Principles of Biology 103 - Home

Chapter 5: Ground Rules of Metabolism1. Vesicles form during this process in which a cell takes in a small amount of extracellular fluid:A. Endocytosis2. In exergonic reactions:B. Products have less free energy than reactants3. These are always changed by participating in a chemical reaction:C. Reactants4. Solutes tend to diffuse from a region where they are ____ concentrated to an adjacent region where they are ______ concentratedC. more, less5. High solute relative to another fluid is referred to as:C. Hypertonic 6. Energy is usually “lost” in this form:C. Heat energy7. All antioxidants:A. Prevent other molecules from being oxidized8. Which of the following statements is not correct:B. Energy cannot change from one for to another9. The end product of a series of enzymatic reaction often inhibits the activity of one of the enzymes in the series. This process is an example of:C. Feedback inhibition10. Cells build organic compounds and store energy by running:A. Endergonic reactions11. The second law of thermodynamics hold that:A. Whenever energy is transformed to another form, some is dispersed12. Life’s primary source of energy is:C. Sunlight13. The energy in a chemical bond is a type of:B. Potential energy14. Which molecule(s) shown in the reaction below represent the product(s), as opposed to the reactants: 2H2 + O2 ---- 2H2OC. 2H2O15. What is a passive process that requires a protein for movement of a solute across a membrane:C. Facilitated diffusion16. A molecule that gives up an electron becomes:D. A and C17. The minimum amount of energy required to get a chemical reaction started is:A. Activation energy18. Four of the five statements about enzymes are correct. Select the exception:E. An enzyme is not limited by environmental factors19. What is another term used to describe an enzyme’s substrate”C. Active site20. One way that enzymes help bring on a transition state is by:C. Shutting out water21. The term isotonic describes two fluids with identical:B. Solute concentration22. Adding heat boosts free energy. The greater the free energy of reactants, the closer they are to:C. Activation energy23. Diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane:A. Osmosis24. In a cyclic metabolic pathway the:A. Last step may regenerate a reactant for the first step25. When a molecule accepts electrons from another molecule, it becomesD. Reduced26. The rate of an enzymatic reaction typically:C. Increases with temperature until the enzyme become denatured27. An example of this type of enzyme “ helper” would be a vitamin or mineral:A. Cofactor28. The ATP/ADP cycle:A. Couples endergonic reactions with exergonic ones29. Which movement is a passive process:B. Diffusion30. The rate of diffusion through a semipermeable membrane will be the lowest when:D. Temperature is low31. During this process a cell expels a vesicle’s contents to extracellular fluid:B. Exocytosis32. This cannot easily diffuse across a lipid bilayer:C. Ions33. A substance moves through a membrane (unassisted) driven only by the concentration gradient, no energy is involved. This is a case of:A. Passive transport34. This type of reaction requires a large activation energy to start:A. Endergonic reactions35. Low solute relative to another fluid is referred to as:B. Hypotonic36. The products of exergonic pathways are usually:A. Lower in energy37. Two solutions of different solute concentrations are separated by a selectively permeable membrane. How will this affect water diffusion:B. Water will flow from the hypotonic solution side to the hypertonic solution side38. A transport protein requires energy to pump sodium ions across a membrane against its concentration gradient. This is a case of:B. Active transport39. A metabolic pathway may:D. All of the above40. An allosteric regulator binds:C. The regulatory molecule at a site other than the active site ................

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