA N (n=228)HDA Y (n=94)HDA N (n=230)HDA Y (n=88)HDA N (n=72)HDA Y (n=41)HDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)39.8 (9.7)36.5 (10.6)38.5 (11)35.8 (10)39.5 (10)37.2 (10)38.8 (12)36.6 (10)0.0880.0040.0270.070.0610.06Females, n (%)145 (68.5)53 (57.1)139 (61)68 (72.2)154 (67)55 (62.8)42 (58)27 (66.5), mean (SD); median (IQR)2.81 (1.25)2.9 (1.4)2.88 (1.16)2.73 (1.23)2.85 (1.35)3 (1.4)2.85 (1.23)2.69 (1.10)0.0340.160.0180.0330.0050.27Disease duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.65 (5.65)3.13 (5.18)4.46 (5.84)2.80 (4.41)4.52 (5.32)3.02 (4.03)4.43 (6.93)2.64 (3.49)0.0350.110.0050.0390.0150.095ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0)2.14 (0.35)1.01 (0.07)2.21 (0.50)1 (0.07)2.20 (0.54)1 (0)2.22 (0.65)0.150.0990.0290.0920.034Active lesions, n (%)64 (30.3)33 (35.5)74 (32.2)35 (37.4)71 (31)34 (38.5)32/63 (50.8)19/32 (59)0.470.520.430.480.450.45Abbreviations: ARR: annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = Yes); STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-17 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of NTZ with placebo and cladribine according to HDA subgroupsNTZ vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF NTZ vs placeboSTD DIFF NTZ vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF NTZ vs cladribine 5.25Placebo Cladribine 3.5Cladribine 5.25NTZHDA N (n=212)HDA Y (n=93)HDA N (n=228)HDA Y (n=94)HDA N (n=230)HDA Y (n=88)HDA N (n=86)HDA Y (n=63)HDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)39.4 (9.8)35.8 (10.7)37.9 (11.)35.2 (9.9)39.1 (10.1)36.6 (10)37.7 (11.7)34.5 (9.1), n (%)143 (67.5)52 (55.9)137 (60)67 (71.6)154 (67)55 (62.8)49 (57)35 (55.6), mean (SD); median (IQR)2.82 (1.24)2.91 (1.40)2.88 (1.16)2.73 (1.24)2.86 (1.35)3 (1.40)2.67 (1.08)2.86 (1.12) duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.46 (5.53)2.93 (4.90)4.24 (5.66)2.63 (4.23)4.33 (5.19)2.85 (3.87)3.35 (5.20)3.15 (4.94) in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0)2.15 (0.36)1.01 (0.07)2.21 (0.51)1 (0.06)2.22 (0.55)1 (0)2.25 (0.50)- lesions, n (%)68 (32.1)37 (39.8)78 (34.4)39 (41)77 (33.5)37 (42)51/75 (68.5)39/53 (72.7)0.860.820.810.790.830.75Abbreviations: ARR: annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = yes); NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-18 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of DMF with placebo and cladribine according to HDA subgroupsDMF vs cladribine vs placeboSTD DIFF DMF vs placeboSTD DIFF DMF vs cladribine 3.5STD DIFF DMF vs cladribine 5.25Placebo Cladribine 3.5Cladribine 5.25DMFHDA N (n=212)HDA Y (n=93)HDA N (n=228)HDA Y (n=94)HDA N (n=230)HDA Y (n=88)HDA N (n=238)HDA Y (n=57)HDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YHDA NHDA YAge, years, mean (SD)39.5 (9.7)36.6 (10.6)38.5 (11)35.7 (9.9)39.1 (10)36.9 (10)38.4 (10.5)37.4 (9.2)0.110.0820.0090.170.0690.049Females, n (%)145 (68.5)54 (58.1)142 (62.4)67 (71.1)154 (66.8)56 (63.1)154 (64.7)43 (75.3)0.100.390.0340.0950.0580.27EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.62 (1.26)2.73 (1.43)2.71 (1.16)2.61 (1.24)2.64 (1.36)2.86 (1.47)2.40 (1.29)2.32 (1.01)0.170.330. duration, mean (SD); median (IQR)4.30 (5.35)2.90 (4.93)4.15 (5.56)2.64 (4.26)4.24 (5.10)2.87 (3.90)4.23 (6.11)1.69 (3.04)0.0120.290.0120.260.0020.34ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1 (0)2.14 (0.35)1.01 (0.07)2.18 (0.47)1 (0.06)2.18 (0.50)1 (0)2.15 (0.36)-0.040.0990.080.0890.07Active lesions, n (%)72 (34)35 (37.1)81 (35.5)37 (39.3)80 (34.8)35 (40)110/222 (49.5)25/54 (45.9)0.430.260.400.210.420.19Abbreviations: ARR: annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; HDA = high disease activity (N = no; Y = yes); STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-19 Relapse rate ratio of cladribine 3.5 mg vs each treatment according to HDA subgroupsHDAN treatmentN MRIp for interaction N treatmentMRIp for interactionRR (95% CI)RR (95% CI)Cladribine 3.5 mg vs GANoIFN: 896 CL: 2280.62 (0.47–0.81); p=0.001p=0.0053IFN: 788 CL: 2280.52 (0.40–0.69); p<0.001p=0.11YesIFN: 272 CL: 940.32 (0.22–0.47); p<0.001IFN: 219 CL: 940.35 (0.24–0.54); p<0.001Cladribine 3.5 mg vs GANoGA: 312 CL: 2280.59 (0.37–0.94); p=0.028p=0.13GA: 298 CL: 2280.55 (0.35–0.87); p=0.011p=0.28YesGA: 90 CL: 940.34 (0.19–0.61); p<0.001GA: 78 CL: 940.39 (0.21–0.73); p=0.003Cladribine 3.5 mg vs FTYNoFTY: 72 CL: 2280.74 (0.36–1.52); p=0.41p=0.92FTY: 59 CL: 2280.64 (0.32–1.71); p=0.23p=0.28YesFTY: 41 CL: 940.72 (0.32–1.65); p=0.44FTY: 31 CL: 941.34 (0.50–3.72); p=0.56Cladribine 3.5 mg vs NTZNoNTZ: 86 CL: 2282.43 (1.01–5.86); p=0.049p=0.56NTZ: 75 CL: 2283.09 (1.19–7.99); p=0.02p=0.30YesNTZ: 63 CL: 941.57 (0.63–3.95); p=0.34NTZ: 53 CL: 941.48 (0.61–3.60); p=0.38Cladribine 3.5 mg vs DMFNoDMF: 238 CL: 2280.78 (0.44–1.40); p=0.41p=0.063DMF: 222 CL: 2280.89 (0.51–1.57); p=0.70p=0.034YesDMF: 57 CL: 940.30 (0.12–0.70); p=0.006DMF: 54 CL: 940.31 (0.14–0.69); p=0.004Abbreviations: CL = cladribine; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HDA = high disease activity; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; RR = relapse ratio.Table e-20 Effect of cladribine vs other drugs on disability progression in HDA subgroups IPW No MRIIPW MRIHDAN treatmentHR (95% CI)p for interaction N treatmentHR (95% CI)p for interactionCladribine vs IFNNoIFN: 869CL: 4580.97 (0.73–1.30); p=0.86p=0.13IFN: 767CL: 4580.80 (0.60–1.08); p=0.14p=0.89YesIFN: 259CL: 1820.63 (0.40–0.98); p=0.043IFN: 208CL: 1820.83 (0.48–1.41); p=0.49Cladribine vs GANoGA: 293CL: 4580.60 (0.37–0.98); p=0.042p=0.84GA: 279CL: 4580.55 (0.33–0.88); p=0.013p=0.74YesGA: 86CL: 1820.70 (0.25–1.93); p=0.49GA: 74CL: 1820.68 (0.24–1.93); p=0.46Cladribine vs FTYNoFTY: 68CL: 4580.76 (0.35–1.67); p=0.50p=0.65FTY: 56CL: 4581.13 (0.43–2.95); p=0.81p=0.52YesFTY: 40CL: 1821.22 (0.22–6.85); p=0.82FTY: 30CL: 1820.68 (0.19–2.41); p=0.55Cladribine vs NTZNoNTZ: 76CL: 4581.19 (0.53–2.66); p=0.67p=0.94NTZ: 76CL: 4583.01 (0.85–10.6); p=0.087p=0.05YesNTZ: 58CL: 1821.11 (0.26–473); p=0.89NTZ: 58CL: 1820.57 (0.19–1.72); p=0.32Cladribine vs DMFNoDMF: 212CL: 2280.96 (0.51–1.81); p=0.90p=0.56DMF: 196CL: 2280.70 (0.39–1.26); p=0.23p=0.63YesDMF: 50CL: 942.26 (0.26–19.5); p=0.46DMF: 47CL: 941.45 (0.27–7.81); p=0.67Abbreviations: CL = cladribine; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HDA = high disease activity; HR = hazard ratio; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-21 Effect of cladribine 3.5 mg vs other drugs on disability progression in HDA subgroupsHDAN treatmentIPW No MRIp for interaction N