

TEACHER’S NAME: Ms. Brittany K.___

|Day of the Week |DAILY FOCUS |Follow up Activity ON DAILY FOCUS |Skill Building Activity |Play focus |

| |(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- | |(Small group centers: |[Planting seeds for play activities (aka|

| |lesson) | |Math, Literacy, Cutting, Handwriting, |learning centers)] |

| | | |Library) | |

|Mon. |Focus: Uses for Plants: Food (for people) |Media: |MATH- Positional Concepts: REVIEW |Math/Science- Shape hunt (using |

|4/27 | |Why Do We Need Plants? |Username: bkahn@ |household items)--see how many SQUARE |

| |Essential Question: |: Eleven11 |objects your scholar can find in the |

|Unit: |Why are plants important? |8 | |

|Plants | | |/ |Dramatic Play Continue your game of |

| |Key vocab: nutrients, healthy |Activity: | |Chef. What other yummy plant-based meals|

|Weekly Focus: | |You are a chef! Using a paper plate, draw |LITERACY- Using the link below, practice |can your scholar “cook up?” in your |

|Uses for Plants |Key questions: |a meal you would like to eat, made |letter-recognition with your scholar. Go |at-home vegetarian restaurant? |

| |What kinds of plants do people eat? |entirely out of plants. Think: salad, |through the alphabet, first starting with |Music/movement- Learn this song with |

|Math skills: |What kinds of plants do you eat? |fruits, veggies--the works! Get creative! |the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the |your scholar and practice the movements!|

|-Comparing sizes and shapes |What are your favorite plants to eat? | |letter, then practice the sound. |Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Bee Over There |

|-Directional/ Positional concepts (next |Why are plants important for food? |Big ideas: |Phonics Song |(Music Video) |

|to/beside) | |People use plants for food. |

| |**Before each lesson, I’ve included a |Plant-based food has nutrients. | |gvE |

|Letter(s) of the week: |video (this may be a virtual read-aloud, |Nutrients help us grow and get strong. |**If your scholar knows their letters, have| |

|N, X |song, or educational video). Start each |Plant-based foods are healthy. |them go on a “word hunt” using | |

| |lesson by engaging your scholar in some | |books/magazines/ | |

|# of the Week: |“techno time,” before introducing the | |Newspapers to find the sight word: “what” | |

|Continued practice of 1:1 correspondence |lesson. | | |

|for #s 1-10 (or 1-5 for our younger | | |3/literacy.pdf | |

|scholars). | | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- Write out various “Ns” on a | |

| | | |piece of paper (uppercase only). Have your | |

| | | |scholar practice tracing the letters. If | |

| | | |they are able, have them try to write the | |

| | | |letter on their own (on the back) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |PLANTS FEED ME by Lizzy Rockwell | |

| | | | |

|Tues. |Focus: Uses for Plants: Food (for animals)|Media: |MATH- Practice 1:1 correspondence using |Dramatic Play- Your scholar is a |

|4/14 | |Why Do We Need Plants? |dried pasta, coins, or various other |gardener! S/he may wear a gardening |

| |Essential Question: | manipulatives. Have your scholar |cap(could be a shower cap), rubber |

| |Why are plants important? |8 |draw a card from a deck—whatever number |gloves/ kitchen gloves, and even use a |

| | |Activity: |they have, they must count out that many |spoon as a shovel and a fork as a rake. |

| |Key vocab: seedling, sprout, life cycle |Watch the video below. For each animal, |manipulatives (i.e. Draw a 5—count out 5 |What are they planting? What is their |

| | |have your scholar tell you: what is the |pieces of pasta—1, 2, 3, 4, 5). |favorite thing that they planted? |

| |Key questions: |animal eating? | |Art- Your scholar can practice writing |

| |Why do animals need plants? | Have your scholar go on a ‘N’ |his/her name with water! They can dip |

| |What kinds of plants do animals eat? |Q |hunt by looking through different books or |their fingers in water and practice |

| |How are they different from the plants | |food labels to try and find words that |tracing out the letters of their name. |

| |people eat? |Follow the link below to have your child |start with that letter. Have them practice |Literacy- (interactive game) |

