Birthday Project!!

This project is asking you to examine the important events and aspects associated with the day of your birth. You know that the day you were born was momentous, now tell us why!

This visual project will combine multiple elements, and will be assessed on your ability to effectively organize the information you collect. (see the back of this assignment for the rubric)

The following is a list of information and items to include on your poster.

← The date of your birth. The day of the week you were born on, and any other information (time of day, geographical location etc)

← A list of famous people who share your birthday

o Choose one of these people, and include a brief biography of them, along with a picture. (important dates in their life, career etc)

← A brief write up explaining two significant events in history that occurred either on the day of your birth, or the week surrounding your birthday. (what, where, when, why etc)

← The meaning of your name. If there is a personal/special reason for your parents to have chosen your name, please include it.

← An image of, and name for, your birthstone.

← An image of, and name for, your Chinese Zodiac animal.

← An image of your zodiac sign, with a brief explanation of personality traits that people of this sign share (after finding this information out, do you agree that you possess those traits?).

← A selection of random facts about your birth day and week. (the top songs, price of gas, best-selling books, most popular movie or actor, Prime Minister of Canada etc)

When you have collected your information and data, please arrange it pleasingly on a poster paper. Be sure to clearly show the date of your birth. You are being assessed for neatness, clarity, and your use of visual prowess (be colourful and clear!)

Attach a personal response paragraph that describes your most vivid (hopefully positive) birthday memory from childhood.

~ a selection of website links that contain all of the information needed can be found on

Ms.Cottingham’s webpage mscottingham. ~


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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