All Seasons Marine, Inc

All Seasons Marine, Inc.

Storage & Work Order Authorization Agreement 2017 – 2018

This agreement between All Seasons Marine, Inc. hereinafter referred to as “MARINA” and OWNER of the below described boat, hereinafter referred to as “OWNER”, must be signed, dated and returned before haul out will be scheduled. Storage Fees must be paid with CASH OR CHECK. Storage Space will be assigned on a first pay basis, but cannot be guaranteed by Marina.


NAME (S)______________________________________________________________________



PHONE, H/W_________________________________Cell_______________________________




L.O.A.__________BEAM____________MAST LENGTH_______________________________

BOAT NAME___________________________________________________________________

REGISTRATION NUMBER_______________________________________________________

LOCATION/SLIP NUMBER_______________________________________________________

LOCK/COMBINATION# Key location_______________________________________________


Storage fees include Haul Out, Launch and Storage from lay-up until May 31, 2018or any part thereof. Other moving of boat will be charged $3.70 per linear ft. of boat. All other services are additional. ALL STORAGE AND SERVICE CHARGES ARE DUE AND PAYABLE ON RECEIPT OF INVOICE. MARINA makes no warranties, expressed or implied, for boats not scheduled for lay-up before October 16, 2017.


_____INSIDE STORAGE @ $5.10/sq. ft. (lgth. x beam) = __________x $5.10 $____________

_____OUTSIDE STORAGE @$3.40/sq. ft. (lgth x beam)=__________x $3.40 = $_____________

_____MAST UP STORAGE @ $3.75/sq. ft. (lgth x beam)=__________x $3.75= $______________

_____INSIDE ON TRAILER@$4.54/sq. ft. (lgth. x beam)=__________x$4.54= $_____________

_____PWC & Dingy under 12’ @ $185.00 ea. (No haul out or launch included) $_____________

Storage Total $_____________

Amount Paid $_____________

Balance Due $_____________

OWNER must schedule haul-out & launch in advance with Service Department

By signing below, OWNER (S) acknowledges that he/she/they have read both front and back and accepts all the terms of the agreement and that this agreement becomes binding on all heirs, executors or assigns:

OWNER__________________________Date__________ All Seasons Marine, Inc.

OWNER__________________________Date__________ By: _________________________Date______

All Seasons Marine, Inc.

Storage & Work Order Authorization Agreement 2017 – 2018

4. Storage terms: Storage begins on date of haul out and continues until the date of redelivery to OWNER. OWNER shall schedule with MARINA for a haul out date. Due to many uncontrollable circumstances MARINA cannot guarantee the schedule but all efforts will be made to be as prompt as possible. NO LAUNCH DATE WILL BE GIVEN NOR WILL THERE BE ANY LAUNCHES UNLESS ALL AMOUNTS DUE FROM OWNER ARE PAID IN FULL. All storage and Service Charges are due in full on date of storage. Any unpaid balances will be charged a service charge of 1 ½% per month or portion thereof.

5. IN-STORAGE SERVICES: All services or repairs ordered by OWNER shall be paid for at MARINA’S posted hourly rate or flat rate where applicable plus materials charge. All charges are due and payable on receipt of invoice. OWNER (S) WILL BE CHARGED 1 ½% PER MONTH ON ALL CHARGES AFTER 10 DAYS OF AGE.

6. OWNERSHIP CERTIFICATION: OWNER identified herein and by signature on this certifies that he/she/they/is/are the lawful registered OWNER of above described boat and that he/she/they/has/have full authority to authorize storage and requested work on the described boat Should MARINA be made party to any litigation in connection with the boat, OWNER shall pay all costs and expenses (including and without limitation on attorney’s fees) for which MARINA may be liable or may incur in connection with such litigation and MARINA is hereby given an additional lien on the boat for all such costs and expenses. Should a dispute arise OWNER agrees to submit the dispute to binding arbitration as established by Michigan Boating Industries Association. 1-800-932-2628.

