EXAM # 1 – Covers Chapters 1-3Hormones (estrogen, testosterone)GenderPatriarchy (literal meaning)SexMen vs. women’s brainsMainstream third-wave feminismTheories of Gender Development (types)Power feminismWomen’s Liberation MovementCultural feminism (ideology)Cult of DomesticityTextual analysisMasculine (attributes)Content level of meaning (communication)Women’s Rights Movement (first wave)AntisuffrageTransfeminism (Koyama)Standpoint TheoryChromosomes (XX, XY)NOW (National Organization of Women)Gender schemaEXAM # 2 – Covers Chapters 4-6Impact of generic languageKinesicsChildren at play and sex-segregated groupsMillion Man MarchFeminine communication (7 qualities)Stereotypes (the language of)Masculine communication (5 qualities) “Passive” v. “active” (gender)The Good Men ProjectNonverbal communicationTraitorous identityEating disorders (intersection w/ culture)White Ribbon CampaignAppearance (gendered verbal communication)The language of stereotypes“Smiling” (and gender)ArtifactsMentors in Violence PreventionProfeminist men/movementsHapticsProxemicsGender and clothingPowerGendered toysEXAM # 3 – Covers Chapters 7-9Ego boundariesGender identityBeing “superwoman”Gender and academicsGender differences in managing conflictDeveloping romantic intimacyInvisible hand discriminationGender-stereotyped curriculumFathering gender-appropriate” behaviorsCulture of romanceFriendships between and across gendersFeminine rulerGirls and relational aggressionAutonomy and connectionChallenges of nonbinary studentsGendered responsibility for relational healthAlternative paths modelSecond shiftEffortless perfectionMale deficit modelEXAM # 4 – Covers Chapters 10-12Sexual harassmentEqual opportunity lawsGendered wagesDiversity trainingClitoridectomy (excision)Rape“Child” stereotype of womenAgenda setting (media)Rape cultureMedia portrayals of men and womenGlass ceilingGatekeeperCampus rape – 95% unreportedGlass wallsProduct placementComplimentary copyLilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009Gendered violenceSocial media and genderAffirmative action lawsWorkplace Mentoring across genderInformed consent for sexual activity“Sturdy Oak” (stereotype/men in workplace)Gender intimidation ................

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