Name _________________________________________

AP World History Unit Syllabus* – A Day

Period 2: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 B.C.E. to c. 600 C.E.

Strayer - Ways of the World Ch. 4-7 Bentley Traditions and Encounters Ch. 7-12

| | | |

|Date |Topics / Class Activities |Handouts / Homework / Reading Assignments |

|Thur 9/10 |BRING TEXTBOOK TO CLASS!!!! |Read What is an Empire? |

| |Test corrections (45 mins) |Read Ch. 4 outline |

| |Handouts on Thesis statements and the Comparison Essay |Read Strayer Ch. 4 |

| |New Key Concepts |Read Barron’s 30, 57-65, 91-98 |

| | |Listen to Podcast #4-6 HERE |

| | |Unit Terms and Dates |

| | |Work on assignment packet |

| | |Take the self-test and Vocab quiz |

| | |Watch Crash Course #5 |

|Mon |Introduce Harkness Discussions |Same |

|9/14 |Discuss Conrad/Demorest model | |

| |Spodek What is an Empire? | |

| |Power point and map activity on the classical empires | |

| |Mankind #2 Persian Wars 7:40-21:57 | |

| |Comparison chart classical civilizations | |

|Wed |Engineering an Empire - Persians |Same |

|9/16 |Continue Comparison chart classical civilizations | |

|Fri |Writing Workshop |Read Ch. 5 outline |

|9/18 |What’s you point? on Youtube |Read Strayer Ch. 5 |

| |Thesis statements |Read Barron’s 75-90 |

| |Comparison Essay |Unit Terms and Dates |

| |Rubrics |Work on assignment packet |

| | |Listen to Podcast #11 HERE |

| | |Take the self test and vocab quiz |

| | |Watch Crash Course #11, #6 and #13 |

|Tue |Film / notes Eastern Empires |Same |

|9/22 |Document analysis activity regarding political authority | |

| |Decline of Empires | |

|Thur |Introduction to world religions |Read Ch. 6 outline |

|9/24 |Mankind #2 37:52-44:11 |Read Strayer Ch. 6 |

| |TED Ed on 5 Major Religions |Read Barron’s 75-90 |

| | |Unit Terms and Dates |

| | |Listen to Podcast #7 HERE |

| | |Work on assignment packet |

| | |Take the self-test and vocab quiz |

| | |Watch Crash Course #7 and #8 |

|Mon |Internet activity – world religions chart/research |Same |

|9/28 | | |

|Wed |Complete religions chart/research |Same |

|9/30 |Place on charts in groups | |

|Fri |Social classes / castes / slavery |Read Ch. 7 outline |

|10/2 |Discuss Ancient China and Patriarchal societies |Read Strayer Ch. 7 |

| |Mankind #2 Shi Huang Di 21:57-32:16 |Read Barron’s 75-90 |

| | |Unit Terms and Dates |

| | |Work on assignment packet |

| | |Watch Crash Course #12 |

| | |Take the self-test and vocab quiz |


|Tue |Finish Classical map activity |Same |

|10/6 |Discuss Africa and the American empires | |

|Thur |Unit Terms and Dates test |Finish assignment packet |

|10/8 |Continue with Africa and Americas |STUDY FOR EXAM |

|Mon |Teacher work Day |STUDY FOR EXAM |

|10/12 | | |


|10/13 |DBQ info |Read Ch. 8 Outline |

| | |Read Strayer Ch. 8 |

| | |Work on assignment packet |

| | |Start on Unit 3 Terms and Dates |

|Thur |Test corrections |Same |

|10/15 |Homework packet DUE!!! | |

* Schedule is TENTATIVE and may possibly change

Essential Questions:

▼ What is an “empire,” and how were Classical Era empires different from Ancient era empires?

▼ To what extent was the organization and reorganization of human societies between 600 B.C.E. and

600 C.E. the result of internal changes and external challenges, including environmental challenges?

Main Topics for Discussion

· Imperial systems emerged in this period.

· Worldwide population grew dramatically in this period and the rise and fall of these empires had enormous impact on their people.

