Appendix D Grades 5-8 Draft - Manitoba Education

Grades 5-8 Sample Yearly Plan (Appendix D)

|Organizing the Year by General Learning Outcomes |

|Cycle/ |Physical Education (PE) |Physical Activity Category |Month |Health Education (HE) |Health Sub-strand and |

|Week(s) |GLO/Strand Focus for |and Theme* | |GLO/Strand Focus for |Theme* |

| |Instruction and Assessment | | |Instruction and Assessment| |

| | |* Refer to Appendix A: | | |* Refer to list of |

| | |Physical Activity Categories | | |sub-strands in GLO Summary |

| | |for activity suggestions. | | |Charts—see Framework |

| | | | | |Excerpts. |

|1 |GLO 3—Safety |Group/Team Sports/Games |September |GLO 4—Personal and Social |A.1 Self-Awareness/ |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Management |Self-Esteem |

| |Physical Activity Risk |lead-up games/activities | |Knowledge Strand(s): |A.2 Goal Setting |

| |Management |(cooperative) | |Personal Development |A.3 Decision Making/ |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Skill Strand(s): |Problem Solving |

| |A. Safe Practices | | |A. Personal and Social |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | |Management Skills |goal setting/planning; |

| | | | | |decision making/ |

| | | | | |problem solving |

|2 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Alternative Pursuits | | | |

| |Management |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |territory/invasion | | | |

| |B. Social Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Personal and Social | | | | |

| |Management Skills | | | | |

|3 & 4 |GLO 2—Fitness Management |Fitness Activities | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Fitness Components |training programs | | | |

| |Fitness Benefits | | | | |

| |Fitness Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |Fitness Management Skills | | | | |

|5 & 6 |GLO 1—Movement |Rhythmic/Gymnastic Activities|October |GLO 3—Safety |B.1 Community Safety |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): | | |Knowledge Strand(s): |Awareness |

| |Basic Movement |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Safety of Self and Others |B.2 Environmental Safety |

| |Movement Development |rhythmic gymnastics | |Skill Strand(s): |Awareness |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | |A. Personal and Social |B.4 Community Support and |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Management Skills |Services |

| |Rhythmic/Gymnastic Activities | | | |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | | |decision making/problem |

| | | | | |solving |

|7 & 8 |GLO 1—Movement |Individual/Dual Sports/Games | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |A. Basic Movement |target-type games | | | |

| |Movement Development | | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |Sports/Games | | | | |

|9 &10 |GLO 3—Safety |Group/Team Sports/Games |November |GLO 5—Healthy Lifestyle |B.1 Benefits of Physical |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Practices |Activity |

| |Physical Activity Risk |net/wall games | |Knowledge Strand(s): |B.2 Physical Activity |

| |Management | | |B. Active Living (Grades |Choices |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |6, 8) |B.3 Influence of |

| |A. Safe Practices | | |D. Substance Use and |Technology on Physical |

| | | | |Abuse Prevention (Grades |Activity |

| | | | |5, 7) |D.1 Helpful and Harmful |

| | | | |Skill Strand(s): |Substances |

| | | | |A. Personal and Social |D.2 Effects of Substance |

| | | | |Management Skills |Use |

| | | | | |D.3 Factors Affecting |

| | | | | |Substance Use |

| | | | | |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | | |Decision making/problem |

| | | | | |solving |

|11 & 12 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Sports/Games | | | |

| |Management |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |innovative games | | | |

| |Personal Development | | | | |

| |Social Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Personal and Social | | | | |

| |Management Skills | | | | |

|First Reporting Period |


|Cycle/ |Physical Education (PE) |Physical Activity Category |Month |Health Education (HE) |Health Sub-strand and Theme|

|Week(s) |GLO/Strand Focus for |and Theme | |GLO/Strand Focus for | |

| |Instruction and Assessment | | |Instruction and Assessment| |

|13 |GLO 1—Movement |Rhythmic/Gymnastic Activities|December |GLO 4—Personal and Social |B.2 Relationships |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Management |B.3 Conflict-Resolution |

