
ROOM # 35 WEEKLY PLANNING FORMWEEK OF: May 11, 2020- May 15, 2020ACTIVITIESDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS(Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- lesson)Follow upActivity ON DAILY FOCUSSkill Building Activity(Small group centers:Math, Literacy, cutting/ handwriting,Library)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers)]MondayDate: May 11, 2020Read Aloud:“Baby Animals” by Garth Williams m/watch?v=Ij93E8_vn-oWhat do we knowabout animal babies?- Their size- Their homes- The things they need- The food they eat (milk for some animals and insects of birds)What are some animal babies called? (piglet, puppies, etc)Students can picka favorite baby animal of theirs and recreate it in any way! Make sure to label which animal it is.MATH- Students can create a pattern using the paw prints of some of these baby animals. d-guide-series/products/field-guide-to-ani mal-tracks-woodland-artLITERACY-- Students can practice sounding out and saying the names of these baby animals. cards/Animal_Babies/page1.htmand Animal_Babies_2/page1.htm HANDWRITING- Students can practice writing out animal names (use the same links in the literacy section).LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Dramatic PlayStudents can act out the baby animals they learned about. om/watch?v=CT86Dl442 jA2. Music/Movement Students can sing and dance along to a baby animal song. om/watch?v=cJg4YFtvO p83. ArtStudents can make a mask of their favorite baby animal. m/handmade-animal-m asks-make-your-own.ht mlTuesdayDate: May 12, 2020Read Aloud:What do animalbabies need?- Love!Students can thinkback to last week to what human babies need and connect it to whatMATH- Students can create a graph that includes a few baby animals. Then have each1. Art/ sensoryStudents can create or draw a animal baby of their choice and then cover up the drawingTEACHER’S NAME: Teacher Cindy and Teacher Elizabeth“Baby Animals” by Usborne Young Beginners . com/watch?v=-04tIBA FvpE- Food/ Nutrients(Milk)- Careanimal babiesneed.Do animal babies and human babies need the same things?What are some things human babies need that animal babies don’t need?member in the house to vote for theirfavorite baby animal.LITERACY- Students can sound out the letter C and say words that start with the letter C. HANDWRITING- Students can practice writing words starting with the letter C.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITEwith different textureditems (ex. rice, seeds, paper, etc) om/pin/468796642464965904/2. ScienceStudents can choose an animal life cycle to recreate. . com/slideshow/color-th e-animal-life-cycles/3. Dramatic Play Students can pretend they are the parents of the baby animals and their job is to take care of their baby.WednesdayDate: May 13, 2020Read Aloud:“Animal Babies in Grasslands” by jennifer schofield. com/watch?v=0463eUf oxsYWhere do theseanimal babies live?- zoo- farm- in the wild (grasslands, jungle, forest)- in our homesStudents canchoose a habitat to recreate and include the animal babies that are in that habitat. Students can items around the house to help them.MATH-- Let’s count some eggs! Parents can draw or create a few nests with a number on them. Students can cut out eggs to put it in the nestLITERACY- Students can practice sounding out the letter K and saying words that start with the letter K.HANDWRITING-Students can practice writing words starting with the letter K.LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. ArtStudents can use different items around the house to make a birds’ nest.2. Dramatic Play Students can be zookeepers taking care of baby zoo animals.3. Science/SensoryStudents can useplay-dough to make the baby animals and their parents.(recipe for play-dough: easy-play-dough-recipe-without-cream-t artar/)ThursdayDate: May 14, 2020Read Aloud:“ Animal Babies Book” by Michaela Emma Brooke and Susan Rich Brooke . com/watch?v=8GVVSH KpY5IWho takes care ofthese animal babies?- veterinarian- zoo keepers- farmers- pet ownersStudents can picka baby animal of their choice and describe who takes care of them. This can be recorded as videoor even drawn as a picture.MATH- Students canLITERACY- Students can continue to practice sounding out and saying the names of some animal adults and animal babies (ex. Cat and Kitten) Students can continue to practice writing out animal names (use the link from literacy)LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITE1. Science and DiscoveryWhen animal babies are getting taken cared of, they’re usually getting fed as well! Parents can provide small samplesor pictures of the foods eaten by the animal babies the children are studying. Ask children if they would like to eat each of these foods. Graph the responses.2. Computer/ TechnologyStudents can do more research on who are the people that take good care of animal babies. They can share what they discovered at the closing meeting!3. Dramatic PlayOH NO! My pet is sick! Students can learn to take care of their pets and they can bring their pets to the vet andmake sure they’re okay.FridayDate: May 15, 2020Read Aloud:Review of Monday-Thursday:What do we know about animal babies?What do animal babies need?Students cancreate a book on things they’ve learned this week.a. What do animal babies need?MATH- Students can match the baby animal to their mother. e-book-printable-for-mothers-day.html LITERACY- Students can continue to practice sounding out the letter K and C and saying words that start with the letter K and C.1. Art/Science/SensoryStudents can make a little pet house using items around their house. om/article/make-cardbo ard-doghouse2. Dramatic Play"Pete the Kitty and Baby Animals by James Dean m/watch?v=fRz7srE2K70Where do thesebaby animals live?Who takes care of these baby animals?b. Where do thesebaby animals live?c. Who takes care of these baby animals?HANDWRITING- Students can continue to practice writing words starting with the letter C and K. LIBRARY/ MEDIA- READ A BOOK FOR 20MINUTES A DAY- VISIT A RECOMMENDED INTERACTIVE WEBSITEStudents can pretend tobe a baby animal in their own habitat. Students can gather thingsaround their house to use as props.3. Computer/ TechnologyNext week, we’re going in depth with how baby humans and animals change. Students can do research to learn more on how human babies and animal babies chanes.Social/ EmotionalWeek 4: Self-TalkYou can find more information on it on: Core Standards1. Domain 1: Approaches to LearningPK.AL.2: Actively engages in problem solving.2. Domain 2: Physical Development and HealthPK.PDH.4: Combines a sequence of large motor skills with and without equipment.3. Domain 3: Social and Emotional DevelopmentPK.SED.5: Demonstrates pro-social problem solving skills in social interactions.4. Domain 4: Communication, Language and LiteracyPK.CLL.7: With guidance and support, participate in shared research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them).5. Domain 5: Cognition and Knowledge of the WorldPK.CKW.1 (Measurement and Data): Identify measurable attributes of objects such as length and weight. Describethem using correct vocabulary (e.g., small, big, short, tall, empty, full, heavy and light.PK.CKW.5: Observes and describes characteristics of living things ................

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