treatmentIPW MRIp for interactionHR (95% CI)HR (95% CI)Cladribine 3.5?mg vs GANoGA: 869CL: 2281.00 (0.70–1.45); p=0.97p=0.0089GA: 767CL: 2280.83 (0.57–1.20); p=0.32p=0.15YesGA: 259CL: 940.31 (0.15–0.67); p=0.003GA: 208CL: 940.41 (0.18–0.96); p=0.039Cladribine 3.5?mg vs GANoGA: 293CL: 2280.61 (0.34–1.08); p=0.09p=0.60GA: 279CL: 2270.55 (0.31–0.97); p=0.04p=0.68YesGA: 86CL: 940.41 (0.11–1.55); p=0.19GA: 74CL: 950.39 (0.10–1.52); p=0.18Cladribine 3.5?mg vs FTYNoFTY: 68CL: 2280.72 (0.31–1.68); p=0.45p=0.90FTY: 56CL: 2281.08 (0.39–2.95); p=0.89p=0.37YesFTY: 40CL: 940.83 (0.13–5.49); p=0.85FTY: 30CL: 940.47 (0.11–2.07); p=0.32Cladribine 3.5?mg vs NTZNoNTZ: 76CL: 2281.14 (0.48–2.69); p=0.76p=0.73NTZ: 76CL: 2282.94 (0.80–10.7); p=0.10p=0.046YesNTZ: 58CL: 940.82 (0.16–4.16); p=0.81NTZ: 58CL: 940.46 (0.12–1.70); p=0.24Cladribine 3.5?mg vs DMFNoDMF: 212CL: 2280.91 (0.45–1.85); p=0.80p=0.83DMF: 196CL: 2280.66 (0.34–1.27); p=0.21p=0.88YesDMF: 50CL: 941.52 (0.14–16); p=0.73DMF: 47CL: 941.13 (0.17–7.49); p=0.90Abbreviations: CL = cladribine; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; HDA: high-disease activity; HR = hazard ratio; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-22 Baseline characteristics of 1:1 matched patients for cladribine and each treatmentCLARITY (n=588)IFN (n=588)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=290)GA (n=290)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=109)FTY (n=109)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=146)NTZ (n=146)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=228)DMF (n=228)STD DIFF vs CLARITYAge, years, mean (SD)38.2 (10.3)38.7 (10.8)0.04838.6 (10.3)38.2 (11.7)0.03835.6 (10.4)35.3 (10.8)0.02932.3 (8.6)32.2 (9.7)0.00836.6 (10.2)36.7 (10.4)0.012Females, n (%)383 (65.1)375 (63.8)0.028195 (67.2)195 (67.9)0.01562 (56.9)62 (56.9)0.00085 (58.2)80 (54.8)0.069141 (61.8)139 (61)0.018EDSS, mean (SD)2.74 (1.17)2.66 (1.03)0.0692.01 (0.94)2.02 (1.00)0.012.37 (1.17)2.49 (1.09)0.112.56 (1.26)2.66 (1.09)0.0871.86 (0.89)1.81 (0.86)0.058Disease duration, mean (SD)3.89 (4.94)3.88 (5.96)0.0013.48 (4.50)3.39 (6.11)0.0173.60 (4.55)3.38 (5.75)0.042.14 (2.96)1.96 (3.44)0.0542.71 (3.91)2.52 (4.44)0.045ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.29 (0.53)1.37 (0.70)0.121.31 (0.56)1.29(0.52)0.031.38 (0.59)1.47 (0.71)0.141.65 (0.83)1.56 (0.74)0.121.26 (0.5)1.25 (0.49)0.018Active lesions, n (%)181 (30.8)195/459 (42.5)0.2491 (31.4)125/265 (47.2)0.3333 (30.3)49/87 (56.3)0.5452 (34.9)93/125 (74.4)0.8667 (29.4)121/213 (56.8)0.57Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-23 ARR ratio between cladribine and iMUST treatment arms. Results are presented after 1:1 matching1:1 Matching clinical variablesARR ratio (95% CI)Cladribine vs IFN0.48 (0.36–0.62); p<0.001Cladribine vs GA0.36 (0.24–0.54); p<0.001Cladribine vs FTY0.52 (0.26–1.01); p=0.054Cladribine vs NTZ1.25 (0.62–2.48); p=0.53Cladribine vs DMF0.57 (0.33–0.98); p=0.043Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-24 Baseline characteristics of matched patients with a ratio up to 3:1 for cladribine and each treatmentCLARITY(n=554)IFN (n=1146)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY(n=370)GA (n=384)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY(n=233)FTY (n=109)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY(n=210)NTZ (n=146)STD DIFF vs CLARITYCLARITY(n=305)DMF (n=267)STD DIFF vs CLARITYAge, years, mean (SD)34.3(10.3)34.9 (10.8)0.05638.8 (10.7)39.9 (11.6)0.09536 (10.4)35.3 (10.8)0.07332 (9.6)32.2 (9.7)0.02437.1 (9.9)36.4 (10.5)0.064Females, n (%)364(65.7)753 (65.7)0.001275 (74.2)281 (73.2)0.024128 (55)62 (56.9)0.036120 (57.3)80 (54.8)0.05196 (64.2)159 (59.6)0.09EDSS, mean (SD)1.81(1.00)1.81 (1.00)0.0021.75 (1.03)1.79 (0.99)0.0432.42 (1.17)2.49 (1.09)0.062.71 (1.26)2.66 (1.09)0.0441.56 (1.03)1.55 (1.01)0.005Disease duration, mean (SD)2.35(3.62)2.38 (4.28)0.0073.02 (4.51)3.16 (5.69)0.0283.57 (4.55)3.38 (5.75)0.0362.06 (3.30)1.96 (3.57)0.0312.67 (3.65)2.34 (4.30)0.082ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.27(0.53)1.25 (0.49)0.0281.24 (0.48)1.24(0.52)0.0041.41 (0.59)1.47 (0.71)0.0841.63 (0.79)1.56 (0.74)0.0921.20 (0.46)1.22 (0.47)0.051Active lesions, n (%)196 (35.3)448/1004 (44.6)0.19120 (32.6)166/358 (46.4)0.2972 (31)49/87 (56.3)0.5383 (39.5)93/125 (74.4)0.7594 (30.7)138/248 (55.7)0.52Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab; STD DIFF = standardized mean difference according to Cohen’s d.Table e-25 ARR ratio between cladribine and iMUST treatment arms. Results are presented after matching in a variable ratio up to 3:13:1 Matching clinical variablesARR ratio (95% CI)Cladribine vs IFN0.53 (0.44–0.63); p<0.001Cladribine vs GA0.43 (0.30–0.60); p<0.001Cladribine vs FTY 0.63 (0.33–1.23); p=0.18Cladribine vs NTZ1.97 (1.08–3.58); p=0.027Cladribine vs DMF0.59 (0.36–0.96); p=0.033Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; DMF = dimethyl fumarate; FTY = fingolimod; GA = glatiramer acetate; IFN = interferon β; NTZ = natalizumab.Table e-26 Inverse probability weighted demographic and clinical characteristics for the comparison of IFN arms vs CLARITY studyCLARITY (n=945)IFN-1a IM (n=318)STD DIFF IFN vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=945)IFN-1b (n=236)STD DIFF IFN-1b vs CLARITYCLARITY (n=945)IFN-1a SC (n=614)STD DIFF IFN-1a vs CLARITYAge, years, mean (SD)38.1 (10.3)38.1 (11)0.00238.3 (10.2)38.4 (11.8)0.00436.7 (10.3)36.6 (10.3)0.025Females, n (%)639 (67.6)211 (66.3)0.028611 (64.6)150 (63.6)0.02617 (65.3)389 (63.1)0.05EDSS, mean (SD); median (IQR)2.53 (1.38)2.32 (1.09)0.172.74 (1.30)2.74 (1.27)0.0032.44 (1.33)2.33 (1.11)0.094Disease duration, mean (SD)3.81 (5.1)3.61 (5.46)0.0373.93 (5.22)3.93 (5.84)0.0013.33 (4.69)3.45 (5.41)0.03ARR in previous year, mean (SD)1.35 (0.59) (0.59)1.31 (0.50)0.0741.36 (0.6)1.28 (0.55)0.15Active lesions, n (%)304 (32.1)93/279 (33.2)0.21294 (31.1)107/211 (50.6)0.40312 (33)235/536 (43.9)0.23Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Scale; IFN = interferon β; SC = subcutaneous.Table e-27 ARR ratio between cladribine and iMUST treatment arms of IFN. Results are presented after IPTW on demographic and clinical characteristicsARR ratio (95% CI)Cladribine vs IFN-1a IM0.71 (0.51–0.99); p=0.044Cladribine vs IFN-1b0.43 (0.31–0.59); p<0.001Cladribine vs IFN-1a SC0.49 (0.38–0.63); p<0.001Abbreviations: ARR = annualized relapse rate; IFN = interferon β; IPTW = inverse probability of treatment weighting; SC = subcutaneous. ................

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