| |Basic Movement |multicultural | |Knowledge Strand(s): |Process (Grades 5, 7) |

| |Movement Development | | |B. Social Development |B.4 Avoidance and Refusal |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | |C. Mental-Emotional |Strategies (Grades 5, 7) |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Development |C.1 Feelings and Emotions |

| |D. Rhythmic/Gymnastic | | |Skill Strand(s): |(Grades 6, 8) |

| |Activities | | |A. Personal and Social |C.2 Elements of Stress |

| | | | |Management Skills |(Grades 6, 8) |

| | | | | |C.3 Effects of Stress |

| | | | | |(Grades 6, 8) |

| | | | | |C.4 Stress-Management |

| | | | | |Strategies (Grades 6, 8) |

| | | | | |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | | |interpersonal skills |

| | | | | |(Grades 5 to 8); conflict |

| | | | | |resolution (Grades 5, 7); |

| | | | | |stress-management skills |

| | | | | |(Grades 6, 8) |

|14 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Rhythmic/Gymnastic Activities| | | |

| |Management |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |multicultural | | | |

| |Personal Development | | | | |

| |Social Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Personal and Social | | | | |

| |Management Skills | | | | |

|Winter Break |

|15 |GLO 2—Fitness Management |Fitness Activities |January |GLO 3—Safety |B.3 Prevention and Care of|

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Knowledge Strand(s): |Injuries (Grades 6, 8) |

| |Fitness Components |training programs, combatives| |Safety of Self and Others |B.5 Violence Prevention |

| |Fitness Benefits | | |Skill Strand(s): |(Grades 5, 7) |

| |Fitness Development | | |A. Personal and Social |B.6 Personal Safety |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Management Skills |(Grades 5, 7) |

| |A. Fitness Management Skills | | | |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | | |decision making/ |

| | | | | |problem solving; |

| | | | | |interpersonal skills; first|

| | | | | |aid skills (Grade 6) |

|16 |GLO 1—Movement |Group/Team Sports/Games | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Basic Movement |territory/invasion | | | |

| |Movement Development | | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |B. Sports/Games | | | | |

|17 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Group/Team Sports/Games | | | |

| |Management |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |territory/invasion | | | |

| |B. Social Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Personal and Social | | | | |

| |Management Skills | | | | |

|18 |GLO 1—Movement |Alternative Pursuits |February |GLO 4—Personal and Social |B.1 Social Responsibility |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Management |(appreciation of diversity)|

| |Basic Movement |land-based, snow activities | |Knowledge Strand(s): |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| |Movement Development | | |B. Social Development |decision making/ |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | |Skill Strand(s): |problem solving; |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |A. Personal and Social |interpersonal skills; |

| |C. Alternative Pursuits | | |Management Skills |conflict resolution |

|19 |GLO 3—Safety |Alternative Pursuits | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Physical Activity Risk |land-based, snow activities | | | |

| |Management | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Safe Practices | | | | |


|Cycle/ |Physical Education (PE) |Physical Activity Category |Month |Health Education (HE) |Health Sub-strand and Theme|

|Week(s) |GLO/Strand Focus for |and Theme | |GLO/Strand Focus for | |

| |Instruction and Assessment | | |Instruction and Assessment| |

|20 & 21 |GLO 2—Fitness Management |Fitness Activities |March |GLO 5—Healthy Lifestyle |C.1 Healthy Eating |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Practices |C.2 Food and Fluid for |

| |Fitness Components |training programs | |Knowledge Strand(s): |Active Bodies |

| |Fitness Benefits | | |A. Personal Health |D.1 Helpful and Harmful |

| |Fitness Development | | |Practices (Grades 5, 6, 8)|Substances |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |C. Nutrition (Grades 6, |D.2 Effects of Substance |

| |Fitness Management Skills | | |8) |Use |

| | | | |D. Substance Use and |D.3 Factors Affecting |

| | | | |Abuse Prevention (Grades |Substance Use |

| | | | |5, 7) |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | |Skill Strand(s) |decision making/ |

