Letter Deck of Cards

Photocopy onto coloured paper (best enlarged to A3). Use a different colour for each set as it’s easier at packing up time. Laminate and cut into packs. Store in zip lock bags.


Examples for use:

Simple card games like snap, memory.

Making words such as:

most used words,

3-letter, 4-letter, 5-letter words etc.

thematic words

days of the week; family names; months of the year etc.

Matching letters with pictures by initial sound

|a |a |a |a |e |e |

|e |e |e |i |i |i |

|i |o |o |o |o |u |

|u |u |b |b |b |c |

|c |c |d |d |d |f |

|f |f |g |g |g |h |

|h |h |j |j |k |k |

|l |l |l |m |m |m |

|n |n |n |p |p |p |

|q |r |r |r |s |s |

|s |t |t |t |v |v |

|w |w |x |y |y |z |


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