
|ecosystem | | | |desert |

|1 | |grassland 11 | |21 |

|biome | |coniferous forest | |population |

|2 | |/taiga 12 | |22 |

|community | |tundra | |herbivore |

|3 | |13 | |23 |

|habitat | |biotic | |carnivore |

|4 | |14 | |24 |

|niche | |abiotic | |omnivore |

|5 | |15 | |25 |

|consumer | |predator | |prey |

|6 | |16 | |26 |

|decomposer | |organism | |energy pyramid |

|7 | |17 | |27 |

|producer | |marine/ocean | |tropical |

|8 | |18 | |rainforest 28 |

|food web | |freshwater | |deciduous forests 29 |

|9 | |19 | | |

|food chain | |estuary | |endangered species 30 |

|10 | |20 | | |

|A community and its physical environment and how the | | | |A biome with less than 10 in of rainfall per year. It |

|two interact | |A biome whose main plants are grasses | |has extreme temperatures: hot during the day and cold |

|1 | |11 | |at night 21 |

|A large scale ecosystem | |A biome with mountainside forests and tall, narrow trees| |All the individuals of the same kind, living in the |

|2 | |that grow close together, have thick bark and pine | |same environment |

| | |needles 12 | |22 |

|All the populations of organisms living in the same | |A treeless biome between the icecap and the tree line of| |An animal that eats only plants as food |

|environment | |the arctic regions; has permanently frozen subsoil | |23 |

|3 | |13 | | |

|A place in an ecosystem where a population lives | |Having to do with life, living organisms, or caused by | |An animal that eats only other animals as food |

|4 | |living organisms | |24 |

| | |14 | | |

|The role each population has in its habitat | |NONLIVING things in an ecosystem (sunlight, air, | |An animal that eats both plants and animals as food |

|5 | |weather, water, soil, etc.) | |25 |

| | |15 | | |

|An organism in a community that must eat to get the | |An organism that lives by preying on other organisms | |An animal that is hunted, killed and eaten by a |

|energy it needs | |16 | |predator animal |

|6 | | | |26 |

|A consumer that breaks down the tissues of dead | |A form of life, such as a plant, animal, or bacterium | |Shows the amount of energy that is available to pass |

|organisms. Also known as recyclers | |17 | |from one level of the food chain to the next |

|7 | | | |27 |

|An organism that makes its own food | |Of or relating to the sea | |A biome with lots of rainfall, sunlight, high |

|8 | |18 | |temperatures, and trees |

| | | | |28 |

|Shows the interaction among many different food chains | |Of, or relating to living in water that isn’t salty | |A biome with trees that lose their leaves each fall |

|in a single ecosystem | |19 | |29 |

|9 | | | | |

|The way energy is transferred through organisms in an | |The place where freshwater and salt water mix | |A population of organisms that is likely to become |

|ecosystem. Organisms eat other organisms in the | |20 | |extinct if steps are not taken to save it |

|ecosystem. | | | |30 |

|10 | | | | |


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