| | |sort the plants into 3 different |making the initial sound of the letter with|Sesame Street Letter Dance Party |

| | |categories: food for animals, food for |each word they find. | |

| | |people, and food for both. | | |

| | | Using a ruler, draw out straight | |

| | |hFUZB |lines going across the paper. Have your | |

| | | |scholar practice holding scissors and | |

| | | |cutting across these lines. **For those | |

| | |Big ideas: |turning 5, draw 6 squares (3”x3”), and have| |

| | |Animals need plants to survive |them color in the lines, then cut out the | |

| | |Animals eat plants |squares. | |

| | |Animals eat different plants than people | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |Educational Video: | |

| | | |Herbivorous Animals Pictures With Names | |

| | | | |

|Wed. |Focus: Uses for Plants: Shelter (for |Media: |MATH- |Writing- Try making the letter of the |

|4/15 |people and animals) |Why Do We Need Plants? |Positional Words Matching Game |week using SEEDS! Have your scholar |

| | |: bkahn@ |practice forming the letter over and |

| |Essential Question: |8 |Password: Eleven11 |over. Make it BIG; make it small--get |

| |Why are plants important? |Activity: |! |

| | |You’re a builder! Using whatever you can |ords-match/ |Music/movement- Learn this song with |

| |Key vocab: shelter, strong, weak |find in your house (pillows, toys, blocks,| |your scholar and practice the movements!|

| | |etc.), build a home for using ‘plants.’ |LITERACY- Using the link below, practice |Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Bee Over There |

| |Key questions: |Keep in mind: certain plants are |letter-recognition with your scholar. Go |(Music Video) |

| |What is shelter? |strong--other plants are weak. What kinds |through the alphabet, first starting with |

| |How can plants give us shelter? |of plants do you think would make the |the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the |gvE |

| |What kinds of plants can we use for |strongest shelter? |letter, then practice the sound. |Math/Science- Shape hunt (using |

| |shelter? Why? | |Phonics Song |household items)--see how many CIRCULAR |

| |What kinds of plants can we not use for |Big ideas: | your scholar can find in the |

| |shelter? Why? |‘Shelter’ means ‘home’ | |house |

| | |People and animals use plants for shelter |**If your scholar knows their letters, have| |

| | |Trees are good plants to use for shelter |them go on a “word hunt” using | |

| | |because wood is strong. |books/magazines/ | |

| | |Leaves, flowers, hay, straw, fruits, |Newspapers to find the sight word: “that” | |

| | |vegetables→ not good to use for shelter | |

| | |because they are weak. |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | | | | |

| | | |HANDWRITING- Write out various “X”s on a | |

| | | |piece of paper (uppercase only). Have your | |

| | | |scholar practice tracing the letters. If | |

| | | |they are able, have them try to write the | |

| | | |letter on their own (on the back) | |

| | | | | |

| | | |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | | |A Tree is a Plant by Clyde Robert Bulla | |

| | | | |

|Thurs. |Focus: Uses for Plants: Making clean air |Media: |MATH- Practice 1:1 correspondence using |Fine Motor- Engage your scholar in any |

|4/16 | |Why Do We Need Plants? |seeds, dried pasta, coins, or various other|interlocking (or non-interlocking) |

| |Essential Question: | manipulatives. Have your scholar |puzzles you can find. Time how long it |

| |Why are plants important? |8 |draw a card from a deck—whatever number |takes them to complete the puzzle, then |

| | |Activity: Purifying the “air” |they have, they must count out that many |have them see if they can beat their |

| |Key vocab: clean | |manipulatives (i.e. Draw a 5—count out 5 |time! |

| | |What you’ll need: |pieces of pasta—1, 2, 3, 4, 5). |Literacy- (interactive game) |

| |Key questions: |Strainer | |Sesame Street Letter Dance Party |

| |How do plants clean the air? |milk |LITERACY- Have your scholar go on an “X” | |

| |What would happen to the air if we didn’t |Cheerios, gummy worms, marshmallows, |hunt by looking through different books or |Music/movement- Continue practicing this|

| |have plants? |whatever you can find! |food labels to try and find words that |song with your scholar and add the |