7. KEYS OR COMBINATION: OWNER agrees to provide a complete set of keys or combination(s). Keys will only be given to OWNER or persons specified by OWNER in a written and signed statement of permission. Failure to provide keys or combination may mean not having boat handled in a timely manner

8. ACCESS TO BOAT: OWNER (S) will be admitted to storage area only if accompanied by an employee of

MARINA and only during regular business hours. No persons other than OWNER (S) shall be allowed to work on MARINA’S premises ashore or afloat at any time. No OWNER (S), friends or guests are allowed to work on any boat stored inside. OWNER (S) may not use the services of any other dealer mechanic, craftsman or other person on the premises of MARINA without first securing approval of MARINA. Such approval will not be granted unless the service department cannot properly complete the work, or if outside contractor cannot provide MARINA with a standard certificate of workmen’s compensation insurance and provide liability insurance coverage equal to that by MARINA and that MARINA becomes a named insured under the policy with confirmation from carrier.

9. INSURANCE: OWNER (S) certify that boat is fully covered by insurance and states that the policy is in full force with: . Ins.Co.)____________________________________________,Agent__________________________________Phone___________________________________


Neither the boat nor any marine or electronic equipment, navigation instruments, furniture, clothing, personal effects, gear, boat cradle or trailers, motors or other items not owned by MARINA is or will be insured by MARINA for the benefit of the OWNER or any other person against loss or damage from any cause including without limitation theft, pilferage, vandalism, fire and the elements.

10. LIABILITY OF OWNER: OWNER shall protect, indemnify and hold harmless MARINA, its directors, officers, agents, employees, owners and affiliated corporation from and against any and all costs and expenses (including without limitation attorney’s fees) relating to any claims, damages, suits or causes of any kind or nature (1) by OWNER, his family, guest, agents and/or employees where any such claims, damage suit or cause of action arises out of any accident or gross negligent conduct on the part of MARINA and (2) by any person where any such claim, damage suit or cause of action arises out of the acts or omissions of OWNER, his family, guests, agents or employees while on MARINA premises.

11. LIABILITY OF MARINA: Marina shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury to the boat, nor to any equipment, instrument or other property thereon or related thereto, except that caused by its failure to exercise reasonable care, and MARINA shall not be liable for any damage, loss or injury caused by a condition on such premises. No liability of MARINA to OWNER under this paragraph shall exceed the sum of $500.00 plus $50.00 for every foot by which the boat exceeds fifteen (15) feet, unless OWNER shall request that his limitation of liability be increased to a higher declared value and agrees to pay an increased charge based on such additional valuation. OWNER shall give notice to MARINA of any claim under this paragraph within (30) days after the ground thereof becomes known or reasonably should have become known to OWNER.

12. GENERAL LIEN: OWNER hereby grants a general lien on the boat and all other property of OWNER that may be deposited with MARINA, regardless of when such property may be deposited for charges, storage, winterizing, insurance, labor and any other charges or liabilities of OWNER hereunder or in relation to the boat and for other expenses necessary for the boats preservation or reasonably incurred in enforcing such lien (without limitation attorney’s fees) or in the sale of the boat in foreclosure pursuant to law.