· Enduring cultural and religious traditions emerged including Confucianism, Daoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Greek rationalism,

Judaism, Zoroastrianism, and Christianity.

· More widespread and dense networks of communication and exchange developed and facilitated many of the first encounters of

separate societies.

· The human ability to manipulate the environment continued to evolve.

· Literature, sculpture, architecture and drama developed reflecting unique cultural identities.

· Transregional networks developed that had various degrees of impact on the diffusion of ideas, technology, food crops,

domesticated animals, and disease.

· The modern identities of many nations and cultures are tied to this period.

Terminology (you must identify definition, significance, and any specific examples in relation to the unit)

|Chapter 4 |Chapter 5 |Chapter 6 |Chapter 7 |

|[pic] |[pic] |Caste |[pic] |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] | |

General “History Jargon” Vocabulary (You’ll need to know these terms or you won’t be able to understand all of this unit)

|absolute |debt |maritime |

|anarchy |deficit |matriarchal |

|aqueduct |deity |matrilineal |

|aristocracy |democracy |monsoon |

|barbarian |diplomacy |pathogen |

|bureaucracy |diversity |patriarchal |

|citizen |dynasty |patrilineal |

|city­state |emperor |republic |

|classical |empire |syncretism |

|colony |fiscal | |

|cosmopolitan |hegemony | |

Dates to Remember (will be on vocab test) –List in MISC section of binder

Utilize correlation guide for Key Concept – Period 2

Chapter 4—Eurasian Empires, 500 B.C.E.–500 C.E.


Chapter Learning Targets:

❖ Define the characteristics of imperial systems in the classical era and analyze why empires developed in some regions but not in others.

❖ Compare the important similarities and differences between imperial systems and the reasons behind them

❖ Explain the significance that classical empires have for us today, such as, representative government, military power, etc.

❖ Evaluate the “greatness” of the Roman Empire and China’s Han Dynasty and determine if their destructive and oppressive features outweighed their impressive advances.

1. How would you define an empire?

2. What are the Eurasian empires of the classical era?

Empires and Civilizations in Collision: The Persians and the Greeks

1. How did Persian and Greek civilizations differ in their political organization and values?

2. What were the Greco-Persian Wars and how did it shape Greece?

3. What caused the conflict between Athens and Sparta?

4. What was the name of the war between Athens and Sparta? Who won? What was the overall result?

Collision: Alexander and the Hellenistic Era

1. What did the Macedonian leader Philip II accomplish that the Greeks themselves could not?

2. What changes were accomplished by Alexander the Great?

3. What was this era called?

Comparing Empires: Roman and Chinese

1. How did Rome grow from a single city to the center of a huge empire?

2. While the Roman Empire was growing, China was trying to restore something old. What does that mean?

3. What caused the collapse of the Roman and Chinese empires?

Intermittent Empire: The Case of India

1. How did the pattern of development in India vary from the pattern of development in China?

2. Describe the Mauryan Empire.

3. Though a large imperial unity did not survive in India, what caused India to evolve into an enduring civilization?

Big Picture Questions

1. What common features can you identify in the empires described in this chapter?

CH 5 - Eurasian Cultural Traditions, 500 BCE - 500 CE



❖ Explain the enormous influence on world history of the religious and cultural traditions developed in the classical world

❖ Analyze the reasons behind the development of these religious and cultural traditions

❖ Compare the common ground and significant differences between these religious and cultural traditions and examine possible reasons behind them

