Sample Job Description

Job Description


Job Title Delivery Driver Employer      

Contact Person       Contact Number      

Work Hours per Day       Days per Week      

Percent of Time Spent:


| Sitting: 80% |      |

| Standing: 10% |      |

| Walking: 10% |      |

For the following: Never 0% of time; Occasionally 1% – 33% of time; Frequently 34% - 66% of time; Continuously 67% - 100% of time

While working, the employee must:

| | |Frequency |Comments |

|A. |Hand/Wrist Work | |      |

|B. |Grasping | |      |

|C. |Pushing/Pulling | |      |

|D. |Fine Manipulation | |      |

|E. |Reaching | |      |

|F. |Bend | |      |

|G. |Kneel | |      |

|H. |Squat | |      |

|I. |Climb | |In/out of vehicle |

|J. |Lift 01-10 lbs | |      |

| |Lift 11-20 lbs | |      |

| |Lift 21-50 lbs | |      |

| |Lift 51-70 lbs | |      |

General Description of the Job:

Delivers 1, 3, and 5 gallon bottles of water to various residential and commercial customers.

Essential Functions of the Job:

Performs walk around inspections of the vehicle upon arrival to work. (Trucks are loaded by other employees.) Drives the delivery truck along designated route. Utilizes the truck bay doors to access product (raising and lowering doors). Lifts product from the racks and places on a hand cart for transport. Transports the loaded hand cart into the customers location. Lifts and places product into designated storage areas. May set up water coolers for customers. May remove old water coolers at customer request. Refuels the delivery truck as necessary.

Types of Machines, Tools, Special Equipment:

Hand cart, bottle carriers, racks, crates, water coolers

Vehicles or Moving Equipment Operated:

Delivery truck with a standard transmission.


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