13. YARD RULES: OWNER has notice and shall abide by the following established yard rules: (1) If a dock box shall be stored it will be properly tagged with the boat name, registration and owner’s name: (2) Upon launching OWNER shall provide at least 4 dock lines and appropriate fenders in good condition otherwise MARINA will provide same and charge OWNER: (3) OWNER must provide acceptable cradle for storage otherwise MARINA will provide a rental cradle or bunking and an appropriate charge will be made to OWNER. Cradles that are unsatisfactory or in unsafe condition will be repaired at OWNER’S expense; (4) Use of blow torches electric heaters and sand blasting equipment is strictly prohibited; (5) at no time shall 110 volt lines be left plugged into the boat overnight while boat is in storage; (6) OWNER shall pay for all labor necessary to clean the storage area and throw away the trash in the event OWNER or his agents shall fail to do the same; OWNER (S) will be responsible for any and all hazardous materials and waste and clean up of same (7) OWNER shall be solely responsible for any emergency measures (8) No outside brokerage sales. For Sale by owner signs must be approved by MARINA... 14. ADDITIONAL STORAGE TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Should any part of this agreement be found to be illegal or unenforceable all remaining parts of the agreement remain intact. In the event that the above described boat not be launched, this agreement will continue to be binding on the boat and that rates and schedules of charges in effect at any future dates will be applied.

All Seasons Marine, Inc. 234 Black River St. P.O. Box 431 South Haven, Mil 4909 269-637-3655/269-637-3938 fax.

All Seasons Marine, Inc.

Storage & Work Order Authorization Agreement

2017 – 2018





PHONE:Home (___)_____________Office(___)__________________





BOAT NAME_____________________________________________

REGISTRATION #_________________________________________

LOCATION/SLIP # ________________________________________

LOCK/COMBINATION# key location__________________________

I/We authorize the following work and service to be done with the necessary materials. Marina and employees may operate the unit herein described on any waterways or elsewhere for purposes of testing, inspection or delivery at my risk. An expressed mechanics & Marina storage lien is acknowledged on above unit to secure the amount of repairs, service & storage thereto. It is also understood that Marina will not be held responsible for loss or damage to the unit (or articles left in or with the unit) in case of fire, theft, accident, inclement weather conditions or any other cause.

AUTHORIZED BY OWNER:________________________Date______

TERMS: Service order invoices are due on completion. A deposit may be required. A service charge of 1½% will be charged on invoices after 10 days.

Please schedule Haul-Out & Launch in advance with Service Department

All Seasons Marine, Inc. 234 Black River St. P.O. Box 431 South Haven, Mi. 49090

269-637-3655-269-637-3938 fax

All Seasons Marine, Inc.

Storage & Work Order Authorization Agreement 2017 –2018

Winterizing Service Request

All Flat Rate Jobs are plus materials. All others are time & material. Please ask for estimate.

Please circle service desired

Bottom Washing

1. Pressure wash bottom of boat…$2.15 per linear ft. $_____________

2. Scrub bottom of unpainted boat…$4.25 per linear ft. $_____________


3. Winterize inboard, I/O & Verado engines…$120 per engine $_____________

4. Winterize generator…$85 $_____________

5. Winterize outboard engines, 20hp & under…$46.50 $_____________

6. Winterize outboard , 25hp & up…$75.00 $_____________

7. Winterize Personal Water Craft…$60.00 $_____________

8. Winterize pressure water system…$70.00 $_____________

9. Winterize other water systems…$46.50 $_____________

10. Pump out & winterize holding tank…$47.00 $_____________

11. Winterize air conditioning unit…$67.00 $_____________

12. Winterize ice maker…$46.50 $_____________

13. Fill W/fuel and add Stabil… $_____________

Battery Storage

14. Store (#____)batteries…$40 ea. Incl.Removal,installation & statement of cond. $_____________

(Note: No warranties are extended on batteries stored)

15. Batteries removed for pickup…$25 ea. $_____________

16. How old are your batteries? Do you want them replaced in spring? $_____________


17. Bunking…$3.30 per linear ft. $_____________

18. Cradle repair… (No boat will be stored on an unsafe cradle). $_____________

Mast Stepping & Storage

19. Mast stepping…$2.40 per linear ft. of mast each way (Crane Fee Only) $_____________

20. Mast storage off boat…$2.10 per linear ft. of mast $_____________

21. Mast rigging & derigging… $_____________

22. Remove & Install Sails… $_____________

Misc. Storage

23. Store dock box,…$37.00 ea. (Pick up/delivery not included) $_____________

Shrink Wrap

24. Shrink-wrap – Power boat…$1.40/sq. ft. $_____________

25. Shrink-wrap – Power boat w/bridge…$1.65/sq. ft. $_____________

26. Shrink-wrap – Sail boat w/mast up…$1.65/sq. ft. $_____________

27. Shrink-wrap – Sail boat mast stored on deck…$1.30/sq. ft. $_____________

(Using mast as support)