China and the Search for Order

1. What was the “Age of Warring States”?

2. What was legalism?

3. What was the Analects?

4. How was Confucianism different from Legalism?

5. What did Confucius believe was the key to moral betterment?

6. Confucianism became the central element of the educational system during which dynasty?

7. What is filial piety and what does it have to do with Confucianism?

8. What other ideologies were parts of Confucianism?

9. How can you summarize the teachings of Confucianism?

10. How did the Daoist outlook differ from that of Confucianism?

Cultural Traditions of Classical India

1. How is Hinduism different from other religions?

2. In what ways did the religious traditions of South Asia change over the centuries?

3. What were some of the information within the Vedas?

4. What were the Upanishads?

5. Who was the founder of Buddhism?

6. What are the basic beliefs of Buddhism?

7. How were the nuns of Buddhism treated differently?

8. What is the difference between the Theravada and Mahayana expressions of Buddhism?

9. What was the most important reason for Buddhism’s decline in India?

Moving Toward Monotheism: The Search for God in the Middle East

1. Describe Zorastrianism?

2. Describe Judaism

The Cultural Tradition of Classical Greece: The Search for a Rational Order

1. What are the distinctive features of the Greek intellectual tradition?

2. Who were some of these well-known thinkers?

Comparing Jesus and the Buddha

1. Compare the lives and teachings of Jesus and the Buddha

CH 6 - Eurasian Social Hierarchies, 500 BCE - 500 CE



❖ Analyze social structures in classical Eurasia

❖ Compare the causes of differences in social structures in different civilizations

❖ Describe the nature of classical patriarchy and its variations

Society and the State in Classical China

1. Explain China’s civil service exam practices.

2. Were the schools for this training open to all?

3. What was wealth associated with?

4. What was some of the power held by the large landowners?

5. What does the term “scholar-gentry” refer to?

6. What was the vast majority of China’s civilization?

7. What took place during the Han Dynasty in regard to peasants?

8. Describe the events of the Yellow Turban Rebellion.

9. Who, in Chinese society, was viewed as unproductive and making shameful profit from the work of others?

Class and Caste in India

1. What set of ideas underlies India’s caste-based society?

2. What were Jatis?

3. What made India’s society different vs. China’s or Grecco-Romans?

4. Define karma, dharma and rebirth

5. Could they change their social status during their lifetimes?

6. How did the caste-based system shape India’s classical civilization?

Slavery in the Classical Era: The Case of the Roman Empire

1. How did slavery vary among the different civilizations?

2. How did Greco-Roman slavery differ from that of other classical civilizations?

3. Who led the most famous Roman slave rebellion?

Comparing Patriarchies of the Classical Era

1. Who did Chinese patriarchy change over time?

2. What helped loosen the strict patriarchy of classical China?

3. How did Daoism add to the weakening of patriarchy in classical China?

4. How did the patriarchies of Athens and Sparta differ from each other?

Chapter 7 - Classical Era Variations: Africa and the Americas 500 B.C.E.–1200 C.E.

Chapter Learning Targets

❖ Analyze classical civilizations that evolved outside of the more well-known civilizations of Eurasia 

❖ Compare the development of civilizations in Africa and the Americas 

❖ Examine the factors that make civilizations develop and analyze why they develop differently in 
some regions 

❖ Distinguish the characteristics of complex civilizations and judge whether they could develop 
without any recognizable centralized control 


. 1. Why do world historians focus more on Eurasia than Africa or the Americas?

The African Northeast

1. What geographic features affected Africa and why?

2. What was the importance of the city of Meroe?

3. What caused the decline of Meroe?

4. What was the economic foundation of Axum?

5. How did the Romans view Axum?

6. How and when was Axum introduced to Christianity?

7. What caused the decline of Axum?

8. How did the history of Meroe and Axum reflect interaction with neighboring civilizations?

Along the Niger River: Cities without States

1. What were the most distinctive features of the Niger Valley civilization?

2. What attributed to the development of large West African states or empires?

South of the Equator: The World of Bantu Africa

1. In what ways did the arrival of Bantu-speaking peoples stimulate cross-cultural interaction?

Civilizations of Mesoamerica

1. What geographic area was known as Mesoamerica?

2. What contributed to the substantial diversity and competing cities, chiefdoms and states in this area?

3. What were the classic features of the Mayan civilization?

4. With what Eurasian civilizations might the Maya be compared? Why?

5. How did Teotihuacan shape the history of Mesoamerica?

Civilizations of the Andes

1. The Mayans were located in Mesoamerica. Who was located in the Andes?

2. The coastal region of Peru was home to which of the First Civilizations?

3. What influence did Chavin have in the Andes region?

4. What features of Moche life is characterized as a civilization?

5. Compare the Ancestral Pueblos and the Mound Builders

. Big Picture Question


. 1. What generated change in the histories of Africa and the Americas during the classical era?


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