Name:_________________________Marketing Essentials – Chap 5 Notes pg. 139 - 142FamilyFamily member can strongly ____________ buyer behavior. The __________ is the most important consumer buying organization in ___________, and it has been researched extensively. Marketers are interested in the role and influence of the ____________, ________, and _____________on the purchase of different products and services.In what areas has the wife traditional been the main purchasing agent?What percent of females now hold a job outside the home? What percentage of all food-shopping dollars do men now account for? Women influence ____ percent of all car-buying decisions and account for ____ percent of all new car purchases outright. In all, women new make almost _____ percent of purchases, spending ______________ of the nation’s GDP.How have the changing roles of men and women in the household affected marketers?Children may also have a strong influence on family buying decisions. The nation’s ____ million kids age ___ to ____ wield an estimated $____ billion in disposable income. They also influence an additional $_____ billion that their families spend on them in areas such as ______, __________, ______________, and __________________________.Why do marketers of cars, full-service restaurants, cell phones and travel destinations care about what kids think?What car company is advertising on Nickelodeon? Why?Roles and StatusA person belongs to many ________________, _______, __________________.What does a role consist of?What is your role at Teaneck High School? What responsibilities and duties does that role entail?What products and services are appropriate for this role?What products and services are appropriate for a waiter or waitress?Personal Factors: Age and Life-Cycle StagePeople change the __________ and ____________ they buy over their lifetimes. Tastes in ________, __________, ___________, and _________________ are often age related. Buying is also shaped by the __________ of the family life cycle-the __________ through which families might pass as they mature over time. Marketers often __________ their target markets in terms of ______________ stage and develop appropriate products and marketing plans for each stage.What are different life cycle stages that marketers target?Completely define each of the FIVE life-stage segments RBC Royal Bank has identified.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________OccupationA person’s occupation affects the goods and services bought. ______________ workers tend to buy more ___________ work clothes, whereas executives buy more business suits.Why do marketers care about customer’s occupation?Provide an example of two companies that target a specific occupation.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Economic SituationA person’s ___________ situation will affect product choice. Marketers of income-sensitive goods watch trends in ________________, ___________, and ___________ rates. If economic indicators point to a recession, marketers can take steps to ____________, ____________, and ___________ their products closely. Some marketers target consumers who have lots of money and resources, charging prices to match.Match Products to each of the seven classesUpper Uppers _____________________________________________________________Lower Uppers _____________________________________________________________Upper Middles _____________________________________________________________Middle Class ______________________________________________________________Working Class _____________________________________________________________Upper Lowers _____________________________________________________________Lower Lowers _____________________________________________________________LifestylePeople coming from the same ______________, _______________, and _____________ may have quite different lifestyles. Lifestyle is a person’s pattern of living as expressed in his or her psychographics. It involves measuring consumers’ major _______ dimensions-activities (________, __________, ___________, ________, _______________), interests (food, __________, family, ____________), and opinions (about themselves, ____________, business, products). Lifestyle captures something more than the person’s ______________ or _______________. It profiles a person’s whole pattern of ____________ and _______________ in the world.EXTRA CREDIT: Define Psychographics:How can the lifestyle concept help marketers?If “Consumers do not just buy products….” What do they buy?Explain the following statement, “People’s product choices are becoming more and more like value choices,”Provide an example of a company that has done an excellent job positioning their product so that consumers feel it helps define who they are? Why?Think of THREE companies and define the lifestyle associated with the product or company;__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Personality and Self-ConceptEach person’s distinct personality influences his or her buying behavior. Personality refers to the unique ________________ characteristics that lead to relatively consistent and lasting responses to one’s own environment. Personality is usually described in terms of _________ such as ____________________, _______________, ______________, autonomy, defensiveness, adaptability, and aggressiveness. Personality can be useful in analyzing consume behavior for certain product or brand choices.Do brands have personality? Why?Brand Personality: What are the FIVE brand personality traits?_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Are the most successful brands strongly associated with all the traits?Describe the self-concept/self image concept: How did Apple use the self-concept/self image concept to differentiate the Mac from the PC? ................

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