| | | | |A. Personal and Social |problem solving |

| | | | |Management Skills | |

|22 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Sports/Games (individual/dual| | | |

| |Management |and group/team) | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Personal Development |cooperative/team-building | | | |

| |Social Development |activities | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |A. Personal and Social | | | | |

| |Management Skills | | | | |

|23 |GLO 1—Movement |Sports/Games (individual/dual| | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |and group/team) | | | |

| |Basic Movement |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Movement Development |lead-up games/activities | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |B. Sports/Games | | | | |

|Reporting Period: Spring Break |

|24 |GLO 4—Personal and Social |Individual/Dual |April |GLO 5—Healthy Lifestyle |A.1 Personal Health |

| |Management |Sports/Games | |Practices |Practices |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Knowledge Strand(s): |A.2 Illness/Disease |

| |Personal Development |net/wall | |A. Personal Health |Prevention |

| |Social Development | | |Practices (Grades 5, 6, 8)|A.3 Dental Health (Grade |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Skill Strand(s): |5) |

| |A. Personal and Social | | |A. Personal and Social |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| |Management Skills | | |Management Skills |decision making/ |

| | | | | |problem solving |

|25 |GLO 1—Movement |Individual/Dual | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Sports/Games | | | |

| |Basic Movement |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Movement Development |net/wall | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |B. Sports/Games | | | | |

|26 & 27 |GLO 1—Movement |Rhythmic/Gymnastic Activities| | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Basic Movement |acrobatics, dance | | | |

| |Movement Development | | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |D. Rhythmic/Gymnastic | | | | |

| |Activities | | | | |


|Cycle/ |Physical Education (PE) |Physical Activity Category |Month |Health Education (HE) |Health Sub-strand and Theme|

|Week(s) |GLO/Strand Focus for |and Theme | |GLO/Strand Focus for | |

| |Instruction and Assessment | | |Instruction and Assessment| |

|28 & 29 |GLO 1—Movement |Individual/Dual Sports/Games |May |GLO 5—Healthy Lifestyle |B.1 Benefits of Physical |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | |Practices |Activity |

| |Basic Movement |athletics | |Knowledge Strand(s): |B.2 Physical Activity |

| |Movement Development | | |B. Active Living (Grades |Choices |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | |6, 8) |B.3 Influence of |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |E. Human Sexuality |Technology on Physical |

| |B. Sports/Games | | |(Grades 5, 7) |Activity |

| | | | |Skill Strand(s): |E.1 Biological Growth and |

| | | | |A. Personal and Social |Development |

| | | | |Management Skills |E.2 Psychological Factors |

| | | | | |E.3 Sociological Factors |

| | | | | |E.4 Health Issues |

| | | | | |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| | | | | |decision making/ |

| | | | | |problem solving |

|30 |GLO 2—Fitness Management |Fitness Activities | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Fitness Components |training | | | |

| |Fitness Benefits | | | | |

| |Fitness Development | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |Fitness-Management Skills | | | | |

|31 |GLO 3—Safety |Alternative Pursuits |June |GLO 3—Safety |A.5 Alternative Pursuits |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |(Water Safety—Grades 5, 7; | |Knowledge Strand(s): |(Water Safety—Grades 5, 7; |

| |Physical Activity Risk |Cycling Safety— | |Physical Activity Risk |Cycling Safety—Grades 6, 8)|

| |Management |Grades 6, 8) | |Management |Skill Sub-strand(s): |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | |Skill Strand(s): |decision making/ |

| |A. Safe Practices | | |A. Personal and Social |problem solving |

| | | | |Management Skills | |

|32 & 33 |GLO 1—Movement |Sports/Games | | | |

| |Knowledge Strand(s): |Game/Skill Theme(s): | | | |

| |Basic Movement |striking/fielding | | | |

| |Movement Development | | | | |

| |Activity-Specific Movement | | | | |

| |Skill Strand(s): | | | | |

| |B. Sports/Games | | | | |

|Final Report |


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