| | |Mixing bowl |start with that letter. Have them practice |movements! |

| | | |making the initial sound of the letter with|Koo Koo Kanga Roo - Bee Over There |

| | |Have your scholar pour some milk in a |each word they find. |(Music Video) |

| | |giant mixing bowl. Explain to them that | |

| | |the milk symbolizes the air. Then, have |CUTTING- Using a ruler, draw out straight |gvE |

| | |them dump in as many sweets as they can |lines going across the paper. Have your | |

| | |find. Ask them: Is the air clean? How can |scholar practice holding scissors and | |

| | |we clean it? |cutting across these lines. **For those | |

| | | |turning 5, draw 6 squares (3”x3”), and have| |

| | |“Purify” the air by dumping your mix |them color in the lines, then cut out the | |

| | |through the strainer. Explain to your |squares. | |

| | |scholar that the strainer is like a plant.| | |

| | |The strainer “cleaned” the milk the same |LIBRARY/ MEDIA- | |

| | |way plants clean the air! |THE EARTH BOOK by Todd Parr | |

| | | | |

| | |Big ideas: | | |

| | |Plants clean the air | | |

| | |We need plants to breathe | | |

| | |Plants help people | | |

|Fri. |Focus: Uses for Plants: Medicine |Media: |MATH- Positional Words Matching Game |Dramatic Play- Continue your game of |

|4/17 | |Why Do We Need Plants? |Username: bkahn@ |Doctor with your scholar. Explore |

| |Essential Question: |: Eleven11 |different plants that are used to heal. |

| |Why are plants important? |8 | Motor- Engage your scholar in any |

| | |Activity: |ords-match/ |interlocking (or non-interlocking) |

| |Key vocab: herbs, medicine, aloe vera |Dramatic play: You’re a doctor! Your | |puzzles you can find. Time how long it |

| | |patient (mom/dad/sibling) needs help! |LITERACY- Using the link below, practice |takes them to complete the puzzle, then |

| |Key questions: |‘Treat’ them using whatever plants you |letter-recognition with your scholar. Go |have them see if they can beat their |

| |How can plants help us stay healthy? |have on hand. If you don’t have plants, |through the alphabet, first starting with |time! |

| |What plants help us stay healthy? |pretend with other household items. |the UPPERCASE letters. Have them say the |Math/Science- Shape hunt (using |

| | | |letter, then practice the sound. **If your |household items)--see how many |

| | |Here’s a list of plants your scholar can |scholar knows their letters, have them go |RECTANGULAR objects your scholar can |

| | |‘treat’ you with: |on a “word hunt” using books/magazines/ |find in the house |

| | |Aloe vera--good for burns |Newspapers to find this week’s sight word: | |

| | |Lemon juice--good for a sore throat |“that” | |

| | |Orange juice (Vitamin C)--good for | |

| | |colds/viruses |3/literacy.pdf | |

| | |Ginger--good for stomach aches | | |

| | |Cinnamon--good for viruses |HANDWRITING-Name day! Have your scholar | |

| | | |practice writing their first names on a | |

| | |Big ideas: |piece of paper. Draw out boxes so that they| |

| | |People use plants for medicine. |can practice writing their names in a | |

| | |Plants keep us healthy |confined space. | |

| | |Herbs and fruits are good for | | |

| | |viruses/colds |LIBRARY/ MEDIA | |

| | | |Sesame Street: Grover Talks About Plants | |

| | | | |

Social/Emotional Learning—Week to review: Week 2

• Early Learning Unit 1—Week 2: Listening

Follow the link, and scroll all the way to the bottom (page 2)

• Aprendizaje temprano Unidad 1—Semana 2: Escuchando

Para español, haga clic en el enlace de abajo y vaya a la página 2

April Common Core Goals:

• Life Sciences:

o PK.SCI.4. [P-LS1-1.] Observes familiar plants and animals (including humans) and describes what they need to survive

• Mathematics:

o PK.MATH.10 [NY-PK.MD.1.] Identify measurable attributes of objects such as length or weight, and describe them using appropriate vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full and light)

• Communication, Language, and Literacy:

o PK.AC.3. Demonstrates understanding of what is observed

• Physical Development and Health

o PK.PDH.5. Demonstrates eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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