28. Install shrink wrap zipper door…$80 $_____________

For all other service needs contact Service Department

All Seasons Marine, Inc. 234 Black River St. P.O. Box 431 South Haven, Mi. 49090

269-637-3655/269-637-3938 fax

All Seasons Marine, Inc.

Storage & Work Order Authorization Agreement 2017 – 2018

Winter/Spring Service Request

All Service is Time & Materials. All Flat Rate Jobs are plus materials. Please ask for estimate.

Please circle services desired

Engine & Drive

1. Change oil & filters (inboard gas & Verados)…$85.00 $_____________

2. Change oil & filters (diesel)… $_____________

3. Change oil & filters (generator)…$75.00 $_____________

4. Change oil & filter (Outboard)25hp & under…$45 .00 $_____________

5. Change oil & filter (Outboard)30hp & up…$75.00 $_____________

6. Change oil & filter (PWC)…$75.00 $_____________

7. Change fuel filters… $_____________

8. Clean flame arresters/air filters… $_____________

9. Engine tune up… $_____________

10. Inspect/replace engine belts… $_____________

11. Inspect/replace engine/external Zinc Anodes… $_____________

12. Inspect and clean raw water strainers… $_____________

13. Replace water pump impeller… $_____________

14. Check cooling system flush if needed… $_____________

15. Out drive service – 5 point inspection…$225 $_____________

(Remove drive, change gear oil, grease u-joints

Inspect bearings and check alignment)

14. Change drive oil…$55.00 $_____________ 15. Propeller inspection & repair… $_____________

16. Inspect/change transmission fluid… $_____________

17. Spare parts kit (impeller, belts, plugs, rotor, cap, filters, Oil, trans. Fluid, etc.)

Please specify:__________________________________________________



Please ask for estimates on time & material Jobs

18. Clean, buff & wax hull sides…$15/linear ft. $_____________

19. Clean, buff & wax topsides… $_____________

20. Boat detailing… $_____________

21. Paint bottom-previously painted (anti-fouling) $_____________

22. Prime & paint unpainted bottom… $_____________

23. Canvas repair… $_____________


24. Fire extinguisher annual certification… $_____________

25. Mast inspection & mast tuning… $_____________

26. Deliver boat to slip#________ Marina__________________ $_____________

27. Please list any other service required:_________________________________






(Print name and boat info)

For all other service needs please contact the Service Department

All Seasons Marine, Inc. 234 Black River St. P.O. Box 431 South Haven, Mi. 49090

269-637-3655/269-637-3938 fax

All Seasons Marine Inc’s. Best Management Practices

• No fueling at slip. Only allowed at gas dock by trained personnel.

• Fish cleaning allowed at fish cleaning station only. All fish waste must be disposed of in dumpster.

• All pets must use designated pet walk areas.

• All waste oil and filters must be disposed of with All Seasons Marine inc. to be recycled/

• All sanding and painting must be done in designated areas. Use of vacuum sanders required. No spray painting allowed.

• Use of environmentally friendly boat cleaning detergents required.

• Power washing allowed only on designated area by All Seasons Marine Inc. personal.

• Battery disposal must be given to All Seasons Marine Inc. to recycle.

• All Shrink wrap must be given to All Seasons Marine Inc. for recycling.

• To control the spread of aquatic invasive species. All live wells and lake water must be cleaned before boat is transported out of area.

• Michigan is a no discharge state.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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